Maybe I could write an idiot's guide, I seem to be well qualified.
rafael2k: I get:
[ 4.380262] VFS: Cannot open root device "mmcblk0p2" or unknown-block(179,770): error -19
[ 4.388491] Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:
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rafael2k: I can't make sense of this
-19 is ENODEV?
so what, EXT4 is enabled or something?
oh they make it a module later on...
can we just go back to our config? :(
Do I run expandcard.sh
huckg: yeah
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resize2fs: not found
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also partprobe and fdkisk not found. First I did su and used toor as password.
does /sbin/resize2fs exist
then cd /etc and ./expandcard.sh
I usually run /etc/expandcard.sh but it probably does not matter
all of those are in /sbin
So you got 'resize2fs: not found' when running the script as root?
I guess so, it checks if it is run as root or not
how did you do su?
try 'su -'
or just use 'sudo -i'
huckg: yeah that's it I think
simply 'su' no hyphen
yes, that seems to not set the correct $PATH
the other two options as laid about work
laid out above*
ok, did that, it seemed to work, now device is unresponsive
on reboot stuck on KEXECBOOT screen, doesn't respond
I think there is an occasional hang in kexecboot where it doesn't work
power + volume min resets
(hold it)
I don't know why it happens on bionic, I don't have it on the droid3 kexecboot
ok, second reboot working
btw, there's a lot of good stuff coming to stable updates soon :)
much faster 2d
happy to be your guinea pig.
few days
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weird kernel build was much faster now
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freemangordon: so based on my initial quick hacks looks like adding int drm_fd to the end of struct _dbm_device and opening and using it instead of the render node for buffer allocation the related wlroots hacks can be dropped :)
so drm_fd is looked up with drmGetPrimaryDeviceNameFromFd(dev->fd)
maybe this issue also goes away with your planned buffer changes?
so the issue is that some operations are not allowed for the render nodes
anyways, will tinker more with it tonight
tmlind: I don;t know how those render nodes are supposed to work, so no idea if it will help
but, basically I plan to move to omap GEM buffers from DUMB biffers
that will allow me to set TILER flag on scanout buffers, which in turn shall allow setting "rotation" property on the relevant planes
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Wizzup: kernel works, not only me using, but all mobian users...
Wizzup: did you copy over the new dtbs? btw, my pp is the 1.2 hw rev
rafael2k: morning!
tmlind: also, if we move to gbm BOs in omap DDX it may turn out that "export non-linear buffers" patch is not needed as it seems pvr_dri_support allocates directly from pvr driver for non-scanout buffers
tmlind: oh, and libdbm from ddk 1.9 is using omap_bo functions, I wonder why did they moved to dumb buffers later on
freemangordon: no idea, but why do we even need libdbm? why not do this directly in mesa?
because of the closed pvr_dri_support blob which calls into this
anyways, looks like the nastiest wlroots hack can be dropped with some libdm changes :)
i'm now seeing display not come back up after blanking though, not sure if my changes somehow caused that
make sure to pull latest code as I fixed a nasty use-after-free bug I introduced with REing
ok, need to go now, bbl
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I realize the new pp kernel is already in the repo!
ok, initrd was not created after new kernel installed (through apt-get upgrade)
and yes! 5.15.10 from the repo boots fine! yay!
but the initrd not being automagically created and copyed to correct path needs to be fixed
I don't really know what happened in the recent batch of maemo updates, but I'm getting a strange 3G icon instead of 4G
and no strenght bars
Linux devuan-pinephone 5.15.10 #1 SMP Tue Jan 11 00:53:27 UTC 2022 aarch64 GNU/Linu
; )
but the kernel seems all good
so now we have telephony back to PP! with new ofono, also voice calls!
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Wizzup: bionic dossent reboot with the power+vol key presses
Wizzup: none of the mapphones older than xt894 do this
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btw, forget about the telephony icon - it all works great in latest kernel - I just was in a place without signal...
we dont use initramfs btw
I use
so nessecary modules have to be built in
yeah thats why its broken
you added a kernel config
that dosent have enough modules to mount the fs
and work around it with initramfs
initramfs has all the modules to boot
this is why it exists in the first place...
why no initd, btw?
this makes sense on x86 pcs
where you have one kernel for very different hw
so a image with all the modules needed to get to mounting the fs is large
this is the idea for arm too
with device trees, dtbs and so on
with a kernel that only works for one device anyhow its not needed
there are many reasons of why to use a kernel module, but anyway, got it
so some modules need to be sneaked in with 'y'
uvos: oh
and I'll need to update my boot.txt
rafael2k: we do not have an initrd in our package, which is why the previous kernel failed
rafael2k: it must work without initrd or we need to make initrd
did not failed for me :P
yes because I rebuilt and fixed the package so that EXT4 is built in
it was a module and therefore my pinephone can't mount its rootfs atm
nope, I just created an initrd
that's not the point
anyway, easy pizzy
'apt dist-upgrade' gives nobody an initrd on leste
I did not know that, sorrio
so any upgrade will break if the required modules aren't built in
does the current kernel package work without initrd for you?
