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<noobaroo> Can I use "-c:a libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_he_v2 -vbr 3" ?
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<noobaroo> I'm getting an error saying vbr is unsupported, but I don't understand if that means it doesn't work at all, or if it's just saying that it's unstable
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<noobaroo> Because the conversion still works. Although I'm also unable to see the bitrate of the audio stream, so I really can't tell anything
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<microchip_> noobaroo: HE-AAC doesn't support vbr
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<Ramroc> hello guys, i am having trouble setting up a complex_filter and i have been fighting with it for 2 days (google doesn't help):
<Ramroc> ffmpeg -f kmsgrab -device /dev/dri/card1 -flags low_delay -framerate 50 -probesize 32 -i stdin -filter_complex "[0]hwmap=derive_device=vaapi[s0];[s0]scale_vaapi=format=nv12:h=1080:w=1920[s1]" -map [s1] -c:v hevc_vaapi -f mpegts -preset ultrafast -t 30 recording.mkv -y
<Ramroc> I am using this command to grab the screen with vaapi, and output a file, now all i want to do is add an overlay filter, of file, but i cant seem to do it
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<Ramroc> i assume the correct command is this:
<Ramroc> ffmpeg -f kmsgrab -device /dev/dri/card1 -flags low_delay -framerate 50 -probesize 32 -i stdin -i -filter_complex "[0]hwmap=derive_device=vaapi[s0];[s0]scale_vaapi=format=nv12:h=1080:w=1920[s1];[s1][1:v]overlay=10:10[out]" -map "[out]" -c:v hevc_vaapi -f mpegts -preset ultrafast -t 30 recording.mkv -y
<Ramroc> the thing is i keep getting this error: Impossible to convert between the formats supported by the filter 'Parsed_scale_vaapi_1' and the filter 'auto_scale_0'
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<Ramroc> hello i disconnected
<Ramroc> any advise on how to do what i wanted?
<Ramroc> any ideas?
<Ramroc> ffmpeg -f kmsgrab -device /dev/dri/card1 -flags low_delay -framerate 50 -probesize 32 -i stdin -i -filter_complex "[0]hwmap=derive_device=vaapi[s0];[s0]scale_vaapi=format=nv12:h=1080:w=1920[s1];[s1][1:v]overlay=10:10[out]" -map "[out]" -c:v hevc_vaapi -f mpegts -preset ultrafast -t 30 recording.mkv -y
<Ramroc> the thing is i keep getting this error: Impossible to convert between the formats supported by the filter 'Parsed_scale_vaapi_1' and the filter 'auto_scale_0'
<JEEB> since you're dealing with hw formats the automagic scaler logic is mostly being less useful than it could be
<JEEB> since the scale filter cannot do anything to hw formats :P
<JEEB> `-noauto_conversion_filters` should give you the actual error
<JEEB> also add `-v verbose` since that's the last non-spamming log level
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<Ramroc> [graph 0 input from stream 0:0 @ 0x55df17808300] w:1920 h:1080 pixfmt:drm_prime tb:1/1000000 fr:49/1 sar:0/1
<Ramroc> [graph 0 input from stream 1:0 @ 0x55df172e2880] w:1280 h:720 pixfmt:yuv420p tb:1/12800 fr:25/1 sar:1/1
<Ramroc> i guess the pixfmt doesn't match?
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<Ramroc> it seems there is no direct way to convert drm_prime to yuv420 :(
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<Ramroc> JEEB any clue? will i have a better luck using x11grab maybe which doesn't go reading the drm device?
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<Ramroc> ffmpeg -f kmsgrab -device /dev/dri/card1 -flags low_delay -framerate 50 -probesize 32 -i stdin -filter_complex "[0]hwmap=derive_device=vaapi[s0];[s0]scale_vaapi=format=nv12:h=1080:w=1920" -c:v hevc_vaapi -f mpegts -preset ultrafast -t 30 - | ffmpeg -i - -i -filter_complex "[0][1:v]overlay=10:10" -c:v hevc -f mpegts -preset ultrafast -t
<Ramroc> 30 recording_with_overlay.mkv -y
<Ramroc> this command worked
<BtbN> I'd expect hwdownload to work on those frames
<BtbN> then you can pass them to software filters
<Ramroc> i use hevc_vaapi as the video codec of the kmsgrab, and then pipe it to the ffmpeg handling the overlay, so it can overlay them
<Ramroc> the only issue is the output is very low quality, not sure if its because of preset ultrafast
<Ramroc> i tried something with hwdownload and didn't have much success, but piping it seems to be working, and its easier to read
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<BtbN> That doesn't make a lot of sense and does not match any of your posted commandlines
<BtbN> -c:v hevc will make it pick whatever encoder it likes
<BtbN> And if it really does pick hevc_vaapi, I'm not even sure if that has a preset ultrafast
<Ramroc> you mean the preset should be removed?
