none specifically. i just recall the issue of emergency calls has come up here a couple of times
/etc/pulse/default.pa -> set "set-default-sink 1
to get audio output in pp with the correct output
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Wizzup: if you end up finding a way to have our pulse audio custom configs... apart of "load-module module-switch-on-port-available" in system.pa, it would be nice to have this "set-default-sink 1" in default.pa
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and as far as I can check with v4l tools, /dev/media0 is the video decoder hardware, and /dev/media1 is the camera, which all seem to work
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freemangordon: if anything, I'd have a look at fcamera
(regarding camera)
well actually it depends on what you want to use it for, I dunno if it would be suitable for live camera streaming or video recording
freemangordon: tks!!
does omap3camd levarage the ISP for debayering?
(ie demosaicing)
I think so
all post-processing happens in omap3camd and IIRC part of it is HW accelerated through ISP
Is ISP open/documented?
bencoh: I see no debayer module, so I guess we get RGB from cameras
or it is done implicitly
There was a libcamera talk at FOSDEM, and Laurent wished he could support omap SoCs there
ISP is already supported in kernel
not sure to what extend though
bencoh: yeah fcamera is great
also, n900 is very tricky in terms of cameras
as front/back switch is done through gpio
last time I checked this was not handled properly in the kernel
I think fcamera was using very custom stuff, including kernel modules. Hence Pavel sort of gave up on it for his N900 camera poc
cedrus hw acceleration seems to be working with VA libva-v4l2-request in PP, at least up to what I could test with H.264
yes, it was using custom kernel modules
Wizzup: were you able to come up with some idea on how to use xkb data? like, we can live without nokia etc kbd models
as we already have that in /etc/default/keyboard
but, I am not able to grok how to get the available layouts based on keyboard model
maybe I am missing something, dunno
freemangordon: no, didn't really think about it much more, do you mean base or base.xml file?
I think I was kind of able to parse the base file in my head, where the repeating lines are additional layouts
but we can just add stuff to base.xml as far as I can concerned
we already fork xkb-data anyway
base.xml is not the same as base, in terms of data/logic
but ok, I will see what I can come up with
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please use libcamera. the pp camera and the n900 camera should be usable though libcamera with the mainline kernel in basic fashion (at least filters and sensor color grading will be needed for n900 to get resonable pictures)
also mapphone cameras will need libcamera too
Wizzup: any problem with the pp kernel PR, lemme know
btw there was a driver for omap4 video decoding in linux mainline staging, and there is a foss ti lib to use it
so should be possible to get that going for hw encode
not remoteproc I hope?
there is even a gst plugin!
but we'll need newer meson version, and prolly other newer stuff
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rafael2k: no problem, just busy this morning, will get on it in a few hours
IIRC, libcamera doesn't support omap* camera subsystem yet. Someone will have to add it
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omap iss should work fine in libcamera via mcc/v4l to get raw data
so the omap side is there
you need support for dealing with particularits of the datastrem ofc
per sensor chip
ie debayer/ color grading, binning what have you
and for sane performance you need to use ducati/ whatever omap 3 hw block is
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freemangordon: no, we get bayer from camera
freemangordon: fcamera saves raw by default (it allows saving a processed version as well, but that's custom processing)
as for video on droid4, iirc it's based on remoteproc, yes
or the TI remoteproc equivalent from back then (2012)
is libcamera really "good" btw? or is it bloated like the android camera subsystem?
uvos: bionic battery really lasts for a long time
Wizzup: could it be related to the latest reverts?
freemangordon: not just that, but also
bionic I think in general idles a bit better somehow
it's surprising how well the bionic works
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Wizzup: should we drop the droid4 and start working on a bionic hw keyboard? :]
bencoh: I think working on a virtual keyboard that can be shown while the app is resized and visible (not blurred) would be helpful
including support for ctrl etc
oh, talking about keyboards, ibus has support for emojis (with a clickable window). I wonder if integrating the hildon keyboard in some ibus plugin would give better results
uvos probably has some ideas on this too, there is the at-spi stuff
like, ibus works with any kind of application, be it gtk/qt, or plain X11 (through xmodifiers)
buZz: just built navit 0.5.6 on maemo
seems to work
Wizzup: perhaps the app does not have to be resized for virtual keyboard to show up
android behavior is to overlay the keyboard as-is
dsc_: well, if you have a terminal and you're typing at the bottom, how does it work?
some applications you'd want to resize (terminal apps), some application may choose to provide their own keyboard (terminal apps?), some applications dont want to resize (browers)
if you want to follow android behavior, that is
im just looking at what my phone currently does :P
buZz: do you know how specify a vehicle for navit?