(M iade ext4 built in)
I made*
I dunno, I was always creating an initrd
but it is not only ext4 right?
how would one use use a luks root fs this?
then you would need crypto stuff too, md stuff, and so on
I don't know what else besides ext4 is required to boot
luks is always done with an initrd
it depends on the use case
I am not -against- an inird but we never needed it up to this point, and ext4 being a module is not a good reason
of course when we add luks support, we will need them
ok, I don't really see the point in not truggering update-initrd after a kernel upgrade
but it is an easy change anyway
are those scripts even installed in leste pp?
I'd like to see my root fs ciphered soon
I am not so sure they are on mine, because I don't think an initrd was made
no they arnt
you probably just did something to your image to get it rafael2k
lemme see the packages
all from the repo
my system is clean
our repo is debian :)
initrd will require us to think a lot of things through that we're not really ready for I think, so we've been postponing that until we really need it
but it could, right? in case we want to add security as an option
11:33 < Wizzup> initrd will require us to think a lot of things through that we're not really ready for I think, so we've been postponing that until we really need it
which things exactly?
let's see "can we do luks" separate from "get proper pine64 kernel"
and one step of the other
; )
I am pulling the new image now on a fresh image with -devel added
let's see if I get an initrd
I can test here too
without any manual intervention
the thing with luks and initrd is that we might even want some ui in there, touchscreen, on screen keyboard to enter unlock codes, etc
and we also need to think about alarms, other stuff
so I doubt it'll be as simple as installing 'cryptsetup-initramfs'
also we have various modes we (can) boot to like recovery mode with on screen keyboard
now with hardware keyboard in the pine, already supported by the kernel...
I don't have a hw keyboard for mine yet, and our general solution should work for devices without hw keyboard
(mine is being shipped, but yeah)
if you want luks, find yourself a keyboard, or copy the initd from postmarket OS (which has on-screen keyboard and so on to unlock luks rootfs)
no, I want luks the proper way :P
that was not the point
the standard way is the proper way
wait, what would be the proper way?
well then I guess you can run xfce on your phone and hope for the best :P
luks is support for long time in debian, I just for decades
it works fine as it
*as is
I think we are miscommunication very often
Wizzup: how do you expect it to boot with a luksed rootfs and no initrd?
bencoh: I did not say that
I thought so as well, but then ... what's the proper way? (or rather, what isn't the proper way?)
rafael2k: I am not questioning how well luks works in debian, I am saying that I don't think a tty and 'use hw keyboard' is a good way, some on screen keyboard is required, and probably way more integration
rafael2k: so whether and how debian supports it is not super relevant, debian is built for servers
bencoh: well clearly with initrd, but not just 'oh copy this initrd from source X' :)
ah :)
I wonder if a framebuffer app would cut it
how would maemo alarm work?
Wizzup: Debian is built for server? Did not know that. :P
Wizzup: ah, right
btw, I can work in copying over the on-screen keyboard from PmOS
rafael2k: still kernel does not boot for me
meaning we'd need a fullblown xorg-capable initrd anyway
when we have the more urgent stuff settle down
bencoh: yes
(not just xorg-capable, but hildon-capable)
sounds like a lot tbh
bencoh: well there are other things we can do, but these are things to consider when I say "I want luks the proper way"
bencoh: x on initrd? no
layman translation would be "I don't want to miss my flight because my phone was stuck in on screen keyboard to unlock my luks partition and thus could not make an alarm sound"
rafael2k: ok now both my pinephone sd cards are bricked wrt kernel
Wizzup: you need to light a candle
we could have the pinephone use debian initrd I suppose, but it could get in the way of many things
like probably it will come with systemd in the initrd
I don't really get this maemo stack part
either that, or add a tiny framebuffer-only alarm app for actdead/alarm-mode
that can mess up things for us
what is this alarm thing you are talking about?
rafael2k: phone is off
rafael2k: alarm fires
rafael2k: what happens?
rafael2k: phone is off
(alarm, as in, wakeup-wakeup-time-to-wakeup)
rafael2k: user plugs in usb charger
rafael2k: what happens?
rafael2k: care to send over the initrd you made for the latest kernel pkg
yes replacing the mess of "actdead" with small framebuffer applicatiosn is something imo we need to do
its also what im doing allreay
see charge-mode
well that could work, but there are also other ways to do deal with it
there could also be a (read-only by default, forced by crypto) partition which we boot from
I think the chromebooks use some dm thing for this - dm verity?
