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<FlorianBad> I played around with `-sc_threshold` to see which keyframes it would pick as I go higher and higher, but after a certain point it refuses to pick more. Is there another way to force it to pick more (but not a fixed interval) so that I can see what it would pick?
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<aaabbb> FlorianBad: if scenecut detection is off then keyframes will always be put every keyframe intervals
<FlorianBad> aaabbb, yeah but I don't want that for what I'm doing right now
<FlorianBad> I'm just look at what keyframes x264 would pick as I tell it to be more and more, but -sc_threshold quick reaches a point where I would just not pick more so I can't find out
<aaabbb> i misunderstood you then. -sc_threshold is the same as scenecut= iirc
<aaabbb> and the keyint_min is also relevant
<FlorianBad> no, that's if you set it to 0
<aaabbb> i know but i mean -sc_threshold 0 is the same as scenecut=0 i believe
<FlorianBad> otherwise it's a threshold that is supposed to determine how many scene-changes are detected (turned into keyframes)
<aaabbb> if the threshold is so aggressive that it thinks everything is a scenecut, it will place a keyframe every keyint_min frames
<FlorianBad> aaabbb, how would you set it that aggressive? I'd love to be able to do that, but it doesn't work
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<FlorianBad> basically I tried with absurdly high values like -sc_threshold and I still get exactly the same keyframes as with -sc_threshold 500. There's a point where it stops becoming more sensitive even if I want it to
<FlorianBad> sorry, like like -sc_threshold 30000
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<aaabbb> FlorianBad: the top is INT_MAX
<FlorianBad> which is 2^64?
<aaabbb> 2147483647
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<FlorianBad> oh, 2^31
<aaabbb> from -2147483648 to 2147483647
<FlorianBad> a sign integer
<FlorianBad> signed
<aaabbb> it's from INT_MIN to INT_MAX
<FlorianBad> I know, I saw that, so you think I should try much much higher than 30000 ?
<aaabbb> did you try -2147483648?
<FlorianBad> negative?
<aaabbb> because threshold implies that higher is less senitive
<FlorianBad> hmmmmm!
<FlorianBad> well, then that would explain it, hold on let me try negative... :)
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<aaabbb> on a random video, i got IPIPPPBPIPPPPBPBPPPPPPPBBPBPIPBPPPBBPPIPIPIP with -2147483648
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<FlorianBad> ok lol
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, nope, I can't seem to get that. Can you copy your command?
<FlorianBad> Here's what I use:
<FlorianBad> When I use 232 I get something different (41 keyframes in my video instead of 30) but that's pretty much the only among a few values that do anything. -2147483647 and 2147483647 both also result in 30 keyframes total just like value 1
<aaabbb> i just used -sc_threshold -2147483648 and -g 300
<aaabbb> when i used -sc_threshold 2147483647 and -g 300, i only got 1 keyframe for every 300 frames
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<FlorianBad> hmm, so maybe it's only when it combination with -g ?
<aaabbb> i don't think so, i just changed it from 250 to 300
<FlorianBad> YES! it does need a -g, maybe as a reference point or something
<aaabbb> i didn't see any difference when i removed that (also i used keyint= but it's the same thing)
<FlorianBad> That's strange, that doesn't do it for me
<FlorianBad> Is there A LOT of action in your video?
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<aaabbb> no, it's awful 240p, very simple, was just an example
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<FlorianBad> If you use the exact same command I use, does it do the same?
<FlorianBad> Because there might be something about my command that prevents that from working
<aaabbb> show me the command you use
<FlorianBad> I tried on video file instead of image2 + png but it's the same thing
<aaabbb> i get far more iframes when i do -2147483648 vs 2147483647
<FlorianBad> I get 30 either way, at least on my sample video
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<aaabbb> btw the lowest is -2147483648 not -2147483647
<FlorianBad> ah, ok
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<FlorianBad> well maybe my scenes don't have enough movements, that's all... Will try on something that has more just to see
<aaabbb> what i have has a lot of generation loss so a lot of ugly blocking that is probably being picked up as motion
<FlorianBad> ok
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<aaabbb> FlorianBad: there's a good chance that i have this all wrong
<aaabbb> because i'm looking at the x264 output and it's telling me scenecut=0 when i set -sc_threshold -2147483648 (even though that's INT_MIN)
<FlorianBad> aaabbb, does -2147483648 produce a different result than -1 and 0 ?
