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<aaabbb> is there any reason not to set no-dct-decimate for very very flat videos like a screen recording?
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<Muimi> would anyone potentially be able to tell me how to apply my script for resizing videos to all the videos in a directory?
<Muimi> in debian
<Muimi> is it just for i in *.mp4; do ffmpeg ....; done
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<monokrome> Muimi: pretty much, yeah
<Muimi> My problem I'm having is that my files are still way too large
<Muimi> for i in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -hide_banner -i "$i" -c:v libx264 -r 24 -b:v 64k -bufsize 64k -preset fast -crf 22 -vf scale=428:240 -strict -2 -profile:v high -movflags +faststart -ac 2 -c:a aac "${i%}_out.mov"; done
<Muimi> Isn't 64k huge?
<JEEB> you are setting both bit rate and crf :P
<JEEB> generally those are orthogonal rate control modes
<JEEB> also you are setting a bufsize but not a maxrate
<JEEB> if you want to control the rate control over a buffer, you need to configure a max rate over that bufsize
<furq> and no 64kbps is not huge for video
<JEEB> also please do not utilize the -2 stricness thing
<JEEB> (it's "experimental" or so I think?)
<CounterPillow> average Debian users understanding of software
<JEEB> the aac encoder has not been experimental for almost 10 years by now
<CounterPillow> not setting an audio bitrate as well lol
<JEEB> also please utilize channel_layout instead ac
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<JEEB> since channel layout contains a channel count, but channel count does not tell what the requested layout is
<JEEB> you most likely want -channel_layout stereo
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<Muimi> sorry i got disconneced
<Muimi> sorry, reconnected. can you tell me any modification of the command that could make the files extremely small with somewhat-reasonable detail?
<Muimi> I'm not using the -2 strictness and stuff now
<Muimi> I keep getting this deprecated pixel format used eror message
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<another|> be more specific
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<aaabbb> is there any reason not to set no-dct-decimate for very very flat videos like a screen recording?
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<Rokolell> I'm trying to figure out why a h264 stream can't be decoded properly by FFmpeg but for example Windows' h264 decoder works fine. Any tips where I could start?
<vasisualiy> Hey all! I wonder, if there is a plan to upstream the patches from https://github.com/Kwiboo/FFmpeg. The main goal is to implement HW decoding on Allwinner A64 SoC
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<Rokolell> I'm seeing a bunch of errors like:
<Rokolell> libav :0:: No start code is found.
<Rokolell> libav :0:: Error splitting the input into NAL units.
<Rokolell> libav :0:: corrupted macroblock 77 29 (total_coeff=-1)
<another|> vasisualiy: should probably ask the author of those patches
<SnakesAndStuff> I have a question regarding the best way to record a video stream from a webcam, monitor that stream, and also save the audio in a way that it can be combined back. The current method I'm using is getting the audio out of sync.
<SnakesAndStuff> The command I'm currently using is: ffmpeg -v verbose -f v4l2 -video_size 3840x2160 -input_format mjpeg -framerate 24 -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -i hw:2 -map 0:v -vcodec copy -an -f t^C "[f=rawvideo]video.raw|[f=mjpeg]udp://" -map 1:a -vn -c:a copy out.wav
<SnakesAndStuff> any insight is greatly appreciated.
<SnakesAndStuff> (I'm vewing the stream over udp with ffplay in another process)
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<JEEB> vasisualiy: usually people try to upstream their work; sometimes when it's important enough someone who cares about it in FFmpeg might pick the patch set and start reworking it to be good enough for integration, but that is rare.
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<CounterPillow> The people using v4l2-requests commercially are doing so through GStreamer afaik, so there's no interest from a commercial sponsor to do the upstreaming work, which means you're at the mercy of the free time and energy of people
<JEEB> ah, so that is another v4l2-requests thing
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<CounterPillow> Yeah, Kwiboo is one of the developers working in that space.
<SnakesAndStuff> I think I got my problem on timing figured out. When putting the audio and video back together I needed an -r in front of the mjpeg video input.
<SnakesAndStuff> (just typing it here in case there is something else obviously missing or I did something insane)
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<vasisualiy> thank you for clarifing the state of the art
<vasisualiy> I was about to try to use mpv on A64 machine and figured out that all depends on ffmpeg. Clearly, GStreamer has already support fot HW, but I prefer mpv over other gui apps
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<JEEB> vasisualiy: v4l2-requests is in a limbo where you have X different forks (rpi, rockwhatever and now allwinner). I think there was one patch set posted on ffmpeg-devel by one of the people working on this stuff in 2020, but then it stopped. they never updated their patches.
<JEEB> so at this point it really seems like someone who cares about v4l2-requests devices needs to just pick a fork and start working it on upstreaming
<JEEB> clearly it seems like the original authors do not care
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<JEEB> there was one person who earlier tried, with one of the other forks. then he later got contacted by the fork authors who told him that apparently they will start upstreaming it Soon(TM)
<JEEB> I think at this point it's almost two years ago that that was :P
<vasisualiy> JEEB as I can see that branch https://github.com/Kwiboo/FFmpeg here, Kwiboo updated is. Last commits are like from 2-3 month back
<JEEB> yes, just like the rpi fork is updated
<JEEB> it doesn't mean they do anything with upstream
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<CashDash123> So this is probably a dumb question,but how do I copy subtitle streams while reendcoding h265 to h264
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<CashDash123> I don't wanna manually extract subtitles than have to add them back manually
<sonicrules1234> I think it's -c:s copy
<kepstin> depending what else you're doing, you might also need a -map option to select the subtitle streams to be copied
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<sinjini_> hey hhow to scale a video to convert it from landscape to potrait?
<sinjini_> like from 16:9 to 9:16 aspect ratio?
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<sinjini_> can we scale a video into potrait mode without cropping?
<galad> if you want really thin people, yes
<sinjini_> uh oh!
<sinjini_> then what is the best way to convert a landscape mode into potrait in ffmpeg other than cropping?
<devinheitmueller> If you’re not cropping then you’re padding (i.e. adding pillar bars or letterboxing). See the “pad” video filter.
<sinjini_> alright thanks!
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