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<aaabbb> in x265 is aq-motion considered pretty mature now?
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<aaabbb> tells me that it was abandoned years ago and that aq-mode 4 gives more reliable improvements, but afaik they do totally different things
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<remyma> hello. is it possible to have a whole folder or list run for a task? i'm lookng to run this type of command for windows 10: ffmpeg -nostdin -report -loglevel error -i input.mp4 or  -vf "scale=-1:540" -c:v libx265 -crf 18 -preset fast -c:a copy "d:\matchinputname.540p.mp4"
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<remyma> i've been attempting to at least do 1b1 manually using some linux vps but i think it's shared, so it can be a resource drain. i assume the provider host is killing the process as the job seems to come to abrupt halts somehow
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<remyma> the source names also may include symbols such as '@' , '-', etc
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<lolok> on linux you can just use xargs
<lolok> or find probably even better
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<Keshl> remyma: I use , oωo. Example command, but with cjpeg rather than ffmpeg: dir /b *.png | ppx2 -P 12 -L 1 cjpeg -outfile "{}.jpg" "{}"
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<CokeMeisteR> Can anyone help me with a command/script in powershell/cmd (windows) that converts all .mkv-files in a folder and in all it's sub diractories to another folder with these ffmpeg options:
<CokeMeisteR> -vn -sn -c:a aac -b:a 256k -profile:a aac_low -ar 48000 -ac 2 -map 0:1
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<bpmedley> CokeMeisteR: Would you consider wsl?
<noobaroo> I'm getting an error, any idea why?
<CokeMeisteR> bpmedley i would prefeer not to, i just want this command to work for all folders and sub directories:
<CokeMeisteR> ffmpeg.exe -i " \\servername\share\*.mkv" -vn -sn -c:a aac -b:a 256k -profile:a aac_low -ar 48000 -ac 2 -map 0:1 "D:\share\*.en.aac"
<bpmedley> CokeMeisteR: Understood. If you would consider wsl, I have a gist that might work.,
<bpmedley> noobaroo: Is that a development release or custom build? If so, does the issue happen with a stable release?
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<noobaroo> bpmedley, it's with libfdk_aac and nonfree added. I haven't tried it with a different ffmpeg yet, I was hoping someone here would have a quick, easy fix for me.
<noobaroo> It still gives the error when I try with libx265 and -a:c copy, but it works fine when I just do "ffmpeg -i input.ts output.mp4" and "ffmpeg -i input.ts output.webm"
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<remyma> thanks Keshl. i will give that a try
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<tomb^> Hi all, I'm trying to convert a video file to send it via whatsapp but they limit the file size that I can send,
<tomb^> is there anyway to tell ffmpeg to (reduce quality obviously) to not go over a specific file size ?
<remyma> i think there was a formula i used at one point for that
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<remyama> did i time out or something wtf
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<noobaroo> When I use 2 pass libsvtav1, can I use -preset 13 on the first pass and -preset 5 on the second pass?
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<Yukkuri> hi, I have a general mp4 question; I'm converting fragmented mp4 to progressive mp4 and I'm a bit stuck with filling out stsc chunk; in a fragmented file it's empty (no entires) and I don't see any information that would allow to correlate some samples from trun boxes as belonging to the same chunk, I wonder if missing something, and if filling out stsc with number of samples per chunk is even required.
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<Yukkuri> also another, if fragments are of reasonable size (couple of seconds), should there be any downsides for progressive playback to storing samples from multiple tracks in [a-a-a-v-v-v]-[a-a-a-v-v-v] order, interleaving only on frame-by-frame basis, rather than on sample-by-sample [with time ordering] basis, (a-v-a-v-a-v-a-v-a-v-a-v)?
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<galad> chunks is something you decide on, it doesn't depend on the original fragmented mp4
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<galad> audio samples are usually smaller than video samples, so it will still result in a-a-a-v-a-a-a-v if you order them temporally
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<Yukkuri> thanks, on samples though I probably was too vague, I have separate fragments for each track, so if there isn't any serious playback drawbacks to just memcpy'ing entire mdat from several seconds worth of [a]s before starting several seconds of [v]s, before staring with next fragment, it would simplify the remuxing
<Yukkuri> while temporal ordering would interleave them at 1-3 a's for each v in my case, but would require copying many samples individually
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<Bheam> i'm trying to use ffmpeg dlls to decode some video, but using hardware decoding i can't convert to BGRA pixel format, none of the hw formats seems to support it through swscale, any ideas? i tried QSV and DXVA2
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<evilscreww> i would highly encourage the development of a GUI version of ffmpeg
<evilscreww> will make it accessible to the lay person like myself
<kepstin> evilscreww: you're welcome to use a tool like handbrake for transcoding tasks that it's capable of. a "gui version of ffmpeg" (i assume you actually mean "a gui tool that can do everything the ffmpeg cli can do") would be as difficult to use as the cli tool.