i gues, but the way actdead is implemented its pretty terrible, so reimplementing how it works is a good thing
I think this is unrelated to how actdead works
you could place small framebuffer application(s) into readonly rootfs
rafael2k: so point is that "phone is not a server and fullfills some other needs that typical initrd does not deal with"
rafael2k: could you send me the initrd from your device so that I can maybe rescue one of my devices?
uvos: or X if we are lazy and want to re-use code
yes but the curreny code is a huge maintiance bruden because its so bad
(spread over all of the deamons)
with if(actdead) changing deamon behavior
we don't even have alarms working yet, I think because of pulseaudio setup
I don't know if it's that bad really, but I haven't looked at it in a while
Wizzup: it really is that terrible, so it works by having the entire stack runing, changings its behavior all over the place, this is really bad allready beacuse this means that actdead implementation (a mode that really dosent do mutch at all) is spread over manny manny thousands of lines of code for no reason. then it causes a masive burdon of code in all of these unrelated applications that cant really be tested, because you cant
just test these codepaths in a single deamons in isolation so you have to spin up actdead on the entire device an poke around, but good luck finding bugs because all of these deamons in freshly untested codepaths interact via dbus so who knows who causes what.
its basicly as bad as the entrie rest of the system in complexity
for providing functionality that could be in a 1klock frambuffer application
yeah, I'm not saying we should do this for alarm, I mostly do not have a grasp on the complexity of it so will refrain from commenting
not to even mention the insanity of booting all the way to x with most deamons runing just to display a battery icon
I think first steps alarm wise is to make sure that our audio setup works the way it expects (with roles) and then see if normal alarms (nevermind 'wake-to-alarm') works
normal alarms work in the sense that alarm mode is enterd and the alarm shows up
so dose wake to alarm btw
except that rtc isent set
everything else is in place
uvos: sounds also don't work
(except also that it boots to hildon and shows the alarm there ofc)
and the vibration doesn't work because the sound doern't work
i mean it goes thrugh the motions mostly
freemangordon: ftr looks like normal mc places accounts in $HOME/.local/share/telepathy/mission-control/accounts.cfg
vs $HOME/.rtcom-accounts on fremantle
I bet that noia patched mc to read from that dir
seams like mostly nonsese obfuscation or?
I wouldn't go so far to say thatr
I'm just trying to understand who stores what, reads/writes what to where
the file format/config is exactly the same, so it looks like just a changed path
fremantle also has accounts.cfg in .rtcom-accounts
so this means that probably indeed telepathy and mc (mission-control) manage accounts for us, and rtcom doesn't do special things there to 'register' accounts or something
I mean rtcom clearly does some things in conversations and calls ui, but they don't add accounts to telepathy by parsing .rtcom-accounts/accounts.cfg for example
which is good to know conceptually
Wizzup: entered in a working meeting - come back soon
uvos: do you think we're ready to start pushing 5.15 to stable?
I think there might be -some- issues we haven't run into yet in -devel, but otherwise we're pretty good?
freemangordon: same question to you^
I suppose I should test one more "download latest image" and try "apt dist-upgrade" to -devel type of action
i hangs often for me
its allways pretty stable @home
as soon as i take it outside it starts rebooting every 10 minutes or so if in use in any way (audio etc)
on the droid4?
I really haven't seen any resets/hangs for a week+
btw, this also can be used as the scheleton for the multi-boot boot.txr
edit the boot.txt, and do the mkimage
Wizzup: this is why multi-boot is good
; )
if one does not boot, boot the other system
much better is not to break the system
totally agree
The system is broken for more than one year
we are trying to unbreak, right?
we're trying to fix bugs yes, it was not usually in an unbootable state, but this is fine, it's -devel anyway
I'm just trying to understand we never "removed" initrd, it was just never necessary
so saying "it was not me who removed initrd from maemo" is just weird
Im just kidding
it's booting now btw
uvos: heh I am greeted by salutem
rafael2k: so we have two options: (1) we make a less bloated config and also remove all the parts where we make the stuff that we need modules (this could just be removing some mobian patches) or (2) we have pine64 kernel package depend on initrd tools and hope the stuff runs automatically
(2) also means we have to update our uboot package
If we do (2) the nice thing is we can just piggy back on mobian kernel, which is fine by me
Is the config bloated?
I don't get it
debian configs usually are bloated yeah
you was saying about booting
now about bloat?
it's the same thing: we need to change the pine64_config
same thing?
