michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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ffmpeg softworkz master:c79cdae37772: avutil/log: support logging of date and time information
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:1afbc4087506: avformat/wavdec: Fix overflow of intermediate in block_align check
ffmpeg softworkz master:9fd23f712a99: fftools/opt_common: add time and datetime log flags
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:251d43aef0df: avformat/mlvdec: fix size checks
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:d1be369af6a6: avcodec/aac/aacdec: Clear SFO on error
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:41cd72d76e14: avcodec/aac/aacdec_usac: Simplify decode_usac_scale_factors()
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:464fb861b17b: avcodec/aac/aacdec_lpd: Limit get_unary()
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:8668957ef604: avformat/iff: Check that we have a stream in read_dst_frame()
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:01f74bfaa2e0: avcodec/rv60dec: Initialize slice gb with actually allocated size
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[newticket] Aleksoid1978: Ticket #11476 ([avcodec] AMF Decoder don't fill AVCodecContext width/height/coded_width/coded_height if no width/height set before avcodec_open2) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11476
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ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:d367016d3cca: avcodec/hevc/ps: Add basic HEVC_SCALABILITY_AUXILIARY support
ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:f926b6045522: avcodec/hevc: Add alpha layer support
ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:88d9ecaa7b79: avutil/frame: Fix direct pointer compare between different array
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ffmpeg Krzysztof Pyrkosz master:64107e22f545: swscale/aarch64/rgb24toyv12: skip early right shift by 2
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FFmpeg obviously has lots of follows. GSoC hasn't even started yet and i have three mails from ppl wanting more info about vp6 encoder project.
lots of VP6 lovers out there? ;-)
yeah, that is worrying
its almost 20 year old codec
some seem to apply due to it being a "known entity", at least that one person who popped here on IRC
although I don't think it has a spec, but I guess multimedia.cx and existing decoder help
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ffmpeg Krzysztof Pyrkosz master:b92577405b40: swscale/aarch64/rgb2rgb_neon: Implemented {yuyv, uyvy}toyuv{420, 422}
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I remember reading the adventures from Kotsya on VP6 Encoder implementation which is not so old might be a good reference to know some encoder implementation nuances
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ffmpeg James Almer master:0e7c2a6287f9: fftools/ffmpeg: use an int for nb_threads
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How would people feel about changing "Parsed_%s_%zu" in libavfilter/graphparser.c to "%s@%zu" ?
This would give them a consistent format with explicitly named filter instances
although it introduces the possibility for conflict if I write -vf "null@1, null"
both would end up named null@1
probably not worth the trouble, this naming scheme is explicitly documented
I think on ML there was a patch set to utilize the additional formats in the API
I don't think that ever got merged
Also, I extended my tree many years ago to propagate interlaced/progressive as well as TFF/BFF through AVFilterLinks. I brought it up on the mailing list at the time, and extending the framework seemed like it would face significant resistance.
devinheitmuell-1: well, I have managed to successfully extend the filter metadata to add colorspace properties
what type of resistance did you encounter? do you have a link to the ML thread?
It was mainly about the fact that AVPackets and AVFrames represent the interlaced/tff/bff info in diffferent formats (and no consensus on which is “better”). Let me find the link…
we did migrate from interlaced_frame/top_field_first to AV_FRAME_FLAG_*
though the other frame flags don't seem like they would make sense on the link layer
TFF/BFF on the link layer makes sense if you need to convert from TFF to BFF or vice versa (and thus during negoiation need to add an additional filter)
For example, if the incoming video was MPEG-2 with TFF (common with 480i), I would need to phase shift it to output on decklink (which requires BFF). If I inserted the filter into the graph, the wrong value would still be announced to decklink (since it wasn’t taking into account the filter being present).
Of course in addition to having it in the filterlinks, I also had to update various filters which might change the values (e.g. deinterlacing/interlacing/phase, etc)
If such a model is upstreamed, I also have those patches to various filters (at least the ones which I cared about).
decklink can only do BFF?
Lynne: If the video is 480i, yes.
It follows the SDI standard, and 480i video on SDI is always BFF.
ah, I see
that explains a few things I've seen
Let’s face it, most video is TFF so few people care about it. But I have to both put out 480i video as BFF (where it’s commonly TFF in the compressed domain), and I need to be able to upconvert 480i to 1080i59, which requires conversion.
though I've never seen SDI being used for pre-HD systems, only analogue over 75ohm cables, which you couldn't convert over to digital
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* kepstin
notes that DV, like used in many SD camcorders, is also bottom field first.
