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<evilscreww> hellooo
<aaabbb> hi
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<evilscreww> does this stuff work with VFR videos?
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<aaabbb> yep
<aaabbb> -vsync vfr
<aaabbb> if you don't do -vsync vfr, then it will choose vfr or cfr based on the container you use. so if the destination container is mp4, it will default to cfr, which means duplicating frames when necessary. you can use -vsync vfr to override that behavior
<evilscreww> can you go from vfr to cfr losslessly?
<aaabbb> what do you mean? the tbn will be adjusted so that it looks visually like vfr, but the encoding itself will generally be lossy
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<aaabbb> you can also rebuild the timestamps to coerce it into becoming cfr losslessly, but you usually don't want to do that because it messes with timing
<aaabbb> evilscreww: do you have to turn a vfr video into a cfr one?
<evilscreww> basically ive taken some clips with my phone and i wanna merge them together
<evilscreww> and my phone has vfr natively and you cannot change it
<aaabbb> if they were taken with the except same settings, you don't have to change anything, and you can merge losslessly
<evilscreww> im about to install this program to see how we go
<evilscreww> so far i was using lossless cut
<aaabbb> what you'd do is first turn them into mpeg-ts files, then use the concat muxer to losslessly merge them
<aaabbb> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy output.ts
<aaabbb> then do
<aaabbb> ffmpeg -i "concat:output1.ts|output2.ts|output3.ts" -c copy merged.mp4
<aaabbb> make sure to do -c copy so it doesn't try to reencode anything
<evilscreww> oh this is a command line deal isnt it.
<evilscreww> no GUI?
<aaabbb> handbrake is the best gui for ffmpeg, but the cli is more powerful
<evilscreww> more powerful ... ? since its using the cpu direct?
<aaabbb> since you can use all the features instead of only the features handbrake chooses to support
<aaabbb> do you know basic cli, like how to navigate directories?
<evilscreww> yep
<aaabbb> then it should be easy enough to losslessly merge the files. are all the files encoded with the exact same parameters (dimensions etc)?
<evilscreww> yes. the only thing thats different is the frame rate
<aaabbb> that'll be fine
<aaabbb> (probably, depending on the timebase, but you can adjust that if you have to)
<aaabbb> timebase is how often the video "ticks" internally, a timebase of 60 with a frame rate of 30 means it shows a new frame every two "ticks". and a timebase of 1000 means that frames can be output in any multiple of 1/1000th of a second
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<aaabbb> evilscreww: how many videos do you want to merge?
<galad> Handbrake is not even a gui for ffmpeg. Yes it uses many parts of libavcodec libavformat and libavfilter, but none from ffmpeg cli
<evilscreww> at this stage just 3 (because im just learning) but there will certainly be more in future.
<evilscreww> galad so which gui would you recommend then
<aaabbb> galad: those are still the ffmpeg libraries
<galad> Yes, but then it has got its own filters
<galad> Its own encoder
<galad> Sync pipeline
<galad> Subtitles conversions
<galad> Etc
<aaabbb> evilscreww: then first, do a lossless stream copy to .ts, "ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -c copy input1.ts" for all your inputs
<evilscreww> https://ibb.co/Wt7mhYN how do you interpret this
<aaabbb> evilscreww: a program that's naively trying to merge files and doesn't know how to change the timebase i guess
<evilscreww> can i use powershell for this or command prompt
<aaabbb> i'm guessing either. i haven't used windows in decades, i only know command prompt
<evilscreww> oh are you on linux
<aaabbb> yeah
<evilscreww> cause that might make a diff
<evilscreww> yeh dam.
<evilscreww> sorry im on win
<aaabbb> no difference
<aaabbb> same ffmpeg, same command line syntax
<evilscreww> https://ibb.co/NZ5wF1K this is what it looks like incase you were wondering
<aaabbb> yep that's ffmpeg
<evilscreww> powershell supports drag and drop
<evilscreww> thaats why i prefer
<aaabbb> idk how that works, but i assume when you drop it will paste the full path to the file?
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<aaabbb> then type "ffmpeg -i " and drag and drop the first file, then " -c copy video1.ts"
<evilscreww> i see.
<aaabbb> that will turn the first video into a .ts file (mpeg transport stream) losslessly
<evilscreww> sigh it looks like i have to duck out for the moment but i will leave this screen open and give it a crack later.
