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<compnn> Lynne, says 403
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<MaskedLeader> are there fiiles for section5 input demuxer for dav1d that ffmpeg does not support?
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<fflogger> [newticket] dkode: Ticket #11481 ([ffmpeg] Alpha decoding support in heic image using H/W) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11481
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<haasn> ramiro: michaelni: maybe one of you knows; is there theory behind the optimal way to do ordered (bayer) dithering on images with more than one component (e.g. rgb)? obviously the naive way is to compute one NxN dither matrix and add it to all channels before flooring
<haasn> but sws seems to do something special where it uses either a different dither matrix per channel, or possibly the same dither matrix but with a different offset/position per component
<haasn> also, is there theory behind the optimal size of the matrix N?
<haasn> some sizes seem to work better than others
<haasn> e.g. 4x4 produces better results than 8x8 somehow
<haasn> or wait, I fixed a bug in the dither calculation since I did that test, should redo it
<haasn> yeah nvm, higher sizes clearly are better
<haasn> but there is a consideration where using higher matrix sizes has diminishing returns at certain bit depths
<haasn> for example dithering to 2 bits with a 32x32 matrix yields identical results to a 2x2 because there are only 4 intervals in the output range
<haasn> so simply put, the dither matrix should never be larger than the output bit depth
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<kurosu> The theory may be that the green has the most luma in it, and that's what the dithering would have the most impact? Highly theoretical, and you seem to have figured something else
<MaskedLeader> debayering is art in itself
<MaskedLeader> many ways to do it
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<Lynne> I think the best way to debayer is to upscale by 2x with something that has good reversible downscaling properties, combine the pixels into xyz by treating them as offset chroma samples, then downsample by 2x
<Lynne> every algorithm I've looked at seems to really want to avoid anything computationally expensive
<haasn> ChatGPT suggests using prime offsets
<haasn> i.e. shifting the 16x16 bayer matrix by a (P,Q) offset per channel where P, Q are different primes for each channels
<MaskedLeader> that is sloooow
<haasn> I mean the slowest part is loading a different dither bias value per component
<haasn> that is slow no matter what indexing scheme you use
<haasn> the only faster alternative would be to e.g. reflect the dither matrix, but I don't see how a negation is slower than an addition by a small immediate
<haasn> faster*
<MaskedLeader> "high quality" de-bayer can be separate filter
<haasn> (I'm not talking about debayer)
<MaskedLeader> whats wrong with current algorithm as used by sws?
<haasn> well, I'm not sure what exactly it's doing, it seems to have slightly better results on very low bit depth dithering (e.g. rgb24 -> rgb8 or rgb4)
<haasn> maybe it forces ordered dither?
<haasn> error diffusion*
<MaskedLeader> rgb8/rgb4 is cringe
<MaskedLeader> yes, it is using some dithering, i think either fixed pattern or something better
<haasn> nope it's not doing ED, but even with bayer dither I get MSE={ 2656 1502 1723 0} versus swscale MSE={ 1326 3056 2887 0}
<michaelni> haasn, the rgb dither matrix differences where a result of trying different ones and looking with my eyes picking what looked best
<haasn> but if I look at the output visually it looks okay, and imagemageck PSNR is almost identical
<haasn> but somehow MSE is much higher
<haasn> I don't get it
<MaskedLeader> huh? why not use psnr filter?
<MaskedLeader> or you comparing imagemagick dithering/conversion?
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<MaskedLeader>   jamrial: does ffmpeg have support for section5 demuxer (the one in dav1d) ?
<jamrial> yeah
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<BBB> ffmpeg supports everything
<MaskedLeader> section5 == obu ?
<BBB> yes
<MaskedLeader> strange naming
<BBB> it's like concatenated nal units in h26x
<BBB> whatever that was called, I forgot
<BBB> it's described in section5 of the spec so we decided to call it "section5"
<MaskedLeader> funny
<BBB> annexb is the h26x one
<jamrial> it's obu in lavf because the format is raw obus with no other container-like delimitation
<BBB> there's also annexb in av1, but that's something else again
<BBB> they're both called "obu" (extension), I think
<BBB> so "section5" and "annexb" are distinct formats with the same extension in av1
<BBB> but yes jamrial is right, section5 is raw obus, and annexb has a tiny header around it
<BBB> which is the opposite of h26x, where annexb is the raw nals
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<BBB> what was that NIH container format in ffmpeg called again? the container-equivalent of snowsonic
<Lynne> nut?
