michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<qwertyttyert> There is a difference. armhf Cotex-A7 4x900MHz Pi OS Raspberry Pi 2 B 1.1 https://0bin.net/paste/YH6PQR3B#voLZ9hSUTsZnUiX8aSpoaqWCERWlcEcmhRhOGAlYz4P https://ibb.co/Q7NcZdGP https://ibb.co/h1x8Wdpb 40, 30 sec.
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<qwertyttyert> In both cases, the file is encoded with the file time.
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<Marth64> Are there any common reasons vulkan encoding would fail intermittently? For example, this command works sometimes then raises Encode failed: -<random negative numbers> intermittently
<Marth64> ffmpeg -init_hw_device vulkan=vk:0 -y -i sample.mkv -filter:v "format=nv12,hwupload" -c:v h264_vulkan sample_vulkan.mkv
<Marth64> NVIDIA 4060TI (driver 550), newest vulkan SDK, 24.04
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<jamrial> Lynne: done
<qwertyttyert> Humor or not humor. Oh, these modern DEs, they need RTX3060. Oh, this modern FFmpeg he need... The very case when the old turned out to be better than the new for me. Optimizations from Debian?
<aaabbb> qwertyttyert: you mean encoding is slower on a newer ffmpeg than older?
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<aaabbb> might not be ffmpeg's fault. might be changes in default presets for whatever encoder you are using. unless you are doing heavy use of filters (big complex filtergraphs) then ffmpeg itself is not doing mutch and the encoding library is doing almost all of the work
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<Traneptora> Marth64: which random negative number?
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<Marth64> Traneptora: it rotates between a few, I'll work on a proper TRAC ticket
<qwertyttyert> Did you look at the links? Have you opened the links? There is real-time -re encoding, the time spent is the same, but the CPU load is significantly different. I don't always need to be faster. If it significantly reduces the real-time CPU usage, I'll use real-time encoding.
<Traneptora> qwertyttyert: this channel is for development of ffmpeg itself, for user help please use #ffmpeg
<qwertyttyert> I don't ask, I show what I saw.
<Traneptora> if you believe you have found a bug please open a ticket on trac
<aaabbb> qwertyttyert: #ffmpeg will still be better unless you're trying to narrow down a particular bug
<Traneptora> as it stands I don't think anybody has any idea what you are talking about
<aaabbb> if there's a regression then asking about it in here is fine but otherwise it's a bit confusing when you just say that older is better
<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11443 ([undetermined] PNG and APNG Incorrect Colors Because of Tags) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11443#comment:1
<fflogger> [newticket] lixingchen: Ticket #11445 ([avcodec] FFMPEG Remux Fails After A Few Frames Lost In The FLV RTMP Live Stream Because Of An Internet Problem) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11445
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<cone-398> ffmpeg Scott Theisen master:33daef5f498c: avcodec/mpeg12dec: rename 0x0502 CC format
<cone-398> ffmpeg Dale Curtis master:957eb2323a92: avcodec/h264dec: make slice header parse errors fatal under AV_EF_EXPLODE
<qwertyttyert> Everything is working normally. I don't know why there is such a difference. I can only guess.
<Marth64> qwertyttyert: what is the question exactly?
<Marth64> please put in #ffmpeg
<Marth64> bot?
<Traneptora> they think they've discovered some bug but rather than say anything intelligible they've chosen to spam
qwertyttyert was kicked from #ffmpeg-devel by Marth64 [please direct user question to #ffmpeg or file ticket on trac]
<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11435 ([avformat] Added "-extension_picky" breaks MPV?) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11435#comment:10
<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11430 ([avformat] [Regression] Data stream in output may glitch "-stats" display since 7.0) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11430#comment:11
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<fflogger> [newticket] Marth64: Ticket #11446 ([undetermined] Intermittent Vulkan encoding failures with 4060TI(driver 550), Ubuntu 24.04, Vulkan SDK 1.4.304.0) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11446
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Jay123210599: Ticket #11443 ([undetermined] PNG and APNG Incorrect Colors Because of Tags) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11443#comment:2
<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11443 ([undetermined] PNG and APNG Incorrect Colors Because of Tags) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11443#comment:3
<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11446 ([avcodec] Intermittent Vulkan encoding failures with 4060TI(driver 550), Ubuntu 24.04, Vulkan SDK 1.4.304.0) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11446#comment:3
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<fflogger> [editedticket] fildens: Ticket #11430 ([avformat] [Regression] Data stream in output may glitch "-stats" display since 7.0) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11430#comment:12
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<MeritLeader> Major  news: got working interpolation of phase between min-phase and linear-phase FIR, I just had to unwrap phase of linear FIR filter.
