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uvos: heh having hard time finding a droid4 los image to dump more gnss MPDTIME examples :) seems it's been years since i last downloaded los
there should be los 14.1 site with the last set of nightly builds, maybe it was stargo's site on some german server? i think it had some experimental opengapps images as well
the condition on 544 can never be true
also, what is the point of checking longpress timeout in key release at all?
isn't that triggered on timeout? like you press-and-hold and 1.5s later whatever the action connected to that happens?
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also, I think the issue with power menu appearing on double-press is that there is a flaw in the logic - shortpress action must not be executed immediately on key release, rather a 200-300 ms timer shall be started and upon its expiration the action shall be executed
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you can never detect double-press correctly otherwise
uvos: ^^^
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ah, you synthesize an event, thats why the check in release
still, double-check is not needed
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as per the original code sortpress action is executed immiatly on release
also a 200ms timer would not help for correctness
I implemented that and am about to test
a timer the lengh of doublepress action is needeed
no, why?
to determine if its a double press or not
we just need to detect double-press on time
you have to let the time expire
ok, lemme test it
otherwise you can get both single and double press executing
the reason for the code that executes longpres on release
uvos: you implemented mode change check, no?
is that i first coded that with the intention of moving it to ev->value==2
that would prevent both single and double press executed
ie use kernel keyrepeat time as long press
(possible mutliple repeats)
alsi, I don;t see any issue with long-press
so that mce stalling can not make a short pres long
however the mapphone cpcap input device dosent support repeat atm
an i wanted to investigate that
and then reativate that bit of code
and remove the timer
(depening on behavior on other devices too ofc0
having timer is best, as otherwise you depend on repeat interval
anyway, lemme see iof my fix actually work
no the timer is really bad
if you set longpress time pretty short
it will often triger erroniously
and we can just wait n repeats
untill the repeat event time is > longpress time
that will give aproximately the right time
without a race
between the kernel event and mce stalling
ok, my fix seems to behave correctly
your fix is not a fix
if you just wait 200ms
that only works if your double press is faster than 200ms
that's the whole point
also i dont like 200ms latency at all
my fix is really a fix as it behaves exactly as I wanted
I don;t see you having a better solution
thats a really bad standart of correctness
the same as "also i dont like 200ms latency at all" without giving a reason
if you wish we can discuss what shall be the corect behaviour
well theres two reasons right there
but, how is your mouse double-click detected?
1. adding 200ms latency is bad, i use single click to lock so that dealys my lock by 200ms, you can easly notcie it, making the device slower is bad
uvos: again, how is mouse double-click detected?
2. adding 200ms latceny is arbirary as the doubleclick timeout is 1s and if the user doubleclicks >200ms and <1s the double action execution returns
sure we can make that a parameter
so you can make that to 0 for your use-case
i also dont think its great for opening the power menu
for use-case where double-click locks the device, such a timeout is needed, otherwise there is an ugly power-menu blink right before the lock
ofc 200 ms is arbitrary and is my first test value
I guess 150 might work as well
the only correct value is 1s
wait, what?
the only correct value is doublepress time
ie 1s by default
ofc this is way to mutch latenct
witch is why nokia and i dident do this
we cannot delay power menu for a second
so I don;t see why we discuss that
if you double-press for a second, well, you'll have power menu popped
but it doesn;t make sense to double-press as quickly as you can and have it blinking
the point is the 200ms timer is only userfull
if you doublepress <200ms
if you doublepress <200ms
but usually you do
at least me
then yout can set the the doublepresss timeout to <200ms
but i think thas both to fast (for the user to doublpress reliably)
how? by manually aditing config file?
