michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
<Lynne> I still don't get it, how does yuv420 turn into nv12 when it comes to hwaccels?
<Lynne> ff_get_format() gets yuv420p
<BtbN> at least nvdec simply only outputs nv12 or equivalent formats of other bit-ness
<Lynne> okay, I understand now, sw_pix_fmt remains what the software decoder wants (yuv420) whilst the hw_frames_ctx has what the hwaccel actually outputs
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<amberjojo> Hello Lynne, I am interested in contributing to FFmpeg and applying for GSoC.
<amberjojo> I have read the idea list and would like to work on the "ProRes Vulkan decoder"
<amberjojo> I have experience with OpenGL and GLSL, but I haven't worked with Vulkan before. However, I’m eager to learn. I’d appreciate any guidance on where to focus my learning.
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<compnn> amberjojo, have you compiled ffmpeg from source yet ?
<compnn> dumb question but we all have to start somewhere... :)
<compnn> amberjojo, do you have a vulkan supported video card ?
<compnn> if yes, have you attempted to use the vulkan decoder in ffmpeg ?
<compnn> some students have to start from ring 0 , so i just ask :)
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<amberjojo> compnn, I have not compiled from source yet. I use the ffmpeg utility for regular transcoding purposes. I do have a Vulkan supported Grpahics Card but I have not really set it up on my Linux distribution.
<compnn> no problem, its not a requirement or anything i'm just saying get used to using it a bit to start
<compnn> Lynne might not be available right now i dont know timezones...
<compnn> what were you looking for ? specifications ? documentation on vulkan or ffmpeg vulkan ?
<compnn> i guess you could start by understanding how prores works
<compnn> amberjojo, some information here https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/Apple_ProRes
<JEEB> start with cloning the git repo, `mkdir -p lunix_build && cd lunix_build && path/to/ffmpeg/configure` and if that goes fine, run `make -jNUMBER` where NUMBER is for example number of cores you have
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<JEEB> on an x86_64 system the build requirements are more or less: basic toolchain (build-essential etc), nasm for hand-written assembly and a shell
<JEEB> after that succeeds you can look into the vulkan side within FFmpeg, you will require at the very least vulkan headers >= 1.3.277 , and I would expect some sort of shader compiler (you can see that in configure ffv1_vulkan_encoder_select="vulkan spirv_compiler" , and spirv_compiler can be either glslang or shaderc)
<JEEB> and yes, when you have got 1) the base vulkan stuff in FFmpeg and 2) the existing vulkan ffv1 encoder built, then you can look into prores etc
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<amberjojo> Thanks a lot compnn and JEEB, I will check it out and will get back to you by 1730 (+0530 GMT).
<compnn> amberjojo, haha well remember we're all volunteers here so we might not be active at any time :)
<compnn> but feel free to ask here and someone hopefully can respond
<amberjojo> okie :>, this is my first time collaborating with international developers so I apologise in advance if I may seem too pushy or spammy
<compnn> no you're fine :)
<amberjojo> I will keep in mind to respect timing boundaries
<compnn> what country are you from
<amberjojo> Bharat, that is India
<compnn> ah cool
<amberjojo> wbu?
<compnn> i'm in usa
<compnn> but hawaii so my timezone is GMT-10
<amberjojo> ohh it must be pretty late for you out there then
<compnn> 930pm not too bad
<amberjojo> ahh cool
<amberjojo> anyways, I will be logging off now and give you updates
<compnn> ok have fun
<amberjojo> byee
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<amberjojo> compnn, sorry for barging in once again, but could you please reshare the links given before? I am new to using IRC Clients and have deleted the chat history on the new login
<amberjojo> thanks a lot once again.
<compnn> did you write down the info from JEEB about libraries
<compnn> i can paste it if you need it
<amberjojo> I did not
<compnn> <JEEB> start with cloning the git repo, `mkdir -p lunix_build && cd lunix_build && path/to/ffmpeg/configure` and if that goes fine, run `make -jNUMBER` where NUMBER is for example number of cores you have
<compnn> * aaabbb has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
<compnn> <JEEB> on an x86_64 system the build requirements are more or less: basic toolchain (build-essential etc), nasm for hand-written assembly and a shell
<compnn> <JEEB> after that succeeds you can look into the vulkan side within FFmpeg, you will require at the very least vulkan headers >= 1.3.277 , and I would expect some sort of shader compiler (you can see that in configure ffv1_vulkan_encoder_select="vulkan spirv_compiler" , and spirv_compiler can be either glslang or shaderc)
<compnn> <JEEB> and yes, when you have got 1) the base vulkan stuff in FFmpeg and 2) the existing vulkan ffv1 encoder built, then you can look into prores etc
<amberjojo> Thank you very much compnn
<compnn> no worries :)
<amberjojo> I will set up persistence so that this does not happen again.