<galad> Yukkuri: nowadays there aren't many drawbacks, that kind of chunking was introduced in the mid '90, when computers were barely capable of playing video. It doesn't hurt to keep it sane, but things still work even if it's not optimal
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<another|> evilscreww: have fun writing one
<evilscreww> this "lossless cut" program on github, is that using ffmpegs librarys and stuff somehow?
<evilscreww> kepstin: well.. it may not be able to do every single thing the cli can do, but itd be a start
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<evilscreww> im just making the suggestion
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<another|> there are already dozens of GUIs around ffmpeg
<evilscreww> whats one of the better ones
<evilscreww> handbrake?
<another|> handbrake is popular though it's a bit more of it's own thing
<evilscreww> right.
<kepstin> Bheam: what do you need bgra for? normally yuv to rgb conversion is only something to be done in the last step of video display. That said, I think the scale_vaapi, scale_vulkan, vpp_qsv filters are all able to convert to bgra on the gpu.
<kepstin> Bheam: swscale is of course the _software_ scaler, so it can only work on stuff in cpu memory :)
<evilscreww> i foun some random ffmpeg app in the android app store
<evilscreww> im still kind of working through it though and deciding if its good or not
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<Bheam> kepstin: hmm it is for the final step, but i just followed an example as i'm converting my project from libvlc to ffmpeg. it tries to instanciate sws_getContext() with DXVA2 -> BGRA by default but fails.
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<galad> swscale can handle only things on cpu memory
<Bheam> well either way it fails before i even start scaling, i'm just setting up the context
<kepstin> right, it's failing because you're trying to set it up with a gpu format as input, which it doesn't support.
<Bheam> ok is all hardware decoding gpu ?
<kepstin> you either need to do the scaling on the gpu, or download the frame to cpu to use swscale. If this is a video player, you should prefer to keep things on the gpu.
<JEEB> Bheam: if you receive AVFrames with hardware pix_fmt (there's a flag for that) that's hardware :)
<kepstin> in desktop pc space, hardware decoders are generally integrated into the gpu, yeah. (that includes cpus with integrated gpus - it's still part of the gpu side)
<kepstin> Bheam: you might want to try using libplacebo for video output; it'll take the yuv input and do all the appropriate conversions needed on the gpu (including handling stuff you haven't throught of)
<Bheam> oh hang on
<Bheam> i'm using AV_PIX_FMT_NV12
<Bheam> that's not a gpu format is it :p
<Bheam> i mean it's pretty standard yuv 4:2:0
<kepstin> working with gpu formats is kinda tricky - there's both the format of the avframe itself (which will indicate which type of hardware the frame is for), then the format of the data _within_ the hardware frame, which is often NV12 since a lot of hardware encoders/decoders support or output that.
<Bheam> yea i'm sensing i have a lot of reading to do :/ thought it would be easy to set up
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<Bheam> i'm just wanting to render a rtsp stream to a bitmap
<Bheam> but hardware decode
<kepstin> you'll have to clarify what you mean by "to a bitmap". do you mean "to a BMP image file"?
<Bheam> i'll just need the rgba raw pixel data in an array so i can copy it
<kepstin> ok, so that means that you need to download the frames from gpu memory to cpu memory at some point.
<Bheam> yea preferrably after decoding
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<kepstin> well, in order to use a hardware decoder, you have to upload the video _to_ the hardware before decoding (that part's handled automatically by ffmpeg)
<Bheam> does ffmpeg also contain the libraries necessary to hw convert from one pixel format to another in hardware?
<Bheam> or does any of the hardware decodes support ARGB / BGRA natively ?
<Bheam> decoders*
<kepstin> ffmpeg has hwaccel-specific scale filters or video processing filters which can do that conversion in hardware with some apis
<kepstin> the decoders will usually only decode to a particular "native" format based on the actual video; e.g. NV12 for a 4:2:0 subsampled 8-bit video.
<kepstin> I haven't used dxva2 stuff in ffmpeg (i generally don't use windows) so i'm not sure what capabilities are available there.
<JEEB> yea you should never expect a decoder component to do any additional conversions for you
<JEEB> you do further processing in shaders or so
<kepstin> hardware scaler/conversion blocks often do exist on gpus (separate from the video decoders), and the api-specific scaler/processing filters might take advantage of them
<JEEB> libplacebo which was mentioned is one of those ways, there's a MR for extending the AVFrame stuff to also take in d3d11 AVFrames, but the primary problem with it was testing as you need custom hw surface pool flags to enable reading from the image
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<Bheam> unf
<JEEB> (by default the sampling or so flag is not set in the hwdec d3d9/11 context)
<Bheam> i guess i'll go software :p
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<JEEB> then you can still do hw decoding, but utilize the helpers to get the image into RAM
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<Bheam> sounds easier to do color conversion in ram?