I don't see any bloat tbh
it is just a pretty standard setup
does it harm?
ultimately yes, but it's not particularly important now
I thought we just needed to add some modules as static and voila
the kernel build took like 4 hours yesterday
as opposed to like 1hr for droid4
but it seems to vary, so idk
of course yes... not having half of the functionalities of linux - definitelly
yeah so if we want to go for (1) then we need to figure out what stuff needs to be built in
yesterday I tried to just make EXT4 builtin, but that wasn't enough to make it boot
I can do that
I'll try to do it today at night, after baby goes sleep
I would really appreciate that if you can, we could just add another patch on top of the mobian patches to changef pine64_defconfig
if that ends up being too frustration, we can go for (2) as far as I am concerned
no no
lets do the fast track now
re: bloat, you're right the on-disk is about the same d4 and pine64, so maybe the raspi build setup was just struggling more initially
to have everything up and running
just set some 'y' and that is it
ok so you want me to install initramfs-tools ?
wait, I don't understand
what is "fast track"?
just edit the config
and have a kernel config which boots without initrd
as is in maemo right nnow
ok, and you can take a look at that?
ok, ty
I come back later
lemme know about ofono too
if there are any questions, lemme know
I saw updated sphone
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looks like I had initramfs-tools already installed, so why did it not run... hm
Wizzup: I am not sure I can help with mc/tp stuff, it passed more then an year I played with it
re kernel - do you still see xorg crashes after latest patch?
BTW I had very strange behaviour twice, in different ways
no, I have not seen X crashes
first time device was in my pocket with this maps application searchiong for gps
maybe 30 minutes later as was unable to unlock the device - swiping tklock slider was doing nothing
the latter sounds like the drm thing I ran into
or did tklock show for you?
yes, it was there
and wotking
I was able to swite the slider
the power button might trigger more easily
power button triggers tklock
I was thinking about the maps app
not sure about either bugs
I don't think I have seen those beforfe
me neuther
either mce or systemui was misbehaving
never seen that befor either
then again i dont use tklock
yeah that sounds like systemui and mce got out of sync
global state flags wise
maybe mce crashed
but, given that systemui/tklock have not been changed since long time ago I would say mce got out of sync, somehow
could be
and got restarted
then its in the wrong state
mce should unlock the device on start
at least this was the behaviour back then
sure, it dose
not really as eventually I had to har-reset (power+vol)
well it dose internally
so probubly not a crash then
another very weird thing that happened is something with touchscreen
it dident work?
thats hw bug
also happens on android
could be
happened only once
it was semi-working
like some touches were registered some not
hw bug
could be
very sure
I am reporting re Wizzup's question if we shall push to -stable
and the most annoying thing is that charging stuff
right and a hw bug is no reason not to
the charging stuff is fine for me
except the ocassional delay
not for me
so whats the probel exacly
please describe in extream detail
that occasional delay happens 90% if not more of the cases here
after I plug a cable, led turns green, but no charging notification is giver neither battery icon is animated
no idea what the 'delay' you talk about is, but it sits like that here forever
havent seen that
but ok
happens every time
same bug as the 30s delay
do you want me to provide some logs?
can you check sysfs in this state?
what in particular?
freemangordon: so please:
cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent
udevadm monitor
plug in usb
cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent
pastbin output
ok, now I have the cable disconnected and battery icon is animated :)
so I am nit sure I can do what you want me to
do the above
oh, it is even better
and note the state of the gui inidcator at eatch step
if I plug the cable, battery animation stops
ok, now I have cable connected and no animation, sec will provide the output
freemangordon: your mesa changes dropped PVRDRIQueryDmaBufFormats PVRDRIQueryDmaBufModifiers PVRDRIQueryDmaBufFormatModifierAttribs, are these not implemented in the firmware or dropped by accident?
uvos: I don't think this is upower problem :)
but thats really wierd
since the kernel has it as the last set porparty
in the uevent file
freemangordon: if dmabuf modifiers are not implemented then we need to also do what xcracer did and not advertise EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers at all, at least wlroots will bail out otherwise
tmlind: I don't think this is adretised
oh, it is :(
freemangordon: maybe that commit got accidentally reverted, see 4f851d108e8f ("egl_dri2: Don't expose EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers")
freemangordon: wierd
no, changing DRI_IMAGE version should prevent this being advertised
freemangordon: i also cant repoduce the problem
uvos: ok, but this happens every time
which kernel?
with my patch ofc
Linux devuan-droid4 5.15.2 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jan 8 23:05:00 UTC 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux
tmlind: gimme some time to finish what we do with uvos and I'll have a look
freemangordon: yeah sure no hurry, just wondering.. maybe DRM_IMAGE version gets checked too late when using the extension
anyways, so i got wlroots working with pretty much just xcracer's modified patch for GL_EXT_unpack_subimage only :)
uvos: but "POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS=Charging" in /sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent
freemangordon: wierd
im also not sure how my patch breaks it
since it seams to report it the same way
yeah, I don;t think it is your patch really
yes, but this state could have been set earlier
then we ++ichrg_current
and then ichrg_current == ichrg
so yeah
before you start delayed work
should run
if the state is set erlier
and we have nothing to do
my point
or its set to something else and POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING is set
freemangordon: so?