<MaskedLeader> no, mxf
<Lynne> right, that one
<jamrial> BBB: my hope is that av2 will have something like h264 annexb startcode and emulation prevention bytes, so the raw obus can be assembled
<MaskedLeader> do not put snow and sonic into same word ever ever again!
<MaskedLeader> snow is usable
<MaskedLeader> sonic is crap
<BBB> jamrial: did you propose such a mechanism to codecWG?
<jamrial> no, i have no idea how :p
<BBB> well then it's unlikely to change, right?
<BBB> (I don't know either, but I hear j-b leads an organization that is a member of aomedia)
<jamrial> is the spec already finished, or frozen?
<BBB> tag you're it
<BBB> I don't believe it's finished or frozen yet
<MaskedLeader> what is entry to such high command elite community?
<BBB> wdym?
<BBB> you mean "how do I get in?" or "how much does it cost?" or something else?
<MaskedLeader> organization behind av2
<jamrial> BBB: the other suggestion would be to report max amount of tile rows and cols in sequence header (same as max dimensions), so you know them in advance and can start threading accordingly
<MaskedLeader> how to send request or suggestions
<BBB> if you want to learn more about aomedia, I'd recommend chatting with our very own pal
<jamrial> which is something dav1d could have benefited from if it was in av1
<MaskedLeader> will av2 have something like lowres, scalable resolution decoding?
<haasn> MaskedLeader: ffmpeg -v debug -f lavfi -i allrgb -filter_complex "[0] scale=sws_dither=none,format=rgb8 [new]; [0] scale=sws_dither=none:flags=force_legacy,format=rgb8 [old]; [0][new] psnr@new; [0][old] psnr@old" -vframes 1 -f null -
<jamrial> av1 already has scalable stuff
<haasn> [psnr@old @ 0x7fb9c801fa80] PSNR r:25.380976 g:25.385617 b:18.624721 average:21.867353 min:21.867353 max:21.867353
<haasn> [psnr@new @ 0x7fb9c801f780] PSNR r:27.703028 g:27.708268 b:20.351837 average:23.762723 min:23.762723 max:23.762723
<haasn> this proves new code is better right?
<MaskedLeader> try also ssim and xpsnr for fun
<BBB> MaskedLeader: I mean the person in this chatroom with the nickname pal
<haasn> hmm it should be 22.015313 though according to ffmpeg master, so somehow there is an extra error even from my conversion rgb8 -> rgb24
<haasn> [ssim@old @ 0x7f7d4c01fa40] SSIM R:0.744536 (5.926695) G:0.746909 (5.967230) B:0.737471 (5.808223) All:0.742972 (5.900191)
<haasn> [ssim@new @ 0x7f7d4c01f780] SSIM R:0.770778 (6.397434) G:0.773257 (6.444660) B:0.811036 (7.236209) All:0.785024 (6.676092)
<haasn> I assume higher is better
<BBB> jamrial: the tile info in seq hdr would be great, yes
<MaskedLeader> jamrial: so how do you specify to decode only at 2x lower resolution for AV1 ?
<haasn> now with bayer dither:
<BBB> subres decoding in av1 is not a thing
<haasn> [ssim@old @ 0x7f265401fa00] SSIM R:0.283037 (1.445030) G:0.265255 (1.338634) B:0.074739 (0.337358) All:0.207677 (1.010977)
<haasn> [ssim@new @ 0x7f265401f740] SSIM R:0.270806 (1.371567) G:0.276395 (1.404986) B:0.085037 (0.385963) All:0.210746 (1.027831)
<haasn> higher score on G and B, lower on R
<MaskedLeader> BBB: prores/proresraw/jpeg2000/etc have subres thing
<BBB> different use case
<BBB> prores wants fast preview
<haasn> but slightly lower PSNR
<haasn> hmm
<haasn> seems my dither really is somehow not as good as swscale
<jamrial> MaskedLeader: the scalable stuff in av1 is spatial layers so you can choose different coded resolutions
<haasn> at least not for the R channel
<MaskedLeader> haasn: you could compare with corr video filter, the ones with higher correlation  (1.0) is better
<haasn> [corr@old @ 0x7f221801fb80] corr R:0.576830 G:0.900706 B:0.576098 average:0.684545 min:0.684545 max:0.684545
<haasn> [corr@new @ 0x7f221801f880] corr R:0.579751 G:0.904971 B:0.579231 average:0.687984 min:0.687984 max:0.687984
<haasn> bayer dither to rgb8
<haasn> rgb4, rather
<haasn> so.. it's better?
<Lynne> jamrial: if you want to blame someone for the lack of startcodes and emulation prevention bytes in av1, blame me
<haasn> but then why do I measure a worse round trip performance in tests/swscale.c?
