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<aaabbb> sonicrules1234: you'll find that av1 lossless is often kinda crappy compared to x264 lossless (for something very flat)
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<aaabbb> is there really no way to screengrab wayland without running ffmpeg with high privileges for kmsgrab? for xorg there's x11grab, and i know that wayland supports screen recording so there's not a fundamental reason that it cannot be supported
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<aaabbb> is there any kind of waygrab input device in the works?
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<ShaedS> hello, i was running a command on all my audio files that had dmca mutes, to remove the mutes but for som reason this one file ir an it on still has a muted section
<ShaedS> -af silenceremove=window=0:detection=peak:stop_mode=all:start_mode=all:stop_periods=-1:stop_threshold=0 is what I am using
<ShaedS> -af silenceremove=1:0:-50dB doesn't cut it either
<ShaedS> how do i automatically detect this
<ShaedS> https://pastebin.com/jbVWaz04 this FINDS this second silent part, but idk how to get it removed
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<ShaedS> any ideas?
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<ShaedS> yes i was lookinga t this, and it works on other fikles but not this one
<ShaedS> myc ommand works on every other file i've ran it on
<ShaedS> so idk why this one is not quiet enough or something???
<ShaedS> i tried messing with flags but no dice
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<acresearch> people, i have 2 .mkv videos both: H.264 1920x1080 23.98fps AC-3 yes video 1.mkv works on my TV while 2.mkv why? what is other differences are there?
<acresearch> yet video 1.mkv work on my TV while 2.mkv does not... why? what other differences are there?
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<aaabbb> paste the output of ffprobe on both mkvs
<aaabbb> nvm he left
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<Bheam> yo. i'm struggling with av_hwframe_transfer_data returning -22 (invalid argument) and i don't see how
<Bheam> could it be a threading issue?
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<Bheam> hmm no. put it in the same thread as instanciating contexts and no change
<Bheam> so i'm still struggling with using ffmpeg with hw decoding and swscale. swscale won't instanciate with AV_PIX_FMT_QSV or AV_PIX_FMT_OPENCL or AV_PIX_FMT_CUDA
<Bheam> it will instanciate with AV_PIX_FMT_NV12
<Bheam> however i get the -22 error when transferring the frame from hw (not related to swscale i assume)
<JEEB> 1) those formats that fail are not sw formats (they are hw formats where the actual format is in the AVFrame sw_format field)
<JEEB> 2) yes, that error is separate from swscale
<JEEB> you need to have an output AVFrame with the sw pix_fmt, size and buffer already allocated
<Bheam> 1) i know, but i would assume swscale to still support them, as it's basic formats?
<JEEB> swscale does not handle HARDWARE BUFFERS
<Bheam> but i'm downloading the frames?
<JEEB> then the pix_fmt is no longer QSV, OPENCL or CUDA
<Bheam> right i'm confused.
<JEEB> so with hardware AVFRames you get the type of hardware stuff in the primary pix_fmt field, and then the actual data layout in the sw_format field
<JEEB> this is so that there was not too much reworking required internally
<JEEB> or well, for a lot of existing logic to not end up looking "oh this is NV12 let me handle this"
<JEEB> if the hardware vs software was in some "hw_format_type" field
<Bheam> so if i want to use XX hw decoder (say CUDA) how can i tell which sw buffer equivalent it expects for the sw buffer?
<JEEB> the AVFrame has a sw_format or so which contains the underlying actual data layout pix_fmt
<JEEB> you can check the pix_fmt descriptor and check if it has AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_HWACCEL in flags
<JEEB> with that you know that "OK, I received a HW surface"
<JEEB> tried to quickly look which exact AVFrame struct member it was
<Bheam> are we talking about the AVFrame from avcodec_receive_frame ?
