michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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is the ML dead?
tried to send patches, got OK on all, but it was way too fast and there's nothing on the ML
mailserver looks generally happy
There's a ton of postfix/smtp[2440504]: 9C0E068C96C: to=<vm0b0t@computernewb.com>, relay=mail.computernewb.com[]:25, delay=33961, delays=33959/0.03/0.8/1.3, dsn=4.3.5, status=deferred (host mail.computernewb.com[] said: 451 4.3.5 <vm0b0t@computernewb.com>: Recipient address rejected: Server configuration problem (in reply to RCPT TO command))
But I think that's referring to _their_ server having a config problem
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[editedticket] Gyan Doshi <ffmpeg@gyani.pro>: Ticket #11469 ([ffmpeg] ffmpeg_demux: readrate plays "catch up" if output is blocked, then later resumed) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11469#comment:5
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ffmpeg Andreas Rheinhardt master:37348e1b2089: fftools/ffprobe: Switch to AVMutex
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Hey guys! Im trying to ingest some video files stored on my video server to ffmpeg. My server supports ranged http requests. The first range req sent by ffmpeg is with Range as 0- which my server responds with a header Content Range: bytes 0-63999999/fileSize and Content length set correctly as 64M but ffmpeg never recognizes that the response
doesnt have the whole video and gives an error of Stream ends prematurely at 64000000, should be {fileSize}. I suppose this logic is here https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/libavformat/http.c#L1667. There is never a check for the end offset sent by the video server. variable target_end is always 0 on first request as s->end_off is
initialized to 0
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ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:4ff1d1f3d641: add tools/compare-cvelists.sh
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kierank: re: profiling, I believe I've typically had better callgraph results when omitting -fomit-frame-pointer, does that make any sense?
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Probably but in his current command he has no debug symbols at all
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librempeg just got new demuxer and decoder!
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AgencyLeader: someone on X complaining vgm support is bad
vgm is ?
X is closed social network
i do not consume closed social networks
Some codec on sega
get discord, it does not need your phone
kierank: that is not streamlike format, its more like sequenced or worse, executable like music
and such sequenced, to some extent even sound bank formats are pure mess
and adding support for generic sequenced music, including programmed music, is so huge that is more complex than whole FFmpeg current codebase
Question: there’s been a longstanding limitation where you can have multiple side data elements with the same type for AVFrame, but not for AVPacket. Does anyone know if anyone is working to improve that situation?
devinheitmuell-1: not really. there are afaik no packet side data types where having more than one entry makes sense
jamrial: In my case it’s an issue with AV_FRAME_DATA_SEI_UNREGISTERED (for stuff like proprietary messages). For A53 captions it was worked around with years ago by appending multiple entries to the same type, but that only works if all the side data types are the same size (with SEI unregistered data, you can have each one with a different size)
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BBB and astrange fighting the good fight on there
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BBB and astrange are irrelevant
LLM, AI and compilers are winning the war
as long as dav1d is faster than any AI-produced av1 decoder [with the caveat that you're not allowed to train it on dav1d], I'm ok
that is unfair
train on dav1d all day and year
ok, so you want your AI to write you an av2 decoder before you spend money on a team of experts to write dav2d. how?
if the result is "we'll pay both", then I don't see the point
double the cost, same outcome. why bother?
are you against the AI ?
I don't see the point if it can only regurgitate stuff we already know
if something can be coded: faster + better + more efficient
or for automated object detection?
in rust?
if its the fastest, best, and most correct implementation, yes.
that rust-avfilter email felt like it was genAI'ed
so much text
yes, modern man cant write lot of text at all.
too much tiktok/yt/fb/... usage per day
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but honestly, can you read that much text? it's not like I can't focus, I'm able to understand complete video standards etc.
but that much text, it's just very ... confusing is not the right word. distracting?