<Lynne> I still think that raw uncontainerized OBUs shouldn't be a thing
<jamrial> they are made to work with no extra encapsulation, so considerations for assembling them should be a no brainer
<MaskedLeader> haasn: maybe bias in test itself, but bigger MSE is not good sign
<haasn> [corr@old @ 0x7fceb001fa00] corr Y:0.961626 U:0.884706 V:0.949150 average:0.931827 min:0.931827 max:0.931827
<haasn> [corr@new @ 0x7fceb001f740] corr Y:0.958187 U:0.901927 V:0.949753 average:0.936622 min:0.936622 max:0.936622
<haasn> Y corr seems worse (using yuv444p instead of rgb24 to compare)
<haasn> that might be a result of the correlated errors in RGB space
<haasn> interesting
<haasn> shifting the dither matrix around slightly does improve the result
<fflogger> [newticket] nocpu: Ticket #11482 ([ffplay] Using the shortcut key "f" does not toggle fullscreen when using ffplay) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11482
<haasn> hmm
<haasn> almost to a detriment, now I get very low luma error but much higher chroma error
<haasn> rgb24 96x96 -> rgb4_byte 96x 96, flags=0 dither=1, MSE={ 579 3363 4123 0}
<haasn> WORSE, ref MSE={ 1327 2917 2816 0}
<haasn> I guess this strategy does sort of intentionally introduce color noise as the cost of lowering the brightness error
<haasn> however, since brightness error tends to be much worse than color error maybe that's a good thign
<haasn> I think I should port the stupid test to use SSIM instead of MSE
<MaskedLeader> best looking at natural content at higher distance
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<kurosu> Maybe mpeg2 had lowres decoding, and that's because it's the simplest inter codec, and it's a hack with nothing in the specs provisioning for it
<kurosu> Spatial scalability since SVC has been the only solution for all this, and there is/has to be an overhead
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<haasn> MaskedLeader: what should the cutoff be for when to consider a SSIM drop a regression?
<haasn> should it be percentage based or absolute? e.g. if format A has 0.937082 and format B has 0.944319 compared to ground truth
<haasn> should I be checking SSIMB - SSIMA or SSIMB/SSIMA
<MaskedLeader> score inside ( ) is in log scale iirc
<haasn> so probably checking an absolute difference makes more sense
<haasn> well, I don't see any log in the calculation actually
<MaskedLeader> ssim_db
<BBB> haasn: run it on a set of samples and/or conditions, measure stddev/stderr and if you're outside the range that you'd consider noise, it's a regression. you can run more formal statistics on it but generally it's quite obvious
<MaskedLeader> log10()
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<haasn> I will set it to 1e-4 to warn and 1e-2 to fail for now
<haasn> 1e-4 is just sensitive enough to pick up the regressions from slightly worse dithering on monow/monob and rgb8 format
<haasn> while not warning on dither noise at higher bit depths
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<haasn> damn, the pixel range for rgba128le does not fit into AVRational
<haasn> this kinda messes up my whole design, unless we switch to AVRational64
<haasn> to be fair, swscale also refuses to operate on rgba128le
<haasn> I guess I'll just ignore it for now
<MaskedLeader> its very advanced tech
<haasn> but it would be nice to have a 64-bit AVRational at some point
<haasn> or I could hack around it by using an AVRational plus an explicit shift factor
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<MaskedLeader> what changes avctx->trellis ?
<MaskedLeader> for adpcm_ima_wav
<MaskedLeader> nvm
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<haasn> kurosu: for the record, I settled on offsetting dither rows by y only, but not by x; that way it's still just an aligned avx load on the row without needing to worry about overpadding or wrapping
<haasn> and gives good enough results
<haasn> so loading [y & mask][i] for r, [(y + 3) & mask] for g, and [(y + 5) & mask)] for b
<haasn> perf is maybe 10% slower but probably worth it
<haasn> now we should switch to blue noise dither
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<haasn> Overall speedup: 1.676x faster yuv444p -> *
<haasn> 1.743x faster in single threaded mode
<haasn> Overall speedup=1.623x faster, min=0.783x max=38.124x rgb24 -> *
<haasn> lol @ max 38x
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<j-b> FFfast
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<cone-811> ffmpeg James Almer master:8e6032990cda: fftools/ffmpeg_dec: don't try to copy side data from the decoder if it already exists in the output frame
<fflogger> [editedticket] jamrial: Ticket #11468 ([ffmpeg] [Regression] HEVC decoding error for those of image based subtitles) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11468#comment:3
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