and to slow (for the user to wait extra for single press action)
freemangordon: ? by changeing the default and waiting for double press time to execute single press
no, sorry, wating 200 ms fo power-menu to appear is not slow
freemangordon: that would at least be correct however the latency argument still exits just the same
uvos: ok, so far I see you only saying my patch is not the correct one, but I don;t understand what is the correct fix. *not* for your usecase, but for mine (and leste default behaviour)
and again, I will make that a parameter, so you can tweak your already tweaked system to behave exactly like without the fix
and you didn't answer my question how is mouse double-click detected
freemangordon: ensureing that only one action is executed is only possible by wating for the timeout of the doublepress timer to see if the user presses again, due to causality
freemangordon: both android power double press and mouse double-click work by the action of single click being required when doublpress is activated
and as I already explained that waiting one second for power menu to appear is terrible UX, so not an option
on android this is: from screen off: singe press opens turns on the display and doublepress opens the camera app
so, we don;t have a solution, but a workaround
ofc the single press action is a prerequist of opening the camera app
for mouse doubleclick:
single click hilights the folder doubleclick opens it
the actions both execute in double click and are not interfearing
freemangordon: right the default maemo powerkey actions are fundamentaly broken ux
you have to either wait
or blikc the power menu
both are terrible
i asume they dident care
because they expected people to lock the device with the lock slider
or, have a workaround that mitigates it as much as possible
or change the actions to be consitant
single press to lock
double to power off for instance are progressive like android, mouse
I don;t see how what I say contradicts to that
I want my device to behave not like android. period
your workaround is wating
I am not in a hurry
thats not like android
its progressive
in the action sense
by setting this timeout to zero, you will have your behaviour
delaying 200ms is terrible ux
it makes it feal slow
you can add this feature
and make the default 0ms
thats all ill accept
oh, so displaying half-rendered power menu for a split second is better?
yes it is
its ugly but at least its fast
ie dosent get in the users way
ah, so now you are "accepting" mce patches?
yes i am
please have a look in git history
of mce that is
uvos: the main issue is not that power-menu is being displayed. the main issue is that power menu gets only half-rendered
and that is *UGLY*
having couple 100-200-300 ms delay on action is way better
ot to say I don't really notice any difference between 0 and 200 ms for power menu to appear
you already have a delay because of the dbus
also, why is double-press timeout 1000ms?
and it it the same as medium delay?
thats FUBAR, really
ah, medioum is for press-and-hold
Wizzup: do you have any clue why double-press timeout in mce is 1s?
hmm, it seems it comes from Nokia
that's the default though
and it is used
freemangordon: not sure why it is 1s, I think we used mce, but one thing to keep in mind is that we probably don't want to delay single press for too long
I think we used fremantle default*
define 'too long'
if people do want to use single press for locking, then delaying it adds latency for them
but I need to fully read backlog and just woke up :)
but having a parameter will fix that for them
either way they will have to chage the config from default
one more thing tho change should not be a big issue
hmm, I wonder if we can have "mce behaviour" packages
like "maemo", "android", "whatever"
I think that can just be a config file
umm, it is already, no? mce.ini
there is mce.ini.d
where you can place files
yeah, this is what I meant
but, to have a packages that install stuff there to change the behaviour from default
in any case, your fix is to delay power key menu showing while doing locking transition, and uvos wants power menu to not block, right? I think having a configurable timer for this not too bad if we can't think of another way to fix it
I do agree that if the users want to lock then showing the power key menu before locking is silly and weird ux, but delaying single press to lock is also not ok - but it seems this can be solved with an extra option
uvos: it seems to me if our current default is to have power key menu on single press and tklock on double press, having the value be 0 doesn't make that much sense, right?
uvos: I mean I lock my device way more often than that I use the powerkey menu (I really only use it to kill apps typically)
same here
uvos: and yes that argues for making single press the lock, but that's beside the point :P
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also I believe this would also allow to have powerkey on doublepress, right?
if it doesn't enter lock that quickly (200ms) - if the user wants that
(or other configured value)
also, I think we shall reduse double-press delay to some sane value
1000ms does not make sense
unless I am missing something
some droid4 buttons are kinda poor
yes, but one second?
