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<GrampaWildWilly> First time here so please forgive noob errors.
<GrampaWildWilly> I am looking for some help using accented characters in file names passed to ffmpeg.
<GrampaWildWilly> No takers?
<aaabbb> it takets time to get answers
<DonTrackMe> takers?
<DonTrackMe> remove accents in the first place? LMAO
<aaabbb> i don't think ffmpeg cares about accents in the filename
<aaabbb> that's your filesytem's job
<GrampaWildWilly> Right.  I've actually got it mostly working.  And thank you for responding.
<GrampaWildWilly> So here's what I do.
<DonTrackMe> I guess if proper apostrophe are used to define what is, between the quotes, part of the path and filename, ffmpeg should slip on it
<GrampaWildWilly> This is on Windows 11 Pro, by the way.
<GrampaWildWilly> First I issue chcp 1252
<DonTrackMe> why don't you give a break to MichaelSoft BinBows
<DonTrackMe> Try Debian
<DonTrackMe> Bill Gates is way behind me.
<GrampaWildWilly> Then I execute ffmpeg -i "A name like thés" "Another file name with àccents"
<DonTrackMe> I carry some windows 7 vm's for some old fashioned apps and that's it
<GrampaWildWilly> And other parameters of course but that's just window dressing.
<DonTrackMe> are you French?
<DonTrackMe> I'm a frenchie...
<GrampaWildWilly> The function works.  The results are correct.  The output file has the right name.
<DonTrackMe> Arrête de mettre de accents partout...
<GrampaWildWilly> The weird thing is that in the ffmpeg log, which I capture via 2>"Yet another file näme with accents" . . .
<GrampaWildWilly> The ffmpeg report of the output file name replaces each accented letter with one of those ugly double-byte codes.
<GrampaWildWilly> The file name in the report is displayed weird, but the function worked.
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<GrampaWildWilly> DonTrackMe je veux de sérieuses réponses.  Je les accepterais de toi si tu en as à offrir.  Et non, je ne suis pas francophone, mais j'ai appris le français assez bien à l'école.  Alors, soyons un peu plus sérieux.
<DonTrackMe> Je ne sais pas, comme les autres disent, les accents, c'est ton système d'exploitation qui les gèrent à condition que tu mette bien ente guillemets le chemin complet du fichier
<DonTrackMe> Sérieusement, je me contente de fournir a ffmpeg des fichier ou des chemins ne contenat ni espaces, ni caractères spéciaux. . . .
<GrampaWildWilly> Oui.  C'est ça que je fais.  Tout fonctionne à merveille.  Mais le log de ffmpeg montre mal les noms des fichiers.
<DonTrackMe> ...
<DonTrackMe> flush windows 11
<GrampaWildWilly> Moi, je m'intéresse à l'op
<GrampaWildWilly> Damn
<DonTrackMe> Exact...
<DonTrackMe> Damn windows 11 avec les layers de langues qu'il t'insère même en ligne de commande...pour ton bien..
<DonTrackMe> nah
<GrampaWildWilly> Moi, je m'intéresse à l'opéra.  Les noms des opéra sont parfois comme La Bohème ou Roméo et Juliette.
<DonTrackMe> bah oui
<DonTrackMe> on dis pas contre
<DonTrackMe> on parle de bill gates, pas contre js bach
<GrampaWildWilly> Extrait d'un log de ffmpeg:
<GrampaWildWilly> Output #0, mp4, to 'M:\VDH Testing\Die Zauberflöte Video 20230603.mp4':
<DonTrackMe> t'a déja essayé d'écrire sur un smartphone en anglias ou le clavier et l'autocorrecteur était en français.
<DonTrackMe> Oufffff.
<DonTrackMe> hmmm
<GrampaWildWilly> Mais le nom du fichier est plutôt N:\Opera\Die Zauberflöte Video 20230603.mp4
<DonTrackMe> installe vbox, mets debian, test voir si dans linux tu as les memes problemes de caractères spéciaux...
<DonTrackMe> pourquoi les gens aiment tant windows 11? Il fait les Grilled Cheese ?
<GrampaWildWilly> Linux.  C'est trop de travail.  J'y ai déjà mis assez d'effort pour faire marcher Windows.
<GrampaWildWilly> Windows s'installe.  Linux n'a pas d'instructions claires pour aider ceux qui n'y connaissent rien.