btw nothing else in the driver sets this state
that it is set to POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING earlier, but while the current was still too low, so FW reported discharging
fw dosent report anything
or framework
fw == framework
sure maybe thats what happens
but framweork then later changes the state back to POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING
as evidenced by sysfs
so it should report an event then
no, it just reads the current state
no, why event?
sysfs is just a representation of the state
nobody tracks if there is a chage
it is driver that shall say "my state has changed"
and it dose
if fw rejects this
it should tell the driver
or report later if the rejection changes
maybe it is a corner case not considered
otherwise how shal the driver know it has to report again
state == charging with current > 0
but then it needs to poll
it cant do that
that's why the driver shall raise an event
it dose
I think it does not
when it enables charging
thats the only time it can
wihtout polling
yes, but it is too early then
yeah but
it might never be late enough
no, you have delayed work
how should the driver know
the current usage might simply be to high for the next 10 minutes
see, I don;t think you can report state == charging with positive current
that's my point
but if so
it does not make sense
i dont se how the driver can make it work
Pali: ping
Pali: do you know, in theory, is it allowed/sane to report battery state as "charging" and "current now" saying that battery supplies energy?
so udev gets an event that somthing changes
and reads it
and but cpcap-battery reports no
so the fix is to check with cpcap-charger what it thinks should be happening
not the "real" state
otherwise it cant work
without polling
it probubly fails for you because your usb cable is high inductiviy or something
uvos: so, at the moment udev receives "charging" event, "current now" is still announcing "discharging"
beacuse cpcap-battery reports
in the line linked above
not current now directly
come on, the cable is perfect
but battery state sysfs file
freemangordon: sure its fine but it dosent happen here
actually thi is my best cable
freemangordon: so the differens is electrical most likely
uvos: and? because it works for you that means we can leave it like that or what?
anyhow cpcap-charge must allways report charging in state sysfs file (not in current that dosent mattter) when cpcap-charger has enabled charging
anyhow cpcap-battery must allways report charging in state sysfs file (not in current that dosent mattter) when cpcap-charger has enabled charging
ok, so, how is "current too high" detected?
I guess someone polls
ok, that's fine
ok, so, do you want me to put printks somewhere?
no its fine
we know why it happens
umm, lemme read it again, as I am not sure I know
unfortionatly having the state sysfs file follow current (ie real charging vs discharing) state is impossible without polling in kernel
without breaking events
so we have to make it show intended state not real state
that's fine I guess, as this polling happens only when charger is connected
you would have to poll also while discharging and connected
i dont think thats fine
at all
uvos: so, "charging" here means "charging connected", right?
yes so charging in the sense that the charging registers are enabled
this is different from connected
and from current state
ok, I still fail to understand why it does not work then.
uvos: also, lets forget about sysfs
it is not related to events
it is
how's that?
udev gets a changed event
and reads sysfs?
and then reads sysfs to get what it changed to
I think event itself contains the change
but not sure
I guess I can strace
udev listens on netlink which probably already contains some info, but they are closely linked
Wizzup: the point is that information comes with the event
you don;t just receive "something changed"
yes, over netlink
I would assume kernel makes drivers able to change both sysfs and netlink events at once though, so they should be linked
and because the initial event comes at the very beginning, either state is still "discharging" (as we are about to ramp-up) or the current is not ok
it comes at the end
uvos: where from?
its reported at the end by cpcap-charger
in the delayed work funciton
end of ramp-up?
i made sure to change the state at the end of ramp-up
but ofc
current might still be negative
since its an avg
over some length
ok, lemme see what is reported
uvos: ah, I see
uvos: isn't it better to delay status report?
beacuse what happens if the device is loaded
you dont know how long oyu need to delay
but, how you want me to change that?
if (cpcap_battery_cc_get_avg_current(ddata) < 0) I mean
this makes sense
just report the state of CPCAP_REG_CRM instead of current in POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_STATUS
current sure makes sense
but we cant make it work
i dont see how
ok, lemme think about this for a while
uvos: that's how: on ichrg_current == ichrg, schedule HZ/10 delayed work and report POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_CHARGING on that scheduled work
that way avg will have time to settle
ofc if you have 2 cores spinning 100%, udev will see discharging, but not much we can do
shall I do that patch and test it here?
thats terrible
so what happens if right at 10 sec theres a usage spike?
of current
er 1/10 second
also what happens if the user just enables charging with 200mA or whatever
you have to just report the state of CPCAP_REG_CRM instead of current in POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_STATUS
please also check what other drivers so
uvos: sorry, don;t get it
you only changed how charge current is applied - immediately vs ramp, right?
so, what I propose will fix the issue caused by that chagne
if there is some general issue with status reporting, that's another story
and we shall report on ML
it was wrong before to
it just happend to work
but if you report the state of CPCAP_REG_CRM instead of current in POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_STATUS
but this driver has a maintainer, no?
