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<acheam> yes
<acheam> its in packages
<acheam> phoebos has the same setup
<noocsharp> was it pretty straightforward to get it set up?
<acheam> I had trouble figuiring out SSL
<acheam> but besides that it was fine
<phoebos> for me it Just Werked
<acheam> how did you generate certs?
<phoebos> actually, it took a moment to get it to use the right certs
<phoebos> i just used the ones i had for https lol
<acheam> same
<phoebos> idk if that's bad
<acheam> they wont refresh
<phoebos> wdym
<acheam> s/refresh/renew/g
<cotangent> <acheam> they wont renew
<acheam> automatically
<acheam> so your instance might stop working on nov 13
<acheam> when your website cert expires
<phoebos> oh i have acme-client in a crontab
<acheam> oh you mean both httpd and prosody are looking at the same file?
<acheam> I couldn't figure out how to get that to work lmao
<phoebos> it's copied across lol
<phoebos> 0 0 * * * acme-client && rcctl reload httpd && cp /etc/ssl/ /etc/prosody/certs/ && cp /etc/ssl/private/ /etc/prosody/certs/
<acheam> oh
<acheam> lmao
<acheam> make sure that it doesn't make the privkey world readable
<phoebos> cp shouldn't change perms after i've set them correctly for the existing files
<acheam> I thought you needed -p for that?
<phoebos> -p would preserve the perms of the copied file no
<acheam> ohh
<acheam> just copied that
<phoebos> :)
<noocsharp> i don't think i can use the same cert because mine doesn't cover subdomains
<phoebos> it's not too difficult to extend it to a subdomain
<acheam> yep just add it to the "alternative names" array in acme-client.conf
<noocsharp> don't know if i even want to use the same cert, i didn't for my email
<noocsharp> i do for tho
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<acheam> why not?
<acheam> i'm not even using a subdomain btw
<noocsharp> heresy!
<noocsharp> if you're running the server for family/friends, do you have them register on your server?
<acheam> Yeah I just made accounts for them
<acheam> I have registration turned off
<acheam> so need to do it with prosodyctl
<noocsharp> are you using
<acheam> yes
<noocsharp> that feels weird
<acheam> it does
<acheam> I could also do it with
<acheam> but was too lazy
<acheam> dns and certs were already setup for
<noocsharp> fair enough
<noocsharp> tbh if i was running something for other people, i might buy a new domain for it
<acheam> yeah
<acheam> I've been wanting to get a fun domain for publically hosted stuff for a while
<acheam> .space and .red/.blue/.black have good potential for fun domains
<noocsharp> huh, .space domains are not as expensive as i would have expected
<acheam> $23/yr?
<noocsharp> porkbun has one as $16/yr
<acheam> not bad
<acheam> still more expensive than .org/net/com/whatever
<acheam> i'm still slightly annoyed that is taken
<noocsharp> is available, but you can only register it in the EU
<acheam> rip
<noocsharp> holy, is only $11/year
<acheam> nice
<acheam> actually might scoop up
<acheam> from dynadot its $2 first year, then $13 after thatr
<noocsharp> it's probably marginally cheaper on porkbun if you're looking for the lowest price
<acheam> hmm yeah
<acheam> didnt realize porkbun was so much cheaper than dynadot
<noocsharp> i still need to transfer my domain from epik...
<acheam> oof
<acheam> this is what you get for listening to loook smith
<noocsharp> how stupid do you have to be to store passwords as unhashed md5
<noocsharp> i mean unsalted
<acheam> maybe i'll get something greek
<acheam> or latin
<acheam> like
<acheam> noocsharp: yeah....
<noocsharp> latin or greek could be interesting
<noocsharp> probably more things available
<acheam> more cool TLDs: .ooo, .observer, .online, .racing, .rodeo, .software, .solar, .tires, .zone
<acheam> would be cool
<acheam> too bad i'm not in eu
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<Guest93> Hi
<Guest93> i am testing sowm and i see it has a keyboard shortcut to take desktop screenshot (src) which is and where can i find the tool, the keyboard shortcut doesn't seem to do anything. Thank you
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<GalaxyNova> noocsharp: oof
<GalaxyNova> why did you register at epik in the first place
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<GalaxyNova> was it cheaper?
<noocsharp> yes
<noocsharp> now i know why :`(
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<dilyn> porkbun is The Way :D down with all other options
<dilyn> the pig is eternal
<GalaxyNova> porkbun?
<dilyn> domain registrar
<GalaxyNova> ah
<GalaxyNova> I've always used
<dilyn> support #smallbusiness and #startups
<dilyn> down with Big Domain
<GalaxyNova> lmao
<Hazoune> porkbun is the key
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<GalaxyNova> I hate packagekit with a passion
<GalaxyNova> I mean
<GalaxyNova> i guess it's fine for *normies*
<GalaxyNova> but not in a million years is it gonna make it on my computer
<testuser[m]> Who talked about packagekit
<testuser[m]> why do you hate it
<testuser[m]> where did you useit
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<GalaxyNova> testuser[m]: It's the thing fedora uses that basically adds windows-style updates to windows
<GalaxyNova> linux*
<GalaxyNova> windows-style updates to linux
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<testuser[m]> What did you use fedora for
<testuser[m]> Does anyone know if it would be possible to be running sway on tty1 and xorg on tty2 or would i have issues with both the things trying to access the gpu ?
