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ffmpeg James Almer master:75ade2dd499f: avcodec/hevc_mp4toannexb: prepend extradata before the leading PS for an IRAP
[editedticket] jamrial: Ticket #11458 ([avcodec] Input file .mkv with -c:v copy option generates corrupted output when remuxing to raw HEVC container) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11458#comment:4
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Hello, I am trying to submit a path to ffmeg-devel@ffmpeg.org and I am receiving Mail Delivery error - User unknown in local recipient table from ffbox0-bg.ffmpeg.org. What could be wrong?
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sunny78: ffmeg-devel should be ffmpeg-devel
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I'm not sure if the captcha is working on the forgejo
Unless my zoology is *really* bad
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frankplow: if you give it invalid answers a few times, it'll let you in
gave me a 404, and just clicking on sign it, it let me
Lynne: It doesn't seem to. This is for registration btw, not for sign in.
put in "ffmpeg" and "2" as the answers, and it'll give you a 404
ah, yeah, that lets you sign in, not register
still, it should be fixed (BtbN)
is ffmpeg accepting contributions on forgejo now? I see a few PRs
no, the repo is not synced up yet
those are tests
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If I enter an incorrect answer, then I get a 404 on clicking continue, if I enter a correct answer (case-insensitive it seems), then when I click continue the page refreshes and the input boxes clear.
What should be fixed exactly? It's not meant to protect the sign in
You need to allow cookies for the captcha to work
I have a cookie called "CaptchaPassed" with a value of "true", still no luck
That's all it checks for for letting you through to the sign-in
I'm trying to register, not sign in
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doesn't work here either
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let me try
also the page interface is from 60th of previous century
but couldnt you use sign in with github?
if you're talking about accuracy as a sale point for your fft, you're doing it wrong
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How does it not work? I just tested it again, and it works fine for me. What's the failure mode? Do you not get the cookie? Does your browser not send the cookie?
Lynne: its closed source, so you need to test it to report here how its power of 2 behaves versus tx
I reproduced it with Chrome... It's a Browser-Side caching issue. The Browser decided "this page surely has to be identical to before". Hitting Ctrl+F5 once you land back there gets you the proper sign up page.
local caching is fun
I'm using firefox
works reliably for me in firefox
only Chrome and Edge fail
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local caching can be disabled with developer tools & in network tab check that the disable cache checkbox is set. and if it's still borked with that, then it's a separate issue
Even with GitHub I don't get any email
GitHub login mode
I'm sending "do not cache this" headers now
so hopefully it works now
BtbN: can you raise the quotas for the account mstorsjo?
kierank: check your spam folder. It sends mail via the ffmpeg.org mail server. And specially Google and Microsoft hate it.
"ffmpeg.org mail server"
I obviously checked my spam dolder
And resent twice
VoteLeader: ffmpeg, the best a man can get!
hpkfft does not have C api at all
how can i test this then?
kierank: I sent you a test-mail via the admin interface, did that get through?
strange, it means it must have not even tried sending you one then.
Guess it hates specifically your account for some reason. Cause tons of other people signed up via github successfully before and two after you
put on shadow list
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Manually activated the account now
how many wings chicken have?
BtbN: I had the same issue when I signed up
yes, but that was caused by the manual admin approval mode
It actively prevents you from confirming your mail address when that's set. The admin is supposed to do that.
So why it now does the same thing specifically for kierank is a bit strange.
fixed vp9 support is USM demuxer!
what's USM?
game format
huh, they had VP9? I guess it kinda makes sense
afaik mpeg1, h264 and vp9, and adpcm_adx, hca on audio side
vp9 is pretty good, dunno why that hate
yea I mean I did encodes in VP9 back when dav1d didn't have x86_64 10bit SIMD
because you got 10bit + browser playable with VP9 in MP4
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VoteLeader: what hate?
