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<chewitt> vkoskiv: the kernel patches are likely required to make the rpi-ffmpeg branch work
<chewitt> I wouldn't be surprised if there are sub-optimal things in the memcp paths
<chewitt> the code hasn't really been touched beyond basic "make it compile again" fixups since early 2020
<chewitt> the kernel has likely moved onwards in places causing a little code drift
<chewitt> conformance tests flag a few things
<chewitt> (hence it's all still in staging)
<chewitt> vp9 should work as long as it's 8-bit content
<chewitt> the challenges that I see are that lots of vp9 is 10-bit which results in board lock-up
<chewitt> or it's in 59.94 which results in "Fatal Error, invalid HDMI vclk freq 593406" and nothing plays
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<lvrp16> f_: both the codec hw ip is completely proprietary to Amlogic.
<lvrp16> that might make it pretty difficult to RE.
<f_> too bad..but I wasn't going to reverse-engineer vdec
<f_> That might make it difficult to RE though, indeed
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<cyrozap> IIRC the AMRISC registers and memory are visible to the host, so reverse engineering the ISA should be fairly straightforward. Even with purely static analysis of the firmware binaries I was able to identify possible jump instructions. So, really it's just a matter of time and energy that needs to be spent to RE that ISA--it didn't look like anything really exotic, and a 5- or 6-bit opcode space in
<cyrozap> 28-bit instruction words means there aren't too many instructions to RE in the first place.
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<cyrozap> My guess is that AMRISC is just your basic textbook MIPS-like 32-bit RISC CPU, and once the ISA is RE'd it should be straightforward to RE the video decoder hardware.
<f_> still reverse-engineering vdec?
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