michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
<ramiro> haasn: btw I'm getting build errors with gcc 12.2.0 https://pastebin.com/FDdrwvDA
<ramiro> also clang 14.0.6
<haasn> Boo :(
<ramiro> but it does build with gcc 13.3.0
<ramiro> I think llvm would be a huge dependency for ffmpeg. a simpler and more focused jit would probably be better
<haasn> OTOH, it's a dependency overwhelmingly likely to be available at runtime if we probe for it :)
<BtbN> the problem with llvm jit runtime is, that they break ABI with every new llvm version
<BtbN> I deal with numba a lot at work, and it's a pain
<BtbN> sometimes it doesn't work on some modern distro, cause they target some real old llvm version, and then there's a PPA or something to backport it there
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<michaelni> Lynne, that file has level=4, micro_version=4 but prior to "Basic float16 support" level 4 should have had micro level 3 maximum.
<michaelni> how was this file created ? can i replicate that somehow ?
<michaelni> either way ill bump micro version again with the next change so we increase seperation
<Lynne> michaelni: this was made with the ffv1_vulkan
<Lynne> *encoder
<Lynne> we reuse the header init code from the C encoder
<haasn> ramiro: did you collect any performance figures during your testing?
<Lynne> could you set the level the C encoder supports in encode_init_internal(), just before ff_ffv1_encode_init() is called?
<Lynne> or at least the micro version
<ramiro> haasn: just a bit, in the order the benchmarks were coming out, looking for slow functions.
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<cone-249> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:e499c85999a1: avutil/refstruct: Fix documentation
<cone-249> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:512e597932df: avcodec/vc2enc: Simplify writing dirac golomb codes
<cone-249> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:27c82af2fe6a: avutil/vulkan: Remove unused ff_vk_create_avbuf()
<cone-249> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:ede2b391cc51: avcodec/put_bits: Add and use put_bits63()
<cone-249> ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:6a7a77023e81: avcodec/dvdsubenc: Remove pointless wrapper
<cone-249> ffmpeg Brad Smith master:49c8f33262d7: lsws/ppc/yuv2rgb_altivec: Fix build in non-VSX environments with Clang v2
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<fflogger> [newticket] marselos88: Ticket #11502 ([avformat] HLS var_stream_map for vtt) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11502
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<cone-803> ffmpeg Lynne master:bdc07f372ac1: hwcontext_vulkan: add support for mapping multiplane images into CUDA
<fflogger> [newticket] Wallboy: Ticket #11503 ([avcodec] AC-3 downmix levels defaulting to 1.414 with recent decoder changes) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11503
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<fflogger> [newticket] uttam_32472: Ticket #11504 ([undetermined] Some of the hdr10+ sidedata parameter values are incorrect / missing) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11504
<cone-803> ffmpeg Nil Fons Miret master:9899da8175f0: libavfilter: guard against ff_draw_init/ff_draw_init2 failures
<cone-803> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:99f0f6e4012e: avcodec/ffv1enc: Fix slice coding mode 1 with rgb frames
<cone-803> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:a8a83e06f917: avcodec/ffv1: Fix remap and float with golomb rice
<cone-803> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:0b097ed9f141: avcodec/ffv1enc_template: Be a bit more verbose on error
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<Lynne> who was the one who wrote custom hwdec drivers for the switch and put them into ffmpeg?
<averne> That was me
<Lynne> cool, could you give me a link to the repo?
