uvos: hmm, seems display state pipe is called twice per lock
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Wizzup: ok i ended up using the older image last night, upgrade to devel is a pain currently :)
freemangordon: well it should if its on->dim->off (it might allways do that to make sure the state is consistant i dont recall)
it its runing it twice with off as the argument
theres a bug somewhere, but it dosent matter mutch because every callback has to check if the callback isent run twice with the same argument anyhow
tmlind: hmm how is it a pain, we should fix that
as that can happen in various circumstances
Wizzup: mce and hildon-desktop refuse to upgrade, xorg won't restart, apt dist-upgrade needs to be finished in the emergency shell etc
tmlind: i dont have any logs sorry
tmlind: i can try and captue some tomorrow
uvos: ok no problem, can't get the stock android to install, can't find a sim right now
uvos: no luck with the corner taps, setting up a new micro-sd card for d4
uvos: yeah lineageos works fine for capture too, i think you need to set the ts27010 debug level though
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uvos: now the corner trap trick worked :) it may need to be done on right away on the first language selection screen, and the top taps may need to be about 2cm lower than the top and multiple rounds
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tmlind: hmmmm ok, because it reboots somehow during upgrade
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freemangordon: looks like the mesa build finished, now we'll still have to set the behaviour in clutter, I'll get my pp online in a bit
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Wizzup: lets just disable lifegurad for now, please
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freemangordon: what do you think, disable lg until we have fremantle-style system upgrades where it forces a reboot?
as in, it prevents you from doing anything but doing the upgade
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uvos: seems like the stock distro has buggy ts27010 debug, or los has enabled more features, not seeing the at commands with logcat after echo 0x7fffffff > /sys/module/ts27010mux/parameters/debug_level
"fremantle-style system upgrades where it forces a reboot" <- i honestly hate this
and there is no scenario where lg reboot helps anything anyhow
Wizzup: this is fine for -devel, but not for -stable IMO
uvos: this was already discussed
not really
you just dissmiss it with no argument
uvos: I am not going to argue on simple common sense
well there should be a sensible way for end users to do system upgrades
simple dist-upgrade doesn't seem likely to cut it
freemangordon: bullshit commen sense
Wizzup: you can have lifeguard and apt
Wizzup: just disable it before and reenable it after
no need to reboot or do anything else
uvos: so, Xorg crashes, how you;re going to restart if it happens to notice?
if dsme dident exist and hildon was a xdg shell you could just restart it
like any deamon
keep in mind that what we do now doesn't have to be what we do ~3 months from now
if it's a real problem to upgrade for many people that's something of concern and more pressing than what we do later imho
so lifeguard's usefullness:
ok lets pick a random deamon
Wizzup: what about having no lg revoots for -devel only?
freemangordon: it breaks all the time on stable too
do we know why?
yes random deamon fails (different one eatch time)
so please listen for a second
how's that?
bugs in deamons
and we push those to -stable?
they fail in untested configurations
so yes
we cant test everything
so lifeguard's usefullness:
well, lets disable WDs then, why not
we can;t test kernel as well
its different
please just listen for a while
sorry, I am out of this conversation
I don't find it useful
this is how we "discuss" this
freemangordon: I think enunes patch fixes the problem if we also request the bit on clutter
saying "because we cannot code our daemons to be stable enough to not crash on restart, lets remove lg once and for all" is not something I am going to discuss
freemangordon: thats not what im saying
at all
freemangordon: wrt daemons it's a matter of prioritising
the problem is that lifeguard dosent help
it hurts
we can turn on lg later again, currently it's more of a problem than that it helps
sure, if we hit reboot loop
there is no scenario where it helps at all
which means it is useless
which means it shall be removed
its worse thatn useless as it hurts
except where there are defficancys that make it impossible to restart deamons without restart
liek x
but this is just because of architecture problems
and we should fix unrestartable deamons
to be restartable
there are only several daemons that lead to system restart
quite a few do really
less than 10
thats quite a few
and again it dosent help anything for these 10
so lets go though an example
so, what do you do if something in /tmp gets messy? DBUS address, for example
no daemon restart will fix it
you need to reboot the whole device
deamon restart absoluly should clear the dbus addresses
not really, becouse half of the system will use the old address
or, you want all the daemos to crahs and restart instead of doing a clean reboot?
