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<calebtheythem[m]> ajr: and UART diagram-
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<dsc_> would be nice of maemo by default would pick qt5 as the installation of choice, i.e this does not work:
<dsc_> s/of/if/
<dsc_> # qmake
<dsc_> qmake: could not find a Qt installation of ''
<dsc_> while this works:
<dsc_> # QT_SELECT=5 qmake -v
<dsc_> QMake version 3.1
<dsc_> without env. variable, it will check these locations for a config file: $USER/.config/qtchooser/, /etc/xdg/qtchooser/, /usr/share/qtchooser/, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qtchooser/, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt-default/qtchooser/
<dsc_> none of these places exist
<dsc_> perhaps the package `qtchooser` should be responsible for providing that config file so that you can use `qmake` (and friends) without manually specifying the presence of a Qt installation
<dsc_> during compilation I want to use the binary `qmlcachegen` (via CMake's `qtquick_compiler_add_resources()`) and that binary like `qmake` also relies on either the env. variable being present or the config file to point to a Qt installation (CMake is appearantly not smart enough to call this process with the required Qt5 installation that was discovered from an earlier `find_package(Qt5 ...)`)
* dsc_ cries in CMake
<dsc_> ehhh.. /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qt.conf does exist
<dsc_> and /usr/share/qtchooser/qt5-x86_64-linux-gnu.conf also exists
<dsc_> but yeah would be nice of `qmake` and `qmlcachegen` would work without manually having to specify the Qt version to use
<Wizzup> hmm
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<Wizzup> dsc_: didn't even realise it still supported qt4 btw
<dsc_> Wizzup: Yeah I noticed that hehe
<lel> sanderfoobar opened a pull request: (precompile QML)
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<Wizzup> dsc_: btw i think you can depend on a package that makes qt5 the default
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<Wizzup> dsc_: qt5-default
<Wizzup> dsc_: maybe just add that to build-depends
<dsc_> Wizzup: ahhh
<dsc_> there we go
<lel> sanderfoobar synchronize a pull request: (precompile QML)
<lel> sanderfoobar synchronize a pull request: (precompile QML)
<lel> sanderfoobar closed a pull request: (precompile QML)
<lel> sanderfoobar closed an issue: (Precompile QML)
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<uvos> dsc_: neat, how mutch dose that help startup times?
<uvos> maybe dont pr on packages you own yourself and use branches instead gets pretty spammy otherwise.
<uvos> or maybe parazyd can add a exception to lel
<Wizzup> I don't think it's super spammy atm
<Wizzup> calebtheythem[m]: btw I might have missed something but I didn't see any 'ajr'
<dsc_> uvos: not sure tbh but it skips runtime QML compilation, surely it will help a bit
<dsc_> ill just push to master </yolo>
<Wizzup> I think the PRs are nice, also for the news posts
<uvos> Im fine with it, if Wizzup wants them. but please, not too manny.
<dsc_> would be nice if lel used NOTICE instead of PRIVMSG
<Wizzup> I probably spam 50x more every day than the PRs ;P
<bencoh> yeah, /notice would be better
<bencoh> (although I know some (misconfigured?) clients show notices as highlights, which is worse for their users)
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<lel> Dastan-glitch opened a pull request: (More readable code + factors)
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<mighty17[m]> <mighty17[m]> "Is the twl6030/6032 gpadc..." <- bump anyone knows?
<uvos> mighty17[m]: did you grep in kernel for a user?
<mighty17[m]> uvos: for a user?
<uvos> a user of the dts bindings
<uvos> right and greping for the compatibile dosent get you some other board that uses this pmic feature to use as an example?
<uvos> or am i missunderstanding what you need
<mighty17[m]> uvos: nope
<uvos> hmm
<mighty17[m]> only twl6030.dtsi (which ofc has it)
<uvos> i dont understand what the problem is then
<uvos> whats wrong with the node in twl6030
<uvos> mighty17[m]: the mainline driver dosent support conversion of some adc channel to a current via giveing it a shunt value
<uvos> to my knowlage this kind of calculation is frowned upon in upstream iio drivers
<uvos> (but this "rule" is often violated)
<mighty17[m]> but well i do need to get my light+proximity sensor working :(
<uvos> you need to add this feature to the driver (looks very easy at glance)
<uvos> or do the conversion in userspace
<uvos> mighty17[m]: so wait
<uvos> you have a light sensor
<uvos> thats just a photodiode?
<uvos> and the adc reads it?
<uvos> in this case
<uvos> you need to write a new iio driver
<uvos> that uses the adc in kernel
<uvos> to provide the lux value
<MartijnBraam[m]> can maemo leste run on armel?
<mighty17[m]> uvos: so i need to make a new driver for the gpadc, why for the iio?
<MartijnBraam[m]> specifically ARMv6 softfloat
<uvos> MartijnBraam[m]: no
<uvos> MartijnBraam[m]: you could build it yourself ofc
<MartijnBraam[m]> rip
<MartijnBraam[m]> well ofcourse, no softfloat device has maemo support so would require some porting
<uvos> we only build amd64, arm64 and armhf
<uvos> t-mobile g1
<uvos> uff :P
<uvos> 192mb ram no?
