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<f_> hi
<f_> Today, let's reverse-engineer Amlogic BL65535.
<narmstrong> BLPi
<f_> also reverse-enginer BL655350 and BL655351, as well as BL655353.
<minute> narmstrong: your laptop is almost ready to go btw, sorry for the delay
<f_> A311D MNT Reform! :D
<minute> yes :3
<minute> the only remaining issues with it (from my POV) is that wifi is somehow limited to 20mbps (need to compare with vendor linux and armbian) and it would be great to solve dual display (mipi+hdmi), if possible
<minute> otherwise it's a really nice machine
<f_> Sure :)
<f_> there's also one remaining issue you forgot to mention, proprietary BL2+SCP+BL31
<minute> i'm daily driving it and watching all my tv shows on it etc :D
<minute> f_: sure. would be awesome to free those
<f_> I should get A311D hardware sooner or later.
<f_> lvrp16 offered to send me boards once again
<minute> f_: we can send you a bpi+io board if you don't have another source
<f_> 2 A311D boards instead of one?
<narmstrong> minute: no problem, happy it’s still happening !!!
<minute> f_: sorry, i meant the bpi cm4... it needs some IO board to work, as it's just a som
<f_> no I mean
<f_> 2 A311D boards from 2 manufacturers?
<f_> cottonwood + bpi-cm4?
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<chewitt> f_ I'll remind that you're welcome to get any boards and bits of hardware needed and expense to LE via opencollective
<chewitt> of course if others have samples and such available easily that's fine too :)
<f_> wow so much people wanting to send me boards or expense :)
<f_> not sure I have a way to expense to LE though :/
<f_> all I have is a barely-used monero wallet..
<f_> but a warm thank you to everyone who supports me :)
<f_> (either by offering to give away boards, or expense.)
<f_> Appreciate it
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<f_> hmm that SCP bug really bugs me..
<f_> my box never boots half of the time because of it (in SPL)
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<Kwiboo> f_: hehe, I should probably try your latest branch, and see if I can replicate, did not see any SCP loading issue last time when I tested my old branch with plain c/p from old bl2 code
<Kwiboo> but then I have not bootet my amlogic boards since then :-)
<f_> hm yeah you told me already..
<f_> perhaps the bl30+bl301 binaries are buggy
<f_> I later want to have SPL etc on eMMC and libreelec on SD
<chewitt> f_ if you have a bank account opencollective can wire funds back to you .. very simple :)
<chewitt> just submit the receipt for reimbursement
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<f_> chewitt: sounds really easy :)
<f_> Kwiboo: not sure if it's a coincidence or not but I recently ripped out a cable connected to a separate DVB board and now it tries again and again and at the end just never boots :P
<f_> As far as I know I'm just left without DVB (which doesn't work in mainline anyway) but it should still be able to boot.
<f_> One really nice thing now is that I can now use the holes that were previously used for the DVB-C/T2 and DVB-S2 connectors for the UART cables and put the board back in its case :D
<f_> s/thing now/thing/
<f_> Kwiboo: your bl30+bl301 binaries didn't work either it seems
<f_> I've tried troubleshooting before and came to the conclusion that `while (readl(GX_SEC_HIU_MAILBOX_STAT_0 + 3 * 3 * 4));` was hanging
<f_> so probably something I'm doing wrong when sending the firmware..
<f_> or something else checksum-related?
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