<Lynne> thanks
<averne> ^ this is the branch I send to the mailing list, I've been working on an abstraction library that handles low level stuff (device/queue init, cmdbuf building, etc)
<Lynne> I've got someone who's currently trying to deal with awful jetson vendor libraries and I thought they may be able to use this instead
<averne> the corresponding code is in the envideo branch. the library isn't public yet tho
<averne> Sure, which hardware would that be? My stuff was written for the X1 (jetson nano), there might be some incompatibilites with later hardware (I'm aware of something for hevc in particular)
<Lynne> I don't know, but they're looking at encoding, and I guess that's out of scope yet
<averne> Unfortunately yeah at the moment, that would need a lot of work to figure out
<fflogger> [editedticket] Balling: Ticket #11503 ([avcodec] AC-3 downmix levels defaulting to 1.414 with recent decoder changes) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11503#comment:1
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<Traneptora> JEEB: you mentioned a deprecation dance. how do I do a deprecation on an avpriv_ that isn't used anymore?
<Traneptora> I figure it's some sort of #if guard but I'm not sure the details
<JEEB> Traneptora: you will find FF_API_* defines in the different libraries' headers
<JEEB> if indeed avpriv needs to still be handled like a public symbol (which it is!) you will add a new one for this that will make it disappear at the next bump of major
<Traneptora> in this case, the function was exported by avcodec and used by avformat. I want to guard it based on avcodec version, right?
<JEEB> yup
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<JEEB> avcodec.h has a bunch of these mentioned at least
<JEEB> they seem to be defined in libavcodec/version_major.h
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<Traneptora> JEEB: looking at something like this, does this look correct? https://github.com/Traneptora/FFmpeg/commit/62247f7d9ffaab4e774fb00f797e3bf579deeb54
<toots5446> Lynne: I've had some comments from michaelni that I think I can address with the DTS/PTS cleanup in future work. Also one from Andreas (not sure of IRC nick) about moving the code to the packet->frame logic which I also think could be addressed when we get rid of ogg header packets in the demuxer.
<toots5446> About to send an updated patch for the reference output in the git tree. I will also update the test code to only update metadata when an update event is passed as suggested by JEEB.
<JEEB> Traneptora: yea. possibly also add a @deprecated / attribute_deprecated annotation as well
<JEEB> even though this is an internal thing
<Traneptora> last time I did that james said that I didn't have to
<JEEB> yea, for internal stuff probably less relevant
<MemeLeader> pross: merged all g728 patches, keep the superb work going!
<JEEB> older ITU audio formats?
<MemeLeader> well, g719 was done by me
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<ePirat> toots5446, thanks for your work on this!
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<Guest22> hi im new to the ffmeg if i want to contribute. where i can go see the active issue or pr reported or other contributor working on
<Guest22> i am in habit of github for issue and pr but ffmpeg doesn't have github so anyone guide me through that
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<another|> issues are on trac.ffmpeg.org
<Traneptora> I want to rename something in a non-public header in avcodec that's referenced by avformat. I can update the references in avformat in the same commit or a separate commit
<averne> Hi all, at which point is it considered ok to ping for a patch review?
<Traneptora> if I do it in the same commit, I'm now modifying lavc and lavf in the same commit. if I do it in a separate commit, the intermediary won't compile
<Traneptora> averne: usually bump after about a week
<averne> will do
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<toots5446> Thanks ePirat!
<mkver> Traneptora: What?
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<Traneptora> mkver: question is, would it be better to do it in two separate commits or one commit?
<mkver> What symbol?
<Traneptora> it's enum TiffTypes {} in tiff_commoh.h
<Traneptora> I want to rename it to enum AVTiffDataType, cause it'll be part of the public EXIF api when I'm finished with it
<Traneptora> but it's referened by avformat/mlvdec.c
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<mkver> This is not really exported; it can be changed at any time (of course, you need to change it in one commit).
<Traneptora> it's okay to change avcodec and avformat in the same commit for this purpose?
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<Traneptora> I've been told to avoid this
<mkver> It is absolutely necessary; but it should only be done when they are indeed made public.
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<cone-113> ffmpeg Lynne release/4.3:db25eb352aeb: configure: update copyright year
<cone-113> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/4.3:fe01189b0afd: Update for 4.3.9
<cone-113> ffmpeg softworkz release/4.3:69a69741165d: avformat/hls: Partially revert "reduce default max reload to 3"
<Traneptora> mkver: what do you mean "when they are made public"? there's a later commit that moves it exif.h, which is then exported
<Traneptora> should the rename be part of the *same commit* that exports it, is what you're saying?
