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jamrial, i mean mp4 files without qt-faststart that are missing the last part of the file. with the moov atom yes
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Hello guys I know this is not the right place for questions but I don't understand one option that used to work but now doesn't - does the -map_metadata -1 option remove data such as the video creation date? Because it used to remove it but now it doesn't.
that's added by ffmpeg, its not from the original input, use -fflags +bitexact to remove it
Next I have information about the file encoding date
I've already tried every possible command I found on the internet but nothing works.
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I just need to remove the file creation date, I use the x264 codec
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* pross
welcomes the SupremeLeader
pross: what you work on?
i also completed the other L&H codec, but have no idea what its doing internally
how do you have so big motivation to work on speech-only codecs?
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just want to learn
learn speech codecs or REing ?
i wish I had your persistence and motivation to work on REing speech codecs, its huge and hard task, imho much harder than REing lossless audio decoders.
in general, audio is harder than video
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BtbN: yes the old chinese flv extensions just added more ints
we previously nope'd out at them since they were not official (the new stuff at least is published by the entity "owning" FLV)
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[newticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11411 ([avcodec] VVC generated by FFmpeg not playing by same-bundled FFplay?) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11411
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