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tmlind: while you are @ 8250, do you have any clue why the driver oopses on poweroff on droid4?
omap8250_set_mctrl is in the trace there as well
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uvos: in your orrery Xorg crash experiments, could you try prlimit --pid `pidof Xorg` --nofile=10000:10000 to see if it would help?
if that fixes the issue, I may simply set Xorg RLIMIT_NOFILE to 8192 (or even bigger) in DDX, unless this has drawbacks I am not aware of
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freemangordon: sure that works, so dose rasing fd limit inulimit
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freemangordon: oh ok, i remember now, can you try the patch i posted as a reply to that 8250 oops thread on l-o list?
no idea why i don't see that one during normal use, maybe i always type reboot?
tmlind: dosent matter here what whay its rebooted
tmlind: it only happens with kernel console detached
maybe that's the difference
so it only shows up in the pstore oops then?
it shows up in syslog
ah of course :)
i don't run klogd usually
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hmm looks like that patch just hangs the system on boot for me
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uvos: unless AT+CFUN=1 is run after boot, gnss won't show any satellites. it seems to continue working after offlining the modem though
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Wizzup: i was re-reading the maemo association bylawys earlier today - at least in their current form, if MCeV gets dissolved, all rights/assets go to LF
of course if that would happen, i suppose LF could re-route them to the Leste org ... but yeah, seems a lot of legalese may end up involved. definitely in best interests of Leste that the MCeV remains in the form that we know it as
yes, Linux Foundation
looks good though :-)
right now we're just trying to escape that 600 euro fine. after that, seems there are still members interested in keeping the ball rolling
maybe some of the infra cna be hosted on faster machines
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