<Ramroc> it needs c:v hevc_vaapi for it to work using kmsgrab
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<BtbN> or you need to hwdownload the frames.
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<BtbN> How good hevc_vaapi is depends entirely on the quality of the hardware encoder. Typically they're much worse than software encoders, but fast.
<BtbN> And how old the hwenc is.
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<Ramroc> it needs to be fast because i want to stream the output
<Ramroc> i need low latency, is hwdownload still viable for this use case?
<BtbN> That's impossible to answer
<BtbN> how fast a software encoder is depends on your CPU power and settings
<Ramroc> can it be faster than gpu accelarated with nvidia quadro?
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<BtbN> I don't understand the question.
<BtbN> There is no "GPU acceleration" for video encoding. It's always a dedicated hardware encoder.
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<BtbN> hardware encoders are typically (but not always) extremely fast, but produce much lower quality in exchange.
<Ramroc> gpu hardware encoding
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<BtbN> no, it's a dedicated hardware encoder
<BtbN> GPUs suck at video encoding
<BtbN> It just got customary to install those on graphics cards. But it's not the GPU
<Ramroc> oh i see
<Ramroc> its a dedicated chip
<BtbN> Dedicated silicon at least, yeah
<BtbN> I'd imagine most modern cards put it on the same die as the GPU
<BtbN> But it means that it cannot be updated, since all functionality is burned into silicon. It's as good/bad as it is
<Ramroc> video engineering is pretty complex
<Ramroc> :D
<BtbN> AMD historically had quite poor hardware encoders. They only got okayish in the latest generation
<BtbN> And you also need to tune them A LOT, the default paramters of hevc_vaapi are poor
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<Ramroc> i am trying to setup a stream using, screen capture with kmsgrab, videos i have to overlay as background, and stream it
<Ramroc> also i want to fade elements in and out, and i am thinking of putting everything as input and switching them on/off on the fly with zmq than ffmpeg supports
<BtbN> Sounds like you are looking for OBS, not ffmpeg
<Ramroc> the thing is i want to do it programatically. i am using golang and i have found a wrapper for ffmpeg
<BtbN> OBS can be remote controlled, and it's MUCH better suited for dynamic stuff like that
<Ramroc> all this would respond to messages from an api. so i would setup my api with golang, and start ffmpeg process with the wrapper within the code
<Ramroc> i will look into obs
<BtbN> the moment you want to dynamically modify elements, using ffmpeg becomes a royal pain. It's possible, but not something I'd want to do
<Ramroc> isnt zmq supported well?
<BtbN> only to send commands that already exist
<BtbN> adding/removing and moving around elements is not something you can just do
<BtbN> while it's one of the main points of OBS
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<BtbN> What you're doing just sounds like a poor re-invention of OBS to me
<Ramroc> i could add all my inputs (which are fixed, i know them beforehand) and just enable/disable whatever i want on demand with zmq
<Ramroc> wont this work?
<BtbN> I don't think you can dynamically turn off or on inputs with ffmpeg.c, no
<Ramroc> i wont turn the inputs off, i will enable filters on them, to set alpha to 0
<Ramroc> i don't know how performant this will be though
<BtbN> Sounds more and more like re-inventing OBS in an incredibly painful way :D
<Ramroc> if it is performant i don't mind. i need low latency for streaming
<Ramroc> i will look into obs wrappers
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<BtbN> OBS is not something you wrap
<BtbN> You can remote control it though
<Ramroc> basically the ffmpeg wrapper is something like this:
<Ramroc> it starts the process for you with the arguments you provide
<Ramroc> if obs accepts command line arguments like ffmpeg it should be possible
<BtbN> It does not
<peac> you would start obs programmatically with its project file and then talk to its api to control stuff dynamically
<BtbN> Well, it surely has some cli arguments, but it's not ffmpeg.
<Ramroc> also does obs offer a convenient way to record the desktop? basically what i do with kmsgrab
<BtbN> Everything you described sounds like everything OBS was designed for...
<Ramroc> (want it do work on a headless environment though, as this will work within docker)
<BtbN> OBS does not run headless, no.
<BtbN> You can probably hide its UI though
<peac> you should be able to make your docker container access X in order to do so yes
<BtbN> well, you don't normally want to run anything that does graphics-stuff in docker
<Ramroc> one way people do that is they start x virtual framebuffer, so applications like ffmpeg can record the "screen"
<Ramroc> so i guess obs would work too using xvfb
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<BtbN> OBS needs working and fast OpenGL acceleration
<BtbN> so it'd probably be rather upset about xvfb
<peac> BtbN: you totally can and it's a valid usecase for docker containers. some examples of how to run graphical apps in docker here
<peac> including passing accelerating hardware
<BtbN> Just cause you can doesn't mean you should
<peac> why shouldn't you ?
