michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
We blocked /log, cause the git log is expensive
sorry :(
oh wow that makes sense
hopefully an easy fix by adding a trailing /
(random suggestion) I noticed it also spills out which version of nginx its running. if you're in nginx conf's, you can `server_tokens off;` to hide that if you choose
and i only notice it now when the page should already be in shape
michaelni, in spirit I want to and have thought of it. but I don't want to overcommit and let anyone down :) thank you for asking
sure, thx anyway
thank you likewise
the Closed Captions work would have been good.. I would have to very quickly come up with a plan though and align with some folks who contacted me willing to help as well, and I can't rush a good strategy today itself
I'm writing a thesis myself this GSOC period, and we are moving at work. So mentoring GSOC is sadly too much
Lynne, you mentored some projects last year, do you want to mentor something in gsoc 2025 ?
BtbN, sure, thx
deadline is today right?
haasn, you where backup mentor in 2023, are you interrested in mentoring something in 2025 ?
(for plan)
Marth64, for the page technically, yes
google will review in the next days we dont know when
so we statistically probably stil have a little time
if you know anyone who maybe wants to mentor something, please ask them!
wbs, are you interrested in mentoring something in gsoc ? :)
will do
if we truly have nothing, possibly we can assign CLI fixes and that could be low touch to mentor (for example: fix the ffpresets issue, or add ability to set container crop flags).
other option is a broader "help us fix closed captions" plan, with some text I can repurpose, and if I can get some help (maybe devenheitmueller ?) we can tag team this. but a strategy has to be made
michaelni: until when is the project submission deadline?
I might have some swscale simd work lined up soon (tm)
we have submitted ffmpeg already weeks ago but our page is in bad shape
After I land the first part of my rewrite-everything series
^^ haasn's work sounds lucrative and interesting for college students
cosminaught, you where mentor and backup mentor in gsoc2024, are you interrested in being (backup)mentor in gsoc2025 again ?
depends on the project, but certainly interested
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I see SDR is back...
[newticket] MonkeyPaw: Ticket #11464 ([avfilter] Subtitles extracted out of order 608 TS [out+subcc]) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11464
another one ....... *facepalm*
(re: 608 ticket)
re: SDR. I don't understand the hate for it personally.
Idk just depends on what its final scope is. If it is just another input device, it could open new possibilities too. A/V can be exchanged over RF after all. For example ld-decode or its VHS variant. But I am not an SDR expert, so I wouldn't be able to answer to complexity of implementation.
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(off topic but the ld-decode stuff is really cool)
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i have plans to write light-weight clone of mpv-like player, main feature is to provide gapsless audio experience with audio filtering, and also it will no be that bloated with various stuff like current mpv
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LordSDRLeader: will it support SDR?
kierank: it will only use libav* from librempeg
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Realtime playback is hard problem though
Vlc spent decades trying to rewrite clock code
first gets audio, than video if there is enough interest from community
also 1.2.0 of lavfi-preview just released: https://github.com/richardpl/lavfi-preview/releases/tag/v1.2.0 , though for best experience you need librempeg build instead of ffmpeg, as ffmpeg have filters that are lacking array options interface so every interaction is clumsy and needs manually entering strings instead of using/dragging numbers inside
Audio is hardest part
for audio you just send samples to AO device
For real-time this will leak memory quickly
And it's hard problem to not
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lavfi-preview uses openal AO and it does not leak memory
it should work like file, if something drops it will exit, instead of looping forever
Is there a common list of metadata identifiers somewhere, or does each muxer/demuxer have its own? I want to complete the support of itunes style metadata in mov/mp4, I guess I'll have to make up some up arbitrary identifier strings
yea that's the problem with string=string stuff
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galad: I had the same thought
metadata.texi does not have such info, but perhaps we could add it? or a new file like metadata_keys.texi
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will more users use lavfi-preview if i add encoding/muxing/transcoding support to it?
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need more users | engagement | actions
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LordSDRLeader, whats lavfi-preview?
thardin: that would be nice, there are already multiple identifier for the same metadata, for example @too is mapped "encoder" instead of "encoding_tool", and there in some place "encoder" is used instead of "encoded_by", but any change will surely break something out there…
ePirat: GUI for interacting with filters, i linked above github link to release binaries
galad: oh yeah, this is why discipline is important with these things
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I'm surprised itunes metadata is that massive
synopsis, art director, executive producer, phonogram rights
yeah it's intense
stop torrenting music
that most of the original list, before they decided to put all the new tags in an xml blob
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what's up with the spam on IRC lately? #dri-devel gets a spammer once every few hours these days
my qemu keeps crashing, sorry for my join/part spam, i have a plan to fix it but had not gotten a chance
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define spam
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dri-devel guy has been around for like a decade on/off
makes a new account every time
nah, there's some NN-based spam too
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The forgejo should be available at code.ffmpeg.org right?
yes, I guess BtbN is doing maintenance atm
I rebootet it earlier. It should be long back up
I just get a blank page
it didn't start...
forgejo failed to start cause it started faster than mariadb, and it concluded exiting forever is the right reaction to that...
sounds like your containers need a dependency
happy to peer review docker compose files if needed
sounds like you got it though
LordSDRLeader: lool
nevcairiel: containers do not have dependencies.
they are a docker compose concept, only compose honors them, not docker on a reboot
docker devs say: The application should handle that, not we.
didn't swarm do deps?
if not then systemd around docker containers?
I don't see how that would work
forgejo officially supports docker, so it has to support dealing with out-of-order startup imo
fill bug reports
with docker compose you can address this. there is a depends_on option and you can also couple it with a health check. I agree in spirit a good software should handle out of order startup
you could use restart=always on the forgejo container as a hack :P
Marth64: docker compose is not re-run on reboot though
those dependencies become meaningless once the containers are initially started.
They're not an inherent feature of docker, but just a compose thing, that only "compose up" honors.
psykose: I don't like that, cause it enables potential crashy attacks to be re-tried rapidly
makes sense
BtbN: yes it can be done with this param, restart: unless-stopped
That's already set and does not help.
hmm. are you on older docker? (e.g. are you typing "docker-compose" instead of "docker compose")
And it also still has the attack amplification problem.
this is not a compose problem, docker just has no concept of dependencies.
Hmmm. I'll look back at my stuff. Possible I'm wrong and my stuff is working by luck (or held up by the health check in addition to the depends_on)
I get what you're saying now about only "compose up" honors. I thought I had solved this once so will check.
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ffmpeg James Almer master:eb3d507b7f00: avdevice/alsa: simplify passing ff_alsa_open a channel layout
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BtbN, we did the same for VideoLAN gitlab in the beginning but in recent time spam got so bad that forced us to do full approval only registration
With full approval only registration you completely kill off contribution though :/
not like there was much choice sadly
as a new developer to ffmpeg project though, creating a PR was very straigh forward using the Forgejo instance
ffmpeg James Almer master:22aa71d4da37: avcodec/libtheora: fix setting keyframe_mask
ffmpeg James Almer master:a9e8586e3fa8: avcodec/ac3dec: move some fields up in AC3DecodeContext
ffmpeg James Almer master:045a8b15b19e: avcodec/ac3dec: add a flush callback for the ac3 and eac3 decoders
srikanth: If you had to first have an admin approve your account before being able to do anything, it'd be super annoying though
Cause then you'd STILL need to ML or IRC to get in touch
Also, keep in mind the Forgejo instance is just a test. PRs cannot be actually merged there
but you're the first to test the AGit workflow :D