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<Marth64> bencc1: there are less than and greater than functions
<Marth64> it has been some time since I used it but there ar eoptions
<furq> between(t,0.5)+gt(t,10)
<furq> 0,5
<furq> i guess you'd actually want gte
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<bencc1> furq: thanks. I'll try
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<Juest> kepstin: no idea what flags i would need to disable, and doesn't this require a lot of compile-time libraries?
<furq> just try to build it and see if it works
<furq> it's not officially supported but nobody has deliberately broken it
<Juest> i only have vs 2005-2015 on the win7 machine, i got 2017-2022 on a windows 10 secondary computer
<Juest> i see, i guess its something up with prebuilt people
<furq> i take it you've tried prebuilt binaries and they don't work
<Juest> or not, those build as per officially i believe
<furq> well if any thirdparty library doesn't work on 7 then that will break any prebuilds that use them
<Juest> that's probably it i guess?
<furq> maybe
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<Juest> ffmpeg flat out didnt want to start
<furq> that was the case before xp before it was officially broken in ffmpeg
<furq> for xp
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<furq> any builds with libx265 didn't work
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<aaabbb> how is hevc-aq doing compared to aq-mode=2/aq-mode=3?
<aaabbb> does it still have problems with artifacts or is it pretty mature now?
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<aaabbb> i hesitate to use experimental features because some like ssim-rd just kind of failed but were never removed but some like aq-motion seem to work pretty well
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<furq> didn't that become aq-mode 4
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<aaabbb> i don't think so, aq-mode 4 is just mode 3 but spends some extra bits around sharp edges
<aaabbb> hevc-aq: "It scales the quantization step size according to the spatial activity of one coding unit relative to frame average spatial activity. This AQ method utilizes the minimum variance of sub-unit in each coding unit to represent the spatial complexity of the coding unit."
<aaabbb> aq-mode 4 is just mode 2 but bias to edges (vs mode 3 which is bias to dark scenes)
<aaabbb> ok reading it now
<FlorianBad> Is there anything in ffmpeg or ffprobe that might at some point disable the terminal echo so I end up being unable to see what I type in the terminal afterwards? I can't pinpoint where it's coming from, but I'm 99% confident it's one of the many ffmpeg/ffprobe commands my script executes
<aaabbb> furq: just 2 days ago reply, cool! i've read that thread before so i thoght it was still sorta unanswered, thx!
<aaabbb> furq: is it still recommended to use aq-mode 3 for 8 bit encodes or low bitrate 10 bit encodes? and to generally not use mode 4 or 5 except when you know you need it?
<furq> no idea
<aaabbb> FlorianBad: it changes terminal modes yes, you can probably stop it from doing that by disabing interactive mode?
<FlorianBad> aaabbb, how?
<FlorianBad> meaning it won't touch stdin?
<aaabbb> FlorianBad: yeah which means it probably can stay in canonical terminal mode (my terminal mode memory is fuzzy)
<FlorianBad> oh!! -nostdin ???
<aaabbb> yeah
<FlorianBad> awesome, let me try this
<ano> is there a way to get width/height according to "Side data: displaymatrix: rotation of ... degrees" ?
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<aaabbb> ano: that's not where the dimensions are displayed
<aaabbb> you have to determine yourself what the original/new dimensions are if all you have is the displaymatrix rotation
<ano> ffprobe shows width/height before rotation applied, is there a way to get "visible" (after rotation applied) width/height instead w/o manual calc?
<aaabbb> there's probably a way with ffprobe's more advanced options, try man ffprobe-all
<aaabbb> ano: it looks like it depends on the player
<aaabbb> mpv's output and ffplay's are different for an odd rotation angle (i tried 70 deg)
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<ano> ugh vf=scale applied after(?) rotation and breaks aspect ratio?
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<ano> while ffprobe shows width/height before rotation, is there a way to firstly apply -vf scale before and only then apply "Side data: displaymatrix: rotation of ... degrees"?
<ano> saw that link
<Marth64> you may be able to add setsar=1 to fix your aspect ratio issue
<Marth64> i am not sure of rotation, apologize
<furq> you can use -noautorotate
<furq> but you'd then need to reset the rotation metadata
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<aaabbb> i've been trying to find the clean solution to this for days but can't find out, how do i use the concat muxer to add a single-frame video to the start of another video, and have that frame last say 5 seconds?
<aaabbb> using -muxdelay sort of works but only if i'm concating once
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<aaabbb> i guess there's no way to do it without using -f concat -i textfile with duration in it?
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<ano> man ffprobe-all has EXPRESSION EVALUATION section, what's the point of that, is there a way to do calculations for -show_entries output?