<GrampaWildWilly> Mais je ne suis pas ici pour débâttre les plus et moins de Windows vs Linux.  Je veux parler de ffmpeg.
<DonTrackMe> tu as essayé linux y'a 20 ans?
<GrampaWildWilly> ffmpeg, s
<DonTrackMe> linux ajd tu boot l'iso tu fais du next nxt next comme dans windows pis tes sur un desktop..
<GrampaWildWilly> ffmpeg, s'il te plaît.
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<DonTrackMe> Je suis un irréductible de windows.
<DonTrackMe> bah comme les autres disnet
<DonTrackMe> je crois pas que ffmpeg soit la cause du problème ic
<GrampaWildWilly> Et quant à ffmpeg?
<DonTrackMe> ici
<DonTrackMe> mais entre temps
<DonTrackMe> je te dirais d'essayer de passer tes fichiers par ffQueue,
<DonTrackMe> je participe au débuggage du truc
<DonTrackMe> interface gui pour ffmpeg pour win. linux et autres...
<DonTrackMe> tu drag et drop ton fichier et tu choisis tes reglages d'encodage..
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<GrampaWildWilly> J'imagine qu'il y a un paramètre qui signifie à ffmpeg de me donner les caractères comme il faut.
<DonTrackMe> je suis curieux de savoir si sur win1, tu as les memes problemes
<DonTrackMe> installe cette merde
<DonTrackMe> mets tes fichiers avec des accents dedans, dis moi s'ils passent.
<GrampaWildWilly> J'utilise ffmpeg par biais des .bat et des logiciels Rexx.
<GrampaWildWilly> Drag'n'drop ne va pas.
<DonTrackMe> si son app fais chier, il la corrigera. si ffmpeg fais chier, il communiquera avec les instances appropriés
<DonTrackMe> je sais mais.. pour tester ffmpeg seulement
<DonTrackMe> drag ton flicher dans ffqueue, fais le encoder en mp3 ou whatever...
<GrampaWildWilly> C'est quoi ça ffqueue?
<DonTrackMe> vois si le nom du fichier marche
<DonTrackMe> merde
<DonTrackMe> va regarder le site je t'ai mis..
<GrampaWildWilly> OK.  Et ça va m'enseigner quoi?
<DonTrackMe> tu me niaise...
<DonTrackMe> sibol
<DonTrackMe> ca passe tes noms de fichier avec accents directement dans ffmpeg sans tes .bat
<DonTrackMe> si ffmpeg est en cause tu le saura.
<GrampaWildWilly> OK.  Et après?
<GrampaWildWilly> Ça va me montrer quoi?
<GrampaWildWilly> Ah.  OK.  Je pense que je vois maintenant ce que ça va me dire.
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<DonTrackMe> 1 min, be right back
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<DonTrackMe> Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'Z:\User A\tboucher\Desktop\StatsCanada.éèô.MOV':
<DonTrackMe> Output #0, mp4, to 'Z:\User A\tboucher\Desktop\StatsCanada.éèôçc.mp4':
<DonTrackMe> Successfully completed with 37 lines of statistics!
<DonTrackMe> -hide_banner -i "Z:\User A\tboucher\Desktop\StatsCanada.éèô.MOV" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -c:v copy -c:a copy -movflags faststart -aspect 16:9 -f mp4 -y "Z:\User A\tboucher\Desktop\StatsCanada.éèôçc.mp4"
<DonTrackMe> He left the scene... I spent too much energy for hin...
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<GrampaWildWilly> dontrackme est tu toujours là?
<GrampaWildWilly> es tu.  Je connais les mots corrects.
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<SuRGeoNix> Hi, I'm using avformat_open_input to open ddagrab with lavfi, is there any way to supply the d3d11 device? (normally i was doing that with AVCodecContext but this needs to be done in AVFormatContext)
<SuRGeoNix> It seems that AVFilterContext supports graph_parse with the AVBufferRef *hw_device but how can I parse it from avformat_open_input options?