<aaabbb> ok
<evilscreww> but i have to /quit
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<evilscreww> sup
<evilscreww> okay ive done away with kiwi irc for now
<evilscreww> have you seen this yet
<aaabbb> i don't use android, but i'd recommend handbrake if you want a gui, otherwise just use ffmpeg cli
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<evilscreww> it has 4.6 stars - which is exceedingly rare for an indie app
<furq> just from the screenshots that looks fine if you're on a phone
<furq> seems more like a helper to not have to get a shell and then type into it on a phone keyboard than an actual gui
<furq> plus it has ads and in-app purchases which we all love
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<evilscreww> yeh fair
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<destmaster> Hi, I'm using -tee to send my mpegts stream to two different outputs. It's works, but seems that the options applied to mpegts doesn't are applied to the stream.
<destmaster> see here the complete command https://pastebin.com/9HrAsr1g
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<furq> destmaster: the tee muxer ignores the mpegts muxer flags
<furq> you'd need to set them all in the tee output string
<furq> or just use multiple outputs if you don't mind encoding twice
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<destmaster> what is the proper syntax to add multiple options to tee using mpegts? [f=mpegts:mpegts_start_pid=769,mpegts_service_id=1] doesn't work
<destmaster> using only one option works fine [f=mpegts:mpegts_start_pid=769]
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<destmaster> <furq> do you know how to add also the metadata in the tee output string
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<kmikita> How to remove from x264-stream [SIDE_DATA]rotation=180[SIDE_DATA] during COPY?
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<kmikita> "-display_rotation 0" solution
<kmikita> JEEB, thanks!
<JEEB> np
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<psxrd> Hi, I am working with mp4 files which have lost their brand information (major brand, minor brand and compatible brands). Is there a way to recover this information by analyzing the file using the ffmpeg libraries or CLI, or possibly another tool? I am primarily interested in the compatible brands part and it would be sufficient if I could test the
<psxrd> files for specific compatibility, like isom.
<JEEB> isn't isom just isobmff :P
<psxrd> As far as I know, yes, but is there a way that I can verify that a given mp4 file can be interpreted as a isom/bmff file given that the compatible brands information isn't available? If it was available, it would be as easy as checking if it contains "isom"
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<echelon> hi, compression is optimal for cartoons?
<Marth64> cartoons tend to lossy compress well, yes, but lossy compression will always result in a loss of quality from the source. depending on how you configure the compression, it may be completely unnoticeable.
<echelon> sorry, i mean what compression is optimal*
<Marth64> the loss of quality may be completely unnoticeable* (aka "visually lossless")
<Marth64> ah
<OfficerPendejo> echelon: which codec?
<Marth64> depends on who you ask, and what are your needs. stick to H264 (via libx264 codec), HEVC (via libx265), or AV1 (with a codec of choice) and you'll be fine. i believe all 3 have a setting to specifically tune to cartoons.
<echelon> it's not really a cartoon, it's a graphs and charts, with moving parts, so a lot of solid colors
<echelon> -a
<echelon> OfficerPendejo: anything that can be embedded for web
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<Marth64> start here and fine-tune it accordingly
<Marth64> ffmpeg -i INPUT -map 0 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune animation OUTPUT.mp4
<echelon> thanks!
<Marth64> np
<echelon> generally, the more lossy your settings, the less cpu consumption?
<Marth64> the preset value will help control that, you can change it e.g. from medium to veryfast
<Marth64> and less cpu that way. but the quality is probably uglier
<echelon> gotcha, thanks!
<Marth64> yep
<Marth64> generally speaking you are right but of course it is complicated and there are layers to the topic
<echelon> i'm basically going to be capturing a gui application over XForwarding, and i think ffmpeg is capable of capturing just the window in linux
<echelon> for live streaming*
<Marth64> it probably is
<Marth64> interesting i never thought of it that way. graphs and charts are kinda like a cartoon.
<Marth64> i'll keep that in mind if i ever have to compress those type of videos.
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<echelon> :)
<Marth64> echelon: do you plan on capturing sound also?
<echelon> no, there's no sound
<Marth64> cool. I would advise then the following, small change
<Marth64> -map 0 =======> -map 0:v:0
<Marth64> this way, ffmpeg will only concern itself with video, and not care if somehow the screen capture includes sound or whatever :)
<echelon> hmm if it only does screen capture, i don't think it will have an audio source anyway
<Marth64> yeah, i just wasn't sure. it depends really on the input demuxer you use
<Marth64> this will rule it out confidently though. it's like a known variable you can control, sometimes thats good
<echelon> gotcha
* Marth64 tries to be strict with -map to eliminate ambiguity when possible
<echelon> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Capture/Desktop .. does linux have anything similar to gdigrab?
<echelon> so it captures a specific window only
<echelon> yeah, gdigrab is windows-only
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<echelon> apparently you can pass "window_id" https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-devices.html#x11grab
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<Marth64> sorry it's been some time since i've done this, but yes x11grab is probably what you need
<Marth64> i am not sure if works on wayland also
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