I think we're disregarding the more practical problem(s)
yes ofc
uvos: this might mae sense on server
not on mobile
freemangordon: please let me explain for a second
so lets say we have a deamon with a bug
maybe mis (dosent matter what deamon)
it derefrences a nullpointer when you use it
I wonder what your current target audience is - enduser or developer
so it chrashes
and dsme restarts it
humpelstilzchen[: thats the issue,actually ;)
freemangordon: btw, did you see my msg? pinephone problem seems fixed
Wizzup: yes, but lets finish with lg first
this is "fine" as lg will never reboot as the crashes are slow but we should give the user some indication on the problem as rn it will look like everything wokrs and this is imo worse than informing the user that something is wrong by the deamons features being missing
but ok
no lg reboot needed
now we have another bug, here it crashes right at startup if config option xyz is set
we dont set xyz so we dident notice
our user now has a deamon that allways crashes on startup
what happens? device reboots deamon crashes again device reboot deamon crahses again
the user cant use the device (even thoug the deamon might not be _absolutly_ critcal (maybe for emergency call at least))
and even worse
the user cant give us the logs
uvos: it is as simple as:"we shall not push system critical daemons in -stable that are prone to such breakages"
without pluging in the sdcard (which is only possible if leste is on an sdcard)
also, lg is an option
turning off lg in a boot loop is impossible
not every daemon under dsme is set todo it
to point is that if a deamon is cosntantly crashing and restarting
a reboot is very unlikley to fix it
see, it is mce, Xorg, h-d and few others that lead to l-g reboot
ke-recv as well
and a few more iirc
and a boot loop makes it impossibe to debug or give us info
status applets, hildon-home
icd2 too
mce is not vital
you can use the phone without mce
ok, if we think those daemons shall not cause lg reboot, lets assess them one by one
and call emergancy
uvos: I disagree with you there but I do think we should not reset now if mce crashes many times
mce causing a reboot is detrimental
but in practice it probably means you cannot unlock your phone :)
freemangordon: the debian upgrade process also messes with these states and daemons
the problem is that the likely hood of a reboot solveing anything is mutch mutch lower than a bootloop
what lg could do
is reboot _once_
and then never again untill the deamon in question starts correctly
that would be fine
and hildon needs to become an xdg session
again, if we think some daemons shall not cause lg reboot, lets just remove that freom their startup
so x can bre restarted
thats just a travisty atm
uvos: we don;t really need such thing on mobile
yes you do
for recovery
x crahing need to cause a reboot and causing a reboot makes it hard to debug
so dont do it
and xdg session has many other advantages too
ok, how hard is to go through the daemons and remove 'lg reboot' option from dsme startup line?
x crahing need not
freemangordon: not very
but thats hardly the point
its enabled by default atm
and if you mean during a boot loop
then its very hard
it is explicitly enabled by dsme command line for a particular daemon
that is default
for the user
also, I am using fremantle for the last 11 years - never hit a reboot look because mce is buggy or Xorg crashed or whatever
because nokia threw the thing over the wall
and it only runs on one device
it has mutch less variables
how that matters?
and ofc we cant possibley do as mutch qc as nokia
for eeatch device
as they did for n900
anyway, I am agains removing lg reboot
its just not realistic
so, we can temporarily put no_lg_reboots until we think we have stable enough system
Wizzup: ^^^
I agree with that
to answer your question
i would not renable lg untill it only reboots once
so do we install that file from an update, or change the default in dsme? fine with either
hmm, image-builder?
i would move the very obscure file you have to touch
into a proper config file
and make it not default
this is developer, not end-user option anyways
a config .ini file
is not realy user facing
in a meaningfull way
touch /etc/no_lg_reboots
is just bad
even for developers
oh, come on
if it is documented
it should not have to be documented
BTW, right now TS on d4 does not react
an /etc/dsme.ini with lifeGuardReboot=false ad a # explantaion what this is is self documenting
this is after I restarted mce a couple of times
while playing with quircs module
if mce crashes while the display is off
that is the result
why is that?
becuase it disables the xinput devices
and it cant enable them on startup
because there are other disabled xinput devices it cant enable
but it reenables them on startup, no?
so it dosent know what to enable
we can move the file to /etc/dsme ?
sure, but how is that different?
more sensible to ship in dsme package
I mean - lets focus on important things, not where a particular, developer-only use file is located
I am just thinking about how to now make this no reset the default for now
I think image-builder shall create the file
so current users won't get it?
or, you want current users to have that too?