<JEEB> for the record you don't need avformat for ddagrab
<JEEB> it is part of avfilter and that has directly hw things there IIRC
<SuRGeoNix> I know but currently I've not implemented video filters so I let ffmpeg create them
<JEEB> and yes that is I think one of the reasons why the lavfi avdevice is going to be deprecated soon; it does not provide full access to the underlying avfilter context, and in ffmpeg command line you can just do `-filter_complex ddagrab` or so, which was eye-opening for me as well. ffmpeg does not need "inputs" to handle input :)
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<SuRGeoNix> yes make sense, but my problem is that the stack works demux->decode->render ... it will not be easy to just remove the demux part for now :)
<JEEB> actually you would not have either the decode :P since you are getting already decoded images from avfilter
<SuRGeoNix> indeed just (process)->render
<JEEB> the lavfi avdevice would also most likely give you wrapped avframes, so that wouldn't have decoding, either
<SuRGeoNix> I guess will just copy the texture from one device to another for now... .but might not even possible (needs to be shared?)
<SuRGeoNix> yes needs the shared flag and it's not there
<JEEB> yes, since you need to give that flag to the hw frames context or whatever it is
<SuRGeoNix> I don't have access to that :)
<JEEB> yes, since you are trying to get by with the lavfi avdevice instead of utilizing the filter directly.
<SuRGeoNix> might be possible to use fmtCtx priv data to get lavfi priv context
<SuRGeoNix> the issue with that is that i can get that after it opens it
<SuRGeoNix> Thanks for you clarifications anyways ;)
<JEEB> yes, I would recommend just not using too much time with lavfi avdevice and instead focusing on the ddagrab filter. for the record, lavfi also has a more explicit api than the "magical filter graph" one
<JEEB> I did personally prefer that one, since creating filter instances and then connecting them felt more explicit and you learned what those structures were underneath
<SuRGeoNix> yes, I will leave this for now, I was going to add it if it was simple but I will push it for my next major release (which will support (process)->render directly)
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<TuxJobs> I think I've found a solution to my issue where cutting out parts of .mp4 or .mkv videos grabbed a frame or two "too much": I simply first use FFMPEG to convert the file to be cut into an .avi. Then I do the cutting on the .avi file.
<TuxJobs> The only problem is that it takes a million trillion years to do the converting.
<TuxJobs> Does FFMPEG use the GPU or all CPU?
<TuxJobs> Also, furq, I finally was able to try that ancient Mp3 encoder, but was unable to make it "blip" or "blop". So I guess it had to do with bad ripping of the CDs or something after all.
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<another|> unless you specifically set gpu, it's all software
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<Masterbyte> Hello here
<Masterbyte> Is here the good channel for ask some question?
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<TuxJobs> another|: Is there a good reason for that?
<TuxJobs> another|: Isn't using the GPU much faster and better for video stuff?
<TuxJobs> another|: And is the way to do this as simple as using a --use-gpu flag or something?
<JEEB> btw, if the conversion to avi took ages it means that you re-encoded, if you are OK with re-encoding then you don't need to convert to anything first unless your initial container does not have any indices
<JEEB> since seek to a point with decoding should not have to limit itself to random access points for obvious reasons
<JEEB> also: GPUs are great for *video* stuff, such as shaders for image manipulation and such. video formats not specifically designed for the limitations of GPUs do not fit well into the GPUs themselves
<JEEB> that is why around 2008-2010 the GPU vendors gave up trying to do video encoding with GPGPU
<JEEB> and moved onto hard-wired ASICs to do video decoding and encoding
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<znf> Can you do tone-mapping (hdr to sdr) with cuda* stuff?
<znf> I see that `zscale` is usually recommended to do that, but that will obviously have to be run on the CPU
<JEEB> zscale doesn't do tone mapping either
<JEEB> there's three filters that do "proper" tone mapping, and I would probably recommend the libplacebo video filter for that (uses vulkan)
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<JEEB> zscale does map HDR to SDR in a clipping manner I think, but nothing fancier than that "since there is no specification for tone mapping"
<znf> can you actually fit a vulkan filter in between nvenc stuff
<JEEB> then you have the two tonemap filters, where the CPU based one is based off of really older version of mpv's tonemap, and then the opencl one is based off of a newer version of it :D and libplacebo is then mpv's rendering stuff moved onto a separate library (and then improved and rewritten a good few times)
<znf> I mean, without a bunch of hwdownload/hwupload ?
<znf> I feel like that would make a gpu very pissy about it
<JEEB> I don't think you need hwdownload, since HW to HW transfers (or remappings) are done by the hwupload filter
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<JEEB> I think there was some remapping support at least one way
<JEEB> but in the worst case there might be a GPU to GPU memcpy
<JEEB> it should not have to touch grass (RAM)
<JEEB> at least even nvidia itself publishes examples of going both ways - vulkan image buffer to cuda and then synchronizes it with vulkan
<znf> got a link?