<aaabbb> definitely than 0, let me try -1
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<aaabbb> -1 sets scenecut=40
<aaabbb> i'm just checking the libx264 output (you are hiding it with -v warning)
<aaabbb> so that tells me what ffmpeg is passing to it
<FlorianBad> ok
<aaabbb> although it says it goes from INT_MIN to INT_MAX, anything below 0 sets it to 40
<FlorianBad> and what's the range of scenecut ?
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<aaabbb> with more info
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<aaabbb> FlorianBad: i think -sc_threshold passes all non-zero integers to scenecut= and everything negative just sets the default
<aaabbb> so i went on a wild goose chase, it's just that -sc_threshold doesn't check == -1 to set the default, just checks < 0
<FlorianBad> ok, but how come >0 values still give me the same thing even when I use all the way to 2147483647 ?
<FlorianBad> There are only a few values that vaguely do something, like 232 e.g. for some reasons
<FlorianBad> but generally speaking I always get about 1 keyframe every 6-9 sec no matter what I use
<FlorianBad> My goal was to purposely set it higher and higher all the way to absurd values where everything becomes a keyframe, just so I can analyze what it would prefer as keyframes
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<FlorianBad> So maybe -sc_threshold is not the way to do that, I don't know, but I thought it would be
<aaabbb> that doom9 thread talks a lot about it
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<aaabbb> it sets an i frame if (100 * (bit size of P-frame) / (bit size of I-frame) < scenecut * (distance from previous keyframe) / keyint)
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<FlorianBad> hmm, so would changing the ip ratio to make P crappy on purpose do the trick?
<aaabbb> i mean maybe, but then you're tweaking something else and probably butching quality
<aaabbb> why not just adjust keyint and keyint-min?
<FlorianBad> Because I'm coding something for analysis purposes, not for actually encoding
<aaabbb> oh, what is it you're trying to do?
<FlorianBad> Basically I want to end up putting keyframes manually with -force_key_frames when I do the final encodings. That way if I ever re-encode a video to offer more resolutions/bitrates I will keep what was already encoded because the keyframes will be the same. So -f dash will slice these newly encoded segments at the same spot as the old ones.
<FlorianBad> So now if I do that I'd better find out where are the best places to put these keyframes, but I do have my own constraints.
<aaabbb> oh, i think there are better ways to do that than using scenecut
<aaabbb> i think for your purposes, it would be better to just have a fixed interval
<FlorianBad> So what I want to do ideally is to look at where would be the best spots, and then in my program I pick the best while still targeting an average keyint
<aaabbb> why don't you just want one keyframe for each segment?
<FlorianBad> Maybe another way to phrase what I want to do is: Is there a good way to give a score value to each frame as "difference between previous frames"? Because that's exactly what my program takes as input for that
<aaabbb> like a difference metric? like getting the internal value of "difference" that scenecut detection uses?
<FlorianBad> It's already 1 keyframe for each segment, but where is the question, and I don't want just a regular keyint, it's just silly to put an I frame right before changing the whole picture...
<FlorianBad> YES! exactly
<FlorianBad> I want that
<FlorianBad> I already wrote all my program around it, so if I have that it's already ready for my code
<aaabbb> tbh x264's scenecut detection isn't very good, if you're developing your own thing, you might want to use x265's which has much more advanced detection
<aaabbb> but if you want something really simple, mpdecimate can drop frames that are "too similar" and i guess you could use the output of that as a sort of hacky way to detect frame differences
<FlorianBad> hmmm! excellent. Would the parameters be the same?
<FlorianBad> hmm, ok wonderful too
<aaabbb> no its parameters are more complex, it also has several different types of scenecut detection
<aaabbb> but i don't think it exposes that directly, you might be able to do stats-write to get its keyframe placement or something, but that's kinda hacky
<FlorianBad> ok
<aaabbb> FlorianBad: btw simply checking differences in frame isn't the best way to know where to place i frames
<aaabbb> i'm still quite confused why you don't just place one keyframe every segment no matter what resolution/bitrate you use
<FlorianBad> It IS one keyframe every segment, but segments will have different lengths
<aaabbb> why?
<FlorianBad> so I can slice where it's best
<aaabbb> that seems like a really useless micro-optimization, and the overhead of sending smaller segments will probably be worse than the overhead of non-ideal keyframe placement
<FlorianBad> no, there won't be that because my protocol can send multiple segments in the same request. Plus my encoder program doesn't just take anything, it also uses contraints, so it will pick the best keyframes but still approximately at a certain keyint
<aaabbb> then the optimal number of keyframes is 1 per request
<FlorianBad> what do you call a "request" ?