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<kierank> MeritLeader: nice
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<haasn> MeritLeader: using float32 as intermediate may actually be faster than fixed point int16_t
<haasn> at least in my dumb synthetic benchmark it is
<haasn> I'm starting to think we should scrap the whole approach of using awkward 15-bit/19-bit intermediates and just switch to float32 precision everywhere
<haasn> let me try to switch to float on a branch and see if it's faster
<JEEB> yea, worth a try definitely
<wbs> haasn: if you can package that up into an easy to build/run testcase that we can test on a few other platforms as well, it'd be nice
<JEEB> and yes, that sounds like a Good Idea
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<cone-861> ffmpeg Shreesh Adiga master:59f9dbaa3126: swscale/x86/rgb2rgb: add AVX512ICL versions of shuffle_bytes
<haasn> wbs: yes, will do that
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Jay123210599: Ticket #11443 ([undetermined] PNG and APNG Incorrect Colors Because of Tags) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11443#comment:4
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<cone-861> ffmpeg James Almer master:db7ff135744d: avfilter/avfilter: remove accidental loop index variable reset
<cone-861> ffmpeg James Almer master:49726a922fd2: avfilter/vf_scale: remove global side data when it no longer applies after scaling
<fflogger> [editedticket] jamrial: Ticket #11442 ([avfilter] Scale followed by vstack stopped working) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11442#comment:4
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<Marth64> thx jamrial
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<Compn> haasn, might be worth it to have a separate float version. i know people run ffmpeg on hardware where float is slower
<haasn> indeen
<haasn> with the design I have right now it wouldn't be very hard to have a separate float table/template
<haasn> well, it's actually a bit awkward in one sense
<JEEB> I would first check the most common non-x86_64 archs (aarch64, armv7, risc-v, power). slow floats I would probably expect to happen on MIPS (which at this point is getting less and less utilized) and soft-float ARM (also at this point quite old)
<haasn> which is that for float pipelines you may want to optimize operations a bit differently
<JEEB> it's telling that the amount of non-float alternative implementations hasn't really risen the past few years
<haasn> since float operations associate more easily than fixed point stuff you can roll everything into a single 3x3 matrix op
<haasn> including range expansion and convertion between msb/lsb aligned data etc
<haasn> whereas in the int pipeline I'd rather have a dedicated shifting / conversion step that does not rely on a matrix multiplication step
<haasn> I guess more specifically, the issue is that fixed range matrix multiplications have quite limited value range, e.g. only supporting coefficienst between -2 and +2
<haasn> whereas with floats you can easily have a coefficient as large as, say, 65535
<haasn> and thus roll all range/depth conversions into the 3x3 matrix
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<haasn> wbs: can you run this on ARM? https://0x1.st/bd6W.c
<haasn> gcc -ffast-math -mavx2 -fno-math-errno -fno-signed-zeros -O3 `pkg-config --cflags --libs libavutil` float_bench.c -o float_bench && ./float_bench
<haasn> replace -mavx2 by whatever is needed to enable NEON vectorization
<haasn> on my end I get with GCC: int16: 5294 us float: 4314 us
<haasn> and with clang: int16: 4440 us float: 3850 us
<haasn> it's a pretty pathological case, packed conversions are particularly nasty
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<haasn> but a good way to stress test the typical case of a packed read/write with 3x3 matrix in between
<haasn> (as three separate function calls)
<haasn> this could be for example conversion from rgb24 to ayuv
<haasn> I will expand the benchmark as well to include some convolution/scaling tests but for now it would be nice to establish baseline figures
<cone-861> ffmpeg James Almer master:4a0e1cfc6f33: avcodec/speexdec: fix frame_size for mode == 2
<fflogger> [editedticket] jamrial: Ticket #11078 ([avcodec] Speex decoding speed regression?) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11078#comment:14
<haasn> https://godbolt.org/z/vfjdW5G7q godbolt comparison
<haasn> pretty sure these are still quite unoptimized
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<haasn> I have reason to believe that convolutions will be faster on float also, as well as possibly lookup tables
<haasn> plus making all of the internal math easier
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Marth64: Ticket #11446 ([avcodec] Intermittent Vulkan encoding failures with 4060TI(driver 550), Ubuntu 24.04, Vulkan SDK 1.4.304.0) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11446#comment:4
<BtbN> jamrial: Nvidia basically just confirmed to me that the sequence parameters will never contain the ref disp info. But they're looking into the pairs of SPS/PPS.