not critical though
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hmm, it seems even 100ms is enough
your just making another race
if you delay single press by 100ms
then lock wins over power menu more often
why dont you: 1 figure out what the minimum resonable doubleclick timer is
wait with the signle press action for the doubleclick timer to expire
if and only if
the set single press action and double press action require it
ie delay be doubleclick timer if single action == power menu and double action == lock
or single action == lock double action == power menu
that way single action == lock double action == power menu also works
uvos: I was thinking about similar, but honestly, this is even more ugly hack than a delay
at least its correct
behavior wise
also, this does not contradicts with having a short press delay
and if the minumum resoable double press time is low
its not any worse
also, Wizzup said we shall keep double-press high because of HW issues
I cannot comment on that as I have only one device around
i dont think he is correct
i think the "HW issue" was mce stalling
the time had to be long beacuse of the salls
but dunno ofc
otherwise, as I already said, double-press of 1s is way too excessive to me
yeah, I think modem stalling the device was the issue
well, quirks module
mce is vuernable to more stalls than just from modem
but, we'll make most of them async, right?
dosent matter
using a timer to detect longpress for instance is fundamentaly broken
as its a race between userspace geting the release event
and the timer expireing
even is release is just 50ms behind press
ok, but we don;t really need us precision there anyways
it might still arvie a long time after
its not us precission we are talking here
IIUC you fixed that yesterday, no?
not for longpress
by checking the evnt times
as there is no keyrepeat
its impssible for longpress on d4
well, we have no option then
as the powerkey dosent repeat
so lets move on
right but thats a bug
in kernel
I am not sure I want power button to repeat
maybe this is not a bug
but made on purpose
the volume key also dosent repeat
for the same reason
ok, won;t argue on that
and besides ofc you dont want the pwoer key to repeat
you would just be using the events for timeing
anyway, ATM we have an issue with broken UX with default maemo behaviour.
my patch mitigates that, albeit not being the proper fix
and i think its terrible
at least make a table
of action combinations
and dont even apply it to combinations that are not broken
ie if doublpress = none
never apply
if doublpress = poweroff and short = lokc
this should be in mce.ini, right?
dont apply
based on whatever the varibales are set in powerkey.c
yes those are loaded from mce.ini(.d)
what about PowerKeyShortDelayApply=lock,poweroff;poweroff,lock
just an example
lets not hardcode, that's my point
but please also handle the case
of short = lock double=powermenu
ie this needs to wait the full delay
that's why config option ;)
thats bad tho
it should just work
whatever actions you set
no need to then figure out why this other delay needs to also be set
Wizzup: ^^^ any comment
also, I am going to change double-press timeout default to some sane value (like 300ms or so)
if you set it to 300ms
please dont have an anditional 200ms timer at all
no, we still need it
thats just buggy for an extra 100ms
and breaks the ui
because you see half-rendered power menu for a split second
no if you have doublepress at 300ms
you can wait the full 300ms if your going to wait 200ms anyhow
at that point its bad either way
at least 300ms is correct
sorry work mtg atm, I can read backlog
uvos: with that being a parameter, we can always set to 0 if needed
so, lemme write some actual code
lets have a discussion again once I have something to test, ok?
then add the parameter
comment it out
in mce.ini
and make the default doublepress time
for short delay? ok
what default double-press time?
idk try it out
ok, I'll try a bit
also pease avoid applying it if its not nesscary
ie at least dont if doublpress is disabled
with action=none
but handling other cases would be good to
yeah, we'll have only a couple of combos it is enabled for
as a config in mce.ini
ok, ttyl, when I am ready
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uvos: if you feel like testing, ofono 1.34 in experimental works ok for me (same bugs as before)
its probubly a bad idea to not restart all services
mce for instance has relied on this in past multiple times
yeah I don't think we should prevent everything from restarting
Wizzup: check how devuan does for ssh. at least on my debian system, it doesn't get auto-restarted (i get a prompt to decide instead). i think devuan has same mechanism
but I think it might be possible to work on the policy stuff and not restart some daemons
ssh has the capability to resore sessions on restart no?
