michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
[newticket] Wallboy: Ticket #11466 ([avformat] FIFO Muxer: restart_with_keyframe does not work when drop_pkts_on_overflow false) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11466
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[newticket] Wallboy: Ticket #11467 ([avformat] FIFO Muxer: restart_with_keyframe recovers on audio packets) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11467
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haasn, cosminaught, if you want to add a project to gsoc 2025. You should do it soon because the number of slots we receive may depend on how many ideas we have on the page when google reviews it.
ePirat, are you interrested in mentoring a gsoc project ?
the slot number could also depend on how many unique mentors we have, i have no idea, but more is certainly better
i'd like for there to be a 'silk v3' decoder in ffmpeg. there is reference decoder source code. but i don't have the skills to mentor such an unfathomably complex project.
maybe theres a simpler project you want to mentor ?
maybe an encoder for some codec that already has a simple decoder?
silk v3?
vp6 encoder
done as-in added to the wiki :)
oh, doesn't look like k.vos was involved in silk v3, boring
silk v3 is used by weixin/wechat for voice message compression
weird that they wouldn't just use opus
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ffmpeg Martin Storsjö master:b053f1173d97: random_seed: Reorder if clauses for gathering entropy
ffmpeg Martin Storsjö master:19a2d2617711: random_seed: Improve behaviour with small timer increments with high precision timers
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SecretLeader: are you enjoying git thread
it's really something else
there so many mails, that i read every 10th
from the genius that brought you subtitles in avframe done wrong
federation solves all problems
>narrator: it solves none
if you've never used anything with federation, why do you care?
all lazy devs here should be banned
because shouting about it as the solution to all problems when it solves nothing convinces nobody
you don't know that
how can you if you've never even bothered to research
it literally solves your pet problem
and nobody elses
"do you own research"
SecretLeader: yeah we should use some jank system where we can't fork, some weird git commands
all you've been doing for the last N months is trying to find faults with forgejo
all you've done for the last year is say "federation"
providing literally 0 benefits
but all you've ended up is parroting the same misconceptions you've held since you heard the name
stop fighting over irrelevant things
forgejo is doing a great job of making itself look amazing right now
as well as it should be
sarcasm is travelling well on the internet I see
sarcasm is wasted on those who ignore it
I still don't understand how this Agit thing doesn't create infinite branches in the main repo
if they are not forks
not that this Agit thing is usable anyway
agit should't even exist imo
so it's a moot point
its some deprecated system carried over from gittea that forgejo admits has a limited implementation
yet that's what is being proposed we use
exactly, it shouldn't even be proposed
forgejo is here to stay, use librempeg instead
at the end of the day, regardless of where we end up or what we do, you'll need to ask an admin or wait until you can make a repository
not on github
on gitlab?
forjego, it's federated
brawndo, it's got electrolytes
name is lame, but that is not important
if we're moving to github, maybe we should move chat to discord too
I'm only half-joking
move everything to some random 3rd party service provider
true federation
SecretLeader: isn't that the current case :)
everything is on a random third party provider
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could move to fossil. that way code, tickets and wiki are all handled via the SCM system
it's a really neat idea
how do you pronounce forgejo anyway?
f o r g e t o
thardin: "forg(e)" + "eyo"
https://code.ffmpeg.org/ ought to list the repos immediately imo instead of negative space webslop
seems browsable without js at least. a plus for blind/semi-blind devs
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ban javascript
ban librempeg
Powered by Forgejo Version: 10.0.1 Page: 3381ms Template: 205ms
>gitlab is slow
it's comparable in speed
gitlab and forjego
github handless myriad users, and fogejo only hadles single one
3 seconds to generate a page sounds awful
is it running on some anemic VM?
ffmpeg Anton Khirnov release/7.1:8cabfd922a72: lavc/hevcdec: unbreak WPP/progress2 code
it is a VM, how fast it is no idea, what kind of page did you query?
