michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
I think llvm would be a huge dependency for ffmpeg. a simpler and more focused jit would probably be better
OTOH, it's a dependency overwhelmingly likely to be available at runtime if we probe for it :)
the problem with llvm jit runtime is, that they break ABI with every new llvm version
I deal with numba a lot at work, and it's a pain
sometimes it doesn't work on some modern distro, cause they target some real old llvm version, and then there's a PPA or something to backport it there
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Lynne, that file has level=4, micro_version=4 but prior to "Basic float16 support" level 4 should have had micro level 3 maximum.
how was this file created ? can i replicate that somehow ?
either way ill bump micro version again with the next change so we increase seperation
michaelni: this was made with the ffv1_vulkan
we reuse the header init code from the C encoder
ramiro: did you collect any performance figures during your testing?
could you set the level the C encoder supports in encode_init_internal(), just before ff_ffv1_encode_init() is called?
or at least the micro version
haasn: just a bit, in the order the benchmarks were coming out, looking for slow functions.
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ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:e499c85999a1: avutil/refstruct: Fix documentation
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ffmpeg Lynne master:bdc07f372ac1: hwcontext_vulkan: add support for mapping multiplane images into CUDA
[newticket] Wallboy: Ticket #11503 ([avcodec] AC-3 downmix levels defaulting to 1.414 with recent decoder changes) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11503
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[newticket] uttam_32472: Ticket #11504 ([undetermined] Some of the hdr10+ sidedata parameter values are incorrect / missing) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11504
^ this is the branch I send to the mailing list, I've been working on an abstraction library that handles low level stuff (device/queue init, cmdbuf building, etc)
I've got someone who's currently trying to deal with awful jetson vendor libraries and I thought they may be able to use this instead
the corresponding code is in the envideo branch. the library isn't public yet tho
Sure, which hardware would that be? My stuff was written for the X1 (jetson nano), there might be some incompatibilites with later hardware (I'm aware of something for hevc in particular)
I don't know, but they're looking at encoding, and I guess that's out of scope yet
Unfortunately yeah at the moment, that would need a lot of work to figure out
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JEEB: you mentioned a deprecation dance. how do I do a deprecation on an avpriv_ that isn't used anymore?
I figure it's some sort of #if guard but I'm not sure the details
Traneptora: you will find FF_API_* defines in the different libraries' headers
if indeed avpriv needs to still be handled like a public symbol (which it is!) you will add a new one for this that will make it disappear at the next bump of major
in this case, the function was exported by avcodec and used by avformat. I want to guard it based on avcodec version, right?
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avcodec.h has a bunch of these mentioned at least
they seem to be defined in libavcodec/version_major.h
Lynne: I've had some comments from michaelni that I think I can address with the DTS/PTS cleanup in future work. Also one from Andreas (not sure of IRC nick) about moving the code to the packet->frame logic which I also think could be addressed when we get rid of ogg header packets in the demuxer.
About to send an updated patch for the reference output in the git tree. I will also update the test code to only update metadata when an update event is passed as suggested by JEEB.
Traneptora: yea. possibly also add a @deprecated / attribute_deprecated annotation as well
even though this is an internal thing
last time I did that james said that I didn't have to
yea, for internal stuff probably less relevant
pross: merged all g728 patches, keep the superb work going!
older ITU audio formats?
well, g719 was done by me
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toots5446, thanks for your work on this!
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hi im new to the ffmeg if i want to contribute. where i can go see the active issue or pr reported or other contributor working on
i am in habit of github for issue and pr but ffmpeg doesn't have github so anyone guide me through that
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issues are on trac.ffmpeg.org
I want to rename something in a non-public header in avcodec that's referenced by avformat. I can update the references in avformat in the same commit or a separate commit
Hi all, at which point is it considered ok to ping for a patch review?
if I do it in the same commit, I'm now modifying lavc and lavf in the same commit. if I do it in a separate commit, the intermediary won't compile
averne: usually bump after about a week
will do
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Thanks ePirat!
Traneptora: What?
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mkver: question is, would it be better to do it in two separate commits or one commit?
What symbol?
it's enum TiffTypes {} in tiff_commoh.h
I want to rename it to enum AVTiffDataType, cause it'll be part of the public EXIF api when I'm finished with it
but it's referened by avformat/mlvdec.c
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This is not really exported; it can be changed at any time (of course, you need to change it in one commit).
it's okay to change avcodec and avformat in the same commit for this purpose?
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I've been told to avoid this
It is absolutely necessary; but it should only be done when they are indeed made public.
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ffmpeg Lynne release/4.3:db25eb352aeb: configure: update copyright year
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/4.3:fe01189b0afd: Update for 4.3.9
ffmpeg softworkz release/4.3:69a69741165d: avformat/hls: Partially revert "reduce default max reload to 3"
mkver: what do you mean "when they are made public"? there's a later commit that moves it exif.h, which is then exported
should the rename be part of the *same commit* that exports it, is what you're saying?
Normally, when a change in lavc requires a change in lavf to work, then this means that you have broken users of the old stuff (like lavf).
It should be part of the same patchset.
Not done now for some future work that only happens ad calendas graecas.
it'll be part of the same patchset definitely, it's a preemptive change for when I export it in a later commit
that's part of the same set
I was just more curious if one commit or two commits would be better, in the same patchset
You have to do it in one, because master has to always compile.
makes sense, thanks.
what commit message would I use if it changes avcodec/tiff_common and avformat/mlvdec?
should I do various: or should I just do avcodec/tiff_common anyway as that's where the bulk of the change is?
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"Rename TIFF enum constants"
Use the avcodec/tiff_common prefix
Hello everyone! I'm interested on applying for the WHIP GSoC project[1]. I'm trying to find a bug to fix for the Qualification Phase, do you guys think that the issue below is a good one for this?