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<freemangordon> uvos: ok, will check
<freemangordon> Wizzup: re crashes: maybe implementing ReuseBuffer function in DDX will fix it
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: mhm
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<Wizzup> uvos: is up to date for droid3?
<Wizzup> BlagovestPetrov[: wants to try it on the d3
<uvos> Wizzup: no i havent finished the combination yet
<uvos> im not sure on what to do about android 4.1 bionics
<uvos> speaking of witch
<uvos> "<huckg> I'm still having trouble with droid bionic; I am on step 8 of and getting Sending 'mbm' (256 KB) FAILED (remote: 'unsupported command') despite having upgraded to latest Android platform-tools as uvos suggested."
<uvos> we missed that
<Wizzup> uvos: ok so probably better if we use mine atm
<uvos> Wizzup: right
<uvos> Wizzup: for solana yeah
<BlagovestPetrov[> thanks :)
<uvos> my d3 rebooted sometime tonight
<uvos> :(
<uvos> huckg: if you read the logs: i dont really know whats up with your device so your trying "fastboot flash mbm allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin", "fastboot --version" gives you "fastboot version 31.0.3-android-tools" or later your allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin has sha1sum of e44585ce14524e366df485f2784a0acc49d396c8 and your bootloader version, as displaied on device in fastboot mode is 0A.72 or 0A.78 right?
<Wizzup> uvos: yeah I get freezes within minutes of interacting with the device
<Wizzup> uvos: I'll have to check and see what happens if I don't detach kerne lconsole
<uvos> Wizzup: ok
<uvos> on thing to check might be the EMIF registers on android vs on leste (at load) and compear it with d4
<uvos> catching it on serial is a good mission too ofc
<uvos> as it testing with idle states disabled
<uvos> i also wonder if the hangs happen
<uvos> if you kexec to kernel 3.0.8 (ie safestrap) and then kexec to mainline
<uvos> maybe the old kernel's inialization state is tripping us up
<Wizzup> yeah, could be for sure
<Wizzup> uvos: I am also seeing a delay on the d4 to detect it is discharging
<Wizzup> at least in upower
<uvos> some delay is expected
<uvos> the ramp up takes about 1s
<uvos> and the battery is reported charging only when its compleate
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> it took maybe 30+ s or so
<Wizzup> which is I think the upower poll interval if it gets no other info
<freemangordon> Wizzup: uvos: or, maybe I shall stop spending time on omap DDX and get back to our initial plan now fence bug is fixed: modesetting/glamor (or replacement)
<Wizzup> I don't think that makes sense atm
<freemangordon> for missing rotation support: now I understand way better what omapdrm is doing, so I will fix dma_buf support there to allow rotation through TILER/VRFB for dma_buf BOs as well
<freemangordon> Wizzup: not atm, for sure
<Wizzup> check @ rotation
<freemangordon> but, shall I spend more time trying to fix various bugs (like what uvos and you report)?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I mean if we have ddx working well and we think we want to go to for modesetting eventually we can do it of course, I just wouldn't suggest we abandon what we have now since it works well
<Wizzup> I think yes
<Wizzup> because we want to push these ddx to stable
<Wizzup> and the droid4 has twice in the last few days hit this bug where X dies and the screen doesn't want to go on
<Wizzup> because of this resource exhaustion thing
<freemangordon> I understand, but I am not sure CMA/TILER bugs are easy to fix, even if possible
<Wizzup> mm
<freemangordon> IIUC, on d4 the issue is that TILER/DMM space gets fragmented with time
<freemangordon> and I see no way to fix that
<freemangordon> the same happens with CMA on n900
<freemangordon> do you have any idea how to fix such an issue?
<freemangordon> I am not going to implement DMM compaction algo in omapdrm
<Wizzup> freemangordon: what about reusing buffers and not allocating on the fly?
<uvos> cant we fix tiler fragmentation by just allocating once
<uvos> ?