I think so
well, hildon-meta then
or leste-config
ok, I'll try to make it work
not meta
ok, -config
but i thing shiping it in dsme makes more sense
I agree with uvos but I also don't care enough to discuss it that much, either dsme package or leste-config
either is fine
so - can we talk pinephone :)
no, because changing that would require dsme upgrade
sure, ok
and this is one of the daemons you can't upgrade without rebooting the device
fair enough
so pinephone ... it looks like the rendering problems are gone
but there definitely seems to be a (serious) performance penatly
we dont restart dsme on upgrade
thats it
otherwise you can upgrade it fine
as in, portrait mode is less smooth for sure than it was before
but I don't see rendering problems in firefox or the qt web browser or the osso-xterm thing I used to reproduce the bug
sec, phone call
ok, brb
yeah so the mesa patch + clutter change to request preserved buffers works
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Wizzup: maybe we shall take that patch temporarily until we implement buffer_age
I think it makes sense to test that mesa+clutter on d4/n900
I can build the clutter patch for -experimental
we would not expect perf change there right
how do we think buffer age will help perf btw
honestly I wonder how/why it works on SGX
Wizzup: it will prevent uploads
* freemangordon
is back to mce d4 quirks module
uvos: nothing shall be done on MCE_DISPLAY_DIM in that module, right?
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freemangordon: oh wait I still had use_fallback = TRUE
that explains poor perf
yeah, that's how I like it babe :). Double=press on d4 now losk immediately :)
uvos: there is at least one more regression - if you slide-open the keyboard, device unlocks, it should re-lock if you close the kbd without touching anything else
+1 that'd be nice to have
ugh, I was about to look at that h-s-m PR
hmm, lets have -things moved to stable first
freemangordon: what is the ugh about?
that worked untill very recently
ill look into it
ah i allready know what caused this problem
its not solvable
so the problem is:
Wizzup: it was about that I just remember about it
on mce ignores events from devices it conisders "switch" devices
for this feature
and a couple of other things
in this case this means the slider switch itself dosent count as an aciton
uvos: there is a bug in PR, will push a fix in minute
problem ist
that the slider switch isent nesscarly on a different input device as everything else
this is true on n900
and sorta on d4 but not really
particualy the volume buttons are on the same device
so since i added the handlers for the volume buttons this broke as i had to make mce accept this input device
we need to replace the per input device behavor changes
with something that filters on keycodes
hmm, I think we already have that
sadly no
we dont
it filters event devices as a whole
based on the keys they advertise
this only works if the devices fit into its catigorys
yes, but you can have multiple listeners per device, no?
and there are even several devices to handle differently
and the listerners dont filter gennerally
hmm, I remember I implemented that correctly back than, but lemme check
they often just do something whenever any key gets pressed on some device category
sutch as cancle the autorelock
but theres lots of sutch handlers
uvos: you can call mce_match_event_file_by_caps() as much as you want
but that dosent help
since it expects there to be different event files
for different caps
this is a bad solution
not really
yes really
you cant make it work
you may have more than one file with same caps
the amount of files is detiermined by the kernel
and matching a device to multiple caps
is no use
as the handlers expect a cap list to contain only buttons they expect and no others
the solution is to just have a single event que with all event devices bound to
and then have something that filters eatch event centraly
like xcb works
also libinput
we could use libinput acctually
that would be best
but you can attach different handler for every fd returned
but that dosent help
so there are categorys
like switches
and filter in the handler itself
those get ignored for timeout
and for autoreloc etc
all of them
so if a device matches that cagiory it gets ginored
I see
anyway, we'll have to fix that
that makes sense if its an input device with just the slider switch or something
but if its an input device with the silder switch and a keyboard
it breaks
there is nothing you can do about that
except replace how this works entriely
for the issues with reboots, maybe all those watchdog features could be enabled by a package that can also be uninstalled if desired
uvos: ok, will have a look eventually
"nothing you can do" is a bit of an exaggregation :)
lemme fix the current PR first
well you have to rewirte how the filtering works
tmlind: I've rebased the ofono code we have on ofono 1.34, and will also add the pinephone patches now (assuming it all works well)
uvos: ^
Wizzup: great
figureing out whats wrong with the motorola modem ofono driver would be pretty great also
with sgx mostly out of the way this at least is what furstrates me the most when using the device
I don't have time do to that atm, but yes
I agree 100%
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uvos: hmmm looks like it might even solve some problems
although it maybe uses some of pavels work
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(modem is called droid_0)
Wizzup: sounds good, if anybody has cycles to work on ofono we should use ell api directly to manage the mdm6600 ports as it's packet based after
who/what decides modem name in ofono? i get n900_2 on n900, which looks odd sometimes. doesn't matter too much, but i do wonder
sicelo: I think in this case other driver is being used tbh
will investigate a bit later
if its using palis hacked at driver for the d4 we really dont want that
as it uses the at interface
pavel not pali
and yes I'll investigate in a bit
modrana seems to be broken
what do you see? any this is om the pinephone?
yes, on pine. It does not download any map.