<aaabbb> whatever the size of your segment is (ie where no frames need to reference frames that haven't yet been sent by your server)
<aaabbb> s/segment/chunk of data you are sending at once/
<FlorianBad> ok but that's just not how my player works
<aaabbb> then your player is making non-ideal decisions. fewer keyframes is always better and the only reason you want a new keyframe is when you are sending a new segment
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<FlorianBad> the amount of data sent in each request will be determined by many factors, including latency (and bandwidth) so if you just use a long or moderately long and one-size-fits-all keyint then this could never happen
<aaabbb> ah
<aaabbb> ok that makes sense. in that case then it'll be whatever the segment size is (that explains why you can't just sent one big segment for each request)
<FlorianBad> yes. If my segments are reasonably small then I can choose to send 1, 2, 3, 4, depending on what's been happening lately in the stats
<aaabbb> hmm
<aaabbb> you want them to be as large as reasonable
<FlorianBad> but it's these segments are all 10s I can't play with that at all
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<aaabbb> what about 2s?
<FlorianBad> Well, what my program does is first calculate an ideal target_keyint which it will try to stay around as much as possible. And that's dependent on what I passed as {action} parameter that determines how much action there is in that video to encode. So e.g. it might say target_keyint is about every 3s.
<FlorianBad> From there what it does is find the best places to put these keyframes. It might be every 2.5s, then the next is 3.8s later, then 2.4, etc.
<FlorianBad> And since I've already went through the pain of coding these micro-optimizations, then I'd be an idiot not to pick the best frame to do that each point in time
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<aaabbb> so you basically want variable-sized segments that correspond to the gop, so that you can get the benefits of scenecut detection despite streaming?
<FlorianBad> Which is why what I was doing here was trying to see where x264 would, by itself, put keyframes if I tell it to put more and more, but... I can't seem to be able to do that
<FlorianBad> yes :)
<aaabbb> ah!
<FlorianBad> And another benefit of forcing these keyframes w/ -force_key_frames is that if I ever offer more resolutions/bitartes later I only have to encode the new ones, and it will be the same keyframes because my program saves that in a text file
<aaabbb> then what you want to do is make a constraint between keyint-min and keyint, and only then use scenecut to vary between that
<FlorianBad> hmm, let me try on that same png stuff to see what happens
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, nope, same thing. I just tried -x264-params "keyint=600:min-keyint=5:scenecut=$THRES" with $THRES from 1 to 2147483647 and I get the same nb of keyframes (which is keyint)
<FlorianBad> (I mean the total nb of keyframes corresponds to that keyint interval of 600)
<aaabbb> You should never ever set min-keyint that low
<FlorianBad> aaabbb, yeah but that's the point, to find out what it would pick, not to actually encode
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<aaabbb> FlorianBad: maybe try using x265 for that since it has more advanced scenecut detection
<FlorianBad> ok, will check this out then, that sounds like a really good option actually
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<aaabbb> FlorianBad: you can then discard the output with -f null and use the stats ( to know where it decided to place keyframes
<FlorianBad> yeah that's where I was :)
<FlorianBad> ok, but first I need to actually be able to produce different outcomes with that scenecut option, and I still cannot...
<aaabbb> even with x265?
<FlorianBad> yeah, but I only put "scenecut=$THRES" as option, there might be other things needed
<aaabbb> using scenecut and scenecut-bias or hist-scenecut and hist-threshold?
<aaabbb> there are others
<FlorianBad> It's really annoying when people tell you about a parameter but don't say what the range is...
<FlorianBad> ... can't seem to be able to put it to put I-frames everywhere
<aaabbb> welcome to ffmpeg
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, do you mean you think ffmpeg might prevent x264 and x265 from doing absurd things like putting keyframes everywhere?
