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<CounterPillow> try adding a modulo 2pi at the end
<CounterPillow> otherwise your rotation angle just keeps getting larger until it overflows
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<yrc> Hello. Do you know if video similarity detection (e.g. by czkawka) works best with low-definition video (e.g. 256x144), or high-definition (e.g. 720p or 1080p)?
<MisterMinister> CounterPillow: unsure what would that do please?
<CounterPillow> MisterMinister: keep the number from overflowing while keeping the behaviour in terms of rotation the same
<CounterPillow> i.e., fix your problem
<CounterPillow> 2pi rotation is the same as 4pi rotation, 6pi rotation, etc.
<furq> -vf "rotate=angle=90*PI/180*mod(t\,4)"
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<MisterMinister> CounterPillow: tryed `angle='mod(90*t,360)'` and it worked in CLI, but video looks jittery. This Using "rotate=angle='mod(PI/2*t,2PI)'," should have worked but it didnt... furq's example seem to have worked OK. Thank you.
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<MisterMinister> furq: Thanks got it now )
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<sirmangler> I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction, im trying to send a h264 stream down RTMP to an nginx server, and while it works in command line, ffmpeg doesn't seem to write the header properly in C++. The error I'm getting in nginx is "invalid video codec header size=5", but ffmpeg gives me no errors.
<sirmangler> What could cause ffmpeg to write the header wrong? The file format is flv. Storing it as a file instead works perfectly.
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<drew> I have AVCHD video from a digital camera that I would like to back up in a sensible lossless way. right now the videos exist in PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM/*MTS and there are lots of other smaller metadata files around them, but I think the MTS files can exist on their own. Would using ffmpeg with copy on v and a streams into an mkv be losslessly muxing them into an mkv container? Is there a better
<drew> way I should be backing up these files in a sane way?
<drew> then with the avc videos backed up, I can encode smaller forms of the videos using x264/aac or something to easily share or whatever
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<drew> actually if the mts files can survive on their own I guess I can just back those up lol
<Marth64> Backup the whole structure?
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<drew> do I need anything else in the structure, though?
<drew> it would be very hard to navigate if I back up all these dirs and files that may not do anything important
<Marth64> It depends on what value the metadata adds. Thr MTS files should just be standard MPEG-TS streams, in practice, they may be fine to keep on their own
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<JEEB> if you want to analyze the MPEG-TS, I recommend DVB Inspector
<JEEB> I dislike java, but this is the least bad inspection software for MPEG-TS :)
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<xyproblem> hello i have a question about the command line output of ffmpeg relating to the speed that is printed near the end of the command line output
<xyproblem> can i find documentation for this command line output somewhere?
<xyproblem> the output is frame, fps, q, Lsize, time, bitrate, speed
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<xyproblem> what exactly are these?
<JEEB> I think that's the stats, so the stats might be documented
<JEEB> I think frame number and fps are quite self-explanatory. q is generally some sort of quantizer average if the encoder exposes it.
<sonicrules1234> Speed is how fast ffmpeg is going through the file compared to real time playback
<xyproblem> i guess its the average speed?
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<xyproblem> im trying to profile a bunch of ffmpeg commands to see how long it takes for them to run
<xyproblem> so i need the total runtime of the command or the average speed
<JEEB> /usr/bin/time -v ?
<xyproblem> when the command is running the values keep changing im just making sure that speed is the average value
<JEEB> that should have both real time of the command as well as CPU time etc
<xyproblem> i do use time but if ffmpeg provides stats i might aswell use those
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<xyproblem> but i need to be sure what they mean
<xyproblem> after a quick search i didnt find any documentation for it
<JEEB> yea the exact calculation and gotchas you can only figure out by the code. a general explanation of the stats output is probably somewhere
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<xyproblem> so should i stick with time?
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<xyproblem> or if anyone knows i could use a link to the documentation
<JEEB> that gives you the full time of the command
<JEEB> and esp. the /usr/bin/time with verbose output gives you a whole bunch of stats
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<xyproblem> i didnt use verbose i will try that next
<xyproblem> thanks again
<JEEB> note that just "time" only gives you the built-in of your shell
<JEEB> while the separate binary gives you stuff like
<xyproblem> what do you mean by separate binary?
<xyproblem> also i cant seem to run it with -v
<JEEB> as I said, just "time" probably gives you the shell built-in
<JEEB> you need to try and run it literally as /usr/bin/time
<JEEB> that should run the actual binary
<xyproblem> oh i understand
<xyproblem> i just installed time so you were right
<xyproblem> now the output is different
<xyproblem> and -v works
<xyproblem> thanks
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