USB mode in SPL...saw that SPL seems to have support for DFU mode?
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At least have something standard for USB mode :P
Some undocumented registers...
so let's <del>guess the address</del> grep for ddrt.cfg_ddr_al (supposed to be written to that register) in ghidra
_DAT_c8839140 = (uint)ddrt_p->cfg_ddr_al;
^ there's our address.
f_: can you chainload stuff with DFU? not sure about that
I still have to do some more research on what would be the best way to support USB mode
if dfu can, let's keep dfu then
I have no idea about if it can do that
so it seems DFU runs which permits you to write in RAM (run_dfu()) then spl will try to load from this RAM location (spl_ram_load_image()) like if was preloaded in RAM before SPL
Yeah that's what I thought by quickly looking at the code.
So we could write a tiny tool that sends SPL and then just do DFU
SPL would init ddr then run dfu for the rest
<del>steal</del> borrow some code from pyamlboot/aml_boot
pyamlboot would only be needed to load SPL in BL1
That's why we need only ~10% of pyamlboot
`dfu_alt_info_ram=uboot.bin ram 0x8000000 0x1000000` do DFU would export "ram" to write in it
sending to BL1 is only 1%???
so 99% of pyamlboot is used to handle BL2 USB mode?
compared to the G12A boot sequence, yeah it's ultra basic
dev.writeLargeMemory() then dev.run() and you're done
as for the binary to send..instead of using u-boot-gx[bb,l]-with-spl.bin you can just use spl/u-boot-signed.bin
narmstrong: ah so write to memory and run lol
BL2 is where the fun ends then :P
Sounds good.
I can try writing a tool that does that
translate worldcup in french and slap the translation to your tool, you're done
Should work fine on gxl as U-Boot can switch USB to device mode
not sure about gxbb though.
GXBB has a dual mode dwc2
so it can
I know, but is that supported in U-Boot?
That's what I meant by 'not sure'.
so dfu-util has a --detach option which exits run_usb_dnl_gadget cleanly and continues boot, smart move DFU dudes
so what shall we do?
nohingm everything is already done
got GXBB, it may already work since we declare a dual role dwc2 in DT
I mean..should we teach people how to use 2 different tools to do DFU?
1 to send SPL and the second to send commands to SPL?
no script should do the load with pyamlboot then continue with DFU if it detects DFU instead of the BL2
Cut down pyamlboot or actually use it as a library :P
yeah whatever
Still have to make it work on gxbb :P
so it seems nobody tried to enable USB gadget on GXBB
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I mean sending stuff with pyamlboot
yeah also
could probably work as-is, no idea
Tested an amlogic-usbdl fork a long time ago and it works fine on gxbb
(of course)
whatever, just load SPL from USB and mess with DFU
That's all we need to do.
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one Amlogic-specific tool to send SPL, and just use one of the many DFU utils available
They said they were going to restrict stuff if I don't enable 2FA.
narmstrong: snagboot is looks nice though
*snagboot looks nice though
Am looking at the code
there was an embedded recipe talk after mine about it
Oh nice
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+1 for using snagboot. it's a great project and would benefit from more SoC support
mkorpershoek: Let's use it then!
After messing with gxl SPL support.
7win 14
mkorpershoek: wow didn't know about it at all
lvrp16: Didn't know about it either until narmstrong brought it up.
+1 for using it as well.
Not sure how it'll work on g12+
narmstrong: I guess you do the same thing mostly?
* f_
clones aml_boot
it's the same goal yes
Just load a binary and run it?
snagboot does either recovery, what I do, or factory program, which isn't doable on G12s, but doable on GXL since we can load other binaries in addition to u-boot
IIRC snagflash just interacts with U-Boot
>snagflash communicates with U-Boot to flash system images to non-volatile memories, using either DFU, UMS or Fastboot.
hmm ok then not sure we enable any of those on all amlogic platforms
UMS is enabled.
(at least on libretech-cc defconfig)
My plabe was to add support for amlogic, but I failed...
narmstrong: in snagboot?
what failed?
I personally use mostly `snagrecover`. Once I get an U-Boot shell I prefer to use my manual flashing scripts i'm more used to