youtube even uses it for live streams, with decent results
but thats the thing, youtube is practically the only one that uses it
they mainly use it on apple devices only, others still use webm dash
apple are allergic to open standards
if you are talking about MP4, that was actually open and freely available until 2017 or so, and Apple loves it just because it's originally an offspring of QTFF aka MOV. and the reason why it's no longer open is 100% ISO
even the apple guy who chaired mp4-sys was not liking ISO's one-sided decision
sent an email regarding it
due to how utilized mp4 in general is on the internet, that was actually a messed up move by ISO, but what do you expect from an org that only has CHF in its mind
DASH actually became free again after 3GPP/ETSI got involved
since 3GPP/ETSI provided their stuff into DASH under the understanding that the spec would be freely available
MP4 doesn't seem to have any group within the working group yelling as hard
are there anime torrents with vp9?
probably someone did it
JEEB: no, talking about vp9, opus, and specifically webm
ah, ok
H.26x would not be publicly available if it weren’t for the ITU I believe. I think ISO’s policy is that all standards they publish must be pay-to-play unless circumstances are exceptional
basically requested. previously it was once, and then in 2017 they made it so that the org needs to separately request it for each edition
mixed with ISO not having old versions of specs available (at least in their free section, not sure if you can still buy the old versions on the paid side)
BtbN: Registration on Forgejo works for me now, thank you
you basically just had to Ctrl+F5 after passing the captchs
the browser cached the captcha page...
Actually I might be having the same issue as kierank where I don't receive the confirmation email still
Been a few minutes and it hasn't shown up and it isn't in my spam folder
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Lynne: apparently there is ALD compressor for doubles/floats and it uses simple XOR on integer data and some FFOR algorithm, but i struggle to use/understand it
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typo there: full name is : ALP: Adaptive Lossless Floating-Point Compression
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michaelni: ^
it would be good if it generates ordered and equiproportional integer domain values to enable prediction
i think it does nonsense divisions
but i'm interested in XOR and FFOR part
and see if just interpreting float as uint32_t can do it
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is marton here on irc?
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ffmpeg Araz Iusubov master:36985704420e: avcodec/amfenc: Fix max rate control log message
USE_ONEPASS_SUBTITLE_RENDER in ffplay.c is hardcoded, I'm wondering if we can just remove the #if that uses it.
Lynne, took a quick look at ALP, will look more closely, but it seems generic 64bit float compression not 2D images. in FFv1 ATM everything i have is 16bit floats (if someone has 32 or 64bit float images?)
rather than using alp to encode, you can use alp to translate the coeffs info ints and use the same prediction method as ints
yes but with 16bit floats converting to int while maintaining ordering just needs 8kb in worst case (to store every single 16bit value that is used)
64 kbit == 8kbyte
Lynne, do you stil want to be backup mentor for "VVC x86 simd optimization " ?
so ALP encoding has to beat simple dumb <8kb table unless theres some deeper magic iam missing. Of course for 32bit / 64bit float its a different story and ALP would be more interresting
yup, I've just added myself as a mentor
alp may allow you to scale up to 32 bits
thank you!
about alp: yes
tbh 16bit float pixfmts aren't really that useful since most intermediate VFX steps are done on 32bit floats
but i have no 32bit int or lfoat images
so i cant test anything with 32bit floats
the tonemap filter spits out 32bit planar floats
if you could use a single function to handle float->int conversion it would be better spec-wise
maybe but allowing identity, RLE map, something that handles fixed point numbers stored in float, <--- this would have 3 methods each covering an area the others do not cover optimally
if there was a universal method?
IIUC ALP is not universal
it would be implemented as a preprocess step, basically, you'd run alp when you load each line
you already do that for RGB images, and I think it would be safe to assume any float images are RGB
yes, i already implemented the generic remap table for 16bit floats in "avcodec/ffv1: flip half of float16 and Compactify floats"
another remaping (ALP or other could be done at the same place as an alterantive)
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should h264 parser set timestamps if demuxer set parse timesamps flag ?
timestamps from where
if fixed_frame_rate it can set some kind of arbitrary timestamp
where to set fixed frame rate?
there is fixed_frame_rate flag in vui
i get yellow warnings about unsed timestamps
and ffmpeg than generates new timestamps, but not also dts
which means seeking is not correct any more