<FlorianBad> (at least automatically, if keyint not fixed)
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<aaabbb> i don't know the answer to that
<FlorianBad> well, I will find out because I'm testing it
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<FlorianBad> yeah that seems to work REALLY well based on a few tests I've made
<FlorianBad> a value of 1 is when all pixels change, then something like 0.3 is already clearly a scene change visually
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<aaabbb> nice
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<FlorianBad> then for keyframe considerations the values can still be pretty low, like in this confetti video, at ~10s when the confetti come out of the thing it's a value of 0.049
<FlorianBad> one frame is the tube with nothing around, the next frame is blowing up above it (because it's so fast) so that would clearly be a good I-frame
<FlorianBad> I sorted them and then look at the frames individually and it's obvious. e.g. during the confetti fallout every time there's a higher score it's when a huge confetti suddenly comes in the frame in front of the camera, making a lot of pixels change
<FlorianBad> but we're still talking about 0.01 - 0.02 range... so it's always tiny numbers
<FlorianBad> Only problem is that I don't really understand the command lol
<FlorianBad> Not sure why he needs to input things via echo
<aaabbb> just make sure your keyframe-min isn't too small
<aaabbb> never more than 1s in most cases
<FlorianBad> I won't have any, I use -force_key_frames
<FlorianBad> with the list of all times that correspond to each frame that my program selected to become keyframes
<aaabbb> then you should choose one manually
<aaabbb> otherwise you might end up with keyframes too close to each other
<FlorianBad> ah! his echo "" was just a label... I was wondering how the hack it gets passed to ffmpeg... it doesn't :)
<FlorianBad> aaabbb, won't happen, my algorithm will just never do that
<aaabbb> ah ok
<aaabbb> i'm skeptical that your algorithm would make better scenecut decisions than x264 or x265 tho
<FlorianBad> it's not so much better, it's that 1. It will stay within certain constraints that x264 wouldn't respect unless it's a fixed keyint. 2. Because I force them I can re-encode later if I ever decide to offer more resolutions/bitrates and keep the same ones (meaning I don't have to redo the whole dash and all files that were already encoded
<aaabbb> FlorianBad: i think there are ways to save the frame type choices for later encoding
<aaabbb> i know stats-write can do that but i don't think that would work well with very diffrent bitrates
<FlorianBad> yeah but the choices just suck, it's either fixed keyint or it's super long and doesn't respect much what you want
<FlorianBad> aaabbb, you helped me a lot so I'll share my program when I done. Not really useful for most people as it is but can be easily modified to make it work for what you might want
<aaabbb> thanks :)
<FlorianBad> aaabbb, basically it goes like this:
<FlorianBad> 1. Select the most obvious scenecuts as original keyframes by going through them by highest score first, but don't pick one if it is closer than target_keyin * 3 from another one already picked
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<FlorianBad> (so after 1 you end up with very approximately 3x your target keyint, all confiugrable)
<aaabbb> there are some research papers that go into scenecut detection btw
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<FlorianBad> 2. go through each already picked keyframe in order (so frame 0 first), and look at all possible best scores target_keyint later, but boost their score based on how close they are from that target (and if you're keyint*0.5 from that target your score basically goes to nothing so it won't pick that)
<FlorianBad> (defined by that: )
<FlorianBad> x is how close that supposedly good scenecut frame is from the next target, 0 being exactly 1 keyint after the previous keyframe selected, and 0.5 being target_keyint/2
<FlorianBad> So basically you end up with scores and probabilities, and naturally it will be an average of target_keyint, but still on the best spots
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<aaabbb> FlorianBad: are you going to test the ssim scores at a fixed bitrate with your technique to see what provides the best quality?
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, no because I already want an average specific target_keyint, so if e.g. target_keyint is 90 for ever 3s, the question is really "Do I put that second I-frame at frame 89 or frame 102?" And the answer is quite obvious, whichever has the greatest SSIM score while being the closest to 90 (so multiplying both scores)
<FlorianBad> s/for ever/for every/
<aaabbb> FlorianBad: you have to test more than just a few frames for the ssim score to matter
<FlorianBad> "both scores" meaning "SSIM x proximity"
<FlorianBad> what do you mean?
<FlorianBad> It looks at all frames individually
<FlorianBad> and calculates all scores
<aaabbb> ah ok i thought you meant only frames 89-102
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, BTW, is that the best way to force dash to slice at each I-frame? -adaptation_sets "id=0,seg_duration=0.001,frag_type=pframes,streams=0 ..."
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<aaabbb> i don't know, i've used dash very rarely
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, this is what I wrote so far:
<FlorianBad> around line 500 you can see how it picks the best keyframes, the comments explain that
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<FlorianBad> It's a bit dirty and I need to test better, but so far it seems to work very well
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, also I have to warn you, this is all VERY slow. I designed that for running it overnight and let it copy to server when it's done, so I wake up the next morning and it's all ready. Definitely not something for user-experience
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<aaabbb> oh it's perl, nice :)
<FlorianBad> aaabbb, will finish it over the next few days and re-organize it a bit to make it cleaner too. Will let you know
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, fixed a few issues:
<FlorianBad> 1.22am here... :/ Time to go, tomorrow will be DASH and if I have time I'll test the options you suggested: aq-mode, aq-strength and psy-rd
<FlorianBad> Good night!
