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ffmpeg Lynne master:5cf4f145adde: ffv1dec: set f->state_transition for default range coder table
ffmpeg Lynne master:542a567d504b: ffv1enc_vulkan: support default range coder tables
ffmpeg Lynne master:b6bf568a44ac: vulkan: don't query video queue properties unless the extension is enabled
what kind of performance are you getting with ffv1 vulkan?
can't properly benchmark, since I can't *not* let the frame get autodownloaded
I get "[vf#0:0 @ 0x559ff562c3c0] Reconfiguring filter graph because hwaccel changed" and then "Impossible to convert between the formats supported by the filter 'Parsed_null_0' and the filter 'auto_scale_0'"
what the hell, FFHWAccel.init gets called on every single frame
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bug in the resampler? aresample=resampler=soxr:cutoff=X seems to do nothing (unlike resampler=swr), cutoff frequency is not applied
I can't figure out ff_get_format()
codecs do their own caching of the pixel format and I have no idea why
no i mean it might be a separate thing (unrelated to vulkan convo)
"ffmpeg -f lavfi -i anoisesrc=d=10:r=44100:seed=1,aresample=resampler=$r:cutoff=$n -f md5 -" with r=swr, the md5 is different even for n=0.600 and n=0.601. but with r=soxr, even n=0.4 and n=0.8 return the same md5. maybe i'm misunderstanding but this seems like a bug in aresample?
(also add :osr=48000 to that filter, forgot that when typing it out on irc)
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fixed it
speed is massive
Lynne: enough for real-time 4k?
lol, and then some
haha awesome
what do you expect, the vulkan encoder can do 60fps on 4k
similar compression efficiency as software ffv1?
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within a few percent
nice then i guess any time real space is needed, it could be 2pass'd after with software ffv1
I get 85fps on 4k yuv420p on a 6900xt
hahaha I get 280fps on 4k yuv420p on a 6000 ada
best all my CPU cores can do is 56fps
what about 4k yuv422p?
Lynne, what would be the maximum bandwidth across the pcie ?
probably something we could never reach but i'm curious
yeah nevermind
the stream I'm testing with is around 1.3 Gbps
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who needs a vp6 encoder?
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make libswscale/tests/swscale && libswscale/tests/swscale -src gray -dst grayf32l
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Why does initing a hwdevice needs to allocate a pool, thats somewhat inconvenient on macOS as I need to know a pixel format and sizes beforehand for no good reason?
frameworks like Videotoolbox or ScreenCaptureKit manage their own pool which in case of the latter you can not even access as it lives in the WindowServer
so allocating a pool that sits around doing nothing just to be able to pass around the hw frames seems weird
[editedticket] teckchris: Ticket #11468 ([undetermined] HEVC parsing breaks on some files "Error processing packet in decoder: File exists") updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11468#comment:1
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[editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11468 ([avcodec] [Regression] HEVC decoding error for those of image based subtitles) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11468#comment:2
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ePirat, I'm curious about that too. Its a a bit inflexible to require application control memory on hardware. Maybe its a legacy convention established by the first vendor HWcontexts
I am not that familiar with other hwaccels, I guess it makes more sense on other more low-level ones.
(like when you are dealing with Metal directly for example you would probably maintain your own texture cache)
allocate a pool? what?
Lynne, AVHWFramesContext is essentially a frame pool abstraction from what I can see
yes, and?
so when I want to hand out VIDEOTOOLBOX hwframes, I need to create one even though its entirely useless
it isn't useless, it pools frames
it doesnt?
how would it pool frames if it does not get them from the framepool it abstracts
of course it does, that's where all filters, decoders and encoders get their frames
what framepool it abstracts? it *is* the frame pool
If you want to supply externally provided frames, you still need to prove a hwframesctx, that abstracts that source
yup, for external frames its basically a descriptor of what the frames contain
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right, IIUC what it does in case of Videotoolbox, it gets the AVFrame and immediately releases the hwframe in there and replaces it with its own, which seems absurd
yeah, you don't need to do any of this
so whats the correct way to do this
just ref the context onto the avframe->hw_frame_ctx
Lynne, right but I still need a hwframe context which is essentially a pool, and the hwaccel abstraction in ffmpeg allocates frames from the pool for me?
yes, but it doesn't alloc any frames or data apart from the bufferref and the structs
if you don't want to allocate frames from it, literally just don't
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but it does call my contexts get_buffer implementation, no?
which does the av_buffer_pool_get()
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Lynne, oh I see, thanks
Lynne, in the sample code you linked, why do you pass f to av_buffer_create?
[newticket] emcodem: Ticket #11480 ([undetermined] Support or ignore Iphone16 spatial Apple apac audio) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11480