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<fflogger> [editedticket] Legimet: Ticket #11481 ([ffmpeg] Alpha decoding support in heic image using H/W) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11481#comment:1
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<amberjojo> compnn, I compiled ffmpeg from source and also went through the wiki page of the Apple ProRes, I did not understand the extreme specifics but I have gained a basic idea of what to do for the project, i.e. to decode the media stream
<JEEB> I thought it's an encoder project?
<JEEB> oh, decoder
<JEEB> ok
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<ramiro> haasn: can you share your current work in progress? I'm curious to see how you'll deal with simple unscaled converters. how does it compare in speed with our current handwritten assembly?
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<Lynne> amberjojo: there's another student with a bit more experience currently looking into that project
<amberjojo> Lynne should I look into another project then? Or keep working on this one?
<Lynne> I'd recommend looking into something else for now
<amberjojo> Alright
<amberjojo> Thank you for your time
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<cone-219> ffmpeg Krzysztof Pyrkosz via ffmpeg-devel master:9993a64d7bcd: avutil/aarch64/tx_float_neon.S: clean up FFT4_X2
<cone-219> ffmpeg IndecisiveTurtle master:b37ce9b01668: libavutil/vulkan: Expose ff_vk_set_descriptor_image
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<haasn> ramiro: https://github.com/haasn/FFmpeg/commits/swscale3/ it's a bit messy atm
<haasn> I have some wip optimizations that broke some formats
<haasn> still need to look into that
<haasn> but it should mostly reflect the overall idea
<haasn> I also want to refactor the way dithering is handled, and also the way unused components are represented across the board
<haasn> it also currently only compiles for AVX2, need to add a line for NEON etc before merging as well
<haasn> speed wise it's something like 1.8x faster across the board atm
<haasn> but not all paths are implemented, notably no scaling atm
<haasn> so no 420 -> 444 conversions for example
<haasn> I have a few ideas on how to deal with scaling but I want to implement the groundwork first
<haasn> and that can at least replace the majority of our unscaled converters
<fflogger> [newticket] sven09: Ticket #11488 ([undetermined] Voice Recording on Mac M3 with Opus has stutter / cracks) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11488
<haasn> One thing I want to do is try and push swizzles through the pipeline during the optimization pass
<haasn> So that e.g bgr24 -> gbrp12 doesn’t end up swizzling twice
<haasn> And then ultimately it would be nice if swizzles could turn into noops for planar i/o ops
<haasn> By just swapping the pointers directly
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<Lynne> do you still have the compiler super magic simd templating of the far future?
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<haasn> not sure what you mean but probably yes?
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<Lynne> could you not?
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<mkver> michaelni: Do you intend to take a closer look at the mpegvideo patches?
<haasn> Lynne: still not sure what you mean
<haasn> I use templates to cover multiple cases, bit depths, etc
<haasn> there's no SIMD in my code
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<Lynne> didn't you use it for optimizations too by compiling the template with -mavx2?
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<haasn> sure, but that's just one extra line in the makefile
<Lynne> yes, but it cuts into the work of those wanting to properly write SIMD
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<BBB> HTMLdoc/ffmpeg.html
<BBB> do "src/doc/t2h.pm" failed, '.' is no longer in @INC; did you mean do "./src/doc/t2h.pm"? at /opt/local/share/texi2any/Texinfo/Config.pm line 162.
<BBB> I'm getting that on 7.0
<mkver> michaelni: Do you still know where exactly the issue was in 7acee6654ccdbadea62e700970f789478febaa0c? I don't see any (then or current) users running into issues that your patch would fix. The worst I see could happen in mdec.c where a potentially out-of-bounds index is used to read from a scantable and whose result is used as an index to read from ff_mpeg1_default_intra_matrix. But this issue has been fixed in 161442ff2c4b0dd8a5072c6bbe6bf55303fffccf.
