looks like the te stuff is broken, but if the patch above makes the tearing disappear we know where the problem is
freemangordon: can you tell me how to check?
freemangordon: I hit is several times a day and only solution is usbnet + reboot or force reboot with buttons
tmlind: I am almost sure my patch that sets the relevant bits in TE regs is needed
Wizzup: mount debugfs
sec to check the path
freemangordon: no luck making te run for more than two mins at most so far.. but with the patch above, curiously i'm seeing vt_te not empty all the time with some load generated with dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null
tmlind: yeah, ok, will test the patch
freemangordon: it could be framedone irq is ok to use as that's for the flip while dsi is still not done
freemangordon: in that case the patch above does not help at all for tearing :)
need to go now to visit some friends, ttyl
I don;t think it is, as there is a note in TRM that transfer from DSI to panel still continues on framedone IRQ
Wizzup: /sys/kernel/debug/dma_buf
check in bufinfo there if there is some non-signaled fence
if that's the case, then we have some issue in PVR driver
if everything is signaled, then I think fence patch is unrealated
I was thinking this might be the problem because ERESTARTSYS in combination with DRM_IOCTL_MODE_SETPROPERTY in google resulted in some hits for dma fance waiting
well this is definitely a recent problem
but lets see first if we have non-signaled fence
thinking of making a script to turn on/off dpms
how's that related?
X gets stuck in dpms
if you recall that trace I shared before
the drmIoctl keeps getting -ERESTARTSYS in ioctl in libdrm on DRM_IOCTL_MODE_SETPROPERTY
so it tries again, as it should
but it never ever succeeds
and this just keeps on going
I think I also shared X backtrace and dmesg debug with drm.debug=0xff
Wizzup: ok, but I don't understand what use this script will have? like wokraround or what?
freemangordon: reproduce it quickly
freemangordon: now it usually happens when I am outside walking or in a store
and it's annoying because then I can't use my phone for hour
but, if it is fence issue, you need drawing ops
can't you reset it?
sure, but then I can't get you the trace ;)
ah :)
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telepathy-qt is quite complex ... very little documentation