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<f_> amlogic pointer hackery.
<f_> can't get ghidra to figure out that that hackery is a structure...
<f_> _DAT_c8838090 = (uint)*(byte *)(ddrt_p._0_8_ + 0x17) << 8 | 0x20100000 | ddrs.ddr_clk / 0x14 - 1;
<f_> it as close as we can get? `ddrt_p._0_8_ + 0x17"...
<f_> `ddrt_p._0_8_ + 0x17`...
<f_> ^ this is cfg_ddr_refi BTW
<f_> the struct editor is really nice.
<f_> tells you the offset of things.
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<f_> upgrading my system before doing more hacking
<f_> The joys of rolling-release operating systems...
<f_> ok done.
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<f_> hmm
<f_> I guess we'll leave it at that..and manually figure out struct addresses...
<f_> not really much of a problem to me except if I'm looking for whenever some ddrt member is used...
<f_> Oh finally
<f_> >_DAT_c8838090 = (uint)ddrt_p->cfg_ddr_refi << 8 | 0x20100000 | ddrs.ddr_clk / 0x14 - 1;
<f_> just had to create a 'pointer to ddrt' type and use that instead.
<f_> ddrt_p is a pointer after all..
<f_> (p stands for pointer)
<f_> Not sure why it shows up differently on ghidra compared to gxbb bl2
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