<uvos> d4 isent hurting for ram so mutch
<freemangordon> what about rotation?
<uvos> or tiler space afaik
<uvos> freemangordon: just allocate a block thats 960x960?
<freemangordon> HDMI?
<uvos> hdmi dosent rotate
<uvos> generaly
<freemangordon> it does
<uvos> so allocate a new one then
<freemangordon> exactly
<uvos> why would hdmi rotate
<uvos> ie why would you want to do that often
<freemangordon> forget about hdmi
<freemangordon> I am not sure you can allocate 960x960
<uvos> why not
<uvos> its smaller than 1080p and that works ok allready
<freemangordon> because OMAP DDX passes different flags depending on whether it is rotated or not
<freemangordon> actually different functions are called
<freemangordon> omap_bo_new vs omap_bo_new_tiled
<uvos> 2 questions
<freemangordon> not to say omap ddx does not support dri3
<uvos> thats not so important for now
<freemangordon> sure
<uvos> 1. how dose tiler space get fragmented anyhow, we are the only ones allocating something there, so if we deallocate all buffers and then allocate new ones how dose fragmentation occure
<uvos> 2. why did ddk1.9 that did use the tiler (look at the allocations) work without problems
<freemangordon> 1: actually DMM is used for *every* buffer on d4
<freemangordon> so, we allocate from TILER for scanout rotated buffers and from DMM for all other buffers
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> so, most-probably the allocation taht fails is DMM allocation
<uvos> but tiler space seams safe
<uvos> just ddm then
<uvos> *mm
<freemangordon> yeah
<uvos> and ddk1.9 did blits everywhere right
<freemangordon> wait
<freemangordon> DDK is TILER basically, like, they share the same address space
<freemangordon> you just set different properties
<freemangordon> so, fragmented DMM *is* fragmented TILER
<freemangordon> there is DMM/TILER map in /sys/kernel/$somewhere, so Wizzup may want to look at it after some usage of his device
<uvos> yeah i know
<uvos> looks like irc.txt lost alot of stuff
<uvos> i was just greping for that
<freemangordon> uvos: not sure why ddk 1.9 works
<freemangordon> it is using 3buffer as well
<freemangordon> maybe I introduced some bug in OMAP ddx with regards to 3buffering
<freemangordon> Wizzup: could you disable TripleBuffer in xorg.conf and check if is still crashes
<uvos> watch -n0.3 cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/1/tiler_map
<uvos> btw
<freemangordon> so, about modesetting:
<freemangordon> 1. dri3 for free. this will fix also the Xorg crashes we are seeing now as buffers are allocated only once in Xorg. A client unable to allocate a buffer will not bring the whole OS down
<uvos> freemangordon: so tiler map shows more allocations now than it did in ddk1.9
<uvos> 1 vs 3 buffers looks like
<uvos> not sure if relevant
<freemangordon> sure it is
<freemangordon> wait, this is in landscape?
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> the number of buffers dosent look like it changes in ddk1.9
<uvos> it just changes reprisentation in the map (not sure how to read exactly)
<freemangordon> could you disable 3buffer and see if it makes any difference?
<uvos> whats the option string?
<uvos> 3Buffer?
<uvos> TrippleBuffer?
<freemangordon> TripleBuffer false
<freemangordon> only one 'p'
<freemangordon> oh, maybe you are right and 1.9 does blit even in fullscreen
<freemangordon> or, it is simply that I broke omap DDX at some point so it frees buffers more often that it has to
<freemangordon> *than
<Wizzup> freemangordon: on d4? sure
<freemangordon> yes, on d4
<uvos> freemangordon: no change
<uvos> @3buffer
<freemangordon> hmm
<Wizzup> you can reproduce it that quickly?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: wa are looking at the tiler map
<Wizzup> ok
<freemangordon> *we
<freemangordon> uvos: maybe try without pvr_exa
<freemangordon> though it should not make any difference
<uvos> freemangordon: do i have to remove the so
<uvos> or is there an option
<freemangordon> yep
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> move .so somewhere
<freemangordon> uvos: BTW, what is omap ddx version?