<MartijnBraam[m]> something like that yes
<MartijnBraam[m]> pretty nice keyboard
<uvos> uh
<uvos> i hated it
<uvos> but ok
<uvos> mighty17[m]: you dont have to write a new driver
<uvos> im still not sure what the problem is
<MartijnBraam[m]> I've used way worse keyboards, it's not as good as the n900 one
<uvos> looks like gp2ap002a00f outputs a voltage
<mighty17[m]> uvos: even i dont know, the driver outputs nothing, but hwtest says its broken
<uvos> and you sould be able to specify the adc channel no problem
<uvos> im not sure why they want to mesure the current of some shunt in the linked dts
<uvos> but then again idk how your hw works
<uvos> but this seams wrong
<mighty17[m]> uvos: well only 2 devices use that gp2ap002a00f and both do it like that
<uvos> ah ok dts is wrong and that sensor outputs a current
<uvos> *dts documentation
<mighty17[m]> ow :o
<uvos> no?
<uvos> its a driver that takes a iio voltage adc channel
<uvos> and converts it to current
<uvos> and you get a current adc channel
<uvos> that you can give the driver
<mighty17[m]> thats what i did
<mighty17[m]> but it doesnt want to work
<uvos> right ok
<uvos> im up to speed then :P
<mighty17[m]> :D
<uvos> so what dosent work exactly
<uvos> dose just haveing the current-sense-shunt wihtout the als chip
<uvos> give you an iio device?
<uvos> also do you get the adc channel that you expect
<uvos> as an iio device
<mighty17[m]> wait wait wait
<mighty17[m]> uvos: that should be in /dev/iio?
<uvos> mighty17[m]: yeah sure the adc device shoule be created at /sys/bus/iio/devices
<uvos> you should have at least in_voltage*_raw for eatch channel
<mighty17[m]> `in_current0_raw in_current0_scale name of_node power subsystem uevent`
<mighty17[m]> it is in `/sys/devices/platform/current-sense-shunt/iio:device3`
<uvos> mighty17[m]: so the current shut works fine
<uvos> so everything up to this point is fine
<uvos> i suspect
<uvos> (check if the number change when you change the light)
<uvos> (dont forget the enable pin of the als if any)
<mighty17[m]> i dunno what app to use
<uvos> cat
<uvos> you can just cat in_current0_raw
<mighty17[m]> uvos: done, the int pin
<uvos> so with the enable pin pulled high/low (whatever is active) dose cat in_current0_raw work fine?
<uvos> and reflect the light?
<mighty17[m]> uvos: i get no output with `cat in_current0_raw`
<mighty17[m]> `cat: read error: Operation timed out`
<uvos> ok so move up a device
<uvos> dose the same error occure if you read in_voltage14_raw on the adc?
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<mighty17[m]> uvos: yes
<uvos> only for this channel?
<uvos> or all channels?
<mighty17[m]> uvos: `in_temp1_raw in_voltage10_input in_voltage2_input in_voltage6_input in_voltage9_input power
<mighty17[m]> in_temp4_raw in_voltage11_raw in_voltage3_input in_voltage7_input name subsystem
<mighty17[m]> in_voltage0_input in_voltage14_input in_voltage5_input in_voltage8_input of_node uevent`
<mighty17[m]> 14_raw doesnt exist?
<mighty17[m]> uvos: and yes `in_temp1_raw` also times out
<uvos> ok so your adc dosent work at all
<uvos> maybe the conversion intterupt line is wrong
<uvos> conversion finished that is
<uvos> also you have a slightly different pmic no?
<uvos> maybe some registers are different
<uvos> check differences in datasheet if you have it
<mighty17[m]> uvos: twl6030-gpadc driver doesnt complain in dmesg tho :(
<uvos> it would not if the intterupt is wrong
<mighty17[m]> uvos: yeah but it is supported by twl6030-gpadc
<mighty17[m]> :o but interrupt is correct afaik
<mighty17[m]> wait u mean the gpadc also needs an interrupt? i only have the ALS_INT
<uvos> it has a conversion finished irq
<uvos> clearly its not fireing
<uvos> so you have to figure out why
<mighty17[m]> <mighty17[m]> ""; <- this is correct right?
<mighty17[m]> does no device use twl6030 gpadc? damn
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<mighty17[m]> ok definitely something wrong in enabling twl6032-gpadc, how do i debug it? am i missing some reg for it?
<devrtz[m]> Hey there, just wanted to let you know that there is now a CfP for the FOSS on mobile devroom @FOSDEM:
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<uvos> great
<Wizzup> MartijnBraam[m]: we had armel builds before
<Wizzup> MartijnBraam[m]: it wouldn't be too hard to add again I suppose
<Wizzup> I mean, it would be quite some work, but not hard work
<Wizzup> the photon q slides differently than the d4
<Wizzup> it feels more like the n900
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> also the display is miles better
<uvos> (when it dosent break that is)
<MartijnBraam[m]> the photon q looks so nice, so unavailable though
<Wizzup> also 20 xt610 arrived
* Wizzup puts them away for later
<Wizzup> ... in like a year
<MartijnBraam[m]> droid pro
<MartijnBraam[m]> what's that
<MartijnBraam[m]> oh with the blackberry style keyboard
<MartijnBraam[m]> POWERVR
<uvos> droid 1 in a blackbarry formfactor
<Wizzup> yeah
<uvos> droid 1 is like n900 essantaly a omap3 referance implementation
<uvos> so they are are exteamly samey
<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> they're light
<Wizzup> (without battery)
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<calebtheythem[m]> all this photon Q talk oo
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<bencoh> photon q features a snapdragon though ...
<Wizzup> yeah
<bencoh> with a modem-in-soc design, iirc
<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> but it slides nice :)
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