<JEEB> which contains the sw format
<JEEB> yes
<Bheam> flags is 2
<JEEB> uhh,not avframe flags
<JEEB> av_pix_fmt_desc_get(AVFrame->pix_fmt)->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_HWACCEL
<Bheam> hmm my avframe doesn't have a pix_fmt field
<JEEB> it's probably "format" in AVFrame since it's the same struct for audio and vide
<JEEB> *video
<Bheam> yea format is 12
<Bheam> let me try
<JEEB> I don't recall all this from memory which is why I'm not exact :P
<JEEB> you get a descriptor for the pix_fmt and then it has a flags entry
<JEEB> the descriptor describes the pixel format
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<JEEB> I git grep'd for sw_format under fftools
<JEEB> > hw_frame->sw_format
<Bheam> can't figoure out how. but hwaccel is 8 so 12 must be including hwaccel
<JEEB> just scroll a few lines up, where I had the av_pix_fmt_desc_get
<Bheam> bitstream is 4 so it's HWACCEL | BITSTREAM
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<Bheam> yea but that function expects a struct/class and not an int
<JEEB> no it does not
<JEEB> > const AVPixFmtDescriptor *av_pix_fmt_desc_get(enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt)
<JEEB> it takes in a pixel format and gives you a pointer to the descriptor
<JEEB> the *descriptor* then contains the flags
<Bheam> maybe just a cast. i'm not using c++
<Bheam> flags of pix fmt is 16
<JEEB> great, now you can & it with AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_HWACCEL, and if that is true you know you received a hw pix_fmt
<JEEB> in which case the sw_format entry of the AVFrame is the actual data layout
<Bheam> i guess the answer is no, since it is 8
<JEEB> and you received that from a hwaccel?
<JEEB> you can use av_get_pix_fmt_name for logging
<JEEB> that returns the string name of the pix_fmt that you feed it
<Bheam> name is yuvj420p
<JEEB> that is software :D
<JEEB> if your AVFrame format is that, then it should be a sw frame
<Bheam> well
<Bheam> why am i getting sw frames :p
<JEEB> nfi
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<JEEB> I don't know your code, I don't know what you're doing
<Bheam> hehe. i'm just using an example and kinda expected it to work
<JEEB> but I did give you the steps to figure out whether a frame is hw or sw, and then which field contains the actual pixel format in case of HW
<Bheam> yea i guess the av_hwframe_transfer_data fails because it isn't even a hw frame then ?
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<JEEB> you can see what the error is from av_err2str
<JEEB> also it should hopefully log the error
<Bheam> error is "invalid argument" which isn't really that useful
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<JEEB> but yea, if you are giving it input AVFrame with a sw format that does make sense (among other possibly bork things)
<JEEB> anyways, see your logic and logging, whether your code is able to initialize the hwaccel
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<JEEB> anyways, I have a $dayjob so not gonna be able to help further :P
<Bheam> yea thanks <3
<Bheam> got some things to try
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<zsoltiv> can udp options (like overrun_nonfatal) be set in the AVDictionary passed to avformat_open_input?
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<JEEB> note: if you are getting errors due to that most often it is due to you not being able to process the input quickly enough
<JEEB> thus if you just ignore that error, you will get corruption
<JEEB> take care of the root cause, don't attempt to brush it under
<zsoltiv> alright i'll do that too
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<chadea> How do I burn the filename of my JPEGs from my concat filter into the frmae?
<chadea> ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -fps_mode cfr -vf 'fps=5,scale=force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease:force_divisible_by=2,drawtext=fontsize=60:fontcolor=red:x=10:y=10:text="??????"' -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -b:v 1500k -maxrate 3M -an results.mkv -y
<chadea> Not sure what to put in place of ??????
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<BtbN> I don't think that's possible
<BtbN> the filter chain has no idea about what the concat format does internally
<chadea> Damn that's sad
<furq> you can add file_packet_meta entries to the concat list and then draw that
<chadea> Interesting. I'll look into it. I have never heard of it before.
<furq> the last example here shows the same thing but with image2
<chadea> Thank you
<chadea> Does file_packet_meta allow me to draw with lavf.image2dec.source_basename?
<furq> so presumably just add `file_packet_meta filename foo.mkv` to every entry in the concat list and then text='%{metadata\:filename\:NA}'
<chadea> Ah, I'll try it!
