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I got a 7950X if you want to test something on Zen4, kierank
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Traneptora: if sws actually implements the things sws does, that's reasonable, yes
same for colormatrix
but when it was written, sws didn't do these things :)
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I rewrote the color space conversion core as a generalized 5x5 linear operation pipeline
fusing every single operation together while constructing the pipeline
and then at the end, checking to see which coefficients are still nonzero and then dispatching a dedicated function for that pattern of coefficients
so we have e.g. a fast path for a purely diagonal matrix (compiling down to scalar-vector multiplication), or a 3x3 subset of the 5x5 affine transform
this approach works very well at letting us fuse as many operations together effortlessly
while still allowing us to dispatch to however many dedicated fast paths we end up deciding is worth it on a given platform
and satisfying my autismal quest to make the minimal viable set of operations as small as possible
currently the requirement is only 7 operations :)
read, write, swap_bytes, swizzle, shift, convert, and the new 7th generalized mega-op: linear
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expect to see 1-2 more for filtering (including scaling), some for LUTs, at least one for handling of nonlinear scaling (constant luminance colorspaces)
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[newticket] zcybercomputing: Ticket #11461 ([ffmpeg] Corruption of 608 captions data on extraction) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11461
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Isn't that the third or 4th ticket for that exact thing?
this one is different
but CC issues have been hot lately
past 2 issues were on selecting the right stream (auto detection is not great), this is i believe an issue with the SCC muxer i've seen before
I've seen SubtitleEdit will choke on this output
and there was 1 issue about the FIFO that ended up being user error
Lynne: I think I'm done with all review comments I can recall, storage images are working nicely for me too with both haar and legall wavelets. Could you take a quick look at the changes, or comment on github about anything else that comes to mind https://github.com/raphaelthegreat/FFmpeg/commit/1785147e
Took a week longer cause I started playing persona 5 sorry
After everything is done I will split it appropriately and wait for your GRAY32 commit to get merged separately