Yeah, it’s surprisingly common in the United States. In particular because over-the-air stations can carry “subchannels” which are 480i so they can put multiple video feeds into a single RF channel for broadcast.
In fact, I have to more downconversion from 1080i59 to 480i59, than I have upconversion, since in general the channels originate as HD but need to put out SD versions for certain takers.
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What is the difference between tinterlace and interlace?
they seem to be overlapping heavily
IIRC, one is a rewrite that is LGPL rather than GPL.
Hmm, perhaps I am mistaken. I thought that was the rationale originally, but I appear to be misremembering.
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haasn: iirc tinterlace came from mplayer
and had basically zero docs as one would expect
and interlace was meant to be a native libavfilter version
speaking of ancient filters, are there reasonable use cases for 'movie' filter today besides closed caption extraction?
i.e. does it add any value besides that since one can pull in and filter complex multiple inputs
Pardon, I meant “LGPL replacement"
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Lynne: how do you use texture() on ivec4 pos; in vulkan filters?
did texture() gain some overload that accepts integer coordinates now?
ivec2 pos*
I guess it did, didn't know you needed float coords
these days, with most storage image problems solved, and texel cache no longer being a thing, I'd just use storage images for inputs unless I needed floats
IIRC it was not inconsiderably faster when I benchmarked it for ffv1 encode (which does ~9 lookups per each pixel per plane)
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speaking of movie filter, the below command should not be working ... am i crazy?
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[newticket] mikey1959515: Ticket #11477 ([undetermined] webvtt is not in allowed_extensions by recent git master versions only) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11477
is makima good sample rate interpolator for audio?
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jamrial there leak somewhere in iamf see trac
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[editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11477 ([ffmpeg] "webvtt is not in allowed_extensions" by recent git master versions only) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11477#comment:4
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haasn: do NEAREST samplers also need +0.5?
Lynne: try kriging resampler for audio, its max delay can be just 1 sample! (i have no skills to implement it)
WinnerLeader: already sent a patch
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Hello I am Shubham Nayak, I am interested to be a GSOC contributor in FFMPEG this year. It would be great if someone could point me to beginner friendly issues where I can contribute. Also, some getting started tasks that will help me understand the code base would help.
Thanks in advance.
start with building the project, then you can attempt to run the FATE test suite :)
whoops, was responding further in the wrong lpace
essentially, something like `mkdir -p lunix_build && cd lunix_build && path/to/ffmpeg/configure` and if the configuration succeeds, `make -jN` should work, where N is the amount of things you want to build/link at the same time
(doing out of tree builds means that if you ever need to hard reset you can just remove the build dir)
on x86_64 the requirements are basically basic compiler tools and nasm for the hand-written SIMD
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ePirat: could you look into fixing xfade_vulkan, specifically texture() calls need +0.5f offset to get the actual sample
Lynne, sure
plus, you use NEAREST sampler, but for WIPETR/WIPEBL/PIXELIZE crossfades, you use a float offset
is this intended? it won't do any interpolation in NEAREST mode
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Lynne, iiuc we dont do any interpolation in the cpu version of the filter, so I guess its fine if we want to match what that does?
Lynne: yes, unless you like implementation defined behavior
then again I am not opposed to changing it if it results in better results, it just did not matter for what I used it for
sure, up to you
Lynne, also whats "old Intel hardware"
what happens with the change for people running on that?
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a small speedup, unless you're doing 20+ loads per each pixel, in which case approximately 20% slowdown
JEEB: all those encoder upstreams really are horrible lately...
x265 and svt-av1 both can't API...
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haasn: also sent patches to fix the crash and the handling of uncompiled shaders
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The robots.txt seems to have largely solved the issue of exploding repo-archive storage size
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Marth64: for the movie filter, I used it until recently to convert the VFR sources to CFR before applying the trim filter. This avoided the issue with using the fast seek option `-ss` with for wildly VFR sources like screen captures where we always get the NEXT frame after the specified timestamps
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so instead of `ffmpeg -ss 35 -i vfr.mp4`, I used something like `ffmpeg -f lavfi -i movie=sp=35:filename=vfr.mp4,fps=25,tpad=stop=-1:mode=clone,trim=start=35:end=38` and can simulate the behaviour expected when seen on a player
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