hey, sorry, ended up sleeping yesterday
uvos: tks (for sphone info - I will try it out)
Wizzup: my pp keyboard should arrive in the next days
Wizzup: sound is still clogged with pa here, pa is shit, I'll check mobian setup
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oh can we go without pa? :)
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humpelstilzchen[: I'd like too, but some software rely on it, like sphone and other I think
rafael2k: I wonder if apulse emulation helps
lets try to fix pa first... seems to be some detail
oh, dead project. What a pitty
keep pa. you probably just need a simple config or sth.
freemangordon: I don't think we want to fork every daemon we don't want to restart, but yes, that is a potential solution for ofono and such
humpelstilzchen[: rafael2k: maemo needs pa
sure I didn;t mean to fork, but we shall fix our daemons we don't want to be restarted
my point was more than dsme is already ok in that regard
BTW, what happens if ofono cashes?
not sure, either it stays down or it gets started again via dbus activation
tmlind: hmm, I think omap ddx commit 478fcc45e0b9d93dbe1a2c1f842441af529a3c04 is the reason why we see dma_buf leaks
"[PATCH] omap: Fix missing usage count decrease in OMAPDRI2DestroyBuffer"
it decreases usage count, but doesn;t check if it become zero afterwards
Wizzup: could you have a look too, please?
I mean it sounds very sensible
ok, will fix the logic to my understanding, lets see what tmlind will say
Wizzup: ok! pa stays!
Wizzup: I can get sound, but there is some samplerate mismatch... interesting that what triggered the issue was the more recent alsa driver
some new kernel behavior... dunno yet
Wizzup: I guess this is the reason for CMA failures on n900 too
ugh, we have a leak on rotation too
freemangordon: yes, I think so @ rotation
but this is another leak
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remind me again what's your lowest mW rate on Droid 4? with my battery script in background, i'm averaging 100mW atm. I hope/suppose that's not excessively bad
@4V ... so around 25mA. i think i'm okay with that :-)
I get less I think
i should think so, yes. no doubt my script has an impact (i don't even know if using sleep and while loop in the script is a good idea for cpu)
you can get it from upower
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freemangordon: ok sounds reasonable
sounds like something else might be wrong too if the calls are not paired
tmlind: it starts with refcount of 1
sicelo: i'm seeing about 75mW idle with 3g networking active
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so are you saying it should free at 1 then?
I think so
well, it should free at 0
because this works for both front and back buffers
but for front buffers it was checking if it was non-zero *before* decrementing
which can never be true obviously
tmlind: do you say that OMAPDRI2DestroyBuffer shall be called more than once?
or, that someone else shall decrement too?
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freemangordon: i recall only increment was added that never got decremented earlier
that elapsed real time is claimed to be in ms units too in the java examples, but seems more like system uptime to me?
yeah i guess mCachedNtpElapsedRealtime in the examples is how long the system has been up when doing the query so system clock can be used to calculate ntp time offset later on
im starting to integrate telepathy into conversations
so looks like the GpsInterface_inject_time() values are from android boot, and describe the offset to system clock and don't directly related to the MPDTIME values as those are somehow based on current time
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Hello! Same situation with N900 U-Boot port again happens... On ML are some patches waiting for more than half of year without answer and now are trying to remove N900 code again.
Wizzup: I added you to CC
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Pali: yeah I need to work on the dm stuff
will reply later today
note that I have already WIP patches for dm-keyboard and dm-video
I have not sent them yet because other N900 patches are waiting on the list for review (for 1/2 year)
iirc this was about usb
yes, now I recalled...
there is missing dm-usb, dm-video and dm-keyboard
and Tom started talking about dm-usb in dm-video thread
yeah I volunteered for dm-usb
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I have a question regarding the flashing of u-boot replacing the maemo5 kernel. I'm reading https://leste.maemo.org/Nokia_N900 and see that I can flash u-boot-2013.04-2.bin, which will replace the existing u-boot/kernel with the new u-boot. But I don't know which default options (bootmenu.scr?) will be used.
Can I assume that if something bootable (the leste image) is in the SD card it will boot?
or do I need to store a bootmenu.scr on the SD card?
(my ultimate goal would be to wipe mmcblk1 (Mydocs and /opt) and use it with Leste, so that booting only requires mtdblock* and the sd card itself)
reinob: don;t you already have u-boot?
if you have, there is no ned to flash u-boot
yup. But I want it to be independent of mmcblk1. As far as I know currently it is reading bootmenu.scr from Mydocs (or is it just a copy, and the actual one is stored together with u-boot on mtd3, or whereever the kernel was?)
unless I am missing something as I didn't really read that wiki page
ah, I see
Pali: ^^^
I'd like to at least format "Mydocs" as ext4 to use it from within Leste, but I fear that by doing this U-boot won't be able to boot anything.
reinob: Hi! U-Boot reads bootmenu.scr from MyDocs. If it does not exist then it use default bootmenu (which is compiled in U-Boot).
New version of U-Boot first reads bootmenu.scr from SD card. If it does not exist then fallback to MyDocs
OK! so if I flash the new u-boot and prepare a suitable bootmenu.scr on the SD card (first partition? or where exactly), then it should be OK
so if you want to be independent of eMMC, just move/rename bootmenu.scr from all eMMC partitions
reinob: only first partition of SD card and only first partition of eMMC
BTW does overclocking work with the Leste kernel? I tried playing with scaling_max_freq but no dice..
no, it does not :)
OK! :). I'll see if in the coming days I have some time to play with this.. and hope I can stay a bit in touch..
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heh i think i figured out the MPDTIME.. current_gps_time = ntp_time converted to gps_time based on system uptime, current_gps_time / 0xffffffff is the 308 part, current_gps_time % 0xffffffff is the remainder in ms