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<nodminger30> Hi. I am using FFMpeg to capture my desktop. I have two monitors. To capture a monitor I use X, Y, Width, Height and this works when both are having same scaling. When Primary monitor is in 100% scaling and my second monitor is in 125% scaling, I am not able to capture the second monitor fully. Actually the whole combined height is reduced. But
<nodminger30> width is not affected. Is there a way to solve this? (I am using FFMpeg 6.0)
<Traneptora> nodminger30: are you using x11grab?
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<nodminger30> Traneptora I am using gdigrrab, this command(ffmpeg -f gdigrab -offset_x 0 -offset_y 954 -video_size 1276x944 -i desktop output.mp4) works when the scaling is in 100% but when its is 125% I get this error "Capture area (0,954),(1276,1898) extends outside window area (0,0),(1920,1709)desktop: I/O error"
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<nodminger30> I think there is some issue in FFMpeg Gdigrab dpi scaling, has anyone else faced issue when capturing desktop in when scaling is applied?
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<aaabbb> nodminger30: it might be useful to -v verbose or -v debug
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<nodminger30> aaabbb, yes, I debugged and found that when we apply scaling, Gdigrap in FFMpeg will mistake the actual resolution instead of the scaled one.
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<emcodem> good evening ladies and gentlemen :)
<emcodem> anyone knows if there is a way to find out which ffmpeg version/release num was used to encode when file metadata says Lavf58.45.100 ?
<furq> 4.3.x
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<noobaroo> I'm trying to convert a video with DTS audio and it fails
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<emcodem> thanks but how you know furq ?
<emcodem> you're a beast
<emcodem> and how you found it?
<emcodem> i guess i can just google for "LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MINOR 45" :D
<furq> i just googled libavformat 58.45.100 and hoped there would be a matching debian or ubuntu package
<furq> there's probably some smarter way
<furq> but this has worked every time it's come up
<emcodem> hehe ok didnt think about that option, thanks a bunch
<furq> probably should become less reliant on google before it becomes totally unusable
<emcodem> well you can always fall back to bing hehe
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<noobaroo> Bump?
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<emcodem> oah noobaroo, do you really desire 5.1 output?
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<furq> -af channelmap=channel_layout=5.1
<furq> i thought that got fixed already
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<noobaroo> emcodem Nope I just want Opus Dual audio
<noobaroo> The original file is DTS
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<furq> if you want stereo then -ac 2
<JEEB> -channel_layout stereo >:|
<emcodem> without >:|
<emcodem> hehe
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<noobaroo> Thanks, that worked :D
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