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<Marth64> wdym
<ano> want to output rotation as 0 if not found for (ffprobe -show_entries stream=width,height -show_entries stream_side_data=rotation -of default=sv=ignore:nw=1:nk=1) e.g. -show_entries if(stream_side_data=rotation, stream_side_data=rotation, 0)
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<FlorianBad> the bandwidth= value of a dash manifest is `bits per second` ? That's the closest thing that makes sense based on size of chunk-stream files but I'm surprised it's still not quite that (files are about 15% larger than that when I do the totals)
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<yrc> Hello! I have 2001 Space Odyssee in BD, and I wish to backup it (and many others I own) in my own media-center because I fear BD players won’t last very long. I tried to encode the video to x265 quality 20 (result: 3.6GB), then to AV1 Q30, Q25, and Q15 (results: 2.6GB, 3.2GB, 4.2GB). And honnestly I did not see much difference in the resulting quality. However, in the opening scene (sun appearing behind
<yrc> Earth in space), where it begins all-black, and slowly gets more light, in _all_ cases there were blocky rectangle artifacts in the black of space.
<yrc> In the BD picture, there are no suchs artifacts. I understand that it is the result of compression, but I thought (especially with the last try, AV1 Q15) that I was targetting a rather good quality. Is there some way to handle such a case?
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<BtbN> if I had to guess, it's an artifact from 10 bit to 8 bit color depth. Though I don't know if blurays come with 10bit colors
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<JEEB> UHD BD has 10bit HEVC
<JEEB> normal BD has 8bit MPEG-2/VC-1/H.264
<BtbN> I probably just wouldn't re-encode the original
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<kepstin> my knowledge of tuning for that sort of thing is limited to x264, heh. (there you'd want to use -tune with either the film or grain options, and add -aq-mode 3 to bias the quality up on dark scenes)
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<aaabbb> kepstin: aq-mode 3 is also useful with x265 (does the same thing), it's not as important for high bitrate 10bit encodes
<aaabbb> i would only use -tune grain if the film uses grain for debanding, otherwise -tune film
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<kepstin> 2001 is old enough to be shot on film, so I _would_ expect the dark scenes to be somewhat grain heavy due to the use of fast film, and removing it could cause banding, yeah.
<aaabbb> then personally i'd denoise but do a 10bit encode
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<kepstin> i wouldn't denoise; this is film, it has grain.
<aaabbb> not even a very light denoising? maybe i'm overestimating how grainy it would be with fast film
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<kepstin> imo the grain's just part of the look of movies of that era, and denoising makes them look oversmoothed and kinda bad even if it doesn't introduce banding.
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<tykling> I need to limit fps by setting os.environ["OPENCV_FFMPEG_CAPTURE_OPTIONS"] in python but I am not sure what the syntax is, on the commandline I think it would be ffmpeg -i <input> -filter:v fps=30 <output> but how do I set "-filter:v fps=30" in OPENCV_FFMPEG_CAPTURE_OPTIONS? thanks! :)
<JEEB> we don't maintain the opencv FFmpeg mappings?
<kepstin> tykling: that's not an environment variable read by ffmpeg - you need to talk to the opencv folks to find out what that library does when launching ffmpeg.
<tykling> sure - I just thought someone here might know :) sorry for the noise
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<MisterMinister> Greetings and salutations! Would anyone please suggest a list of parameters that are acceptable for "hls_segment_options", as docs are quite silent about it...
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<BtbN> They're options to the output format
<BtbN> So you'll need to read the docs of the respective format
<BtbN> Probably either mp4 or mpegts
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<MisterMinister> BtBn: Thank you!
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<yrc> Thank you all for the tips with denoising, 10bits, etc. I’ll run some experiments based on that. Actually, I am just discovering bluray ripping, and I first started with Handbrake, but I think I’ll switch to ffmpeg, which I’ve used in the past, and gives much more control.
<yrc> Handbrake does not even give much information about the format of the source streams :-/
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<yrc> After some more research based on your advice, I am trying now with Handbrake again, by using x265 10bit constant quality 15, with NLMeans denoice at the minimum level with the “Grain” preset, and adding encoding parameters `rc-lookahead=120:bframes=12:ref=6:subme=7:aq-mode=3`. I can already see it is not using the GPU chip any more, but if the quality is nice, it is worth it :-)
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<FlorianBad> aaabbb, voila, I think my program works quite well:
<FlorianBad> a few TODOs left but I'll keep that for later because I have to move on. Obviously that's quite tuned for what I need but I think many people could benefit from reusing that by modifying a bit for their needs
<FlorianBad> (although not the most well organized program lol)
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<furq_> yrc: there's not much point using preset grain if you're denoising
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<sonicrules1234> I rip my bluerays with makemkv, which doesn't re-encode anything
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<yrc> Thank you for the advice, furq. Anyway, After encoding at ~ 25fps (same as movie), the result is perfect! (although at 6.9GB). Thanks again for all the advice! Bye
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<Asicc> Hey, I'm having problems with using ffmpeg to record the screen of an application using its window_id. It seems to only fully work when in fullscreen mode, and only somewhat work if I drag the window to the top left corner of my monitor. This behavior seems irrespective of me adding the optional geometry arguments. Any idea how I could go about troubleshooting?
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