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<znf> ah, I was thinking of an ffmpeg example :D
<JEEB> anyways, hwupload most likely will work - and that's something that in the very worst case is a GPU to GPU memcpy
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<JEEB> also as a fun side note, since vulkan hwdec interfaces now exist, and nvidia supports them in their drivers you can actually do decoding straight into a vulkan surface now
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<haasn> znf: try hwmap?
<znf> last time I tried that, I managed to break everything :D
<haasn> I'm pretty sure people combine libplacebo with nvenc routinely
<haasn> or hwupload=derive_device=cuda apparently
<haasn> derive_device=vulkan I mean
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<znf> just to clarify, it _is_ sufficient to use `-hwaccel cuda` and `-hwaccel_output_format cuda` for ffmpeg to use a hardware decoder, right?
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<JEEB> should be visible with `-v verbose`, but I'd expect yes.
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<znf> I'm playing around with a little toy,
<znf> and for some reason they're specifying `-c:v h264_cuvid`
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<JEEB> that is basically the pre-hwaccel thing which passes the NAL unit parsing etc onto the driver
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<JEEB> it might also have scaling capabilities within the decoder component of the driver, which if you are doing only one output might leave you with a shorter command line, maybe?
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<znf> I asked and the dev's answer was "that doesn't account for the card's capabilities
<znf> "
<znf> which makes me a bit confused -- why would you need to account for it, ffmpeg falls back to software anyway, right?
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<JEEB> well the one thing specifying that driver decoder should cause is a failure if there's nothing
<JEEB> but I think you can get clear failure when the hwaccel is available as well?
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<znf> [h264 @ 0x55a93d356e80] Reinit context to 1920x800, pix_fmt: yuv420p
<znf> Selecting decoder 'h264' because of requested hwaccel method cuda
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<znf> JEEB, are the `_cuvid` decoders a bad idea, usually?
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<JEEB> yes, since a lot of the metadata etc parsing and handling from FFmpeg is not getting utilized. the packets are just being pushed into whatever nvidia is doing
<JEEB> which also means that if there is support for some metadata or whatever added in FFmpeg, someone would then completely separately have to integrate that into the nvidia APIs if they allow for it to begin with
<JEEB> since hwaccels utilize the core of the FFmpeg decoder, but then leave slice decoding to the hw thing, and thus are able to share code
<znf> does this metadata include HDR stuff?
<JEEB> while the separate decoders are literally that - just separate decoders
<JEEB> they have to redo the stuff that would otherwise be in the framework
<JEEB> yes, various side data
<JEEB> HDR is side data as well
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<znf> thank you
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<znf> [libplacebo @ 0x55aefe00dc80] Expected vulkan hwdevice for vf_libplacebo, got cuda.
<znf> [Parsed_libplacebo_2 @ 0x55aefd401300] Query format failed for 'Parsed_libplacebo_2': Invalid argument
<znf> what am I doing wrong? :-/
<znf> I'm doing:
<znf> [0:0]hwupload=derive_device=cuda,libplacebo=w=1280:h=720:pad_crop_ratio=0:format=nv12:normalize_sar=1:fillcolor=black
<haasn> hwupload=derive_device=vulkan ?
<znf> same thing
<znf> do I need to -init_hw_device vulkan=gpu:0.0 ?
<haasn> maybe -filter_hw_device
<haasn> although I'm not sure given that you want to derive the vulkan device from the cuda device or vice versa
<haasn> maybe Lynne knows
<haasn> honestly we should just add a usage example to the manual
<haasn> it's such a common thing to want to do
<haasn> znf: I don't suppose you could use vulkan hw encode/decode
<znf> wouldn't that use OpenCL stuff instead of nvdec stuff?