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<uvos> Version: 0.5.4+2m7.1
<freemangordon> please upgrade kernel and ddx
<uvos> kernel is 5.16 based
<uvos> i assume you mean leste kernel?
<freemangordon> yes, leste kernel
<freemangordon> but, if you use custom one, make sure to have fence patch in it
<uvos> not yet no
<freemangordon> and the upgrade ddx to 0.5.4
<uvos> btw i havent had any problems with x crashing at all yet
<uvos> except the vt switch thing
<freemangordon> you want to do that, trust me :)
<uvos> ok ok
<freemangordon> maybe Wizzup has different use pattern or different applications
<freemangordon> I never had Xorg crashing too
<uvos> xserver-xorg-video-omap armhf 0.5.5+2m7
<freemangordon> yes, but this needs fence patch in kernel
<uvos> right yeah
<uvos> i dist-upgraded
<uvos> should be there
<freemangordon> it is in leste kernal, yeah
<Wizzup> freemangordon: well I use the droid daily and probably wake it up ~50 times a day with the slider at leaast
<freemangordon> uvos: it is possible that ddk1.9 kernel omapdrm does not allocate everything through DMM
<freemangordon> Wizzup: yeah, obviously you are using the device :)
<uvos> well same here
<uvos> i use it as primary phone
<uvos> so not sure
<uvos> anyhow
<freemangordon> well, no idea then
<freemangordon> (crashes)
<freemangordon> uvos: I was not expecting difference in allocations
<uvos> there are none
<freemangordon> between 5.4 and 5.5 that is
<freemangordon> but now you have kernel that WL works too on
<uvos> neat
<uvos> but the wl phone is still on 5.13 :P
<freemangordon> basically, dma_buf implicit fencing works
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> in omapdrm that is
<freemangordon> Wizzup: is there any pattern in regards to Xorg crashes?
<freemangordon> uvos: wha tiy can do is
<freemangordon> *what you can do
<uvos> so what are we expecting to cause a crash here
<freemangordon> is enable debug logs in xorg and compare dri2 parts between 1.9/1.17
<freemangordon> uvos: fragmented DMM/TILER space
<uvos> sure
<uvos> would a script that rotates at 1hz help?
<freemangordon> I don;t hink so
<uvos> ie can we cause fragmentation here on purpose
<freemangordon> it will not fragment it
<freemangordon> but yeah, you can try
<uvos> ok
<uvos> @debug logs
<freemangordon> uvos: make sure to re-enable 3buffer first
<freemangordon> I tried to compare once, but was not able to draw any sane conclusion
<freemangordon> but I was after 6ms delay (that appeared to be cause by tmlind's patch) back then, so no surprise
<freemangordon> uvos: the poin is to understand how often 1.17 ddx creates/destroys buffers compared to 1.9
<uvos> btw you can make xorg crash eventually be optinging ever more windows
<uvos> this is not suprising i gues
<freemangordon> on d4?
<uvos> yeah
<freemangordon> we run out of DMM space I guess
<uvos> its alot of windows tho
<freemangordon> could you have a look at tiler map just before the crash?
<uvos> sure
<freemangordon> I guess everything is marked as used there
<uvos> but opening windows doent change it at all
<freemangordon> how's that
<uvos> i dont think it did
<uvos> but sec
<freemangordon> it should
<uvos> it certenly dident on ddk1.9
<uvos> (device is rebooting)
<freemangordon> ok, that's another story
<freemangordon> (ddk 1.9)
<uvos> yeah no
<freemangordon> hmm?
<uvos> opening windows dose squat to tiler_map
<freemangordon> squat like?
