yuppers, review are slowly popping up. And thing like dont charge it through the phones usbc port if you have it hooked up to the phone.
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def dont
that will likely fry something
kbd takes some fiddling to get working on mobian but it does work.
activation distance is a bit unforgiving, which leaves the keyboard feeling mushy and unresponsive, but eliminates some unintentional keypresses
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phone fits in it very well, and it feels solid once assembled
hinge is stiff, which is good for mobile use but might give trouble for people with grip issues
is there a hw way to dect if its closed?
uvos: Thanks for the help yesterday with bionic audio, I boosted the volume by editing HiFi.conf. 5 was really very quiet.
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uvos: not sure, just got it
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no, pp hwkbd schematic shows no hinge sensor
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kona, uvos maybe there could be a gyro software solution that turn on when your using the if2 connection to sleep when closed and start up when open a certain way.
btw, kona I forget it does have backlighting right? Are you happy so far with it?
I would have thought of the proximity sensor for keyboard detection, but maybe use proximity and IMU
xmn: there's a couple of interesting possibilities. the keyboard has a single button that is separate from the phone's power button. according to the drivers, its status can be polled, including long press, short press, double-press, and no press (open)
prox sensor might be a way to do it.
i was also thinking that since there's an i2c input daemon, it could signal the UI to remove the OSK when keystrokes are detected, and to re-enable OSK when the keyboard is idle a certain amount of time.
ah, yeah forgot about the prox! maybe combine with the accelerometer
would be nice to turn off keyboard keystroke when using certain apps like the phone apps
accel is another great way to do it, although it would have to have tolerance for cases where the screen might be slightly tilted
firmware is totally open, and gets loaded as far as i can see by the drivers.
yeah you would need a profile for speed likely or something. I'm no dev :P
so there's a bunch of customizations we could do.
yeah hopefully in a years time we have lots of options
in theory i2c input daemon knows whether it is successfully polling the kb, maybe could find a way to use the presence or absence of a poll response.
hmm, interesting idea
and could also mod the daemon to activate and deactivate OSK
so you could basic block the polling when using the phone apps etc
based on button presses
see I not sure button press would be enough if you had to take a call in the case and don't have time for headsets
i suppose that's a possibility, but i don't have a lot of knowledge about how the maemo OSK works, as evidenced by my prior questions in here.
ah, yeah, i think you're right. a few apps would definitely need a way to disable while active.
the "recommended" method for using the device as a phone with the keyboard attached is with either a wired or bluetooth headset.
problem is that you can't hide the keyboard once it is attached
i don't know whether i could comfortably hold the phone to my ear with the keyboard attached, but i intend to use it more like an n810 wimax so i wasn't even thinking about calls.
unlike the n900 with its slide. The PP hinge do support a max of 180°, so no turn around either
yeah. That my biggest issue with it actually.
i made this contraption with a BT keyboard affixed into a foldable fabric case for my android phone and it is tolerable because i can fold it 360 degrees
I would use it in the case without headset on purpose... lol. But there will be times that you can't avoid it.
but with the pp kb, it's just clearly meant to be clamshell.
uh, let me see.
yeah I was hoping it would be like those yoga/windows laptop flip devices.
yoga, exactly. Also I would not mind to go without the extra battery
I think I may hold out for the vers 2 if when that comes.
I love the extra battery though. My n900 last all day ... not the PP yet
I would however love a mod that allow you to keep the phone back on while using the kb case
uvos: that's why we need device specific package - to know which device has internal kbd and slider and to behave accordingly
thats the match rule i added
note that these are keycodes
not keysymbs
this means that KEY_Q is not nesscarly a Q
depending on layout
yeah, sure
so, if a device have any of those it is a kbd?
freemangordon: no we dont
@ device specific package
the device has a silder if it has a event device that advertises the slider key
and it has a keyboard if it has a device that maches that rule
I would love if we don;t need, but don;t really see how we'll make it run properly otherwise
we dont
ah, it is again that libinput migration, no?
wel libinput dose this allready
but you could do the same thing with this code too
point is that kernel gives all the information needed
I need to look in the code to grok what you;re saying I guess
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uvos: so, basically the idea is: we enum all the input devices and, if a device have KEY_Q (or some of the others), then it is a kbd, if a device advertises slider then it is a slider etc, correct?
not quite
but yes
except you throw all devices into one pool
and combine the caps?
Does that mean we need to keep many devices open?
I think we do it either ways
if across all devices we have a qwerty layout we have a keyboard
we do
and kernel dose internaly anyhow
(for keyboards)
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(any device matched as (part of) a keyboard will be kept open indefinatly by the kernel in all cases)
for sysrq and fbcon
ok, so if we close the slider and have BT kbd attached, then pressing on an input field will bring vkb up, no?
yeah, i gues we could count caps
so if we have every qwery key twice
we assume only one is hidden
uhuh, this is even more hacky, but yeah, might work :)
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I think I already implemented something like that in hulda
regarding the pp keyboard and monitoring its detachment
uvos: see ^^^
if deaching it dosent remove the evdev interface
its just broken
hacking around that in mce is not sane
fix the kernel
uvos: so, I am looking for KEY_ENTER and KEY_ESC to decide this is a kbd
well phone kbds rarely have esc
also i dont want to match specifc devices at all
a keyboard might be implemented across several devices
(as is sorta the case on d4)
i rather do what the kernel dose
ok, but see the commit description
basically the same what you said
that part yes
freemangordon: for the gnss MPDTIME, in theory kernel should provide ktime_get_clocktai()
in practise i did not get it to work and it's the same as ktime_get_rtc()
sorry i mean ktime_get_real()
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not sure if anything needs to be done for userspace, i guess we'll find out when we have the faster gnss fix working
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tmlind: honestly, I know none of those 2 functions, the point is that libtime supports "operator time", which can be set by a daemon. so, my point was - if you are going to somehow get some GPS time and provide it to userspace, please consider libtime :)
freemangordon: ok not planning to do that right now
besides the gps driver would just provide a rtc interface no?