its fixed
and me
what is CPCAP_REG_CRM?
target current
will we have "using too much power" notifications?
i dont know, depends on if it checks status or current
because this was definitely working
and I am afraid we will break it
yeah but you cant have status reflect real current
and not have the event be a random number generator
its impossible
unless you poll
also, I think we have this 500 mA limit issue as well. if our budget is 1.5A then we won;t have those problems I guess
thats just hiding it
also you can acivate 1.5a
i do
its just not safe to do generally
besides its still a problem with 1.5a
gues who plugs in there phone with sgx and cpu fully loaded
absolutly everyone who plays games on mobile devices
we cant switch to and away from that without polling
uvos: still, POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_NOT_CHARGING is the correct status to report if charger is connected but it cannot supply enough current, no?
but we cant do that
since we dont have irq to tell us when real current passes 0
are you sure?
as this does not make sense
maybe it is not enabled
well the chip isent documented
I guess we dont; have docs
if so moto dosent use it
OTOH I don;t see any problem to poll when on charger
not sure how that interacts with inductive charging
tmlind: nice @ wlroots. I must try sway again on my n900
You guys are busy and I don't want to interrupt, but I was going to ask where/how to see the charge mode in action, as I haven't seen it yet
should work on mapphones
in devel
if you boot with usb pluged in
I'm testing on a mapphone
have the device off
plug in a usb cable
should be sufficant
Mine boots leste
check if you charge-mode in cmdline
but should be in devel
but if you changed boot.cfg it wont update
I'm always in -devel
so whats you cmdline?
It's rebooting. Will see when it's back up
Mmm, bootloop, heh
Okay now looks like my new battery is broken :'(
Maybe I'm hitting the same issue fmg is ... no idea.
* sicelo
gets his power back ... the d4 usually seems happier with it
No luck with this too. Back to Android charging. At least that works, so yeah ... appears I'm facing what issue fmg faces
its one and the same issue
the device will shutdown if it enters hildon with the battery to low but it should never get there
it should stay in charge mode
so for some reason yours isent
probubly because you at some point touched boot.cfg
and leste config wont update it if it was touched
I haven't. No reason to
maybe hildon-meta is not installed?
there was a packaginge problem where apt uninstalled it during upgrade some time ago
if so then charge-mode simply isent installed
I think I have it (meta). Anyway, can't tell right now
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I pulled the upstream changes of pine64-kernel to my fork
btw, how do you compile the kernel?
rafael2k: is that aimed at me?
rafael2k: what is 'upstream' here?
do you mean the maemo/beowulf-devel branch?
the kernel is built on the CI using git build package
if you want to mimic it locally then checkout the maemo-kernel-5.15 tag (or the maemo mobian-5.15 branch) and then run 'git checkout maemo/beowulf-devel debian' from it and then 'dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc'
(from memory)
I'm going to the supermarket for a bit
Charge mode installed, softlevel=charge exists in boot.cfg
Anyway, charging doesn't work at all for me now.
thats wrong
should be charge-mode or charge_mode
dont quite remember what i named it
Anyone ever tested n900's IR with mainline? It probes perfectly well, and the proprties of the device can be fetched. Trying to send an IR pulse makes kernel hang instantly however
not me
but its just a gipo right? cant be so hard to fix it
I'll maybe test it further in the near future but if someone has, would be nice to hear
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uvos: obviously both me and sicelo are facing exactly the same behaviour
I think it makes sense to revert that patch (or those patches) as of now, to be able to push -devel to -stable after some quarantine period
we can do that, but if we can find a fix that works too
I proposed one that will fix the behaviour to the state before patch, but uvos didn;t like it
I thought he had a fix
I don;t hink it is a proper one
but I didn't follow along
please read the backscroll, maybe I didn't understand it
freemangordon: around 16:57 your time
but, this is a change in the behaviour
which needs testing as well. that's why I think it is better to revert, push to -stable and then try to fix whatever needs to be fixed
sure we can do that
it did make charging much more stable for me though, but we see it is better in some ways only
I am not saying the patch is bad or not needed, it is just that it needs more polishing
I prefer to be done after -stable release
the issue is independant of the patch really
anyhow just having the state report what target current fixes all reall issues
and thats a small easy one liner
we can talk about polling
or finding an irq later
the patch I proposed makes more sense to me, as it restores the behaviour as it has been before the ramp-up patch
but it dosent solve the issue
sure, but it is *another* issue
just because in your setup the electrical timeing hapens to line up like that
means nothing really
no its the same issue
just my patch alters timeing a bit
so this starts happening to you
uvos: just because it works for you means nothing, really
and sicleo too
if i change it to report target current
it will work for everbody
no matter what iductivity/regulation charecaristicts the usb wall wart hast
and it will report the real state incorrectly
sure but we can investigate how to fix that latter
this patch exits because charging dident work for ME
current reporting is correct
except with one signle usb cable i have
well tough
we cant make it report correctly and not have the timeing issue
without polling
uvos: that's why I proposed to extend it to report the state after _avg has settlet
I know
or figureing more out about the chip
so lets just fake it untill we know how to fix it for real
why? instead of delaying the initial state reporting for 100ms?
