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<BtbN> I got a 7950X if you want to test something on Zen4, kierank
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<fflogger> [editedticket] JackLau: Ticket #11380 ([undetermined] Segmentation fault: 11) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11380#comment:3
<fflogger> [editedticket] JackLau: Ticket #11378 ([ffmpeg] ffmpeg can't detect nested m3u8 for subtitles) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11378#comment:1
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<fflogger> [editedticket] berarma: Ticket #11451 ([avformat] Ogg/Theora: Duplicate frames dropped when copying Theora streams) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11451#comment:7
<fflogger> [editedticket] berarma: Ticket #11454 ([avcodec] Ogg/Theora: Bad granulepos when GOP higher than 64) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11454#comment:7
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<ExpertLeader> does anyone here know algorithms used in surroundscope tool?, it maps >2 channels data to 2d picture/frame
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<haasn> I just noticed libswscale/csputils.c is almost 1:1 duplicating libavfilter/colorspace.c
<haasn> somebody(tm) should move these to libavutil
<JEEB> yea, those are quite similar
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<haasn> main dif I think is float vs double which iirc is a speed consideration owing to the swscale code being used in 3DLUT generation
<haasn> which can be quite slow
<haasn> I think what we actually want to do is invent our own, consistant, and complete vector subsystem for use in lavu
<haasn> v4u16_t etc can go there as well
<haasn> v2f32_t, v3i8_t etc is naming scheme that works for vectors
<haasn> m3f32_t I guess would be the natural analog
<haasn> or m3x4f32_t for exotic ones
<haasn> then we can have one set of linalg operations to rule them all (tm)
<haasn> and ofc v4q_t m3q_t for AVRational
<Lynne> I think this is a part where glsl did the right thing, by naming vectors nicely
<Lynne> f32vec3, i64vec4, etc
<haasn> I mean sure that's just adding two unecessary characters and swapping the order of the vector count and type
<haasn> and ofc ivec and uvec are int/uint but float is just vec not fvec
<Lynne> these days I always use GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types with f32vec4 instead of vec4
<Lynne> the _t at the end is just C standards committee bullshit
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<Traneptora> haasn: why not just make vf_colorspace call sws
<Traneptora> like how vf_scale does
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<haasn> probably the best idea, then we can just nuke the duplicate implementations from lavfi
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<haasn> time=3664 us, ref=8418 us, speedup=2.297x faster
<haasn> yuv444p -> rgb24 first implementation
<haasn> as a single fused 4x4 affine transform
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<BBB> Traneptora: if sws actually implements the things sws does, that's reasonable, yes
<BBB> same for colormatrix
<BBB> but when it was written, sws didn't do these things :)
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<haasn> okay
<haasn> I rewrote the color space conversion core as a generalized 5x5 linear operation pipeline
<haasn> fusing every single operation together while constructing the pipeline
<haasn> and then at the end, checking to see which coefficients are still nonzero and then dispatching a dedicated function for that pattern of coefficients
<haasn> so we have e.g. a fast path for a purely diagonal matrix (compiling down to scalar-vector multiplication), or a 3x3 subset of the 5x5 affine transform
<haasn> this approach works very well at letting us fuse as many operations together effortlessly
<haasn> while still allowing us to dispatch to however many dedicated fast paths we end up deciding is worth it on a given platform
<haasn> and satisfying my autismal quest to make the minimal viable set of operations as small as possible
<haasn> currently the requirement is only 7 operations :)
<haasn> read, write, swap_bytes, swizzle, shift, convert, and the new 7th generalized mega-op: linear
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<haasn> expect to see 1-2 more for filtering (including scaling), some for LUTs, at least one for handling of nonlinear scaling (constant luminance colorspaces)
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<haasn> frame= 2000 fps=464 q=-0.0 Lsize=N/A time=00:01:20.00 bitrate=N/A speed=18.6x
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<haasn> yuv444p -> gbrp, nuscale
<haasn> frame= 2000 fps=191 q=-0.0 Lsize=N/A time=00:01:20.00 bitrate=N/A speed=7.65x zvscale
<haasn> frame= 2000 fps=345 q=-0.0 Lsize=N/A time=00:01:19.96 bitrate=N/A speed=13.8x swscale current
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<haasn> mission accomplished for the day :)
<JEEB> nice
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<fflogger> [newticket] zcybercomputing: Ticket #11461 ([ffmpeg] Corruption of 608 captions data on extraction) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11461
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<BtbN> Isn't that the third or 4th ticket for that exact thing?
<Marth64> this one is different
<Marth64> but CC issues have been hot lately
<Marth64> past 2 issues were on selecting the right stream (auto detection is not great), this is i believe an issue with the SCC muxer i've seen before
<Marth64> I've seen SubtitleEdit will choke on this output
<Marth64> and there was 1 issue about the FIFO that ended up being user error
<Marth64> CC needs modernization
<fflogger> [editedticket] Marth64: Ticket #11461 ([avformat] Corruption of 608 captions data on extraction) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11461#comment:1
<nevcairiel> CC as a format needs modern replacements :P
<Marth64> SRT and ASS are all I ever want, I'm checked out from all the other formats
<Marth64> imo...CSS (VTT) is overkill, TTML is too flexible, and EIA608 is ancient
<Marth64> but it is what it is
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<Marth64> I think positioning and some basic formatting is good enough in a subtitle format
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<fflogger> [editedticket] zcybercomputing: Ticket #11461 ([avformat] Corruption of 608 captions data on extraction) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11461#comment:2
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<fflogger> [editedticket] gy-mate: Ticket #11391 ([ffmpeg] ffmpeg7 @7.1_2 segmentation fault with x265 @4.1_0+highdepth) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11391#comment:2
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<IndecisiveTurtle> Lynne: I think I'm done with all review comments I can recall, storage images are working nicely for me too with both haar and legall wavelets. Could you take a quick look at the changes, or comment on github about anything else that comes to mind https://github.com/raphaelthegreat/FFmpeg/commit/1785147e
<IndecisiveTurtle> Took a week longer cause I started playing persona 5 sorry
<IndecisiveTurtle> After everything is done I will split it appropriately and wait for your GRAY32 commit to get merged separately
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