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<BtbN> well, it being half broken for OSX is fine by me. If they can't provide a sane shell.
<Riviera> its date command is from FreeBSD I believe ;p
<BtbN> date -j -f "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" "$(echo "$1" | sed "s/Z/+0000/g")" "+%s"
<BtbN> this could work
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<Riviera> BtbN: better use ${1/%Z/+0000} instead of the $(echo | sed) thingie.)
<BtbN> ah, true. bash can do that
<Riviera> $ set -- abZ; echo "$1"; echo "${1/%Z/+0000}"
<Riviera> abZ
<Riviera> ab+0000
<BtbN> Isn't it just 1/Z/+1000?
<BtbN> *0000
<Riviera> that'd replace the first Z
<Riviera> % anchors it to the end of the string
<BtbN> well, there is only possibly one Z
<BtbN> at least if the string is RFC compliant
<Riviera> fair point, i think it'd still use the anchor, but who knows
<BtbN> yeah, it can't hurt
<Riviera> i guess i'd also check the input format for sanity
<Riviera> but who knows what my opinion is tomorrow :)
<BtbN> nah, date does that
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<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/7.0:aac44b78aa04: configure: Improve the check for the rsync --contimeout option
<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/7.0:e65923eff029: rtmpproto: Avoid rare crashes in the fail: codepath in rtmp_open
<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/6.1:7492c2e9e46b: rtmpproto: Avoid rare crashes in the fail: codepath in rtmp_open
<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/6.1:138f52a3a1c4: configure: Improve the check for the rsync --contimeout option
<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/5.1:7c954bf6826a: rtmpproto: Avoid rare crashes in the fail: codepath in rtmp_open
<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/5.1:1bcb1be4a26f: configure: Improve the check for the rsync --contimeout option
<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/4.4:061d8afce1e6: rtmpproto: Avoid rare crashes in the fail: codepath in rtmp_open
<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/4.4:146951502168: configure: Improve the check for the rsync --contimeout option
<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/7.1:f2b85c8aa1e1: x86: aacencdsp: Fix negating signed values in aac_quantize_bands
<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/7.1:283e5a4fa071: checkasm: aacencdsp: Actually test nonzero values in quant_bands
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<cone-428> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö release/7.1:745e70f1d5b0: fate: Add a dependency on ffprobe for fate-flcl1905
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<cone-428> ffmpeg Dennis Sädtler master:78ff3782af08: lavc/videotoolboxenc: Add spatial_aq option
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<jamrial> wbs: apparently, udta can be a child of both moov and individual tracks
<jamrial> so imo, the parent should be checked, and the metadata stored accordingly
<JEEB> reminds me when I was once looking into per-track vs global metadata
<wbs> jamrial: right, yes
<JEEB> and yea, you would have to know the context of the call so that the correct thing would get updated
<wbs> then as for whether this may break users; I presume there's always such a risk but it should be ok as the new layout of the metadata is more correct (and all data that previously was exposed still is)
<JEEB> I recall I once attempted to fix something related to that, and then noticed how many test results it would affect I decided I'd do it later
<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> it should go towards exposing the metadata in the correct location
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<wbs> jamrial: it looks like it does exactly this already; trak_index is >= 0 while parsing children of a trak, and < 0 outside of that
<jamrial> oh, nice then
<JEEB> I'll have to check what I was poking at when I was doing it, since I recall whatever I was poking at was possibly sticking it into the wrong location
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<wbs> in that case, I'll go ahead and push it
<JEEB> surprised that patch didn't affect FATE results. I guess we're not specifically checking this sort of stuff
<wbs> we most probably don't have any samples with udta within trak
<wbs> from looking around my local pile of random samples, I don't find any one where there is non-empty udta within trak; I have a couple ones with udta both on top level and within trak, but the ones within trak are empty in all of them
<JEEB> right
<Lynne> I don't know how they thought that starting a full gstreamer pipeline was ever a good idea
<MasterLeader> FLAC have MT encoding, and ffmpeg is still lacking it
<MasterLeader> ffmpeg is dead
<thardin> it's FFover
<MasterLeader> Game Over
<kierank> personally I still use mplayer-uau
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<cone-818> ffmpeg Rémi Bernon master:d62fd6e9c895: avformat/mov: Store trak > udta metadata on each stream
<JEEB> kierank: ah, keeping to the classic :D
<MasterLeader> personally I still use MS-DOS
<kierank> MasterLeader: you know bill gates wrote parts of ms-dos himself
<jamrial> MasterLeader: you should use freedos instead
<kierank> fork and make libredos
<MasterLeader> right on it, my Master
<MasterLeader> kierank: here you go: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libredos/
<Lynne> we still support OS-2, you could use an actual IBM-blessed operating system
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<MasterLeader> nope, currently on my own version of TempleOS
<JEEB> MasterLeader: if you're into DOS you can check ST-DOS that someone #elsewhere is poking at http://sininenankka.dy.fi/~sami/fdshell/start.php
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<MasterLeader> it want 240Hz refresh rate and > 2k resolution working without errors
<Lynne> the human eye can't see more than 25fps and 1366x768
<MasterLeader> lies
<jamrial> Lynne: midrange laptop screen manufacurers seem to agree
<MasterLeader> i generate 240fps videos with testsrc2 and see every single change
<Lynne> (but literally, it can't, each eye's cone and rod cells are summed on a ~9x9 grid and output onto the optical nerve, which has about a million connections, which happens to be what 1366*768 is)
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<MasterLeader> lol
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<Marth64> I have not seen MasterQuestionable in a few days. but if he/she continues trend of being overly verbose on tickets I can provide this feedback (while at the same time I think they have been helpful at grooming ticket metadata)
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