BlagovestPetrov[: wants to try it on the d3
Wizzup: no i havent finished the combination yet
im not sure on what to do about android 4.1 bionics
speaking of witch
"<huckg> I'm still having trouble with droid bionic; I am on step 8 of https://github.com/IMbackK/bionic-clown-boot and getting Sending 'mbm' (256 KB) FAILED (remote: 'unsupported command') despite having upgraded to latest Android platform-tools as uvos suggested."
huckg: if you read the logs: i dont really know whats up with your device so your trying "fastboot flash mbm allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin", "fastboot --version" gives you "fastboot version 31.0.3-android-tools" or later your allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin has sha1sum of e44585ce14524e366df485f2784a0acc49d396c8 and your bootloader version, as displaied on device in fastboot mode is 0A.72 or 0A.78 right?
uvos: yeah I get freezes within minutes of interacting with the device
uvos: I'll have to check and see what happens if I don't detach kerne lconsole
Wizzup: ok
on thing to check might be the EMIF registers on android vs on leste (at load) and compear it with d4
catching it on serial is a good mission too ofc
as it testing with idle states disabled
i also wonder if the hangs happen
if you kexec to kernel 3.0.8 (ie safestrap) and then kexec to mainline
maybe the old kernel's inialization state is tripping us up
yeah, could be for sure
uvos: I am also seeing a delay on the d4 to detect it is discharging
at least in upower
some delay is expected
the ramp up takes about 1s
and the battery is reported charging only when its compleate
it took maybe 30+ s or so
which is I think the upower poll interval if it gets no other info
Wizzup: uvos: or, maybe I shall stop spending time on omap DDX and get back to our initial plan now fence bug is fixed: modesetting/glamor (or replacement)
I don't think that makes sense atm
for missing rotation support: now I understand way better what omapdrm is doing, so I will fix dma_buf support there to allow rotation through TILER/VRFB for dma_buf BOs as well
Wizzup: not atm, for sure
check @ rotation
but, shall I spend more time trying to fix various bugs (like what uvos and you report)?
freemangordon: I mean if we have ddx working well and we think we want to go to for modesetting eventually we can do it of course, I just wouldn't suggest we abandon what we have now since it works well
I think yes
because we want to push these ddx to stable
and the droid4 has twice in the last few days hit this bug where X dies and the screen doesn't want to go on
because of this resource exhaustion thing
I understand, but I am not sure CMA/TILER bugs are easy to fix, even if possible
IIUC, on d4 the issue is that TILER/DMM space gets fragmented with time
and I see no way to fix that
the same happens with CMA on n900
do you have any idea how to fix such an issue?
I am not going to implement DMM compaction algo in omapdrm
freemangordon: what about reusing buffers and not allocating on the fly?
cant we fix tiler fragmentation by just allocating once
d4 isent hurting for ram so mutch
what about rotation?
or tiler space afaik
freemangordon: just allocate a block thats 960x960?
hdmi dosent rotate
it does
so allocate a new one then
why would hdmi rotate
ie why would you want to do that often
forget about hdmi
I am not sure you can allocate 960x960
why not
its smaller than 1080p and that works ok allready
because OMAP DDX passes different flags depending on whether it is rotated or not
actually different functions are called
omap_bo_new vs omap_bo_new_tiled
2 questions
not to say omap ddx does not support dri3
thats not so important for now
1. how dose tiler space get fragmented anyhow, we are the only ones allocating something there, so if we deallocate all buffers and then allocate new ones how dose fragmentation occure
2. why did ddk1.9 that did use the tiler (look at the allocations) work without problems
1: actually DMM is used for *every* buffer on d4
so, we allocate from TILER for scanout rotated buffers and from DMM for all other buffers
so, most-probably the allocation taht fails is DMM allocation
but tiler space seams safe
just ddm then
and ddk1.9 did blits everywhere right
DDK is TILER basically, like, they share the same address space
you just set different properties
so, fragmented DMM *is* fragmented TILER
there is DMM/TILER map in /sys/kernel/$somewhere, so Wizzup may want to look at it after some usage of his device
yeah i know
looks like irc.txt lost alot of stuff
i was just greping for that
uvos: not sure why ddk 1.9 works
it is using 3buffer as well
maybe I introduced some bug in OMAP ddx with regards to 3buffering
Wizzup: could you disable TripleBuffer in xorg.conf and check if is still crashes
1. dri3 for free. this will fix also the Xorg crashes we are seeing now as buffers are allocated only once in Xorg. A client unable to allocate a buffer will not bring the whole OS down
freemangordon: so tiler map shows more allocations now than it did in ddk1.9
1 vs 3 buffers looks like
not sure if relevant
sure it is
wait, this is in landscape?
the number of buffers dosent look like it changes in ddk1.9
it just changes reprisentation in the map (not sure how to read exactly)
could you disable 3buffer and see if it makes any difference?
"why are those not in mainline linux?" - afaik they will be. it's just there have been a lot of PP kernel forks for a while, leading to massive fragmentation. now people are finally working on it together, with aim to have one cross-distro kernel. should be easier to mainline
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what was that device that had smartphone form factor, but didn't have a modem? Leste was also mentioned in its pages. I forgot the name now
the finnish thing?
yeah. thanks! i wonder what happened to them
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Wizzup: btw so can we enable charge-mode by default for some devices now
Wizzup: also since the n900 problem is fixed i think we should add sphone to meta on devel