<minimal> furq: AFAIK most if not all multi version/edition DVDs have different tracks for each edition
<minimal> i.e. track 1 == normal file, track 2 == special edition
<minimal> behind the screens the NAV stuff takes care of the differences between what the tracks play
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<Marth64> each disc does it differently
<Marth64> some use angles, some use different playlists (PGCs) of segments within the title, others use vm instructions to bounce around to different segments
<Marth64> some use combinations of this, and then there are the special few which mux movie content with the menu VOBs as a hack
<Marth64> those have a special place in hell
<Marth64> lol
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<furq> i mostly deal with tv shows and budget releases that never made it onto a better format so i've never really had to deal with any of that
<furq> i guess most annoying dvds have been subsequently released on a better format by now
<Marth64> yep
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<furq> i have a bunch of discs that were so cheaply mastered that they don't even have chapters or bumpers
<furq> just one title and it's the film
<furq> ideal situation
<Marth64> yes haha
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<minimal> its the 99 title ones that are "fun" (silly "copy protection")
<minimal> or the tracks that grow big in size when you rip them
<minimal> I still have a few DVDs that I never managed to rip correctly
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<aaabbb> is -af channelmap=FL-FL|FR-FR|FC-FC|LFE-LFE|SL-BL|SR-BR:5.1 still needed when mapping 5.1 ac3/dts to 5.1 opus?
<aaabbb> ac3/dts uses FL FR FC LFE SL SR and opus uses FL FR FC LFE BL BR but idk if it's mapped correctly by default yet
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<linext> can ffplay play several streams inside the same window?
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<aaabbb> linext: yes, you can have multiple inputs and use hstack or vstack to put them together
<linext> can hstack and vstack be used together?
<linext> like a 4x4
<aaabbb> yes
<aaabbb> hstack takes two (or more) inputs and stacks them horizontally as one output. so you do that twice to get two outputs, then use vstack to stack those 2 into 1
<aaabbb> -i in1.mp4 -i in2.mp4 -i in3.mp4 -i in4.mp4 -filter_complex "[v:0][v:1]hstack[top]; [v:2][v:3]hstack[bottom]; [top][bottom]vstack[out]"
<linext> can it be done in real time and piped out to ffplay?
<aaabbb> something like that
<aaabbb> ffplay can do it natively without piping
<furq> if you just want a grid then use xstack
<aaabbb> yeah that's probably smarter
<aaabbb> but ya ffplay can take multiple inputs and stack them into one window without piping or anything
<linext> can ffplay take several -i inputs?
<aaabbb> uh maybe it has to do move=
<aaabbb> *movie=
<aaabbb> not sure, but ffplay can do anything ffmpeg can, the syntax is just different sometimes
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<aaabbb> furq: do you know if there's a filter that displays the contents in a window, in ffmpeg?
<furq> i doubt it
<aaabbb> so i can encode and simultaneously see certain outputs visually
<aaabbb> ok
<furq> that would involve lavfi linking to sdl
<furq> which is definitely out of scope
<aaabbb> i thought there was some sort of development going around sdl recently
<furq> there's an sdl output device
<aaabbb> cool
<aaabbb> that's not the thing being removed is it?
<furq> no idea
<furq> apparently yes
<aaabbb> welp
<furq> i guess the new multithreading code broke them
<aaabbb> i'm excited for the mutithreaded cli
<furq> i've never used those outdevs but i assume closing the window will break them in the same way as piping to ffplay or mpv
<furq> so for both those reasons i guess they're not all that useful
<aaabbb> furq: and they play at full speed, as fast as it can be decoded it seems
<furq> nice
<aaabbb> but maybe useful for v4l2 where the input is real time
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<ballsxd> hey guys, is there a way for me to easily add multiple srt subs to a video where there are already pgs subs present?
<ballsxd> ive tried to use -vf subtitles=xyz but that erased the pgs subs entirely lol
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<yrc> furq: `dvd_info -g` will not help because it’s just giving information related to the longest title, which I could check with `diff <(./dvd_info -g /dev/sr0) <(./dvd_info -g -t 1 /dev/sr0)` (no output); if I replace `-t 1` with `-t 2`, almost everything is different because t2 only has 45 chapters instead of 54.
<yrc> I see Marth64 is now offline… if/when (s)he comes back, please thank him/her for me!