<znf> (I'm not sure how that works)
<JEEB> no
<JEEB> vulkan hwdec is just another interface on the same hwdec
<JEEB> so it has nothing to do with vulkan graphics
<znf> doing: -init_hw_device vulkan=gpu:0.0 -filter_hw_device gpu -hwaccel nvdec -hwaccel_device 0
<znf> gets me further, but:
<znf> [AVHWFramesContext @ 0x55e851588740] There are no supported modifiers for the given sw_format
<znf> [Parsed_hwupload_1 @ 0x55e850390e80] Failed to configure output pad on Parsed_hwupload_1
<haasn> try hwmap instead of hwupload
<znf> [AVHWFramesContext @ 0x556f62a59b40] The hardware pixel format 'nv12' is not supported by the device type 'Vulkan'
<znf> >_<
<znf> but why
<haasn> I'm confused, 'nv12' is a sw pixel format
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<haasn> znf: are you using -hwaccel_output_format cuda
<haasn> I guess not
<znf> I'm not now
<haasn> without that option you will get software frames as output
<znf> that doesn't change the outcome
<znf> [AVHWFramesContext @ 0x556b68585080] There are no supported modifiers for the given sw_format
<znf> [Parsed_hwmap_1 @ 0x556b6a30cb40] Failed to configure output pad on Parsed_hwmap_1
<znf> [Parsed_hwmap_1 @ 0x556b6a30cb40] Failed to create derived frames context: -22.
<znf> but it changes the error message
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<haasn> perhaps I should add native cuda interop to libplacebo
<haasn> that would certainly allow you to sidestep a large chunk of this mess
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<haasn> looking at my own command history I ingest 'vaapi' frames directly into vf_libplacebo
<haasn> (since I don't have a cuda device)
<haasn> and that just works (tm)
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<znf> and I don't have any other kind of device, heh
<haasn> znf: as a work-around, if you can figure out a way to transform the cuda frames into vaapi or dmabuf, then vf_libplacebo could directly ingest those (even without a vulkan device initialized by you)
<haasn> I'm guessing the modifiers errors come from the vulkan hwcontext
<znf> like legit all I have is nvidia everywhere on linux machines
<JEEB> at least nvidia itself does point at various ways of sharing buffers
<JEEB> so clearly it should be possible
<JEEB> philipl was working on some of that stuff I think?
<JEEB> since he has had an interest towards cuda stuff
<haasn> conclusion: need to add cuda interop to libplacebo
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<haasn> just gotta steal the code from mpv
<JEEB> in theory hwupload should JustWork, but I've not really poked at it since most of my use cases are without hwdec with ffmpeg
<TuxJobs> JEEB: I don't know if it's actually true, but my idea of converting to AVI is like "using the exact same quality as the MP4, pad out every frame so that it exists based on the heavily space-saved MP4 original", so that exact seeking to a frame really does cut there and not slightly before/after as happens with a format that uses "keyframes".
<TuxJobs> JEEB: So there would be no point in enabling GPU usage as they are not good for video encoding stuff?
<JEEB> TuxJobs: random access points is probably what you refer to as "keyframes". but yes, if you are OK with re-encoding then you can just do... that :D
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<JEEB> instead of first going through another transcode
<JEEB> TuxJobs: for encoding the ASICs are optimized for speed and latency. not for compression
<TuxJobs> Why would I not be okay with re-encoding? Does that imply that the quality suffers in some way?
<JEEB> I thought since you were using the word "to cut" you would have wanted the original video packets
<JEEB> which is also why generally you need to cut on random access points
<JEEB> since otherwise you lose possible references
<TuxJobs> ? :S
<znf> > Does that imply that the quality suffers in some way?
<znf> Yes.
<TuxJobs> The only thing I mean is that if I use the .mp4 file directly, I often get one frame flashing by in the finished video file after I cut out a portion, instead of where I actually cut. First converting the MP4 to AVI seems to make this problem go away.
<znf> All video transcoding is lossy (unless you want to output raw video for a few gigabytes/second)
<TuxJobs> znf: But AVI is lossless, no?
<znf> no, AVI is a container
<TuxJobs> (And also uncompressed)
<JEEB> if you were codec copying into AVI it would be lossless since the original video packets are read from the input mp4 container and put into the avi container
<JEEB> but since you said it takes ages, you are re-encoding into *something*
<JEEB> and if you are OK with re-encoding, then you might as well just do decode+encode from the original
<TuxJobs> I assume it takes ages simply because it has to first "read" the MP4 file and then output the massive AVI one.