<testuser[m]> Ik xwayland exists but still
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<aws> hello!
<testuser[m]> Hi
<aws> what's the state of kisslinuxcommunity ?
<testuser[m]> Alive
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<omanom> @acheam irssi is listed by suckless themselves under "software on this page should have ideas similar to the suckless philosophy":
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<ryoshu> I have udev-zero questions
<ryoshu> is the author here?
<omanom> they're not online at the moment
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<testuser[m]> ryoshu: just ask
<ryoshu> does that monitor netlink junk must be a socket?
<ryoshu> does libinput work?
<ryoshu> is the implemented functionality good enough for kde/gnome/similar
<ryoshu> is the daemon functionality implemented elsewhere, like key remapping and how does it really work in systemd? an event arrives at daemon, it mutates it and submits to a listener connected to the daemon?
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<illiliti> ryoshu: 1. the only way to access netlink is socket, so yes
<illiliti> 2. yes
<illiliti> 3. not sure about gnome but kde should be OK
<illiliti> 4. daemon functionality is out of scope
<ryoshu> do we need key remapping functionality to fixup / quirk devices for libinput?
<ryoshu> For function keys mostly
<ryoshu> is there any problem if the fd is not a socket, but e.g. named fifo
<ryoshu> I research adding udev for !linux
<ryoshu> so no netlink, but I can add functionality that is comparable
<ryoshu> are there users of filtering APIs?
<ryoshu> Overall udev-zero seems to save me half of the work
<ryoshu> I need to replace monitor netlink with something else
<ryoshu> and I rather want to have the daemon functionality if it is an added value
<illiliti> udev key remapping was designed by systemd devs to fix kernel quirks in userspace. Feel free to use any other key remapping program if you need one
<ryoshu> how would you put it between kernel and libinput differently?
<ryoshu> I want to reuse hwdb
<ryoshu> 60k LOC of entries is a lot of work to redo
<ryoshu> if you have a better design idea please share
<ryoshu> like a 3rd library connected to libinput, next to libudev and libevdev
<ryoshu> I'm not sure I really need udev startup scripts, I think it's a niche feature
<ryoshu> but I would pick some features that give added value for libinput
<ryoshu> I think I can also maybe put the remapping directly into libudev
<illiliti> libinput has its own quirks feature iirc
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<ryoshu> I think they are a different set
<illiliti> i don't think it's good idea to do key remapping because it's completely unrelated to libudev functionality
<illiliti> just create your own key remapping program and do it there
<ryoshu> How would you design it reusing prior knowledge from libudev/udevd
<ryoshu> Does it need to be a program? Can it be a library?
<illiliti> just a program/daemon
<ryoshu> why program?
<ryoshu> I don't get this part.
<ryoshu> Have you got a version of libevdev?
<illiliti> because it doesn't need to be library
<illiliti> what are you trying to achieve btw?
<ryoshu> Get libudev/libevdev/libinput on !linux
<illiliti> what is !linux? bsd, win, mac?
<ryoshu> Keeping something close in spirit, but saner
<ryoshu> netbsd
<ryoshu> and as much API compatible as reasonable
<illiliti> it's hard to port libinput to netbsd because libinput hardcodes evdev
<illiliti> same for libevdev
<ryoshu> For evdev I plan to add kernel support
<illiliti> speaking about libudev, i'm already working on cross-platform alternative
<ryoshu> new API?
<illiliti> yes
<ryoshu> rationale for new API, woulld it fit into existing users?
<ryoshu> what's your progress
<ryoshu> I mostly care about libinput
<illiliti> i'll rewrite libinput to use new lib
<illiliti> i'm working on enumeration API for openbsd/netbsd currently
<illiliti> it's hard to get right because openbsd/netbsd uses static nodes
<f1> that sounds nice
<f1> is the code for it already hosted somewhere, or is it just an idea?
<illiliti> the code is not public
<illiliti> i'm still working on it
<f1> good luck
<testuser[m]> nice
<illiliti> ryoshu: are you sure that netbsd devs will merge evdev support? i heard they very against any linuxisms
<ryoshu> I'm one of them
<illiliti> wow
<ryoshu> I think we need to add another compat layer over wscons
<ryoshu> and export raw keycodes
<ryoshu> we already do it for linux / freebsd and something else compat
<illiliti> ryoshu: do you know an API to enumerate usb/pci devices?
<illiliti> on netbsd
<illiliti> freebsd has devinfo for that but it uses dynamic nodes for /dev. netbsd/openbsd uses static nodes which makes things complicated
<ryoshu> drvctl -tl
<ryoshu> is it good?
<ryoshu> we have devpubd
<ryoshu> I can talk later. I need to detach.
<illiliti> ok
<illiliti> drvctl -tl seems good
<illiliti> drvctl is root-only, right?
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<ryoshu> no
<illiliti> good
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<testuser> 8-)
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