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yes, its too much verbose to send actual meaning, big word salad.
kierank: do you need more word fights? I thought the hackernews one was ok in the end
I've seen worse
the hackaday one looks like good ol' slashdot, as in I'm not going anywhere near there
but does anyone here use copilots/ai/whatever when coding ?
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I have utilized locally executable LLM for tab-autocompletion. generally harmless.
yea, but i mean more advanced stuff
I've tested deepseek's qwen-32b model by posting a quote from a spec and requested it to implement a basic parser in rust
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(that's just qwen that was taught against the main deepseek model)
and it did indeed generate some valid code
I've had no good experiences with AI generated anything
but I would not utilize AI-generated code, probably better to have it attempt to analyze your stuff
image generation has stagnated for a year now, deepseek distills are lobotomized, real deepseek needs at least a hundred gigs of vram
that its still useless
it's fun when the stuff gets worse the further you continue. where its initial version of something utilized nice early exits etc, but then it gets more and more derp
but there is something called RIFE
that does video stuff
code-wise, I've never got anything good out of AI, even basic functions have errors that I point out, and the AI goes "oh, yeah, if you say so"
if AI learned from errors, we'd have something in like a week, but for worse and better, its all stateless between sessions
how/what you use?
AgencyLeader: I'm pretty sure due to your commits in open source you can also access the paid tier of copilot for free if you want
since even I have access
so you could just poke into it yourself
yea, but i need something to tweak in settings
or it already works
but isnt bussiness pro plan better quality?
or its just unlimited numbers?
in usage^
the open source developer thing is the full paid thing
looks like i'm not eligible for free full pro copilot
As a maintainer of a popular open-source repository.
librempeg is not "popular"
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you could cheat and mention you've done some minor contributions to ffmpeg
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ffmpeg is a popular cheat code in many such circumstances
like xyzzy in minesweeper
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pretty sure you are since you have commits in FFmpeg. after all, it's an automated check
that said I recall their docs were crap and the way I enabled it was funky
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good morning folks
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* microchip_
farts at j-b :P
oops :)
microchip_: you are too far.
microchip_: try inventing Farts-over-Ip
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devinheitmuell-1: what's your usecase? You need multiple AV_PKT_DATA_A53_CC entries per packet?
jamrial: No, A53_CC is already handled by simply appending the data. My use case is “unregistered” SEI metadata. I want to be able to pass it through the v210enc so I can put it out over SDI using decklink.
ok, will think how it could be done
The AVFrame can contain multiple side data entries for a given type, but I can’t simply do a conversion to the equivalent AVPacket type because that API doesn’t allow multiple entries for a given packet (calling it more than once just deletes the original entry)
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If all the messages were the same size, then we could do it just like we did A53_CC (where it just assumes an array of structs all of the same size), but with unregistered SEI metadata each may be a different length.
nvenc seems to encode the timecode for h264 just fine btw.
jamrial: Thanks. Any ideas in this area are welcome.
BtbN: Cool. Now if we could just get x264 patched I would be very happy. :-)
Judging by the comment in their code, they actively don't want to add support
BtbN: what was the magical sequence of actions to have code.ffmpeg.org send an email? decided to test forgejo since I've not utilized it yet.
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Really? Dekker sent me a proposed patch at once point. An API change is required because the picture_timing needs to be modified (i.e. you can’t simply append an extra SEI blob). I hadn’t seen anything to suggest they specifically didn’t want it supported.
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There is some weird bug going on, where it just doesn't even try to send out activation mails I think...
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JEEB: I manually activated your account now and opened a bug with Forgejo about this
To me it looks like Forgejo is unable to mail on aarch64?!
However that makes sense. It's the only thing that changed
yea that doesn't sound like usual unless some bins/libraries etc are literally missing
It's go
literally a signel binary sitting there
If a library was missing, that binary would not exist
that's what I'd expect, yes
but if it's using the container OS's functionality that it's calling out for
which for whatever reason is not there in the aarch64 base image