<freemangordon> rephrase please
<uvos> ah non
<uvos> nvm
<uvos> its filling up
<uvos> just from the bottom of the addr range
<freemangordon> on 1.17 that is, right?
<uvos> yes
<freemangordon> ok
<uvos> ah yeah
<uvos> ok
<uvos> i see what happens
<uvos> so if you have many windows open
<uvos> not that many even
<uvos> and rotate
<uvos> it ends up fragmented
<freemangordon> yep
<uvos> and then crashes if you open just a few more
<uvos> soo why do non fullscreen windows need tiler space?
<uvos> they get blitted anyhow
<freemangordon> I have absolutely no idea why DMM is used for non-scanout buffers
<uvos> ok
<uvos> this is the difference to ddk 1.9
<uvos> it has the 1 buffer in there
<freemangordon> this is something to do with Tomy using some weird IPs that require linear buffers
<uvos> and no windows
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> do you have ddk 1.9 buffer around?
<freemangordon> s/buffer/kernel
<uvos> no
<uvos> or what do you mean
<freemangordon> is it on github?
<Wizzup> stable image could work
<uvos> i have an sdcard with old leste
<freemangordon> the source code
<uvos> oh sure
<freemangordon> uvos: wait, where do you test ddk 1.9?
<freemangordon> on 5.15?
<uvos> no
<freemangordon> ah, ok :)
<uvos> it never worked on 5.15
<uvos> 5.11
<uvos> just the old leste kernel
<freemangordon> Wizzup: I wanted to check how omapdrm allocates buffers
<uvos> 5.11 branch
<freemangordon> maemo-5.11?
<uvos> unfortionatly back then
<freemangordon> btw, dows it use omapdrm?
<freemangordon> or omapfb?
<uvos> you had to also apply the patches in debian dir
<uvos> but yeah almost
<uvos> drm
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> uvos: definitely omapdrm in 5.11 differs in the way it allocates buffers
<freemangordon> uvos: oh, I think what happens
<freemangordon> please remove EXA
<freemangordon> and retry
<freemangordon> with EXA enabled PVR imports buffer, which leads to them being pinned, thus DMM mapped
<uvos> [ 31.782] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module omap_pvr
<uvos> still allocates windows on tiler
<freemangordon> weird
<uvos> also alot of corruption
<freemangordon> latest kernel?
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> no
<uvos> i booted the wrong kernel by accident
<freemangordon> Linux devuan-droid4 5.15.2 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 6 12:29:58 UTC 2022
<freemangordon> :)
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> uvos: when you have a chance, could you pastebin tiler_map on ddk 1.9 in landscape with xterm opened?
<freemangordon> TBH I am almost sure omapdrm allocates differently in 5.15 vs 5.11
<uvos> ok
<freemangordon> yeah, that;s it
<uvos> take it up with tomi then why they broke it i gues :P
<freemangordon> in 5.11, omap_gem_pin has one more parameter (remap),
<freemangordon> this is missing in 5.15
<freemangordon> so, omap_gem_pin *always* maps through tiler or DMM
<freemangordon> have to attend work MTG, bbl
<freemangordon> uvos: I'd rather fix dma_buf and migrate omap ddx to use it
<freemangordon> uvos: BTW, you can take it to Tomy as well :p
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<uvos> freemangordon: this is with 10 xterms
<uvos> on all
<uvos> so clearly the windows, besides hildon-desktop itself (makes sense) are not tiler mapped on ddk1.9
<uvos> on rotation ddk1.9 needs only one extra tiler buffer while ddk1.17 looks like it uses 2
<uvos> but thats not realy a problem
<uvos> that part also dosent fragement
<uvos> closing the windows cleans it up ofc
<uvos> so i gues
<uvos> Wizzup has longstanding windows open he never closes
<uvos> thats why his xorg crashes
<uvos> i habitually close all or at least most windows and lock the device
<uvos> so it makes sense i never encouterd this
<Wizzup> it's really just one or two osso-xterms :p
<uvos> how long is your uptime
<uvos> i took the 10 xterms for a 50 rotation spin
<uvos> and its not close to full yet
<uvos> anyhow yeah this is liekly the prblem here
<freemangordon> uvos: this is with PVR EXA?