eh no , i barely know what navit is :P
i found attempts of myself to get it running on a zipit z2 back in 2019
offline routing works well for marble, and iirc they use the same routing engine
buZz: well if you have some time maybe you can try it with leste, we're close to supporting various tablets as well, so could be nice for in-car nav somehow :p
(aka monav)
(which reminds me I should probably update my monav routing database with the data from modrana)
* Wizzup
never used routing on n900
bencoh: hmm yeah it does use the same engine it seems, not sure what went wrong
the navit guys seem kinda active anyway, so it felt like a nice route towards my non-maemo related goal of recycling old tomtoms :P
I would use my pp with maemo to play music and may be at the same time do some gps assisted routing : ))
does the pinephone have a fm transmitter? :P
dont make me cry
ah no :(
some tomtoms do have one :)
how i miss it
thaaat is cool
not quite sure those work for what i want
could even transmit some afsk data to the nearest buddies... eheheheh
when I have my sabbatical year I'll do a cover for the pp just like the lora one, but with a true generic radio, with i/q in and out
<- trying to compile libcamera to see if it works with pp
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this libcamerasrc element for gstreamer would be really useful if it works... we could have camera ui much easily ported and much more generic (instead of hardcoding tons of specific ioctl()'s for each supported device)
rafael2k: hahaha, hackrf pp cover? :D
10w PA with seperate battery
certainly I will borrow some ideas from the pp keyboard, just not the catching fire part
big battery and powerful PA
its catching fire? :P
mine did
overeager usb-c pd? :P
like 2 minutes after being the charger, smoked
'120W? yessirrr'
does it still work? :)
sure, I use as weight for the papers in the table now
(pine64 is sending me a new mainboard to change myself... lets see)
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ah sweet :)
I see in libcamera some specific support for "pipelines", like ipu3, raspberrypi, rkisp1, simple, uvcvideo and vimc, and some enable "IPA" modules, whatever it is, but I doubt specific pp (or N900) support will be perfect out-of-the-box
but at least the infrastructure to add proper support for specific hardware is that, which is nice
(it is still compiling, btw, including the QT app)
(i'm compiling in bullseye chroot for the sake of lazyness... if it works fine, we backport it to beowulf)
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i think pp should have the best support actually ... because that's the "main" device throughout all FOSS projects nowadays
(support in libcamera, that is)
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megapixels is pretty hacky stuff, all hardcoded, but current state (not 5.17 of some days ago) did not have proper v4l functions to handle probing the camera parameters and so on
rafael2k: ok great
maybe its easiest to get some camera ui with libcamera going on rpi first
good... so we can proceed with the idea of pluging camera-ui to gst-libcamera... I plan to do the kernel worklifting soon
or uvc
sure, that can go in parallel
gst-libcamera + libcamera itself
I'll check what might be better, backport the patches, or just go to 5.17...
Wizzup: no worrys :) i just thought you forgot to awnser
uvos: my pretty fast remark was regarding your lock question
uvos: ooooh
uvos: I thought of lock _screen_
Wizzup: right ok so we dont have tmlinds patch
Wizzup: ok ill have to build it then to try it on bionic
I can add it
ok thanks!
Wizzup: please don't forget the no-keyboard-burn kernel for pp
: ))
rafael2k: vat? what happend there? link?
uvos: see my PR to pine64-kernel
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rafael2k: not forgetting, been busy
there are some scare new pp keyboard patches that landed a couple of days ago to make the keyboard behave better... like limiting power and stuff like that
no rush...
it was my fault prolly, but having better software support always make hardware smoke more difficult
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let me finish dinner and then I'll do it
* dsc_
looks at the clock
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here is wine time already... just put my daugher to sleep : )
rafael2k: so sphone dosent work wrt profile switch anymore?
could you paste pactl list?
on pp
uvos: good, lemme test again now I set the default pa device
dsc_: second dinner, had some leftovers :)
id better not tell anyone when i had dinner then....
rafael2k: also sphone log
rafael2k: killall sphone ; sphone -v
uvos: not working
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it still works on mapphone
sphone: route-pulseaudio: failure: set ucm profile to Voice Call No such entity
sphone: route-pulseaudio: failure: set ucm profile to HiFi No such entity
that is 1456273b2f82b5e85324411fb189a57273d772b0 (your HEAD) and 3f0d484ed6b51c664045bd737e647e8e03277570 (current repo head / maemo-kernel-5.15.0tag)
could you just rebase using "upstream"? I dunno what is wrong
sure, but you have a merge commit merging in the old branch/tag
is liblocation integrated with gpds somehow already?
it uses gpsd
gpsd seems to be working fine here
ah, ok
yes gpsd works fine
liblocation is a lib that does some extra stuff but the data comes from gpsd ultimately, but there is some dbus stuff as well
really we should port it to geoclue instead
(the gpsd dbus stuff isn't that great)
note that liblocation is just a dumb proxy for gpsd atm
it does do more stuff than just being a proxy
liblocation seems ok to me, I remember its API from long time ago when I played with it with the N900
it contains some ui elements, a status applet, and other stuff
and it will stop gpsd when it's not required, etc
I don't know much about geoclue so cannot comment
geoclue dose all of this + has working network location sources and sensor fusion
so better stick with liblocation :P
sure ui elemetns etc, i mean liblocation and the location deamon do little besides proxy gpsd atm
ofc the ui and sutch uses it
uvos: yes, we need to look into geoclue to some degree
it probably won't help us with low level integration though
low level integration
mostly we can ditch location deamon, and port liblocation to geoclue to be just a legacy shim
and then have the ui bits use geoclue directly
then all the desktop/phos/plamo applications will just work
I don't have the energy to go into this now, I think we discussed this at length, and we need a way to be able to just turn off gps and prevent apps from using gps when users doesn't want it on
and yes, geoclue probably has a place in all of this
right geoclue provdes this
preventing apps from using gps requries more ofc
Wizzup: looking at other updates, it was always bla.la.0-{1,2,3}...
I mean.. it does not matter tbh, just cosmetics...
btw, looking at libcamera, to have really proper support, we need to create a pipeline there, in order, for example, to use hardware acceleration together with the frames captures
rafael2k: I put the minor version in there
Wizzup: I like
rafael2k: I think we should, but I've been sloppy about some of it
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Wizzup: cool, I agree, next PR I'll do this too
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uvos: sounds good, but let's not do it now