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<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:779763181f85: bwdif_vulkan: convert to storage images
<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:389fb36f924d: avgblur_vulkan: port to imageLoad()
<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:1029f51285ec: vulkan: fix crash in ff_vk_shader_free
<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:042ed96d0a2d: vulkan_filter: use GENERAL image layout when no sampler is given
<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:9c4a26d9b009: avgblur_vulkan: fix duplicated variable error when planes=0
<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:a5356396200f: nlmeans_vulkan: switch to imageLoad()
<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:4d3e540fa4a6: flip_vulkan: port to imageLoad()
<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:b02f9157b8c8: gblur_vulkan: port to imageLoad()
<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:379cfd185556: transpose_vulkan: port to imageLoad()
<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:2b8d38cbc198: blend_vulkan: port to imageLoad()
<cone-196> ffmpeg Lynne master:08e37fa0820c: overlay_vulkan: port to imageLoad()
<fflogger> [editedticket] Gyan: Ticket #11469 ([ffmpeg] ffmpeg_demux: readrate plays "catch up" if output is blocked, then later resumed) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11469#comment:4
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<Lynne> I think at least a few of the PRs in the test instance are not tests anymore
<Lynne> BtbN: how would the instances be synchronized during the period where PRs are accepted?
<Lynne> whoever merges anything from either pushes to the other immediately?
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<haasn> is it sane to call av_set_options_string on a stack object?
<haasn> to parse options passed as a const char *
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<BtbN> Lynne: push it to the actual repo, and mark the PR as merged
<BtbN> that's the only somewhat sane way
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<Lynne> I think github marks merged PRs automatically, not sure about forgejo
<Lynne> but yeah, that works
<Lynne> did you figure out the registration issues?
<Lynne> also, I haven't seen any new members on this page in a while https://code.ffmpeg.org/explore/users and afaik at least a few have registered that aren't on the list
<BtbN> There literally is a button on the PRs to "Merge Manually"
<BtbN> which just marks it as merged, but does nothing otherwise
<BtbN> For Members, I need to manually add them, and I haven't bothered so far
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<Lynne> cool
<haasn> Lynne: what's the best way to handle writing vulkan equivalents of existing filters without having to duplicate all options and wrapping code?
<Lynne> if you think the instance is ready, you could submit a patch to merge the tests into the repo and a note on the web page that PRs are accepted for now
<haasn> do we have a precedent for this that is not just copy/pasting the filter
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<haasn> maybe setting the original filter context as a subclass?
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<haasn> Lynne: unrelated, do we have a helper for vulkan filters with inputs but no outputs? (for example, a scene change detection filter)
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<haasn> I guess I can just modify ff_vk_filter_process_simple to make out_f optional
<Lynne> we used to have a helper for inplace vulkan filters (e.g. where the input frame was also the output), which got removed due to it being unused and incompatible
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<Lynne> but yeah, that works
<Lynne> in_f is already optional, no reason not to extend that to the output frame too
<Lynne> are you writing a scene detect filter?
<haasn> yes
<haasn> actually, if I want to attach an SSBO for gathering output
<JEEB> scxvid :3
<haasn> that means I need to write my own dispatch code in any case
<Lynne> feel free to refer to vf_nlmeans_vulkan.c, it does its own dispatching and buffer alloc
<Lynne> same with the ffv1 encoder, buffer pools are great
<haasn> interesting that you use a separate buffer for each weight array instead of one buffer for all
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<haasn> and yeah I'll use that as a reference, thanks
<Lynne> which buffer?
<haasn> in nlmeans, all your float weights etc are separate storage buffers
<Lynne> yeah, you basically compute thounsands of integral images with different offsets, then you analyze each and put it into a single shared weights buffer
<Lynne> we could do multiple integral images per invoc, but the issue is parallelization
<Lynne> each barrier completely and utterly destroys performance, so we waste gigabytes on integral image buffers just so we can avoid barriers by not sharing as many buffers
<haasn> also unrelated but how hard would it be to make planeextract work on vulkan frames? I guess i's not possible atm because you can't put a ref on individual planes of a vulkan frame
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<haasn> it would require tearing apart AvVkFrame and moving all per-plane stuff into a per-plane allocation struct that is then attached to the planes as buf[] references
<Lynne> not that hard, you can just ref the entire frame, modify it by aliasing a wanted plane, and outputting it
<Lynne> btw keep in mind the nlmeans filter in ffmpeg is kinda bogus for anything but monochrome images, since its performed on each plane individually, and according to prunedtree, plane separable denoisers have been out of date for 20 years now, even the nlmeans paper defined the algorithm on top of RGB
<haasn> not sure what you mean, wouldn't that create data hazards with other users of the frame?
<Lynne> it still works great though
<Lynne> no, you can mark buffers as read-only
<Lynne> in general, if you hold a ref, you can assume the frame will not change
<Lynne> and in the case of vulkan, where semaphores are accessed and layout fields are changed, we have frame locking functions
<haasn> wait, vf_planeextract doesn't even ref planes
<haasn> it always does a memcpy
<haasn> in that case nvm my question, we can obviously just do the same in vulkan land
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<cone-951> ffmpeg Shreesh Adiga master:e18f87ed9f9f: swscale/x86/rgb2rgb: add AVX512ICL version of uyvytoyuv422
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<ColdLeader> 16 bit sonarc decoding completed, mission accomplished!