Drivs av Forgejo Version: 10.0.1 Sida: 11446ms Mall: 2094ms
13½ seconds..
hm yeah it seems pretty slow just on the main repository page, either its being bothered by web crawlers again or maybe some caching/indexing is running wrong
my own Gitea (not quite forgejo, but similar enough) is pretty instant on a ffmpeg repo, but I seemingly managed to get the web crawlers to leave it alone =P
compn: do you use mplayer audio filters?
yes, volnorm, and volume mostly
sometimes karaoke
probably some more am not thinking of right now
thardin: I prefer the loading ajax
compared to forejgo where you wait for the whole thing to load
compn: there are very low number of users, can you use/try it, and tell your opinion?
SecretLeader, i watch a lot of films. unfortunately the audio is mixed improperly for playback in home theaters / home tvs. so the dialog is low, the explosions are loud. i think if someone made a hardware hdmi pass-through with volume normalization it would sell well.
compn: that's just standardized downmixing at work.
you cant get hdmi pass-audio and volume normalization at same time, unless you refilter and rencode full audio stream
yes, thats what i'm suggesting SecretLeader
real time filter for normalization, normal to standard...
not to itself
but yes, thankfully loudnorm dynaudnorm etc do the job and at least I can insert those after downmix
i guess with more smart tvs, an hdmi passthrough wont help. the volume normalization has to go into the tv itself :\
compn: with lavfi-preview you can open movies add filters processing you like and than watch it
SecretLeader, yes i know what lavfi-preview does
i'm just not reencoding much anymore, i dont have need for ffmpeg filters on a daily basis
i like your project though
you can also change filter parameters at runtime, for filters that support it
stuff i'd use: a lavfi volume booster browser extension
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doesnt that need compilation?
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sure if you dont write it in javascript
all this situation killed my motivation to finish RE of sonarc codec
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<@BtbN> With full approval only registration you completely kill off contribution though :/ - can confirm, my videolan account has been in approval limbo for a year
I like the model Lynne(?) proposed on the ML, that there is a seperate repo, where you open an "Hey, I'm not a bot!" issue on.
just use github
That way you don't need to go via some separate channel to get approved
one could probably write a bot which listens to emails and automatically approves the user
at the end of the day it's all done via http requests
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I want to add Spout support to FFmpeg <https://spout.zeal.co/>. Basically it's a way to share OpenGL/DirectX textures with other programs in real time.
I'd start with writing output support, but I'm not quite sure where/how to write it.
I know Anton dislikes the idea of adding stuff like that to libavdevice, so I guess it would be a lavfi video sink.
But Spout has no synchronization mechanism, it's basically "call SendImage() and it will be shared right away with whoever calls ReceiveImage()".
I guess adding synchronization mechanism to a video sink would also be a no-no, so I'm wondering if this shouldn't actually be an ffplay renderer instead.
Any suggestions?
on linux, pretty much everything can be exported as a dmabuf, which pipewire may route, and it has synchronization
is there some niche that spout has or support from other clients?
Lynne: on linux it's done and pretty straightforward, but on windows it's not as simple :/
we support d3d11, which is pretty much the standard these days, isn't it?
VJs use Spout to share visuals to Resolume and TouchDesigner
all capture APIs afaik output d3d11
Spout's SendImage() is a bit annoying in that it takes width and height, but it doesn't support stride like in FFmpeg. I might have to add that to Spout first to prevent having to pack the data first before sending it.
apparently it has a region in shared memory where you can register the name of your sender and its directx/opengl texture id (or something like that). I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to just implement this natively instead of using their dlls.
Lynne: another question I wanted to ask you at fosdem but I didn't get the chance, would it be possible to get an opengl buffer and use that as the output to the decoder, instead of outputting to memory and then copying to the opengl buffer? or is this not possible/slow/bad design?
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I don't think opengl code belongs in ffmpeg since we're a library, and opengl is notoriously global
Lynne: thanks, that's the kind of quick reply I was hoping for :)