<uvos> freemangordon: yes
<freemangordon> ok
<uvos> freemangordon: and makes no difference
<freemangordon> yeah
<uvos> ofc its without pvr exa on ddk1.9
<uvos> (dosent exist there)
<freemangordon> yeah
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: you have production PP, right?
<freemangordon> not devel kit
<freemangordon> Wizzup: USB networking does not seem to work either
<freemangordon> device generates lots of heat too
<freemangordon> maybe this happens only if you boot with usb cable connected
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I ahve devel kit only
<freemangordon> yeah, same here
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok let me take today to merge rafael2k's changes
<Wizzup> parazyd: do you have a production pinephone?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: I see issues on devel kit
<freemangordon> with maemo-leste-1.0-arm64-pinephone-20220102.img.xz
<freemangordon> wifi does not show any connection, device heats like crazy, display blinks twice a second. with old kernel it works fine
<freemangordon> USB networking does not work either (with latest image)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: is this -devel or stable
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I don't see any of these problems btw
<freemangordon> I just followed the link you pasted on #lima
<freemangordon> do you boot with usb cable attached?
<Wizzup> no
<freemangordon> try with
<Wizzup> I boot with power supply
<freemangordon> what do you mean?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I think we should first take rafael2k's work on the kernel
<Wizzup> freemangordon: lab psu
<Wizzup> I soldered to where the battery goes
<freemangordon> ah :)
<freemangordon> ok, I boot with a battery
<freemangordon> and USB cable attached
<freemangordon> now I wait fo battery to charge a bit
<freemangordon> Wizzup: yeah, please do it (kernel changes)
<freemangordon> same happens with USB cable disconnected, besides this time wifi seems to work
<Wizzup> can you elaborate on 'wifi does not work'
<Wizzup> does it not see the interface?
<freemangordon> how do I know without being able to write commnds? :)
<freemangordon> it does not work like "INternet connections dialog shows 'no connection avalable'"
<freemangordon> when booted with cable detached, there are connection, so wifi works then
<freemangordon> *connections
<freemangordon> however I cannot write the password
<Wizzup> damn that's quite broken
<freemangordon> mhm
<Wizzup> I am not sure if I have braveheart or not anymore, maybe I swapped
<freemangordon> and this is the kernel
<freemangordon> braveheart?
<freemangordon> is this some HW release?
<Wizzup> braveheart I think is the pre release thing we have, no?
<freemangordon> could be, that's why I ask, I am not in line with PP releases
<freemangordon> lemme check what is written on the box
<freemangordon> well, nothing useful
<Wizzup> if you have an official box I think it's not some pre production one
<freemangordon> yes, it is official box
<Wizzup> so v1.1 is production I think
<freemangordon> do you know if there is a way to tell which revision I have?
<Wizzup> I think there might be something in u-boot, but I do not recall on top of my head
<Wizzup> maybe we should do rafael's stuff first and then try again
<Wizzup> it might just solve most problems
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> Wizzup: mine should be the same as yours delivered after anakin
<freemangordon> so, if you got braveheart then mine is the same
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I swapped with parazyd at some point I think
<parazyd> I burned one and the one I have now is the first release
<parazyd> That's probably Braveheart
<Wizzup> ok, so maybe I gave you the one I bought and I have my prerelease one here
<Wizzup> rafael2k: around?
<mighty17[m]> is there some build insruction for or just autoconf, automake?