<mkver> Normally, when a change in lavc requires a change in lavf to work, then this means that you have broken users of the old stuff (like lavf).
<mkver> It should be part of the same patchset.
<mkver> Not done now for some future work that only happens ad calendas graecas.
<Traneptora> it'll be part of the same patchset definitely, it's a preemptive change for when I export it in a later commit
<Traneptora> that's part of the same set
<Traneptora> I was just more curious if one commit or two commits would be better, in the same patchset
<mkver> You have to do it in one, because master has to always compile.
<Traneptora> makes sense, thanks.
<Traneptora> what commit message would I use if it changes avcodec/tiff_common and avformat/mlvdec?
<Traneptora> should I do various: or should I just do avcodec/tiff_common anyway as that's where the bulk of the change is?
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<mkver> "Rename TIFF enum constants"
<mkver> Use the avcodec/tiff_common prefix
<grillo_0> Hello everyone! I'm interested on applying for the WHIP GSoC project[1]. I'm trying to find a bug to fix for the Qualification Phase, do you guys think that the issue below is a good one for this?
<Traneptora> thanks
<michaelni> grillo_0, can you replicate that bug with git master ? if not then its going to be very hard to fix it
<michaelni> grillo_0, i also recommand that you talk with steven liu (the mentor for WHIP) before choosing a qualification task
<grillo_0> I think I'll do that, thanks!
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<fflogger> [editedticket] cgbug: Ticket #11490 ([avformat] [Regression] Audio silent for long MOV file) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11490#comment:5
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<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:5ad66bb28a59: avcodec/hevcdec: Check ref frame
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:de74a4e269f2: avfilter/signature_lookup: Dont copy uninitialized stuff around
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:56282bd3c3a5: swscale/output: Fix integer overflow in yuv2rgba64_full_1_c_template()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:1c0b87d26393: swscale/output: Fix integer overflow in yuv2rgba64_1_c_template
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:f119b562d20b: avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Fix 1 line and one column images
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:46d12dce135c: avfilter/signature_lookup: Fix 2 differences to the refernce SW
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:a31b19aec5af: libavutil/base64: Try not to write over the array end
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:c435cd2d9973: avutil/tests/base64: Check with too short output array
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:6a2ad69370ef: avcodec/lpc: copy levenson coeffs only when they have been computed
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:230ffd7bfe17: avcodec/fmvc: remove dead assignment
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:57ecf48db34c: avcodec/jpeg2000dec: remove ST=3 case
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:7be3a9dbdac3: avcodec/vble: Check av_image_get_buffer_size() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:078ea6ad6c65: avcodec/mpeg4videodec: assert impossible wrap points
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:9f7302dd9419: avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Fix potential overflow in RD
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:d99388d6c37a: avdevice/dshow: fix badly indented line
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:aac5ed8cf76d: avutil/tests/dict: Check av_dict_set() before get for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:ec14490da30b: avutil/tests/opt: Check av_set_options_string() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:b68c97fd870c: swscale/yuv2rgb: Use 64bit for brightness computation
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:3b5e8468fe6b: avformat/ape: Use 64bit for final frame size
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:8359c315c0ad: avcodec/tests/jpeg2000dwt: Use 64bit in err2 computation
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:9cdea8e1b73f: avcodec/tests/jpeg2000dwt: Use 64bit in comparission
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:3f9d4fab41d5: avcodec/wavpackenc: Use unsigned for potential 31bit shift
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:afad059c7b44: avcodec/tests/dct: Use 64bit in intermediate for error computation
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:1bffffad5b00: avcodec/vp8: Check mutex init
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:fb978f6ee473: avcodec/vp8: Check cond init
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:9722437217fa: avformat/sdp: Check before appending ","
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:296d2e6f3c99: fftools/cmdutils: Add protective () to FLAGS
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:047d7dca52cc: avformat/img2dec: Move DQT after unrelated if()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:4402b85c66f8: avfilter/vf_rotate: Check ff_draw_init2() return value