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<yrc> One of Marth64’s sentence made me realize that I could just rip in _copy_ mode (no reencoding) each chapter of each (big) title individually, thus getting t1chap1.mkv … t1chap54.mkv, t2chap1.mkv … t2chap45.mkv, and then use some dedup software to locate duplicates (e.g. t1chap12==t2chap14), and then mux & encode everything with the appropriate Ordered Chapters XML. This should work.
<yrc> The only downside is that cells #1 for example (spanning sectors 0-12107 for t1, and 109-9442 for t2) wouldn’t be seen as duplicates even though t2 cell1 is a subset of t1 cell1. But that’s few bytes lost for a big win in simplicity :-)
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<little_pudding> hello. what's the default AAC encoder used in ffmpeg 5 and 6 when built for windows?
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<little_pudding> the one ffmpeg uses via libavcodec, i believe
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<another|> native encoder
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<zoriya> Hello, I don't know if this is the right place to ask for help but I am trying to cut a video to a specific ms without re-encoding (like what -f segments can do).
<zoriya> Running something like `ffmpeg -ss 00.000000 -to 13.381 -i input.mkv -map 0:V:0 -c:v copy out.ts` gives me a video of 13.501s (so 120ms more than expected).
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<BtbN> Unless your video is recorded with 1000fps per second, you can't cut with that amount of precision
<BtbN> -per second
<BtbN> 60fps would be a maximum precison of 16~17ms though
<zoriya> `ffmpeg -ss 00.000000 -i input.mkv -to 13.381000 -map 0:V:0 -c:v copy -f segment -segment_times 13.38100 out-%06d.ts` is able to cut exactily at 13.381 but it gives an extra unwanted segment
<zoriya> 13.381 is a keyframe
<BtbN> What frame it is doesn't matter that much for the end point
<BtbN> can get funky with re-ordering at times, but that's an edge case
<zoriya> How is -f segments able to cut there but not the -to option?
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<BtbN> That second command makes no sense, you are limiting twice?
<zoriya> yes, it creates two segments at out-0.ts (of exactly 13.381s) and a 2nd at out-2.ts of a few ms that is unwanted
<BtbN> Probably just a matter of the -to option rather being safe than sorry
<BtbN> It's also possible that this is a matter of video vs. audio frame durations
<BtbN> -to can't cut an audio frame in half, while the segment muxer can just move it to the next segment
<zoriya> would that work too if -to is used as an output option?
<zoriya> ffmpeg -ss 00.000000 -i input.mkv -to 13.381 -map 0:V:0 -c:v copy out.ts gives me the same duration of13.501s
<BtbN> Do you even have audio?
<zoriya> i do but i don't include it in the out stream
<BtbN> You're missing -an then, if that's the goal
<BtbN> right now it will transcode the audio along, not even copy it
<zoriya> no there is no audio right now
<zoriya> due to the -map I belive
<BtbN> ah, true
<BtbN> no idea why it doesn't cut earlier. Maybe it just can't, since it'd end in the middle of a reordered group
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<zoriya> i found an issue in lossless-cut that has exactly the same problem: https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut/issues/1216 one of the potential solution attached is to give -to the timestamps of 2 frames prior the point you want to cut but that feels weird
<BtbN> that seems to be exclusively talking about start times
<BtbN> What I could see happening is that ffmpeg.c stops processing the moment it sees the desired timestamp, but then still goes ahead and flushes the decoder/filters, flushing out a few extra frames
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<zoriya> do you think this is a bug i should report? and if yes where?
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<zoriya> i'm trying to look where i could have gone wrong in ffmpeg's source code but i'm grasping at straws
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<BtbN> It's somewhere in the fftools, but it's way to inverwoven to just understand without deeply studying
<BtbN> I would consider it a bug, if that's actually what's going on (i.e. it doesn't discard the flushed content)
<BtbN> It could also be a matter of pts vs. dts or something
<BtbN> 120ms offset, which is like 8~10 frames, is not completely impossible
<zoriya> the last packet that gets decoded is `demuxer+ffmpeg -> ist_index:0:0 type:video pkt_pts:13421 pkt_pts_time:13.421 pkt_dts:13381 pkt_dts_time:13.381 duration:40 duration_time:0.04 off:0 off_time:0`
<zoriya> if i understood correctly this is because it's dts is right where i want to cut (13.381)
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<BtbN> so it is actually cutting by dts, and not pts, hm
<zoriya> mhm maybe not finnaly, i do have this one also demuxer+ffmpeg -> ist_index:0:0 type:video pkt_pts:13541 pkt_pts_time:13.541 pkt_dts:13461 pkt_dts_time:13.461 duration:40 duration_time:0.04 off:0 off_time:0
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<BtbN> well, it getting one packet beyond it makes sense
<BtbN> depending on it it checks for >= or > the provided timestamp
<zoriya> it gets 2 packets after the dts, i also missed this one demuxer+ffmpeg -> ist_index:0:0 type:video pkt_pts:13581 pkt_pts_time:13.581 pkt_dts:13421 pkt_dts_time:13.421 duration:40 duration_time:0.04 off:0 off_time:0
<BtbN> keep in mind it's multi-threaded now. So it might not immediately stop the demuxer thread
<BtbN> I can't find where it actually applies the limit
<BtbN> just a bunch of places that pass it on
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<BtbN> Have you tried using -t instead of -to?