<chadea> Right now mylist.txt contains entries like: file '2024-02-27 11-45-00.227408 CST.jpg'
<chadea> Would it then become: file_packet_meta file '2024-02-27 11-45-00.227408 CST.jpg'
<chadea> I am not sure if file and filename are interchangable keywords
<furq> you'd need file and file_packet_meta on two separate lines
<furq> filename is just whatever you want to call the metadata key
<chadea> For each file line I would need one right below it containing the metadata line?
<furq> yeah
<chadea> Thanks
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<chadea> IT WORKS!
<chadea> Thank you furq!
<chadea> ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -fps_mode cfr -vf "fps=5,scale=force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease:force_divisible_by=2,drawtext=fontsize=60:fontcolor=red:x=10:y=10:text='%{metadata\:filename\:NA}'" -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -b:v 1500k -maxrate 3M -an results.mkv -y
<chadea> Notably it didn't work when I added the metadata to just one line. I had to add it below all file entries in mylist.txt
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<chadea> New issue. It seems that -framerate does nothing after the input to concat
<chadea> I had to slow my video down by using a filter setpts=10*N/(FRAME_RATE*TB)
<chadea> Not sure why `-framerate 2` is being ignored
<furq> are you sure you don't want -f image2
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<chadea> Yeah, I have a specific list of images with custom ranges, etc
<chadea> As far as I can tell image2 is only usable with glob and I can't have that
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<chadea> In any case the setpts "hack" works great
<JEEB> then pipe into FFmpeg and use image2pipe. of course you won't have your file names
<chadea> I need the filenames :)
<furq> i guess the "right" way to do it is to set the duration for every file in the concat list
<chadea> Oooo
<chadea> I can do that no problem. I'll give it a shot!
<furq> never used concat with images before though
<chadea> ok its perfect now with outpoint 0.5 added below each entry
<chadea> ...
<chadea> file '2024-02-27 11-45-00.227408 CST.jpg'
<chadea> file_packet_meta filename '2024-02-27 11-45-00.227408 CST'
<chadea> outpoint 0.5
<chadea> ...
<chadea> thanks everyone for your help and suggestions!
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<noobaroo> I'm trying to convert a 1minute section of a video and the resulting file keeps saying it's 40+ minutes long even though it's not, and can't skip to a certain time in video
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<noobaroo> I'm using "-ss 00:10:00 -to 00:11:00" Is there anything else I should be doing?
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<cingorf> Hi. I am encoding some videos that are mostly 1920x1080 but for some reason, a few are 1916x1080. My rescale filter looks like this: scale=1280:-1,pad=1280:720:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2 but that won't work with the odd videos. I can change it to scale=-1:720 but is there a way to handle scaling+padding in one filter so that it works for horizontal or vertical that is below standard?
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<furq> cingorf: scale=1280:720:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad
<cingorf> furq: Great! Thank you
<noobaroo> Thanks furq
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<noobaroo> I have a 6mbps 1280x720p h264 video and I converted to hevc with crf 26. The result is a 486kbps video. It's extremely small file size, way more than I expected.
<noobaroo> Why is it so small? Is it because it's a cartoon? If I remember correctly, I'm used to libx265 crf 26 outputting much bigger file sizes
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<BtbN> Cause you told it to make it low quality
<kepstin> and yeah, in crf mode the output file size does depend on the video content.
<JEEB> size and quality, which is why you should first pick your preset and then test various values with say 90 seconds of content that's representative (-ss and -t for example are useful)
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<noobaroo> BtbN I can't see a difference though, I even zoomed in to try to see
<noobaroo> kepstin Yes it must be because it's a cartoon. I once captured a recording from my browser and it ended up being like a 5MB file for an hour of recording. The only dynamic elements were the small advertisement boxes, it was mostly a static image
<noobaroo> It's also converting much faster than a real life video. It's going at 2.2x and I'm used to it going less than 1x on the same settings
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<FlorianBad> holy sh*t my brain just deciphered this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpK5ejLFEIE :) Once you see it it's truly amazing! It's real 3D. For anyone who doesn't know what it is, it's called a "Autostereogram". To see it, put the screen 1" from your nose, then blur your eyes so they focus about 1-2 feet behind the screen, then slowly back-off :) The object of the picture is basically about 2 feet behind the screen
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