<cone-934> ffmpeg Lynne release/3.4:07154aa7fe27: configure: update copyright year
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:1bbc0359c450: MAINTAINERS: Update the entries for the release maintainer for FFmpeg
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:4a2cf66d5c1c: avcodec/snowenc: MV limits due to mv_penalty table size
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:f6e9c26f2e62: avcodec/jfdctint_template: Fewer integer anomalies
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:810d68262fd8: avcodec/r210enc: Use av_rescale for bitrate
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:69a05f36c36f: avcodec/targaenc: Allocate space for the palette
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:39d6c6e7f597: swscale/output: alpha can become negative after scaling, use multiply
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:dd47be8438e2: swscale/output: Avoid undefined overflow in yuv2rgb_write_full()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:c5fe1087e366: fftools/ffmpeg: Check read() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:dfe833c8be0b: avformat/mov: Check edit list for overflow
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:91d1251821a9: avformat/img2dec: assert no pipe on ts_from_file
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:ccd2e6f76e66: avdevice/dshow: Check ICaptureGraphBuilder2_SetFiltergraph() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:a8934f906ec2: avformat/mpeg: Check len in mpegps_probe()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:7d11ca164817: avformat/rdt: Check pkt_len
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:7036d7a8c725: avfilter/vf_avgblur: Check plane instead of AVFrame
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:529aecc37b19: tools/coverity: Phase 1 study of anti-halicogenic for coverity av_rescale()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:5f93a294c1f8: avfilter/af_pan: check nb_output_channels before use
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:faec74ed04a5: avformat/rtpenc_vc2hq: Check sizes
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:cfd06ff4fec9: avformat/rtsp: use < 0 for error check
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:3112c5043934: avformat/rtsp: initialize reply1
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:64d201f91394: avformat/rtsp: Check that lower transport is handled in one of the if()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:32a4930fd31c: avformat/subfile: Assert that whence is a known case
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:cba83cd8a543: avformat/tls_schannel: Initialize ret
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:199b3e3093fb: avutil/hwcontext_d3d11va: correct sizeof AVD3D11FrameDescriptor
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:1b9e394ab1a9: avutil/hwcontext_d3d11va: correct sizeof IDirect3DSurface9
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:8716ce6c2070: avformat/rmdec: use 64bit for audio_framesize checks
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:f6c9f94998e9: avformat/rtmppkt: Simplify and deobfuscate amf_tag_skip() slightly
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:0a4c165f410e: avcodec/proresenc_kostya: use unsigned alpha for rotation
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:515c20cbf15e: avutil/imgutils: av_image_check_size2() ensure width and height fit in 32bit
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:22924742c921: avcodec/xsubdec: Check parse_timecode()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:158f48acab92: avcodec/golomb: Document return for get_ur_golomb_jpegls() and get_sr_golomb_flac()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:f44ba23251cf: avcodec/golomb: Assert that k is in the supported range for get_ur/sr_golomb()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:fb924d8bc151: avcodec/iff: Use signed count
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:adb8ef8bc6c3: avcodec/loco: check get_ur_golomb_jpegls() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:586115089888: avcodec/loco: Check loco_get_rice() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:dfc53db0d519: avcodec/motion_est: Fix score squaring overflow
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:ce0fc150ec11: avcodec/pixlet: Simplify pfx computation
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:0a57535109c8: avcodec/flac_parser: Assert that we do not overrun the link_penalty array
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:d3b625a5514c: avdevice/dshow_filter: Use wcscpy_s()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:d71876ec5cb0: avdevice/dshow: Check device_filter_unique_name before use
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:ecb722a6ec15: avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Do not duplicate pictures on shifting
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:b34ec0c16df4: avcodec/vc2enc: Fix overflows with storing large values
