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<f_> I should have 2 more Pi2 cases laying around for the new boards :)
<f_> Also it would be funny to port these to postmarketOS too
<f_> Funny because these boards aren't even available for purchase right now..and postmarketOS is about increasing the longevity of EOL devices :P
<f_> (and running doom on your smartwatch)
<f_> (and a nextcloud server on your phone)
<f_> (can't think of other funny usecases with postmarketOS)
<narmstrong> those new boards should be rather easy to support in PMOS since u-boot in on the spi rom !
<f_> postmarketOS amlogic port speedrun
<narmstrong> And why isn't there a generic aarch64 uefi device ?
<narmstrong> it would be even faster
<f_> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<f_> It was easy to port lepotato to pmOS too
<f_> less than a day to port.
<narmstrong> f_: do not tempt me!
<f_> what?
<f_> What did I do?
<narmstrong> to do the port
<narmstrong> in speedrun
<f_> Nahh let me do it.
<f_> I'm really bad at speedruns anyway :P
<narmstrong> I think it would be time to have a generic aarch64 uefi
<f_> Yeah there's a generic x86 uefi port so sounds like a good idea
<f_> Just need to say it in #postmarketos oftc
<f_> or work on it
<narmstrong> I'll probable try to hack something, it if works I'll say it on #postmarketos
<f_> narmstrong: but I think it would be better to have postmarketOS with U-Boot
<f_> so that U-Boot gets upgraded with postmarketOS
<f_> That's how it's done on some chromebooks IIRC
<narmstrong> sure, both could exist like it's done in armbian
<f_> (although you have to flash the ROM manually)
<f_> Could try doing it for lafrite too..for now wiki just says that if you want to use pmOS U-Boot erase the SPI chip with flashrom
<f_> not really ideal.
<narmstrong> yep
<f_> Could hack something in pmbootstrap/mkinitfs
<f_> so that it automatically flashes the SPI (with a prompt so that the user can cancel)
<f_> narmstrong: IIRC you know some pmOS maintainers right?
<f_> Some of them are working on Qualcomm support and at least one of them is from Linaro IIRC
<narmstrong> f_: yep caleb and konradybcio
<f_> Right :)
<f_> If you want I can review your MR but as I'm not a postmarketOS maintainer (despite the fact that I maintain the amlogic kernel package and a few devices) I won't be able to approve it.
<f_> on a separate note; the folks at linaro and others did a really great job at supporting Qualcomm SoCs
<f_> so much so that one day I decided to use mainline on my daily driver
<f_> *phone
<f_> It's a phone :P
<f_> So far it's incredible what they've done
<f_> still not perfect but getting there!
<phh> hum i tried doing a pmos port (sorry for the infidelity but that was on rockchip devices), spent 3 hours and it wouldn't build images without any error message other than "Failed generating image". considering the kernel does all the hw compat, it felt that was 2h30 too much
<f_> the folks at #postmarketos are usually helpful if you're encountering errors with pmbootstrap
<f_> But first thing you should do is run pmbootstrap log
<phh> well yes of course
<f_> There should be something before that error
<f_> Either way I never got that error when porting to my set-top box and lepotato/lafrite
<phh> k thanks for the feedback I'll try again
<f_> Upgrade your pmbootstrap first
<f_> then try pulling pmaports again
<narmstrong> yeah it puzzling at first, i first did an edge port but there was an error in the packages then i switched to the release and it worked, but it's not easy to find what are the issues
<narmstrong> and most of the time it's a checksum issue...
<phh> narmstrong: ah thanks for that feedback. i was indeed on edge, assuming that edge had a ci
<f_> edge does have a CI.
<narmstrong> sure, but when you're on it you don't want to wait for the next day to have the packages sorted out...
<f_> So there's another CI for MRs
<f_> GitLab runners actually
<f_> and you can run the CI scripts on your host with `pmbootstrap ci`
<f_> win 14
<f_> ^ usual IRC client mistakes :P sorry
<f_> I realised 0xd900a800+ was just a ddrs struct
<f_> is it?
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