you may as well hardcode
thats terrible
it dosent solve the issue at all
I am not saying my proposal fixed the issue
just makes it maybe slightly less common
it will just make it like before ramp-up patch
right and it dident work before the ram up patch
just on different configurations
right, I am not saying to revert ramp-up patch, but to extend it
can you just let me fix my own damn patch
sure, after a -stable release
we do not need a -stable right now, I was just asking
if there is a fix that makes it work for us all we can wait a bit
no rush
and what about "charge-mode"?
what about it
it doesn;t work here either
and I didn;t play woth boot.cfg or whatever
probubly one and the same issue
yeah I think so
it works for me
i dont quite remember how i had charge-mode detect if the device is charging
(charge mode)
but maybe i used status
maybe the same issue, yeah
but I ended up on the right side of this patch :)
it sounds like sicelo can maybe help test a new patch as well
uvos: so what do you think, should I exclude those charging patches from a new kernel build and then look at moving it all to stable, and then include those patches with a fix? I am not in a rush, just trying to get a sense what would work best for you :-)
tmlind: I am sure I checked that extension is not announced, lemme see what's going on
freemangordon: ok
trying to figure out why my es2gears_wayland stopped working..
i think that happened already a while back, need to grep the irc.txt
uh: the check if for dri2_dpy->image->base.version >= 8
*is for
uvos, i maybe forgot what was the problem with the keyboard, i remember i generated u a header file, but
do we need it?
if the maemo user chooses
a, yes we needed that
but the other problem now is that
you don't know which language is being typed to execute setxkbmap
but we know!
because if i choose armenian layout then as i have chosen it
setxkbmap am
should be issued
by vkbd
otherwise i do two things
i choose armenian, then in terminal type setxkbmap am
tmlind: yeah, my bad
it can be done automaticlly
this has to be 8, not 14
uvos, do you want we to give u a table of setxkbmap layouts that correspond to languages we hve in vkbd?
hmm, 8 should support modifiers too
tmlind: so, according to mesa, if you support EXT_image_dma_buf_import you must support EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers too
tmlind: or, shall I build on the device?
inky: just wondering, does the h-i-m method of changing keymaps work for you
I don't think I got it to switch languages
freemangordon: ok i'll try just a few mins
only 11 files to build..
well 11 steps actually with linking
well, thats great
freemangordon: yup, changing it to 8 fixes the issue
oh looks like install did not happen
ERROR: Build directory has been generated with Meson version 0.60.2, which is incompatible with the current version 0.61.0.
heh let's see if it will be a full rebuild :)
phew only 38 steps, not a full rebuild after meson --reconfigure build
Wizzup: you mean with hildon programs?
or with X programs?
_inky: i yeah i know this is still a problem
_inky: its not a priority for me atm, sorry
_inky: so i dont want a table
uvos, i think we even know the names of the mappings.
yes, okay.
i mean the source code already contains the names.
_inky: i think it would be better if the vkb could just pick a couple of safe keycodes to overwrite
_inky: and then change the keymap on the fly
i mean, no need to take keycodes even
by modifing it with the keys it needs to send the string
and then restoring the keyboard map
i choose the layout explicitly
to type
freemangordon: still getting wlroots error [wlr] [render/egl.c:765] Failed to query number of dmabuf formats
sure but the hwkybd also needs to wrok at the same time
it is in the source as hy_AM - then setxkbmap am should be executed.
so the way to make that happen is take the string the user wants the vkb to send to the applicaiton "abced"
if i choose russian, then it's ru_RU in our source, then setxkbmap will cover all the chars.
add abced to the keymap
send string
restore keymap
tmlind: ok, I think this is a bug in mesa then
i just had the idea that it could be much much easier.
because the user explicitly chooses the layout before typing
yeah but ru_RU dosent cover all the chars
is the problem
i choose the layout, then we know which setxkbmap needs to be executed
not even en_US covers all the chars
on droid 4 with english vkb and english hwkbd
becaus vkb has lots of spcial chars
tmlind: I will need some more time to see what can be done
what kind of chars, i don't know about it.
some on the second page
Wizzup: yes, with maemo apps maemo kbd works without forcing me to do setxkbmap manually.
like the pound symbol i think
some others
but with regular debian apps not.