<FlorianBad> And thanks again for your help :)
<aaabbb> no worries! aq-mode is pretty easy btw, aq-mode=2 for low bitrate 10 bit or "not very high bitrate 8 bit", aq-mode=3 otherwise
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<ballsxd> hey guys, is there a reason ffmpeg is ~15x faster on my gen 3 nvme boot ssd than on my gen 4 nvme non boot ssd?
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, ok, will look into aq-mode later today. I ran something overnight and the thread_queue_size became annoying, it had lower from 8192 to 512 to finally work, and that's with 64GB of ram. My new laptop will have 96 but still... Do you think I should just let it be small and complain with warnings? Look for $queue_size in my code
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<FlorianBad> It literally took the entire night for a 2-minute video lol and it's a pretty decent machine
<FlorianBad> That's because all these high resolutions had to try with a thread_queue_size, then crash (OOM) then try again with a smaller one, etc. until 512 finally works
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, should I make thread_queue_size invert-proportional to pixel surface? Or is it just input file size? (but input are PNGs though)
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<nicoz> Do you know a good dedicated server to stream my stream and store streams simultaneously?
<nicoz> lol
<nicoz> not bad
<nicoz> but it’s not what I’m looking for
<nicoz> XD
<FlorianBad> I mean she's probably dedicated, can stream and store stream all at once
<nicoz> lol
<BtbN> Hosting any kind of video streaming yourself with more than a handful of viewers is hard to impossible
<BtbN> It's A LOT of bandwidth, and even a Gigabit link, which is common on dedicated servers, is easily overwhelmed
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<nicoz> Should I buy two dedicated, one for streaming and another one that is storage?
<FlorianBad> nicoz, if that was up to me I would just get A LOT of tiny Linodes, like $5/mo each but you scale up/down as based on viewers, so you can have like 200 of them on surges and drop to 3 when nobody's watching. Then just make sure the viewers are spread equally to each, which might be quite a bit of coding, but should work well IMO
<CounterPillow> the bigger issue is that routes to and from the server(s) aren't gonna be great for people around the world
<FlorianBad> ^ That's right, so you also put these Linodes closer to each person (they have servers everywhere)
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<FlorianBad> In the last recent years I shifted my approach from "Getting the most reliable massive server" to "Designing things in a way that I don't have to rely on servers being great, just very numerous and self-healing"
<FlorianBad> Because every company will fail at some point, so let's just embrace that and consider that servers are unreliable. From there, what would that design look like?
<nicoz> the problem is not the viewers, because they would be 10 viewers per stream, they are more video streams and I must also record each stream and store it while they see it
<furq_> any cheap vps will do that just fine
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<nicoz> I had thought to buy one for streaming and another for storage, storage I thought to make it from opencv that uses ffmpeg that performs a check if the stream is broadcasting must record
<FlorianBad> well, maybe you just want a dedicated type of vps though (not shared) to guarantee the performance at all times
<FlorianBad> (that's an option with all of them, including Linode)
<furq> you'd only really care about dedicated bandwidth for this
<furq> which is not always offered or it's expensive
<furq> anyway you don't need to write anything for a streaming/relay server that can also save the incoming streams
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<nicoz> the real problem is that it has to capture a stream emanating from a Multi SIM router moving on a vehicle
<nicoz> for that I was thinking of a streaming server, so that it served as a proxy server such as live555
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<another|> why is that a problem?
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<furq> presumably they want some kind of fallback stream to handle dropouts
<furq> there are hacky ways to do that with nginx-rtmp
<nicoz> because if in a certain area there is no network coverage the streaming server crashes and even recording would do it, and I don’t have the dvr SSD at hand physically
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<FlorianBad> Instead of `seg_duration` is there some way to specify each individual segment (approximate) duration manually? (for audio) Similar to what `-force_key_frames` does, but for audio segments.
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<Juest> hello, is ffmpeg working on windows vista and windows 7?
<Juest> or supported even
<CounterPillow> god I hope not
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<Juest> i mean, does it run?
<Juest> there's no information about dropping windows 7 support
<drv> the ffmpeg 4.0 release notes mention dropping support for XP, but I doubt anyone is testing Vista or 7 specifically since those operating systems are long out of official support from Microsoft anyway
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