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<f_> How similar is AXG to GXL?
<f_> lvrp16: oh BTW where's cottonwood acs?
<f_> Oh wait I think I found it.
<f_> and it's..different from the older SoC ACS..
<f_> Oh no what have they done. __bl2_reg..
<f_> No ddrt struct anymore?
<f_> aha!
<f_> AXG PUB register offsets seems to be the same as on gxl
<f_> Different issue. Finally some progress.
<f_> gxbb BL2 seems the wait for DLL lock
<f_> gxl BL2 doesn't(?)
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<lvrp16> f_: it should be in the same repos
<f_> Yeah I found it.
<lvrp16> Except there is additional lpddr4 bringup stuff.
<f_> Quickly looked at git log
<f_> seems like librecomputer boards are getting a little popular among postmarketOS maintainers :P
<f_> One of them ported pmOS to solitude
<lvrp16> Yes I need to turn off the NPU by default.
<f_> he doesn't have alta though it seems
<lvrp16> Currently busy working on the camera bits.
<f_> Nice. Cottonwood-powered smart camera?
<lvrp16> If any of the maintainers need boards, just have them ping me.
<lvrp16> We will be done with the V1 rev next week.
<f_> V1 is just V0.2 with another switch I guess?
<lvrp16> Yes
<lvrp16> But small changes require large layout changes.
<f_> Ah.
<f_> Which layout changes?
<lvrp16> Adding a switch meaning rerouting a bunch of lines.
<f_> ah sure
<f_> Of course
<f_> Did I ever said that SPI/MMC switch was genius?
<f_> I could have BL2 and al in SPI and have SPL in MMC
<f_> SPL doesn't work? flick the switch and run ums
<f_> also I was a little confused as to if you can communicate with the bootROM on the USB-C port
<f_> "did I ever say.."
<f_> AXG seems similar to gxl when it comes to registers
<f_> Sure, the base address is different, but apart from that it's pretty similar.
<f_> bl33/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-axg/regs.h
<f_> has a whole bunch of registers, and if you look at the offsets of the DRAM-related ones and compare with the S905X datasheet..
<lvrp16> You can communicate with the BootROM over USB C
<f_> Ohh nice.
<f_> haha we're just getting closer!!
<f_> Didn't think I'd get this far in that less time!
<f_> >Waiting for PGSR0, currently 0x808000ff
<f_> But it seems like an error occured somewhere?
<f_> arch/arm/mach-uniphier/dram/ddrmphy-regs.h:#define MPHY_PGSR0_WLAERR BIT(23) /* Write Leveling Adj Error */
<f_> Let's compare ghidra's decomp with my code.
<f_> We're almost there!
<f_> 1/2 seems to succeed according to PGSR0!
<f_> Different error this time:
<f_> arch/arm/mach-uniphier/dram/ddrmphy-regs.h:#define MPHY_PGSR0_QSGERR BIT(22) /* DQS Gate Training Error */
<f_> But I know why.
<f_> I'll continue tomorrow.
<f_> For now, cya!
<f_> Made some progress for sure.
<f_> U-Boot SPL on lepotato is nigh!
<f_> :D
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<josch> hi, i'm building u-boot for the MNT Reform with the Banana Pi CM4 using I noticed that with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH set and even when using faketime, the amlogic-boot-fip machinery produced different output every time even though its input remains identical.
<josch> Is there a way to produce a reproducible u-boot image for that platform in the reproducible-builds sense?
<minute> ah, f_ left like 1.5h ago
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