<Bheam> it's not as heavy as video decoding anyway?
<kepstin> Using hwdownload (or maybe hwmap?) to download the nv12 frames, then swscale to convert to bgra, will always work but indeed will be performing extra work on the cpu (and that type of conversion is an extremely parallel matrix multiplication of a type that gpus are _really good at_)
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<Bheam> yea except swscale doesn't seem to support nv12 to BGRA as that was my original problem
<kepstin> swscale does support nv12 to bgra just fine
<kepstin> swscale does not support nv12 (in a dxva2 hardware frame) to bgra
<Bheam> yea well i couldn't instanciate the conversion context with just the pixel formats
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<kepstin> Bheam: you likely have an issue with the parameters other than the pixel formats.
<Bheam> oh my god. weird. suddenly it works. now it's the transfer from hw to sw that fails
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<iconoclast_hero> is there a guide somewhere on how to rip a dvd with ffmpeg if such is possible?
<JEEB> yea so you need to have an AVFrame that you received from the hw decoder plus another with a properly allocated buffer for the output, and thena av_hwframe_transfer_data
<Bheam> yep the sample has that, but it fails :/
<JEEB> check in FFmpeg master, `doc/examples/hw_decode.c` or so?
<JEEB> those can be built against your system FFmpeg IIRC
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<smt> Hello. I have been using this little script [] to record my desktop & microphone audio on OpenBSD. It works nicely on two of my machines. However, on my new workstation ffmpeg is throwing an error: x264 [error]: malloc size of 5521152 failed. Any suggestions on ffmpeg parameters to adjust would be appreciated.
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<BlackBishop> anyone can point me to a simple tutorial in which I could make ffmpeg receive a rtmp stream (act as a server) for a dji drone, and then re-stream it via http for others to view? (maybe even some reencoding at some lower res) ... or have any other better suggestions?
<JEEB> utilize a media server, there's quite a few for those use cases
<JEEB> takes in RTSP, RTMP, WHIP etc, and can serve it in various ways
<BlackBishop> interesting, thank you!
<CounterPillow> I can vouch for mediamtx as working, you'll just have to find the right combination of protocols and codecs that works for the use cases you care about
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<JEEB> usually FFmpeg is something that feeds into or reads from a media server.
<JEEB> not the media server itself
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<BlackBishop> makes sense
<kepstin> a media server may well use ffmpeg libraries to implement some of its functionality, for example if it does transcoding.
<BtbN> If "stream via HTTP" means "write an HLS playlist somewhere", ffmpeg alone can easily do that
<BtbN> You still need an http server to actually serve the thing though
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<another|> iconoclast_hero: AFAIK dvd parsing was only added very recently and not sure if it's complete yet
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<BlackBishop> BtbN: I have a web server... I can make a simple html page that would point to some mp4 endpoint of sorts
<JEEB> yea but you want something listening for RTMP connections
<JEEB> thus, a media server
<BlackBishop> yeah.
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<BlackBishop> now to figure out the mediamtx.yml thing
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<BlackBishop> JEEB: can I pm you for this a bit? :)
<JEEB> no
<BlackBishop> ok :)
* BlackBishop stabs the yml some more
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<BlackBishop> ok, step 1 is done I see.. INF [RTMP] [conn] is publishing to path 'dji', 2 tracks (H264, MPEG-4 Audio)
<BlackBishop> what would be the next step?
<JEEB> sounds like you're ingesting and now you should be able to access media from the supported output formats
<BlackBishop> how would that look like?
<BlackBishop> ow, I could just make a player to play rtmp://host:1935/dji
<JEEB> depends on what client(s) you're supposed to support
<JEEB> for web there's webrtc and HLS/DASH
<BlackBishop> a browser should be enough
<BlackBishop> preferably something that wouldn't require any js and whatnot
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<JEEB> yea, good luck with that. technically you can do that with fragmented mp4, but not many media servers try that
<JEEB> I've seen someone poke a proof of concept with python, but I don't think anyone has tried to expand media servers with that outside of $payware
<JEEB> webrtc at least might work with just initialization with JS
<JEEB> but HLS and DASH are implemented with JS like dash.js
<BlackBishop> so which way should I go then? webrtc or hls?
<JEEB> I would try webrtc first since it most likely has less latency
<JEEB> after that I would try low latency HLS or so.
<JEEB> apparently it has a built-in player page for webrtc? if I read that correctly
<BlackBishop> hmmm, so If I set webrtc: yes, webrtcAddress:, webrtcEncryption: no .. I should just be able to point my browser/vlc to ?