<rodeo> FWIW I found this, no idea if it's any good
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<BtbN> Cause it's rather messy, and get inctredibly ugly, since you need to copy components of the host driver into the container, and hope there's no ABI break
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<BtbN> rodeo: why would you use a CLI wrapper for the OBS api, when you can just talk to its API directly?
<peac> it's not messy if you're working on an os you want to touch the least possible and keep everything contained with its own concerns, basically what docker was made for
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<BtbN> The thing is, you _cannot_ contain it
<rodeo> laziness I guess
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<Ramroc> would obs work in docker without xvfb, if i try to do something like kmsgrab (the equivalent) basically read from the linux framebuffer?
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<BtbN> OBS uses OpenGL/D3D11 to do pretty much everything. It will not work in docker without a lot of ugly hacking around
<BtbN> oh god, yeah. Better not
<BtbN> And even that will most likely still fall back to software rendering, since it doesn't copy over the OpenGL driver and related libraries
<Ramroc> i found a go client to talk to obs through golang
<Ramroc> might do something like this
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<peac> you'll still need to run obs somewhere
<Ramroc> in docker with xvfb
<BtbN> It connects to obs via a socket, and control it. OBS still needs to run somewhere, with fast OpenGL
<BtbN> It will most definitely not be happy in a virtual framebuffer without hardware acceleration
<Ramroc> xvfb doesnt support hardware acceleration? or docker doesnt?
<Ramroc> i haven't looked into it
<BtbN> xvfb will at best have software rendering, or no OpenGL at all
<BtbN> You'll also want to interact with OBS UI to set stuff up
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<peac> that can be done before running the project though
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<BtbN> good luck getting it working
<BtbN> every time I dealt with it, it was a stupid mess, having to copy random files from the host, and then having a 50/50 chance the guest OS likes them or not
<Ramroc> this apparently is x11 in docker with gpu acceleration
<Ramroc> it uses xwayland
<BtbN> a simple 9k line long monster lol
<peac> if docker is a requirement, what else do you suggest ?
<BtbN> Not using docker for any graphical stuff
<Ramroc> also does obs need interaction with its ui to setup?
<BtbN> For the initial setup, definitely
<Ramroc> can i just start the process and configure everything with its api somehow?
<BtbN> after that, not really
<Ramroc> normally the files i want to use, are known beforehand, my background video, my picture in picture video etc, so i can also give it a config file i have written for the initial setup if possible
<peac> you would setup everything in obs and save the project before hand, that would be your config parameters for the project
<BtbN> In theory you CAN do absolutely everything via its API
<BtbN> But then you need to ensure it's in some kind of known state before you start setting it up
<BtbN> And it's a lot of code for what's just a few clicks that you then never need to do again
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<Ramroc> i see, good
<Ramroc> my biggest problem still is the docker and hardware acceleration issue, either with ffmpeg or obs.
<peac> what's your hardware ?
<Ramroc> nvidia quadro as the gpu and i9 intel cpu
<peac> maybe check #docker
<peac> you'll need to detail that you want to try running obs studio in docker and pass your quadro
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<hamzah> Hi, I am working on this issue on github: But have run into some difficulty, I'd like some pointers if possible, as I am stuck. Any guidance is appreciated.
<hamzah> Thanking you in advance.
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<BtbN> not sure what that repo is, but it's not FFmpeg, but some fork of it
<BtbN> And the stuff in that issue also looks specific to the fork, so this is not the right place to ask questions about it
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<galad> BtbN: that's the repo where FFmpeg VVC decoder is being worked on
<BtbN> Yeah, I don't think any of the developers are in here or in -devel
<peac> what would be good replacements of ffserver ?
<hamzah> I see, thanks
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<JEEB> BtbN: at least one of the maintainers of ffvvc is on IRC
<JEEB> frankplow I think is one of them
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<JEEB> nuo mi pops up rarely but he has done that
<BtbN> I'd still strongly recommend other channels for communication with them
<BtbN> issues on that very repo seem like a good place
<frankplow> Hi Hamzah, yes I think you sent me a message last week
<BtbN> Or straight up send a mail to ffmpeg-devel
<frankplow> Please keep in mind IRC does not work like other chat platforms you might be used to in that you have to stay online in order to receive messages -- I wasn't able to reply to your direct message
<hamzah> Oh, I see
<hamzah> Yeah, I am currently stuck on this issue:
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<peac> this command gives av_interleaved_write_frame: broken pipe, is there any obvious reason ? ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -input_format yuyv422 -framerate 30 -video_size 640x480 -i /dev/video0 -c:v mjpeg -f mjpeg -q:v 5 -vf scale=640:480 - | cvlc -vvv stream:///dev/stdin --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=mjpeg,dst=:8090}' :demux=rawaud :imem-extra="mjpeg"
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<peac> nevermind, fixed it
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