<znf> dunno what ffmpeg defaults for avi, I'd assume h264 at this point
<JEEB> not H.264 I'm pretty sure
<JEEB> ye olde MPEG-4 Part 2
<haasn> TuxJobs: try -codec copy
<JEEB> for video, and MP3 or AC3 for audio
<znf> > mpeg4 (Simple Profile) (FMP4 / 0x34504D46), yuv420p
<JEEB> but really, you don't need the copy into avi :D
<haasn> but probably that will reproduce the same issue as your mp4, just now in avi container
<znf> If you don't want to lose quality (ie: not transcode), you need -c copy, but as haasn said, that will most likely exhibit the same issue
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<znf> or, well, -vcodec copy or whatever
<TuxJobs> I use `-i infile.mp4 -q:a 0 -q:v 0 outfile.avi` to convert the MP4 to AVI and in mpv it says "mpeg4" when pressing "i" in the .avi.
<znf> yes, you _are_ transcoding
<TuxJobs> Dammit.
<TuxJobs> :(
<znf> and no, it's NOT "uncompressed"
<TuxJobs> And yes, the "flashing frame from previous frame" issue just happened for the first time now that I made another test...
<TuxJobs> And I thought I finally had a nice way to losslessly cut out videos from videos.
<TuxJobs> May not be uncompressed, but 3x the filesize of the MP4.
<znf> like I said before, `AVI` is just a container, that doesn't really tell you what kind of video codec it contains. Could be MPEG-4 Part2, could be XVID
<znf> you could use -c:v rawvideo, but that won't be pretty on your storage space
<TuxJobs> What does `-codec copy` or `-vcodec copy`? And which one is it?
<TuxJobs> I hate losing a "generation" of quality.
<TuxJobs> Just because I want the annoying junk they put in the beginning and end gone from videos.
<znf> -codec copy specifies to copy the audio and video streams (and I think subtitles too, if present)
<TuxJobs> Um...
<znf> -vcodec copy copies only the video, it will transcode the audio to whatever the default is for that container (mp3 or ac3)
<TuxJobs> znf: What is the correct way to make a sub-video of a MP4 (not losing quality)?
<znf> define "correct"
<znf> if you need to cut specific segments, you either accept the fact that there's extra-data at the beggining/end, but retaining the source quality
<znf> or you accept the fact that you need to re-encode (thus losing some quality), but having the specific frames you want
<znf> there's no other way
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<Lynne> znf: what are you trying to do?
<znf> Lynne, I was just playing around with a project that uses ffmpeg in the backend
<znf> was trying to replace scale_cuda with libplacebo
<znf> while retaining hw decoding/encoding with nvenc
<Lynne> use vulkan for decoding?
<znf> the binary I was playing around with doesn't have support for it
<Lynne> you need to use hwdownload,format=vulkan,libplacebo,hwupload,format=cuda, I think
<znf> wouldn't that cause a lot of data being copied in vram?
<Lynne> no, cuda has a special interop
<Lynne> haasn: it isn't *as easy* as adding a dmabuf interop, not by a longshot
<Lynne> you cannot map vulkan frames to cuda, you can only map cuda frames to vulkan
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<Lynne> which means you must control the allocation of the input vulkan frames (which you masquararade as being vulkan frames after allocating and exporting them from cuda) to be able to "interop"
<znf> so the best way would be to move everything over to vulkan...
<znf> which is great if you're doing it on Linux
<znf> horrible experience for Windows, last time I tried building a binary for it
<Lynne> it's weird, nvidia let you export cuda to vulkan, let you **run cuda code IN vulkan**, but don't let you import vulkan into cuda
<znf> not sure if BtbN made his build script do vulkan on windows, yet
<znf> or if he even has any interest
<BtbN> Why would it not just work?
<znf> my current (6.0) binary built with your script doesn't have it on windows? I can't recall why
<BtbN> 6.0 is just too old
<znf> yeah, I should make my custom patches apply to the 6.1 release, but I've just haven't had an urgent need for it yet :)
<znf> just gotta move my ass to do it
<haasn> Lynne: how exactly does a filter like `hwupload` do vulkan -> cuda? wouldn't that require `cuda` being listed in av_hwdevice_get_hwframe_constraints(vulkan)->valid_sw_formats ?
<haasn> (other way around, but you get the point)
<Lynne> that's why it's called hwupload, it does a cuda->cuda gpu memcpy
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<Lynne> actually, it does add cuda to the list of supported SW formats
<haasn> the vulkan hwcontext does?
<haasn> I'm trying to figure out how this will work with swfmt negotiation
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<haasn> seems like the answer is "not really", and we should stop using hwupload to do hw->hw copies
<haasn> hwcopy?
<znf> hwtranspose!