<BlackBishop> INF [WebRTC] [session dda33d3c] created by ... INF [WebRTC] [session dda33d3c] closed: deadline exceeded while waiting connection
<BtbN> ffmpeg can listen to one singular rtmp input just fine
<BlackBishop> this is the config file, cleared it a little bit so I might have missconfigured something ... basically I set the dji to send to rtmp:// and now I opened a vlc trying to play
<BtbN> I'm using it as a single-user media-server like that since forever. It just has no authentication whatsoever
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<remyma> test
<remyma> test2
<remyma> should i be concerned about these errors?
<remyma> [h264 @ 0000022e15866480] cabac decode of qscale diff failed at 83 52
<remyma> [h264 @ 0000022e15866480] error while decoding MB 83 52, bytestream 3366
<JEEB> it means that the data stream seems to have corruption
<remyma> that might possibly be like a momentary pixellated part of the video?
<JEEB> that would most likely be the effect yes, until all the possible references used from that part that was not decode'able are reset
<remyma> thanks. i'll keep an eye out for more. never really noticed these errors before
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<BlackBishop> hmm, the hls stream doesn't seem to always want to play for some reason
<BlackBishop> the browser seems to do stuff, but it doesn't actually play
<BlackBishop> everything in /dji/ is reverseproxied via apache to (the mediamtx hls) with a flushpackets=on option
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<BlackBishop> seems to work from time to time, sometimes it's just a still image
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<BlackBishop> enough tinkering for today, I'll try again tomorrow, maybe I get some other ideas
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<echelon> hi, i'm trying to combine -f x11grab and hls, can someone confirm if this will work..
<klaxa> no reason it shouldn't
<klaxa> don't expect low latency though
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<echelon> ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 10 -video_size cif -i :1 -map 0:v:0 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune animation -f hls -hls_time 4 -hls_playlist_type event stream.m3u8
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<Haripesch> Weißt du, warum flinga und Tausend abtrünnig wurden.
<klaxa> ?
<klaxa> wrong channel or mods pls
<Haripesch> Ich hatte noch ordentlich Hunger. Ich war heute auch im Gebirge.
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<echelon> for an hls live stream, how do i limit the number of .ts file to retain?
<echelon> files*
<klaxa> from the docs (ffmpeg -help muxer=hls) i take using -hls_flags delete_segments optionally in combination with -hls_list_size <number>
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<echelon> is there a way to wrap an ffmpeg hls stream so that the .ts files don't fill up the disk?
<BtbN> The answer hasn't changed from the last time
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<echelon> sorry
<echelon> i already tried those flags
<BtbN> Well, they literally do what you describe
<echelon> ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 10 -video_size cif -i :1 -map 0:v:0 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune animation -f hls -hls_time 4 -hls_playlist_type event -hls_list_size 1 -hls_delete_threshold 1 -hls_flags delete_segments ./stream.m3u8
<BtbN> list_size 1 is invalid I'm pretty sure
<echelon> oh!
<BtbN> and an event playlist does not ever delete segments, you want a live one
<BtbN> Not sure what the minimum is, but one is nonsensical
<BtbN> 5 or 10 is what you want at the very least I'd guess
<echelon> i would like to try hls_playlist_type=LIVE
<echelon> what are all the possible options for playlist_type
<furq> don't set hls_playlist_type at all
<echelon> i actually don't want to retain any data, i would prefer to only show live without vod
<kepstin> in order for HLS to work reliably, you need several segments of buffer
<kepstin> that's different from VOD
<echelon> ok
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<echelon> that's fine
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<echelon> oh man, the color resolution is really bad
<echelon> what are the settings that could be causing this?
<BtbN> you sure you aren't encoding a gif?
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<echelon> BtbN: lol, i am.. but the gif doesn't look like that
<echelon> i'm basically playing the gif in an X window session and trying to capture it in the stream
<echelon> but the color is all off
<echelon> if i take a screenshot it looks completely different
<BtbN> that does not look like a color issue to me
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<echelon> BtbN: this is an actual screenshot
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<BtbN> did something interpret YUV as RGB, or vice versa?
<echelon> maybe, i didn't specify it
<BtbN> not sure if that would produce that kind of look, but something drastic must have happened
<echelon> ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 10 -video_size 1024x768 -i :1.0 -map 0:v:0 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune animation -
<echelon> ugh, sorry
<echelon> these are the parameters i'm passing ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 10 -video_size 1024x768 -i :1.0 -map 0:v:0 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune animation -f hls -hls_time 4 -hls_list_size 5 -hls_delete_threshold 1 -hls_flags delete_segments ./stream.m3u8
<echelon> could it be the animation tuning?
<BtbN> no
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<echelon> maybe it's a 16-bit color scheme?
<BtbN> no
<BtbN> this is something misinterpreting something completely
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<echelon> [x11grab @ 0x7f0f5a56e600] 8 bits per pixel screen is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
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<BtbN> Yeah, x11grab does not support anything less than 24 bpp color depth
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<echelon> well i wasn't telling it to use anything below
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