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uvos: Care to share how you made that work and eventually do a PR?
because in leste d4 images (at least) there is no sound in FF
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freemangordon: i dident do anything, this has allways worked for me. it also works on a d4 i qute recently installed and upgraded to devel (last weeks image i think)
so its a very recent problem or confined to stable
freemangordon: ok I think I hit the display not turning on problem
what did you want me to do again?
wait it turned on now...
tmlind: uvos: so I'm having to offline/online my modem a lot to get my pending messages flushes out, weird
Wizzup: i havent used the modem in a while
Wizzup: so maybe this is a new issue
or i just dident notice, what are the symptoms?
are they not sent or sent more than once?
they are not sent and just in pending messages
I sent like a bunch with telepathy-ring and they weren't delivered for a day or two
that worked for sure realiably ~1 month ago when i was useing sms often
i think i saw it double send a couple of times
or maybe sphone was buggy dunno
I mean if ofono misses a confirmation of sending (could be some kicks again) then that is possible
might be related to wether the carrier dose dlr
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I did not see any sms problems
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rafael2k: pinephone is different from d4 :)
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freemangordon: so the mce power key issue is fixed, as far as possible
there are actually lots of issues, all of witch can be repoduced on fremantle
you just have to be a bit quicker, as mentioned
anyhow mce now uses kernel event times intstead of its own timers
this fixes single presses being reigsterd as long, doubles as singles etc due to mce stalling
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it also checks if those times straddle a mode change to avoid applying the event to the wrong mode because it changed in between it happening and the mode changing
however not all problems are fixable and the mce/systemui architecture of global state loosly synced between deamons is fundamentally flawed
uvos: great, thanks, will test as soon as I can
yeah, I know
single presses can still be registerd wrongly as long in extream circumstances
and mce will discard events now that straddle a mode change
so because it cant apply them correctly
this causes events to be missed sometimes
ie opening the power menu right after exiting tklock
may fail
theres nothing that can be done about this
that's not really I big issue
we can;t (or rather should not) queue events, IIUC
lemme upgrade and test
freemangordon: still building
just finished
for amd64
so wait a bit
hmm, neither hildon-status-menu nor hildon-home register new applets :(
freemangordon: if you pkill it works I guess?
maybe this has something to do with multi-arch
yeah, but it should not be needed
lemme check what's goign on
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freemangordon: so I think I see X being stuck in drm ioctls again
what did you want me to check?
if all the fences are signalled
so /sys/kernel/debug/dma_buf
hmm now it works again, but it took forever to unlock
and touchscreen still doesn't react
Wizzup: i think i see this in charge-mode
Wizzup: btw
Wizzup: if you run charge-mode for a long time
freemangordon: btw you mean /sys/kernel/debug/dma_buf/bufinfo right
Wizzup: since switching to drm it somtiems hangs
Wizzup: yes
maybe pastebin it
but not it works again, it makes no sense
id like to also recommend making tklock the singlepress action on devices with just a power button and no lock slider. The doublepress is really janky beacuse it cuases the singlepress action to be executed first and then also the double press action so the power menu shows for a while and then the device turns off.
this is impossible to fix
as the timout is really long (1s)
so singlepress latecy is way to long if you wait and see if its a double press or not
we can change this in leste-config right?
sure but then you double press is hard
wich is also bad for a action that is really the most common thing you do with the button
(ie lock the device)
somehot this works fine on fremantle
you can see i happen there too
yes, I am using that hundreds of times every day
rsync: write failed on "/home/amprolla/images/droid4/20220116/maemo-leste-1.0-armhf-droid4-20220116.img.xz": No space left on device (28)
we really should just host it somewhere else
in 1-2 hours there will be a new one
but we didn't change anything in stable so you can just take the previous one and upgrade to -devel
cool now I have a welcome screen with ssh credentials - that might help a lot for future users :)
humpelstilzchen[: yeah, it is :)
uvos: ^^ :)
Wizzup: ok thanks i'll try again a bit later then
sicelo: actually, you should not have "add widget" button enabled, as when you install new h-h applet, it should be placed automatically on the desktop ;)
and this is what is broken :)
well, *was* broken
after the fix there remains a minor issue in h-h that even after you uninstall an applet, it is still selectable in the menu
humpelstilzchen[: btw if you're up for helping with the keyboard layout, lmk, I ordered a keyboard but it will take a few weeks before I get it
Wizzup: thanks for your help. I will probably come back for you. But first I'm going to get some "feeling" for the keyboard and fine some replacement programs for the ones I'm missing from the n900
which programs are you missing?