<znf> hwmaterialise
<znf> hwemerge
<JEEB> Lynne: so the example I linked didn't import vulkan surface into cuda?
<JEEB> > CUDA imports the Vulkan image buffer, performs box filtering over it, and synchronizes with Vulkan through vulkan semaphores imported by CUDA.
<JEEB> cudaVkImportImageMem and cudaUpdateVkImage, apparently?
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<TuxJobs> znf: And even when converting to AVI first (thus apparently re-encoding), it still doesn't cut properly.
<TuxJobs> It's all just a big ugly mess of endless complexity. :/
<znf> nobody ever said that's gonna happen
<JEEB> then there's apparently another example there utilizing cuMemMap APIs
<znf> cuts will almost always happen on keyframe intervals
<TuxJobs> znf: I experienced it myself today, as I mentioned.
<znf> you want to _cut_ and re-encode at the same time
<TuxJobs> Annoying 1-frame leftover from the left side of the cut.
<znf> not re-encode, and then cut from the resulting file
<TuxJobs> Getting straight answers is hopeless.
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<yrc> Hi! Time to go to bed for me. Before I do, though, I thought I’d ask a question. Hopefully someone will have the answer by the time I come back :-) I tried muxing all chapters of the whole IceAge DVD (i.e. main movie + misc. bonuses, etc.) into a single MKV using Ordered Chapters. I made certain that all chapters inside a given `<EditionEntry>` share the same streams, codecs and languages. However,
<yrc> different `<EditionEntry>` may have different settings (bonuses typically have less streams than the movie).
<yrc> The muxing fails with this error: `Error: The file no. 26 ('./') does not contain a track with the ID 4, or that track is not to be copied. Therefore no track can be appended to it.`. Does this mean that there is _no way_ to mux chapters that do not _all_ share the same kind of streams? Will I have to “group by types-of-all-streams” and create 1 MKV per group?
<yrc> ’later. Tschüß
<znf> the hell do you think you are, a project manager asking answers from their team while they fuck off and do something else?
<yrc> znf: Not at all! I just want to warn that I won’t answer right away if someone answers my question, because I won’t be there, and I want to avoid this non-answering being taken as rudeness. Sorry if my intent was misunderstood.
<yrc> I don’t request anyone to answer; I just hope someone will know. And if someone does, I’ll be thankful.
<yrc> I just had to write the question now, because I’ll switch the PC off, and I’ll loose the output of the command.
<JEEB> don't worry, on IRC someone will respond - or not. but in general handling ordered chapters with FFmpeg's (de)muxer is not a thing so far?
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<JEEB> and the error you're getting sounds like the concat demuxer, and yea. that has the limitation that all inputs need to have the same streams
<yrc> Thank you JEEB. OK, good night all. I’ll be back :-)
<SnakesAndStuff> Hello. I have read the guides on multiple output over at and really like the documentation etc. However, I'm running into trouble monitoring a stream (locally) while recording as well from a webcam using v4l2
<SnakesAndStuff> However, there seems to be a LOT of lag that gets greater and greater when I stream an additional output over to ffplay. Is there a streaming option or options to use as a "monitor" to look at video framing etc? I don't care if there is frame drop as long as I can monitor the general framing.
<SnakesAndStuff> Also: I'm curious if there is any advantage to scaling down the output that is being monitored? There is overhead with scaling, but does it at some point become less intensive to scale down and view a lower resolution video than to just view a lower res video? I'm guessing not?
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<SnakesAndStuff> I think I figured out my own question... -framedrop seems to keep it as up to date as possible.
<SnakesAndStuff> Now for the next question: when recording in rawvideo, is there a timestamp saved that can sync up with an audio feed that is recorded at the same time? Or does it need to be manually synced?
<SnakesAndStuff> bbiab
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<znf> kinda weird question, is there a way to use some arbitrary flag that technically does nothing, as my first ffmpeg argument, so I can differentiate the processes in a list of ffmpeg processes?
<znf> I thought I could use `-user_agent` but the source is local and apparently ffmpeg doesn't like that
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<znf> specifically, I have all these processes in nvtop:
<znf> and I can't figure out which of my stuff belongs to, without scrolling the window sideways
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<furq> there's probably something better but -v 1 through -v 8 will all do the same as -v fatal
<furq> and apparently panic and fatal are the same so actually -v -7 through -v 8
<furq> actually it would make more sense for panic to be the same as quiet, not fatal