<uvos> its just regular autotools
<uvos> but yes autotools are a pain
<Wizzup> ./ ? :p
<freemangordon> not really :)
<freemangordon> (pain)
<Wizzup> I find autotools nice yeah
<mighty17[m]> Wizzup: doesnt work
<mighty17[m]> `./configure: line 20131: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")`
<uvos> regenerate configure
<freemangordon> mighty17[m]: autoreconf -v -f -i
<freemangordon> ant then ./configure
<uvos> the absuridty of autotools layers :P
<freemangordon> yeah, yeah
<mighty17[m]> oh alrighty
<mighty17[m]> well autotools is a pain
<freemangordon> compared to meson/ninja its a breeze
<freemangordon> Wizzup: did you do some HW modifications to PP, besides connecting PSU instead of battery?
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: no
<Wizzup> fwiw I mailed rafael about his work
<Wizzup> he did some things I don't understand wrt kernel package names
<freemangordon> ok
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<sicelo> btw, the wlan firmware thing on droid 4 runs automatically only on first boot? or does it re-run on all boots?
<uvos> sicelo: just once
<uvos> parazyd: you here?
<sicelo> asking because - perhaps we need a similar approach with expanding Leste to the size of the SD card
<uvos> hmm
<uvos> im not sure we want to do that automaticly
<uvos> we could maybe ask the user on first boot
<uvos> i for one often flash a sdcard and then dd it over to emmc
<uvos> if you just expand the partition youll break that
<uvos> so i ported charge-mode over to drm
<parazyd> uvos: What's up?
<uvos> parazyd: i need to you change sdl2
<parazyd> Can I have more context please?
<uvos> sure sec
<uvos> parazyd: so charge-mode was using the directfb sdl backend, beacuse of bugs in ddk1.9
<uvos> parazyd: next version (ready to be taged out) of charge-mode uses drm now
<uvos> parazyd: but we need to enable it in sdl2
<uvos> (and disable directfb)
<parazyd> So what are the new flags we should use?
<uvos> so wee need --disable-video-directfb and --enable-video-kmsdrm --disable-kmsdrm-shared
<uvos> i would also disable opengl
<uvos> since that forces some games to use gles
<uvos> --disable-video-opengl
<uvos> parazyd: we can also scrub directfbrc.leste for all devices in leste-config
<uvos> but having it dosent break anything
<uvos> so we can do so later
<uvos> i can pr if you like
<parazyd> Sure
<parazyd> I pushed libsdl change
<parazyd> Should I just build it for devel?
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> ill just update charge-mode for devel first too
<parazyd> *nod*
<uvos> parazyd: please make a mental/phyiscal note to promote these together
<parazyd> noted :)
<freemangordon> Wizzup: don't know what it is, but have a look
<Wizzup> freemangordon: yes but I think we want the one rafael linked, the mobian 5.15 one
<Wizzup> he said:
<Wizzup> but his maemo/beowulf-devel tree there changes the pkg name
<freemangordon> Wizzup: ok, if you say so
<freemangordon> omg
<freemangordon> why are those not in mainline linux?
<Wizzup> so I need to check what that is about
<Wizzup> we want it to be 'our' name
<freemangordon> yeah
<Wizzup> have guests atm, so not super around atm
<freemangordon> ok, lets continue tomorrow
<sicelo> "why are those not in mainline linux?" - afaik they will be. it's just there have been a lot of PP kernel forks for a while, leading to massive fragmentation. now people are finally working on it together, with aim to have one cross-distro kernel. should be easier to mainline
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<sicelo> what was that device that had smartphone form factor, but didn't have a modem? Leste was also mentioned in its pages. I forgot the name now
<Wizzup> the finnish thing?
<Wizzup> necunos?
<sicelo> yeah. thanks! i wonder what happened to them
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<uvos> Wizzup: btw so can we enable charge-mode by default for some devices now
<uvos> Wizzup: also since the n900 problem is fixed i think we should add sphone to meta on devel
<lel> IMbackK opened a pull request: (Add charge mode to all devices)
<lel> IMbackK opened a pull request: (add salutem, charge-mode and sphone to hildon-meta, siwtch pp to libinput)