I don't have the full list yet. There was easylist, which was a todo/shopping list. Maybe the sources are still in the internet and can be compiled. A weather and calendar widget would also be nice, does that currently exist?
And is there a recommended browser?
qtwebbrowser works well ootb, or firefox works very well but needs hwkbd and some envvars about:config entrys
calendar widget exits and works fine bte
no weather
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freemangordon: so did the mce race fix solve your issues?
uvos: at least on PP it looks to behave fine
have guests so didn't have time to play on d4
will report as soon as I test it
uvos: RE firefox - do we have those settings documented somewhere?
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uvos: why it takes so long for mce to lock screen on d4? on PP it happens in an instant.
freemangordon: ty @fix. i haven't tested it yet, but nice finding. i'm not sure i fully like widget auto-placement in desktop, but i definitely prefer it over having to kill hd/hh or reboot :-)
sicelo: this it how it was designed to be. and honestly, it kind of makes sense
imagine if you are not familiar with maemo
you would expect to see what you have just installed somewhere
right, :-)
freemangordon: so quirks-mapphone is pretty slow (it waits for the modem and kernel several times) also d4 has a lot of input devices, it waits for x for eatch one
uvos: can;t we reorder?
as it takes nearly 2 seconds
reording is an ordeal if you want tklock to work
otherwise yeah my setup is reorderd for performance
we cannot turn display off first? why is that?
and its very fast
because its determined by the module loading order
uvos: sorry, I don;t get that
the module loading order is however also subject to lots of subtle bugs
in the old modules
so mce uses data pipes
so, "turn off" callbacks are called in module load order?
so every module registers its callbacks
and they are called in the order they are registerd
most callbacks are regsiterd at load time ofc
changing the order breaks the legacy/fremantle modules
because they use global state
so the callbacks that modify global state break later callbacks
well, we can implement priority, no?
you could but you would have to untange a huge mess
or, have a separate module for turning the display off that's loaded first
a better way is to reimplement the mess
(wich i have done for myself)
and make stuff async
lots of stuf could be async
uvos: no matter what, the same legacy module on fremantle turns display off on an instant
freemangordon: sure they dident run into the issues as mutch, mce as just a lot more to do on d4
also the problem is that its dose just ipc
and the ipc its doing is stalling it wating for other processies
well, no matter the reason, this is not really user friendly
I know you don;t use double-press, but that's no reason to not implement it right
i fixed double press
otherwise make stuff async
sorry, was it broken?
yes it was
(also on fremantle)
anyhow make mce more async so it dosent wait for other processies all the time
is the fix
ofc thats lots of work
also figure out why dpms is so damn sloww
thats just a ddx thing
I don;t know what you mean by "broken", but on fremantle double-press locks the device instantly
on d4 it takes 2 seconds
yeah, dpms
we may have kernel issue there
I think it is related with vblank patch
I will do some experimenting with that reverted
but, if on d4 we wait modem and whatnot to be turned off before even trying to turn off the display, then I would say we have a bad design
this is the design of mce
it dose suff in serial and order cant be controlled
we shall implement some control then
as I said - priority
no need to do it asunc
async is mutch better
and there are easy wins here
as I can imagine this will be a huge task
there are some self contained easy wins here
priority ordering is a huge task
uvos: the easiest way is with priorities
to make it not mess with the global state problem
its gona be pretty insane
trust me
see, it is not that I didn;t work on mce code
at this point i have rewritten all modules
it is just that it was some time ago
(that i use)
uvos: ok, but having such a big delay for such a simple task like turning the display off which was not there initially means that something is not quite right
yes and i told you whats not quite right
it waits on ipc in cases it dosent really have to
and I think it makes sense to try to fix that without having to reengineer the whole codebase from scratch
going async will brign other problems I would like to avoid
no it wont
i know lots of places where it would not
you need to syncronize at some point
otherwise you will never have deterministic behaviour. anyway, lets not go into that
there are places where this is really easy
if you don;t want to look at it, fine
I will
please dont, reording is not a good solution to the problem really
as I said - not reordering, but priorities
that is effectively reodring the callbacks
sure you can fake it being fast by turning off the backlight