tmlind: maybe it is a good idea to ask someone that knows more then me though
freemangordon: it checks for >= 8 :) i'll try 7
i think it is much better for user now if the vkbd just execute setxkbmap according to the current layout, and the pound symbol not work, than scare the user away by telling them to execute setxkbmap each time.
and ru vkb with ru_RU keymap on droid 4 is entriely hopeless ofc
yeah, but then there will be no EXT_image_dma_buf_import as well
why hopeless?
freemangordon: ah
becasue of all of the wrongly mapped keys
you mean hw kbd? i am very concerted with vkbd
also i don't have hwkbd on pinephone.
sure but you cant break the hwkbd to make the vkb work :P
anyhow as stated there is a solution
you have to have him modify the keymap on the fly
but its not a priority for me atm, sorry
maybe some one else wants to pick it up
Wizzup: just wait, ill give you a temp fix tomorow
and then we can discuss a proper fix at some later point
tmlind: how exactly does it fail?
because IIRC it was segfaulting before, no?
ah, "Failed to query number of dmabuf formats"
but, it should check for the extension first
tmlind: see dri2_query_dma_buf_formats
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hmm, well, I think this is really bug in mesa
freemangordon: i think we can disable it in the pvr driver but i need to look at that stuff more
I'd rather will fix mesa to check for proper image version
there was a check for dri_image version >= 15
and we report 14 now (which is wrong, but still not 15)
"With this change, queryDmaBufModifiers always returns zero modifiers."
actually it does not, for some reason
but rather returns FALSE
probably more quirk handling
yeah, the reason is that our version is < 15
hmm so should it be 15 then?
no because we don;t support that
it is 'our' dri driver that shall implement that and return sane values
but that function is not implemented in the blob
so let's add back that dropped snippet?
no, because we use the same mesa on PP, for example
ah, you mean the version?
right the version check
yeah, maybe
but, I wonder if we shall raise an issue on mesa
let me test adding the if (dri2_dpy->image->base.version >= 15... check back
it seems they fixed only some of the code paths back then
tmlind: seems they fixed gallium dri2 frontend
the version check for 15 was probably dropped for some old pc hardware
see dri2_query_dma_buf_modifiers in dri2 gallium frontend
well idk if upsream will be helpfull then
they just droped eveything except gallium 3d drivers
I think we shall patch egl_dri2.c to return zero modifiers instead of EGL_FALSE
hehehe good luck merging that upstream :)
hmm? why?
probably something somewhere breaks again
but sure go for it if you have a proper fix in mind
freemangordon: adding back the 15 check makes things work, but who knows what other things it might break..
hmm, wait, they say that 'formats' query shall be always suppoerted, no?
sounds like they pulled back
"This allows users to use queryDmaBufFormats..."
ok, this is really a mess
but we don't have the function implemented at all, it's null
yes, we don't
we don;t support that
I would say this is strictly against specs
or, we can implement queryDmaBufFormats to return zero formats
that won't help, see the wlroots links i pasted earlier
we either need to implement them in a way that works, or just have !egl->exts.EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers
well, I think moving the version check back is ok
either ways we carry our own patches
yeah ok let me type up some kind of description
seems to implement these functions we should just return two formats DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888 and DRM_FORMAT_XRGB8888 looking at the wlroots fallback handling
the pvr mesa hacks have some comments about pvr having multiple compatible options where some cannot be shown
maybe we don't even need to call the blobs to implement this, but that can be always done later
I think version check is ok
that way wlroots will fallback
to those 2 formats
I will make a proper patch (along with version fix) afte I am back from holidays (sunday, most-probably)
unless someone beats me to it
I still thinks it make sense to open an issue on mesa bugtracker
tmlind: still, I think it will be good if we have chromeos pvr_dri_support to feed IDA with, to see what they do there
sure, no docs
Boshtannik has joined #maemo-leste
Hi to all!
How can I be notified about keyboard mapping unmatching to be fixed?
_inky has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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hi, sounds like you need to set up a user account at github and subscribe for notifications
freemangordon: probably the old modifiers code did not work as things have changed around, see c8a0660ab4d1 ("etnaviv: advertise supported dmabuf modifiers")
seems like pscreen->query_dmabuf_modifiers needs to be implemented as the patch removing 15 version check adds checks for those
but this is for gallium, no?
not for egl
argh you're right
Ahh github? But it was microsoft ed..
or manually visit the page at regular intervals, without an account. you can choose your poison ;-)
tmlind: hmm, see g_asFormats in pvrutil.c
but yeah, it is about dma_buf
anyway, I will stop for today
freemangordon: yeah and note how we now have .bQueryDmaBufFormatsExclude unused
night, me out of here too
Have built python 3.10 on my n900)
tmlind: yeah, maybe I shaved too much code, will see what can be done
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uvos: BTW, I think it makes sense to not disable the second core while charging
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freemangordon: sure yeah
freemangordon: did you see the config option?