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<f_> lvrp16: Sure..their datasheets are of mediocre quality anyway
<f_> I'll double-check with the gxl decomp
<f_> but before I continue I wonder if that outdated p212 BL2 works on lepotato
<f_> I also wonder if I should implement some sort of USB mode on SPL?
<f_> Would that be of interest for anyone?
<f_> Excellent. As expected 2017 AArch64 p212 BL2 works on lepotato
<f_> I know it's outdated but it works.
<f_> Except poweroff is now b0rked :P as expected
<f_> Well that sucks :P
<f_> pctl init looks quite different
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<f_> By the way Amlogic BL2 now has a brand new DDR feature
<f_> You can now set the DDR clock to <200MHz :P
<lvrp16> f_: did you see orangecms aml_boot?
<f_> Heard about it
<f_> What of it?
<f_> AFAICT it lets you use your amlogic junk just like an ESP32?
<f_> junk==set-top box
<f_> (cottonwood isn't junk :))
<f_> Looks nice
<f_> Could try it on my box
<f_> and lepotato/lafrite
<f_> lvrp16: IIRC you boosted something about it in twitter?
<lvrp16> Boosted the ER stuff since it had so many great talks and tickets did not sell out.
<f_> ER has many great talks for sure
<f_> So many great sponsors as well
<f_> and overall I like how ER is organised :D
<lvrp16> My personal favorite was the pipewire stuff.
<f_> Haven't watched that talk (yet)
<f_> and AFAIK I'll have to wait until the recordings are published
<f_> Overall I also like how many people come back from ER/KR with some new boards :)
<f_> and stickers and al
<lvrp16> Haha they took all the V02 boards. I didn't even get one myself.
<lvrp16> I think I have to add another switch for the V1 based on feedback.
<f_> Too bad! lol :P
<f_> pretty ironic
<lvrp16> Problem is, I cannot test the upstream patches 🤣
<f_> lvrp16: Which other switch?
<f_> 🤣
<lvrp16> GPIO for CSI switch for A311D.
<lvrp16> A311D supports 2 camera. If we add a switch, it can support 1 GPIO.
<f_> So far seems like the attendees liked your boards lol
<f_> by too much
<lvrp16> Yeah it hit a bunch of feature boxes.
<f_> just wait for a V0.2 board to arrive for you then lol
<f_> honestly that SPI/MMC switch is genius
<f_> I should perhaps get a HDMI dongle for my case something goes wrong
<f_> because that reset button at the bottom doesn't actually trigger USB mode like it does on lafrite (and lepotato?)
<lvrp16> Haha thanks
<lvrp16> I think you need eMMC attached
<f_> on that box?
<f_> There's eMMC, it's just filled with zeros
<f_> so that I can boot from an SD card
<f_> pressing that reset button seems to trigger download mode in vendor U-Boot it seems
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<f_> could be nice to put mainline U-Boot on that eMMC and the OS on external storage media
<f_> and let it boot EFI/extlinux/...
<lvrp16> You can flash the bootloader to boot0 as well.
<f_> on gxbb?
<lvrp16> So it does not mess with GPT
<lvrp16> GXL, never tested GXBB
<f_> Yeah that box is gxbb
<lvrp16> I didn't use GXBB because the features were relatively incomplete.
<f_> Yeah GXBB looks a little incomplete to me
<f_> seems to me that it was more of a 'test' and that gxl would be the finished product..if you know what I mean
<f_> I should probably get a gxl/g12 set-top box
<f_> lots of corners cut and manufacturers tend to not care about standards
<f_> lvrp16: Have you heard about Pi5 news?
<f_> all the proprietary firmware is on SPI now :P
<f_> I expect the SPI to be rd-only
<lvrp16> The ISP is great.
<lvrp16> I have my reservations about the rest of the design.
<lvrp16> The need to emark Type C cables
<f_> First RPi board to implement PSCI
<lvrp16> But a lot of it is upstream so it is better in some ways than the old way things were done.
<lvrp16> But given RK3588, it is a hard sell next year.
<f_> what's a hard sell?
<f_> Pi5 or RK3588?
<lvrp16> Pi 5
<f_> sure
<f_> and cottonwood exists too :P
<lvrp16> Different market
<f_> Of course
<lvrp16> We have a lot of things after that target different things.
<f_> I like how you avoid saying that "X board replaces Y board"
<f_> and that newer boards are intended for a different market
<f_> and that you'll continue to support all older boards :P
<f_> It's not like others who make new boards to replace older ones.
<f_> What you're doing doesn't leave other users using older boards behind, and I like that
<lvrp16> Yes I still have a list of GXL things to fix. Mainly the codec stuff.
<f_> :D
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<f_> :D DRAM pll init still broken :D
<f_> And guess what..they moved the PLL lock bit to another register!
<f_> Looking at the datasheet they moved it to AM_DDR_PLL_STS
<f_> and double-checking in gxl BL2 confirms that
<f_> Don't know why they felt like it..
<f_> anyway..have both the S905 datasheet and S905X datasheet side-by-side
<f_> ah
<f_> PLL_STS also exists on GXBB
<f_> they also added AM_DDR_PLL_CNTL5
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