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<ePirat> haasn, had the same issue for xfade, where I even had to copy stuff like the activate function
<ePirat> and then manually keeping them in sync
<ePirat> less than ideal
<ePirat> I just realised the opencl version of the filter still has the old activate function…
<ColdLeader> the ffmpeg normal xfade incarnation usage is not going to work reliably as it consumes huge amount of memory for each xfade inistance in filtergraph, the ffmpeg is dead
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<ePirat> haasn, imho having graphdump option for ffmpeg cli itself is more useful than the separate tool
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<ePirat> makes it easier to see all the inserted filters without having to stare at the verbose log output
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<ColdLeader> think about lib usage, not only about cli limited tool
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<beastd> ColdLeader: best would be both lib and cli with minimal effort to create the cli via lib apis
<JEEB> the whole dumping was already an API, I think the only thing that isn't integrated are the additional formats posted on the ML ages ago
<JEEB> but yea, some dumping formats are more useful as random logs into stderr in ffmpeg, and some are more useful as proper stdout output from a separate tool
<JEEB> although I think the ML patch might have added output to a file
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<devinheitmuell-1> @JEEB At least with the patch I did, I defined an environment variable named export FFMPEG_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR=/tmp, which would then write files to that directory. This syntax is essentially borrowed from gStreamer. But yeah, it’s definitely useful to have the info written directly to a file rather than being made available via av_log().
<beastd> +1
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<ColdLeader> that is very bad for lib usage
<ColdLeader> libs do not need file output
<ColdLeader> libs only need actual data
<devinheitmuell-1> Yeah, I was not suggesting we actually use an environment variable. Just that it’s nice to have some way to put out structured data that isn’t to the logfile.
<jamrial> output to av_log() can't be versioned and can't be expected to be parseable
<devinheitmuell-1> The fact that most filters for examples just log their stats with no way to propagate them back to the calling application drives me nuts.
<jamrial> i don't know how avfilter could do to write to some output. lavf does it with aviocontext
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<ColdLeader> so you want structured data ala xml, ffmpeg libs are not for that
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<JEEB> at one point I thought it could be attached to the filter output frames
<JEEB> so you have your side data of type X, which you can then write out as whatever, in a similar way to ffprobe if you want structured textual output
<ColdLeader> filter have stats via log and/or exported options and/or file and/or frame metadata
<JEEB> yes, logs are widely (ab)used
<JEEB> then yes, there are some pre-side data metadata things
<ColdLeader> ideally you want events
<ColdLeader> buy ffmpeg is so 90ish product
<ColdLeader> *but
<devinheitmuell-1> Yeah, I would be perfectly happy if you could register an event handler which gets called by filters with feedback information.
<JEEB> yea, if you don't need it to be synchronized at all with the actual frame receipt then something like event callbacks
<JEEB> since things that can be in synch with received stuff can just be attached to the AVFrame as structs
<ColdLeader> do not abuse AVFrame for kitchen-sink
<JEEB> I am not abusing anyone
<JEEB> also if you did not notice I actually mentioned event callbacks
<JEEB> but you conveniently ignore that I actually take differnet things into account
<ColdLeader> AVFrame is not a person
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<BtbN> hm, fun. I'm locked out from my own mail server, cause bots tried to many wrong passwords, and faillock activated
<jamrial> BtbN: shouldn't that just block the offending ips after a certain amount of tries and not just shut down everything?
<Lynne> I wish I could put smtp and imap under wireguard, but clients hate it
<BtbN> jamrial: no, it's a PAM module that locks out PAM logins after too many failures
<BtbN> luckily SSH via pubkey does not go via PAM, or I'd be fully locked out
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<ePirat> jamrial, why did you port sbcenc to get_supported_config?
<jamrial> ePirat: to remove a deprecated warning
<ePirat> IMO we should not do that, I discussed this with haasn before
<ePirat> those fields should be moved, but obviously we can not do that without a major bump
<ePirat> for which we need to declare them deprecated before which caused the warnings you see
<ePirat> I tried to fix this by adding the fields in the private struct and copy them to the public ones for the time being but that does not work either because we declare FFCodec as const…
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<ePirat> jamrial, other attempt was using a macro to set both for now… https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/compare/master...ePirat:FFmpeg:epirat-move-deprecated-fields-to-ffcodec
<ePirat> but thats not too elegant either…
<ePirat> jamrial, however I really want all those bogus deprecation warnings gone too so if you have any ideas…
<haasn> Can we just bump the major version?
<haasn> More seriously, can’t we just wrap those usages inside av_nowarn_deprecated
<Lynne> yes, actually, its the season to bump major
<ePirat> haasn, ideally we would have a way to warn but not when included inside libav*
<ePirat> then again its probably not that many sections to add this to…
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<haasn> ePirat: that’s what I do in libplacebo
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<jamrial> <@haasn> Can we just bump the major version? <-- yes
<jamrial> it's about time too. should be done before 8.0
<kierank> 17:56:48 <•JEEB> yea, if you don't need it to be synchronized at all with the actual frame receipt then something like event callbacks
<kierank> 17:57:13 <•JEEB> since things that can be in synch with received stuff can just be attached to the AVFrame as structs
<kierank> 17:57:54 <ColdLeader> do not abuse AVFrame for kitchen-sink
<kierank> eww
<kierank> using frame attached data for signalling
<jamrial> JEEB: were you the one looking at the ogg metadata update for chained streams?
<Lynne> I did a review of it
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<jamrial> Lynne: not sure if you mentioned it, but there's AVSTREAM_EVENT_FLAG_METADATA_UPDATED
<Lynne> yup, the new revision uses it
<Lynne> ah
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