as in I think policy-rc.d gets a initscript as param
uvos: no sshd just forks so the existing ones can just live
not sure how it works exactly but restaring sshd causes it to have a new pid but the sessions dont disconnect
right they are forked and independent
in any case I think we can amend policy-rc.d with specific files to block restarts of say dsme
rafael2k: yes, corruption problems are gone
(should be)
freemangordon: updated my d4 this morning, looks like the tearing with marina theme background scrolling in portrait mode is pretty much gone :)
I don't believe we have the tearing fix from fmg in kernel yet fyi
Wizzup: reaaaaally! Can I edit my xorg.conf and leave it "empty" again?
rafael2k: yes
rafael2k: please let me know
doing it now!
freemangordon: fyi, i'm still seeing some tiny black ants here and there but rarely with the marina background scrolling in portrait mode test
Wizzup: btw, where is the source of the new ofono?
freemangordon: with alsa sound is working all good... trouble starts when pulseaudio is on...
I see
Wizzup: yeah, seems lock/unlock results in "MMU_Alloc: RA_Alloc of VMArena failed"
will have a look tomorrow
I'll download mobian and see how stuff is working there... if needed we could upgrade some packages
rafael2k: sphone should be built allready
0.5.0 should contain the fix
uvos: strange, when I click in any "recent" number, the number does not go to the text field, and when I click dial, it crashes (but the call goes ahead)
rafael2k: hmm
ok ill check it out
freemangordon: please: 1. add tklock,menu to the list, 2. remove DEFAULT_POWER_SHORT_DELAY and make the dault short delay == DEFAULT_POWER_DOUBLE_DELAY
and i would recomment commenting PowerKeyShortDelay=250 out in mce.ini by default
uvos: ii sphone:arm64 0.5.0+2m7 arm64 Maemo Leste phone framework and GUI
so that short delay == PowerKeyDoubleDelay
so that tklock,menu can work
otherwise its broken
actually short delay should be = PowerKeyDoubleDelay unless its also set in mce.ini
ie not set set it to the same thing as doubleDelay
uvos: 1. it is already in th elist
and 2. better keep that separate, you can always make them equal
im not suggesting combining them
im am suggesting that if not set
ie PowerKeyShortDelay is not in mce.ini
it should be set to doubleDelay
ok, how is that going to help?
elaborate please, I don;t understand the point
tklock,menu is not in the list
you have menu,tklock
tklock,menu needs PowerKeyDoubleDelay to be equal to PowerKeyShortDelay
but, tklock is not listed as valid for short press
there is not fakinging it
freemangordon: thats wrong
freemangordon: it works fine
ok, but not in the comments in mce.ini
sure we can fix the comments too
ok, will do that
seting short to tklock has allways worked fine
if you set short to tklock
and double to menu
you cant acess the menu unless short delay == double dela
faking it with a shorter timeout than double delay dosent work in this case
ok, but does this work now?
like - without that patch
it dosent setting tklok to single works
but having double as menu at the same time dose not
you can put power there
but not menu
anyhow thats what this is supposed to fix too
so the thing is with the seperate timeout
thats fine
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but the default of the single timeout should be double delay
so that the whole thing works in any combination of actions
ok, I'll add to the list, but will keep PowerKeyShortDelay=250 enabled, with a comment to make it equal to long delay if you want tklock,menu combo
double not long
yeah, double
i dont think PowerKeyShortDelay=250 is usefull really
if double is only 100ms more
it is
it makes it sill slightly buggy
at least on d4
since there is a 100ms window
no, makes all the difference
ofc those are preliminary values
nice to see this get fixed
if you test and suggest better ones, I am fine
anyhow the default should be double delay
default as in what happens when its not set in mce.ini
since thats the safe valuie
that allways will work
I understand your point, but even that works fine
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and I don;t wan't to delay single action for too long
ok, lets see how it will behave with those values
will gather some user feedback
and can change/tweak later
it is about config, no?
you can have PowerKeyShortDelay=250
but PowerKeyShortDelay _is not set at all_
sorry, can't parse
it should default to reading double
ok, will do that change
that way
thanks guys
you can have people just comment it out
if they use an action where they need to be the same
[ ok ] Restarting Bluetooth DUN daemon: dundee.
invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of restart.
rafael2k: we knew what the problem was kinda (egl buffer preserved not supported), enunes gave us a hack to add it to mesa, and we need to fix clutter to use buffer age later on, but meanwhile his hack works
rafael2k: we will also file a bug support to get egl buffer preserved added to mesa
but that should be 2 policy files, one for ofono and one for dsme
but you probubly know that
uvos: not sure what you mean, but debian only wants this one file, so I'd have to write that in python
hmm ok
uvos: we can also have this in leste-config
policy-rc.d trew me off
maybe it supports it as a file too, not sure
yeah I can double-check how it works
really it should be packaged with the deamon
if at all possible
the deamon package alone should not be broken
I think this is something that is just missing in debian
judging by how it works I don't think it supports directories
maybe switch to systemd :P
The /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d file *must* be managed through the alternatives
system (/usr/sbin/update-alternatives) by any packages providing it.
ok, bbiab
but I think we can add this to leste-config ?
hmm thats mesy/hacky then
(maybe we can add a few more svcs)
we can also have it only disallow 'restart' and accept 'start'
bbiab :)
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uvos: why is it messy, because other pkgs can't register it?
can we think of a few more daemons we probably don't want to restart?
Wizzup; cool!! tks a lot! PP usage in Maemo I would say it is really possible now! lets ask some donation to pine64 and a PP maemo version! :P
icd2 maybe?
yeah idealy any signle package in leste works by itself
Wizzup: depends
Wizzup: how dose icd2 react to restart
Wizzup: i gues it drops connections?
uvos: it's quite fine really, but you will lose connection
im not sure its a big deal, but the reason for not restarting ofono was dropping 3g so for consistancy
idealy ofc icd2 would do something smarter on restart
I am not sure if I agree wit that per se wrt smarter, but that doesn't really matter
rafael2k: yeah would be good to check out keyboard usage
In my opinion getting hw is very difficult also
So what P64 does is awesome
But some efforts could be coordinated. You guys do it a little bit with PMOS
not really anymore
Also there is no other company like AW. I hope PP-pro which is Rockchip based would give also great access to schematichs
since hildon is impossible to pacakge into a general use distrobution
for various reasons
uvos: I think you're conflating generally working together and packaging our sw elsewhere
well that would be the best bit of coperation between distrobutions
sunshavi_: well, I think we're doing a pretty good job at trying to mainline things, while we also work on our distro, we don't have manpower for much more, and getting something usable on our current targetted devices to me is more important than all using either ofono or modemmanager or something
otherwise we aslo dont really do mutch with pmos do we
uvos: they build on our kernel work for some devices :)
Yes. I saw it. The work You are doing guys
and I'm pretty confident hildon will get packaged for it again at some point
probably You are benefing also mesa+lima
I think they benefit us more, but yeah :P
sure, it's about the interaction & fixing stuff
well. Remember my main machine is an SBC with AW SOC which also happens to has lima mali-400
sunshavi_: i may as well declare that i've taken up maintainership of N900 on pmOS ;-)
that's good sicelo
more or less a month ago I was experimenting with a tablet an AW a721
what's AW? ah, allwinner
I wanted it to boot from my combo {uSD-card-adapter-to-emmc}. So I was using an emmc
I did not get it to work. If It would have worked. I think those guys on pmOS they are trying to support it also
It just worked from a plain uSD
But I am going to take to retake it in the future when time permits
sicelo: I saw You were trying to calibrate n900 battery. Have You gotten it?
sunshavi_: one thing i would like to do is (if i had the device[s]) is - make Leste boot on some of the devices in pmOS community, if not all :-)
that's Cool
sunshavi_: no, it was the d4. n900 you can calibrate battery with eyes closed since hw takes care of it on its own. and no, it's still uncalibrated. i gave up for the time being
sicelo: any clue how you plan to do that?
do what? :-)
I think calibrate d4 battery. or perhaps leste on pmOS-devices?