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:e7724960d3a3: avcodec/utvideoenc: Use unsigned shift to build flags
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:4d93064b958c: swscale/output: Fix integer overflows in yuv2rgba64_X_c_template
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:a186a9a984a2: avformat/asfdec_o: Check size of index object
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:3155d06b198e: avformat/hnm: Check *chunk_size
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:ed5a7a6c9ac3: avformat/mm: Check length
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:7d0db1511c37: avformat/mov: Use 64bit for str_size
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:99ac5be16b87: avformat/mp3dec; Check for avio_size() failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:de4bb6d70697: avformat/mp3dec: Check header_filesize
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:99bf5d92de35: avformat/nsvdec: Check asize for PCM
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:3b356b312081: avformat/sapdec: Check ffurl_get_file_handle() for error
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:c0d4a0c726fc: avformat/sauce: Check avio_size() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:4ead93ffea05: avformat/siff: Basic pkt_size check
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:09d35aec7fc3: avformat/tty: Check avio_size()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:507f99363561: avformat/xmv: Check this_packet_size
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:ddab39d1ff3e: avutil/buffer: Check ff_mutex_init() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:98f0ceb4e91e: avutil/frame: Check log2_crop_align
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:8bc12fa45fff: avutil/slicethread: Check pthread_*_init() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:ec4f24805ea6: avcodec/hevc/hevcdec: Do not allow slices to depend on failed slices
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:7fb253b20dea: avcodec/proresdec: Consider negative bits left
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:c22eb904fd9e: avcodec/vaapi_encode: Check hwctx
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:5c27f6850715: avcodec/utils: apply the same alignment to YUV410 as we do to YUV420 for snow
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:f6adefd4cdc8: avcodec/snow: Fix off by 1 error in run_buffer
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:b66ada8ae5bb: avformat/wavdec: Check if there are 16 bytes before testing them
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:ec84a7de4722: avformat/img2dec: Clear padding data after EOF
<cone-934> ffmpeg Kacper Michajłow release/3.4:8a173a9bf4ee: avcodec/parser: ensure input padding is zeroed
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:acc28553d1da: avformat/wtvdec: clear sectors
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:c6083eee1a48: avformat/wtvdec: Check length of read mpeg2_descriptor
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:7c9f2e65de8a: avformat/lmlm4: Eliminate some AVERROR(EIO)
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:8d570b477e3e: avcodec/dxva2: Initialize dxva_size and check it
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:3945020ab5e9: avcodec/dxva2: Initialize ConfigBitstreamRaw
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:d0fb11975545: avcodec/dxva2: initialize validate
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:bc687c63a03c: avcodec/dxva2: initialize hr in ff_dxva2_common_end_frame()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:7d2f1817bf99: avformat/segafilm: Set keyframe
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:730e9281f56b: avformat/mpeg: Check an avio_read() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:3a8550436511: avcodec/shorten: clear padding
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:45c96c41ebed: avcodec/aic: Clear slice_data
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:9973a54eced5: avcodec/avcodec: Warn about data returned from get_buffer*()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:c4faa5356e58: avformat/apetag: Check APETAGEX
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:b7892cd8357c: avcodec/wmavoice: Do not use uninitialized pitch[0]
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:c28eaa169645: avcodec/vc2enc: basic sanity check on slice_max_bytes
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:c61cab713b66: swscale/swscale: Use unsigned operation to avoid undefined behavior
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:94acfdb3a2de: swscale/output: Fix undefined integer overflow in yuv2rgba64_2_c_template()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:de9b2a2b3514: avformat/mxfdec: More offset_temp checks
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:d0f70898713a: avcodec/jfdctint_template: use unsigned z* in row_fdct()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:e253f3735d89: avcodec/svq3: Check for minimum size input
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:0e997798c102: avcodec/xan: Add basic input size check
