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<znf> I'm trying to overlay some dvb_sub over video, with cuda_* filters, but every time I do this in the GPU, I get an output of 1088 pixels, which produces a green line under the video
<znf> upon startup, I get: [h264 @ 0x55eb64c5ae40] Reinit context to 1920x1088, pix_fmt: yuv420p
<znf> is there any way to avoid this? other than the obvious scaling my video to 1920:1088 so it covers the green bar
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<evilscreww> They have CLI templates,good for n00bs like me
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<MisterMinister> Greeting and Salutations! Would anyone know if an arbitrary string can be added to FFmpeg command to identify it among multiple others, to easy job tracking please?
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<aaabbb> MisterMinister: arbitrary string, you mean so that the process list calls it "ffmpeg (project 7)" instead of just "ffmpeg"?
<aaabbb> i think there are tools on linux where you can run a command with a custom comm (name shown in process list)
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<evilscreww> Hola
<evilscreww> Anyone around to lend a helping hand
<aaabbb> maybe
<evilscreww> You dont seem overly enthused
<aaabbb> well it depends on if i know the answer to your question :p
<aaabbb> and if not, it depends on if other people who are online do
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<evilscreww> does this mean anything to you
<evilscreww> By the way, there is indeed a discord server albeit slightly inactive
<aaabbb> evilscreww: you should be using libx264, not libopenh264 in general
<aaabbb> that doesn't seem like a great app
<evilscreww> Not even for n00bs
<evilscreww> Like me?
<aaabbb> i'd recommend handbrake then
<aaabbb> not some phone app
<evilscreww> So this is a 2 step process isnt it? Convert to some other codec - then concatenation?
<aaabbb> for concat yes (it's not another codec just another "container")
<aaabbb> you have to change all the .mp4 files into .ts files (you can do that losslessly), and then use the concat muxer to merge them (-i "concat:vid1.ts|vid2.ts|vid3.ts")
<evilscreww> All thats changing is the container?
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<aaabbb> yes, the bitstream (the h264 video data basically) is unchanged, so no quality loss
<evilscreww> Er what if its h265
<aaabbb> same
<aaabbb> it'll work fine with h264 or h265
<aaabbb> if you have three videos, vid1.mp4, vid2.mp4, and vid3.mp4, then to merge them all into merged.mp4, you would do:
<aaabbb> ffmpeg -i vid1.mp4 -c copy vid1.ts; ffmpeg -i vid2.mp4 -c copy vid2.ts; ffmpeg -i vid3.mp4 -c copy vid3.ts; ffmpeg -i "concat:vid1.ts|vid2.ts|vid3.ts" -c copy merged.mp4
<evilscreww> Okay..
<evilscreww> Ill try
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<solaraquarion> i keep on getting failure in spirv_compiler command stuff
<solaraquarion> d stuff
<Sean_McG> what version of spirv_tools are you using?
<solaraquarion> 2023.6-1
<solaraquarion> does ffmpeg git require the latest spirv-tools?
<solaraquarion> ?
<solaraquarion> spirv-tools?
<Sean_McG> not sure -- can you be more specific about what your issue is?
<solaraquarion> ERROR: spirv_compiler not found
<Sean_McG> maybe it's not in your PATH= ?
<solaraquarion> i don't see spirv_compiler in my /usr/bin or spirv related packages
<solaraquarion> it's not in shaderc for sure
<Sean_McG> have you checked to confirm the age of your Vulkan headers, like it says in that commit message?
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<solaraquarion> 1.3.276 i use this version
<solaraquarion> i even tried the git
<Sean_McG> what does your ffbuild/config.mak look like? can you pastebin it?
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<solaraquarion> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lHLSL: No such file or directory
<solaraquarion> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lOGLCompiler: No such file or directory
<solaraquarion> huh
<solaraquarion> paru -Ss OGLCompiler
<solaraquarion> it needs directx-shader-=compiler?
<solaraquarion> directx-shader-compiler
<solaraquarion> i don't think so
<Sean_McG> on Linux? unless you are cross-compiling for Win32 you are right
<solaraquarion> yes o
<solaraquarion> i'm on linux
<solaraquarion> yeah not needed
<Sean_McG> I wonder what package OGLCompiler and HLSL are in
<solaraquarion> HLSL is directx
<Sean_McG> ohhh, it looks like you might actually need directx-shader-compiler -- a quick Google search shows Microsoft did port it to Linux
<solaraquarion> OGLCompiler was removed from gslang
<solaraquarion> i wonder if HLSL was removed from there too
<solaraquarion> News. OGLCompiler and HLSL stub libraries have been fully removed from the build.
<solaraquarion> oh
<solaraquarion> my system is too new for ffmpeg
<Sean_McG> o_O
<furq> looks like there's already a patch for it
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<Lynne> yup, pushed that a few days ago
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<iqualms> Is anyone able to encode NTSC mxf_d10? I'm hitting this bug It looks like mxf_d10 only supports 49999840 or 50000000 bitrates for NTSC, which result in either "frame size does not match index unit size, 208541 != 208540" or "..., 208542 != 208541". Is there a workaround? Patching like the bug reporter did is not an option for me sadly.
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<linext> does ffmpeg allow .mp4 mpeg2/aac video files to save in chunks in case ffmpeg closes unexpectedly
<linext> so most of the file is playabel
<another|> Don't record to mp4
<linext> what container do you recommend for mpeg2/aac?
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<klaxa> mkv is very versatile and does not break on aborted file writes like mp4 does
<klaxa> if you plan to use ffmpeg as the next step in your pipeline i think nut supports literally anything ffmpeg can output
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