<BtbN> I guess the only way to deal with that is to force-disable global headers when in MV mode
<BtbN> and hope they move it all to the first packet
<kasper93> Marth64: shouldn't the ret value be ffmpeg own AVERROR? Maybe try with valgrind, to see why it is random, because it doesn't sound right at all, no matter what nvidia is doing in thier driver
<jamrial> BtbN: if you're supposed to merge two packets out of nvenc into one, what they currently output should be fine as long as we force-disable global headers in mv mode, yes
<jamrial> they seem to output each layer slice and PS NALUs into separate payloads, when they should be together in a single temporal AU
<cone-861> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:1438f6997db7: avcodec/nvenc: Enable recovery point SEI for intra refresh mode
<cone-861> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:ef3ffd8c5c75: avformat/seek: Remove dead code
<cone-861> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:1c5961e4b425: avformat/seek: Remove always true condition
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<Marth64> kasper93: I agree even after following the code it looks like it should be one of our own. I did a quick av_err2str() but it didn't get a result, so random feels even more wrong
<Marth64> I will valgrind
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<MeritLeader> nobody can beat librempeg; it have much more features than any other ffmpeg fork
<llyyr> when will you upstream 86473583b4cd11595f2d372666115024124d429f
<MeritLeader> is this serious? does that commit actually fix some broken files?
<llyyr> yes
<MeritLeader> Traneptora ^
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<jamrial> BtbN: there's also the issue of the output ref disp info just having bogus data
<jamrial> ignoring what you set in nvenc.c
<BtbN> Yeah, I thought it was just ffmpeg mis-logging, but it really seems to be just all 0
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<Traneptora> what's the issue?
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<Traneptora> the file presented in that mpv issue is corrupt
<Traneptora> I don't see what the bug is
<Traneptora> llyyr: why? the file is corrupt
<Traneptora> what's the problem
<Traneptora> whatever software that wrote it is broken
<Traneptora> sBIT not only is the wrong size but half of the CRCs are mirrored for what they should be
<Traneptora> the file is broken in a number of ways
<llyyr> could you comment that and close the issue then?
<llyyr> the trac ticket as well
<Traneptora> the mpv one? yea
<Traneptora> which trac ticket
<llyyr> the trac ticket is also linked in the mpv issue
<Traneptora> that's an unrelated issue though
<Traneptora> 11002 is about "unnecessary meta generated" which is an encode-side issue
<llyyr> ah
<llyyr> shouldn't trust users to link the right issues
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<fflogger> [editedticket] thebombzen: Ticket #11002 ([avformat] Unnecessary PNG metadata generated) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11002#comment:23
<Traneptora> it's still an invalid issue cause the guy who opened it thinks we shouldn't write color metadata when it is known
<Traneptora> so I closed it anyway
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<wbs> haasn: thanks; I'll try to test it tomorrow
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<cone-217> ffmpeg Evgeny Pavlov master:4b77a0a6810c: avfilter/scale_amf: Add AMF VPP & super resolution filters
<cone-217> ffmpeg Evgeny Pavlov master:fbfde332304e: avcodec: add amfdec.
<cone-217> ffmpeg Dmitrii Ovchinnikov master:9e7242579e8e: avutil: add hwcontext_amf.
<cone-217> ffmpeg Evgeny Pavlov master:1f94cc458891: doc/filters: Add documentation for AMF filters
<cone-217> ffmpeg Dmitrii Ovchinnikov master:88a8ba5c991a: avcodec/amfenc: redesign to use hwcontext_amf.
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