I think we will have issues if kernel sets the time behind our back, but that might be just me not knowing how it works
it would just provide another rtc
how that affects system time is userspaces problem
uvos: who is going to read that? and how we know which one is correct?
some deamon we write :P
like - a person with 2 watches never knows the time :)
yeah we could implement a serdev ppt device when gnss fix is available
uvos: exactly ;)
so, please consider libtime when we writing the daemon :p
sorry ptp device
whoever 'we' is
otherwise all the alarms and stuff will simply stop work
right point is the kernel never sets the time behind our back
well a ptp device can be configured as an input for chrony
we already have clockd
no need doe yet another daemon
*for yet
no need to do anything as ntp takes care of things for us
well considering if we need clockd is ofc on the table to
sure we do
not really
we don;t have the resources to rewrite half of the systems
well, maybe in some other distro there is no need
well chrony is already configured and running for ntp, right?
I have to check what clockd does in case ntp sets the time
oh right, did we used to have chrony by default?
no i dont think so
kind of remember ntp causing some pm issues a few years ago
there is a script that updates time from ntp
on wifi conecct
or something silly like that
it rarely works for me
heh ok
ntpd causes pm issues yes
i think chrony got those fixed, busybox ntpd never had issues with pm
yes, it runs on network connection (which does not seem silly to me), but it requires dns to work and doesn't work on v6
the operator time can be off by hours easily depending on the operator
yet another reason we shall think a bit before removing maemo daemons in favor of upstream one
tmlind: how's that?
it's not a maemo daemon but yeah
Wizzup: in principle tha is
all maemo stuff was done with battery in mind
freemangordon: have you not travelled with the automatic operator time configured for the phone and noticed how it's often totally off by some random time?
this is true
also ntp is complicated if you want to actually protect against attacks
I have always had that disabled
I don't think we use operator provided ntp servers
i have seen operators lag several minutes
because it was working with none of the operators here for me :)
Dont know if its viable for maemo, but chrony is a lot better then plain ntpd when it comes to ACLs
I would rather teach clock
to use more sources than needed
*if needed
yeah so the ideal situation would be some lightweight ntp server configured in a pm friendly way and clockd just uses kernel time. then any additional time sources can be configured for the ntp server as needed
shouldn't /dev/rtc just be a symlink?
we have omap rtc
and if gps interface provides yet another rtc
which one shall we prefer?
no, a ptp device
see drivers/ptp
and we don't have a driver for that yet
anyway, work mtg, ttyl
but seems like it should be easy to do with unknown jitter with the serial port commands :)
as i think we only get the time every second
so to me it seems timed can just use ktime_get_real() with chrony configured and that's all we need
seems like timed just needs to update the rtc as needed for alarms etc with hwclock command
actually timed needs to use the timex.h api, ktime_get_real() is a kernel interface..
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Wizzup: parazyd: looks like irc.txt has been broken again since yesterday]
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u will try to fix it during parazyds absence
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uvos: not sure if you saw, i dug through the pinephone kbd schematic, there's no sensor for the hinge.
but a lot of things could be done in i2c-inputd or from discussion last night, maybe the prox sensor to detect if kbd is both present and open, and there's a separate button on the kbd that can detect long press, short press, double press, and not pressed, distinct from the phone power button.
kona: yeah i sa
i gues its not so important for us to know if the keyboard is open since its a clamshell
would have been good to lock on close or something, but thats ok
useing the proximitry sensor for that is not acceptable
the device would lock or whaetver just from the user holding it wrong
it's prohibitively awkward to hold the phone to one's ear with kbd installed.
no, even then accidentaly locking the deivce by covering the sensor is easy
could also be an option in settings / screen lock.
given how often my android prox sensor tricks in low lighting conditions, i agree.
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uvos: should be back
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Wizzup: nope
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nowadays my droid 4 is always guaranteed to not connect to wifi on first try
sicelo: same here
its deff buggy
makeing it loose conection by walking away often hangs the kernel
unfortionatly no output
this is before even connecting, so i haven't 'lost' connection by then
the conection fails to happen once
and then the kernel module is in a bad state
i have this happen and then i cant connect untill i reprobe the module
sometimes it hangs
its porbubly just one bug
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sicelo: always on first try? hmmmm
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not sure what i am saying is helpful, but i was running openntpd (from openbsd project) on nokia devices. i don't know if it interfers with calls though because i don't make or receive 'calls'.
openntpd kills battery in my experience
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i misread that to be an implementation of nntpd and wondered _why_ but now i see it's a time sync daemon.