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<michaelni> mkver, its 13 years ago. i dont remember where exactly the code where that 7acee6654ccdbadea62e700970f789478febaa0c fixed.
<michaelni> it was probably related to avoiding some checks in a speed relevant loop
<mkver> That's what I expected; but I just don't see that loop.
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<michaelni> mkver, 161442ff2c4b0dd8a5072c6bbe6bf55303fffccf is 3 years after 7acee6654ccdbadea62e700970f789478febaa0c so it could be the same issue
<mkver> yes, this would mean that ff_mpeg1_default_intra_matrix could be shrinked again. That's why I'm asking.
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<michaelni> thats then the best fitting explanation
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<jamrial> michaelni: are you aware of any of my recent fixes that i didn't backport?
<BtbN> JEEB: how does that method of sharing a non-public function between libraries actually work?
<jamrial> most affected master branch only, but some weren't
<jamrial> i'm mainly interested in 5.1 and 7.1 as those are the LTS afaik
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<JEEB> BtbN: using SHLIBOBJS to bring in things duplicated from other libraries (usually by means of inclusion or so) into that library
<BtbN> that sounds annoying to deal with
<BtbN> I'd be more inclined to just duplicate the code a third time :/
<JEEB> it shouldn't really be annoying. avcodec, avfilter and avformat already do that (`Objects duplicated from other libraries for shared builds`)
<JEEB> 7c338f470f869978efa3ec161c5f28fa83840c00 seems to be the most recent addition of such usage
<fflogger> [editedticket] Lastique: Ticket #11225 ([fate] ffmpeg-spec-disposition test fails) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11225#comment:2
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<GuruLeader> oh, its full of stars, argh I mean hacks
<GuruLeader> oh, skype is gone?!
<BtbN> Friend of mine is having a meltdown cause of the news
<GuruLeader> really?
<BtbN> Skype is the literal only communication tool her elderly dad can/will operate
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<michaelni> jamrial, no i dont know what you backport or dont backport
<JEEB> BtbN: yea I need to figure out where to migrate some of my family that I can't physically go to
<jamrial> ok, thanks
<BtbN> I usually found just using Jitsi to be the easiest solution
<michaelni> mkver, about the mpegvideo patchset, is there some branch i can test ?
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<frankplow> BBB: Try cherry-picking 4d9cdf82ee36a7da4f065821c86165fe565aeac2? Maybe it should be backported
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<jamrial> JEEB: whatsapp?
<BBB> frankplow: tnx
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<jamrial> frankplow: that will be in 7.1.1
<BBB> is a backport to previous releases worth it?
<BBB> 7.0 fails to compile with modern perl
<jamrial> imo yes
<jamrial> that's some really crappy breakage
<BBB> see we're not that bad :)
<jamrial> michaelni: if i cherry-pick 9aab014878c12cd8b5003d3d9d656d9363789ed6 for release/7.0, will it make it to 7.0.3? i see you didn't tag it yet
<jamrial> err, meant to say 4d9cdf82ee36a7da4f065821c86165fe565aeac2
<michaelni> jamrial, yes, everything pushed to release/x.y will make it to the next release of that branch
<jamrial> ok
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<cone-173> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:c10f15c0e871: avformat/iamf_writer: ensure the stream groups are not empty
<cone-173> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:70ae846c71f4: avformat/iamf_parse: fix setting duration for the last subblock in a parameter definition
<cone-173> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:3c3d25244952: avformat/iamfdec: don't set individual streams as dependent
<cone-173> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:5a8055a58ac7: avformat/iamf_parse: add checks to parameter definition durations
<cone-173> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:d88741836ee3: avformat/iamf_writer: fix setting num_samples_per_frame for OPUS
<cone-173> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:d6270e6b5cbf: avformat/iamf_parse: add missing av_free() call on failure path
<cone-173> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:695dcf29c219: avformat/iamf_parse: add missing constrains for num_parameters in audio_element_oub()
<cone-173> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:e0e7c95a06c2: avformat/iamf_parse: ensure there's at most one of each parameter types in audio elements
<cone-173> ffmpeg Patrice Dumas release/7.0:f1e8e74477c3: doc/t2h: Support texinfo 7.1 and 7.2 pretest
<cone-173> ffmpeg James Almer release/7.0:cacdb41ef22b: Changelog: update
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<cone-173> ffmpeg Martin Storsjö master:b137347278fe: aarch64: Fix a few misindented lines
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