if you mean boot pmOS community devices with leste, i'd like to think it's going to be quite straightforward really. only terrible thing will be the power mgmt issues
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as for calibrating d4, i really don't know. i was thinking to look at estimating capacity using voltage. iirc pavel does something like that in his unicsy_demo
upower dose this allready
pmOs is better at power-management than maemo-leste?
we just dont display it (only the bargraph dose show this estimation)
sicelo: - make Leste boot on some of the devices in pmOS community, if not all :-)
wrt callibration
sunshavi_: no.
i have no problem callibrating
by having the device be empty
booting it
and then charging to full
sicelo: I mean, do you plan to package hildon or to use their kernel as base with leste on top?
Wizzup: ok. the community devices are running mainline. and they all have working 3d... so should be quite easy if one has the device(s)
of you do have a really weak battery
sicelo: right, ok
sicelo: cool
maybe lower the cutoff voltage for mce, it is quite high. it is so high because you can get into an unbootable situation if the voltage drops to low and the device shuts off before it gets to charge-mode
there is only 100mv room between calibration and mce shuting down
makes sense to me
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uvos: the last time you were saying it won't calibrate because currently droid 4 doesn't do a proper shutdown, but dies. is that still the case?
so there is an oops
for me it sometimes permanently hangs on shutdown
that would cause callibration to faill to
so yes this is also still a problem
but sometimes this dosent happen
so yeah various issues
calibration is destined to be very unrelaiable atm
anyway, i will see if i can run something from unicsy and log some of its output to a file. i know this will increase consumption, but at this point, i want to understand what's the battery status. atm this isn't possible
sicelo: the best way to callibrate manualy
is to charge fullt
take a note of cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_counter
and then discharge to almost empty and take another note of cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_counter
or the other way around
Yes, that's why i want to log to a file the entire time that the system is running, because shutdown is unreliable due to the oops you refer to. At least this way I'll have some values up to maybe a minute before it dies
sicelo: well just do the reverse then
take a note of the value just after boot when the device boots from empty
and then put it on a charger and forget about it
whenever you come back the difference in values is the capacity
you can then save the value to callibration file in /var
thats it its callibrated
The reverse is way harder imo, because d4 has its own boot from empty issues. Plus I want to know the discharge characteristics of this replacement battery
no it dosent anymore
mce shuts down early enough that its fine
in all cases
the difference betwee charge and discharge capcaity is goning to be very small
so any other services besides ofono and dsme that we can think of?
i dont even really know if i agree with ofono
so no not really :P
sphone has the opsit problem
it desperatly needs to be restarted on upgrade
(and currently is not)
right because it doesn't use init scripts (for obvious reasons)
Why don't you do it in postinst?
right dsmetool could do that
dsmetool cant do it to my satisfaction afaik
and postins would not work either since its run as root
i gues i could write something that checks what sphone process is running
and then take a note of its uid/gid
and then kill it and restart it with the same uid/gid
but makeing the env consistant is hard
at least i dont know how of the top of my head
uvos: dsmetool can run as user afaik
start as rather
but yeah all good, just saying that's how it -could- work
it can start user
i think this is broken
it needs to restart all sphone proceies for all uids its running for
with proper dbus user bus and sutch
*start as user user
btw, why does it need to be restarted upon update?
it comunicates with itself via dbus
the interface is not stable atm
and not versioned either
i just thought how nice it would be to have a hildonized matrix client
mmm, i wonder if telepathy has a matrix plugin
please give it a try if you can
(in empathy or so)
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oh, interesting! i'll have a look
Wizzup: btw thanks for investigating the wifi issue on n900's wl1251. with that fix, iwd runs beautifully
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Is Audio not working on pinephone a known issue?
alsa output works when pulseaudio is stopped, so probably pa issue
sicelo: good
humpelstilzchen[: I think rafael2k is on it
rafael2k: but i noticed that the default config file is wrong i forgot to load ui-calls-manager-gtk so you cant hangup a call (any call not just recents)
rafael2k: ill fix that soon
rafael2k: in the mean time you can just add the module to your sphone config file