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:1c68f225cd6f: avcodec/ffv1enc: Fix >8bit context size
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:b4d26a6333ce: avcodec/ffv1enc: 2Pass mode is not possible with golomb coding
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:db47d9ecb79e: avcodec/ffv1enc: Slice combination is unsupported
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:9a0d56f8f796: avcodec/ffv1enc: Correct error message about unsupported version
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:b6f2250c125b: avformat/matroskadec: Check desc_bytes so bits fit in 64bit
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:d5a26a396dd2: avcodec/ffv1enc: Prevent generation of files with broken slices
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:1f5977e95cdc: avcodec/ffv1dec: Fix end computation with ec=2
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:5f0067652be8: avcodec/rangecoder: only perform renorm check/loop for callers that need it
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:870066675259: avformat/mpegts: Initialize predefined_SLConfigDescriptor_seen
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:197cf584076f: INSTALL: explain the circular dependency issue and solution
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:2ac5f60d1737: avformat/nistspheredec: Clear buffer
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:6ecbd8bbcae6: avformat/ilbc: Check avio_read() for failure
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:7cdefdb2ff8b: doc/developer: Document relationship between git accounts and MAINTAINERS
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:06942392a0e3: avformat/icodec: fix integer overflow with nb_pal
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:f15e004be683: swscale/slice: clear allocated memory in alloc_lines()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:764aa5238f32: avformat/dxa: check bpc
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:6c9f3e222e1b: avcodec/webp: Check ref_x/y
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:e6f9fe73e2ca: avformat/matroskadec: Check pre_ns for overflow
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:250912e23f80: avcodec/utils: Fix block align overflow for ADPCM_IMA_WAV
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:dcfacf4ee5f4: avformat/mlvdec: Check avio_read()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:b322533a60ee: avformat/rpl: Fix check for negative values
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:f41be82acab4: avformat/mxfdec: Check that key was read sucessfull
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:d7f72f7a8499: avformat/rmdec: check that buf if completely filled
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:f4dd0a5fc725: avfilter/af_pan: Fix sscanf() use
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:922b6e6a2d17: swscale/output: Fix undefined overflow in yuv2rgba64_full_X_c_template()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:c58836887d6f: avcodec/aacsbr_template: Clear n_q on error
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:7da68e087983: avcodec/vc1dec: Clear block_index in vc1_decode_reset()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:bc13387c5b50: avcodec/ffv1enc: Fix handling of 32bit unsigned symbols
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:51dd93b44c9b: avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Check FLV1 resolution limits
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:de248843526a: avutil/avstring: dont mess with NULL pointers in av_match_list()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:ad5b7b03127c: avformat/vqf: Check avio_read() in add_metadata()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:ceffbe463358: avformat/vqf: Propagate errors from add_metadata()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:f1515fa17d51: avformat/wtvdec: Initialize buf
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:8c32f218fbea: avformat/ipmovie: Check signature_buffer read
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:67249b7cbfc2: avcodec/huffyuvdec: Initialize whole output for decode_gray_bitstream()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:17c4b50908a9: avformat/mxfdec: Check avio_read() success in mxf_decrypt_triplet()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:5c072bd7e1e4: avcodec/h263dec: Check against previous dimensions instead of coded
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:7dc39ecb8ff5: avformat/mlvdec: fix size checks
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:dae907d55171: avformat/iff: Check that we have a stream in read_dst_frame()
<cone-934> ffmpeg Cosmin Stejerean release/3.4:e6ef90db6cf9: avfilter/bwdif: account for chroma sub-sampling in min size calculation
<cone-934> ffmpeg Lynne release/3.4:2f8faa3ff142: configure: update copyright year
<cone-934> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/3.4:e6304a83a201: Update for 3.4.14
<Lynne> ...that's a 7 year old release
<Traneptora> it's bugfixes for debian-noupdates-ever
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