<zoriya> I think in input_packet_process (in ffmpeg_demux.c)
<BtbN> Some streams start at a negative timestamp
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<zoriya> yeah, both -t and -to actually sets the "recording_time" option and I could not find any difference for this issue
<BtbN> -t takes the start time into account, and adds it to the timestamp
<BtbN> say if a video starts at -1 seconds for a timestamp, and you do -to 3s, you would get a 4 second long video as a result, from -1 to 3
<BtbN> with -t 3s you would get a 3s long one, from -1 to 2
<zoriya> i don't think the file i have has negative start time
<BtbN> it's not at all uncommon, due to reordering
<zoriya> i tryed again but -t also outputs 13.501s instead of 13.381
<zoriya> i also tried with -threads 1 to check if this is due to concurency issues but the logs where the same
<zoriya> (and the duration of course)
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<boxrick> Hello!
<boxrick> I have a quick question I am hoping you may know the answer to. I am using FFMPEGs black filter to discover the breaks in an mkv file, my system has 10C 20T, and some very fast SSDs. On inspection plenty of threads are in use, my SSDs are barely utilised and my CPU is only lightly being used ( ie its not even boosting in clocks ). What would be my likely bottleneck?
<BtbN> one of your cores probably
<boxrick> Its curious, sitting on one of the cores it doesn't seem to ramp up. Like if I re-encode it will jump up to 4.1 or 4.2ghz, all the cores roughly sit around 2-2.3ghz which feels like its not even trying.
<BtbN> but one core is pegged to 100%?
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<boxrick> No, barely.
<boxrick> 20% at most
<BtbN> then it's IO limited
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<yrc> Hey Marth64 I see you’re back :-) I wanted to thank you: a thing you wrote gave me the simple idea of dumping each chapter of each title into its own file, then detecting duplicates using a dedup software, and finally muxing/encoding all unique files along the appropriate Ordered Chapters spec. I’ll try.
<yrc> It wouldn’t be as optimized as what is written on the DVD, but it would surely be a lot simpler than going low-level to the cells and sectors!
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<Marth64> yrc: awesome! yes, it's tedious but much more feasible
<Marth64> interesting concept, thanks
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<Marth64> yrc: check out PGCEdit as well, it is an ivaluable tool
<yrc> I’ll do that
<yrc> FYI, here’s an article that helped me understand a lot of what can be done with MKV: http://mod16.org/hurfdurf/?p=8
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<Marth64> matroska is a good format indeed
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<Marth64> yrc: by some odd chance, are you familiar with how menus are muxed? i am trying to learn about them a bit
<Marth64> i just want to do basic extraction of menus
<yrc> If you mean on DVD, then yes, I used to author DVD with funny stuff like setting a register when user selects a menu option, and then when playing skipping some parts depending on the register value… If you mean for MKV, then no. I’m not sure you really can have interactivity in MKV; however it looks like you can setup several “playlists” of sorts and let the user choose in the playing software’s
<yrc> menus.
<Marth64> yrc: DVDs indeed. thank you. ok if I reach out with questions? (none at this time but as I study)
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<yrc> Marth64: Sure. For me, it all started years ago with this documentation, but it is in French: https://www.funix.org/fr/linux/creedvd.htm ; then I used dvdauthor, and read its documentation.
<Marth64> yrc: thanks, I'll check out both, starting from scratch on menus so every bit helps
<Marth64> I have basically avoided them
<Marth64> until now lol
<yrc> Marth64: If I’m offline, you can send mail to dvd@yalis.fr (mention your present alias; I’ll know it’s you). It’s now a bit fuzzy in my mind (it was years ago), but I kept my dvdauthor scripts, so I have some examples around.
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<Marth64> yrc: appreciate it!
<Marth64> I am trying to write code to extract them, for example to archive music or hidden video tracks
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