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<cone-301> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:b6652115de64: avcodec/hevc: Parse recovery point SEI
<cone-301> ffmpeg Zhao Zhili master:bc1a3bfd2cbc: avcodec/hevc: Add support for output_corrupt/showall flags
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<fflogger> [newticket] solomoncyj: Ticket #11478 ([ffmpeg] when converting a heic image to png, resulting picture does not look anything like original) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11478
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<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11454 ([avcodec] Ogg/Theora: Bad granulepos when GOP higher than 64) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11454#comment:9
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<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11478 ([ffmpeg] when converting a heic image to png, resulting picture does not look anything like original) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11478#comment:2
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<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11170 ([ffmpeg] Support merging HEIC tile grids in ffmpeg) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11170#comment:4
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<fflogger> [editedticket] neitsab: Ticket #4448 ([avformat] Support writing album cover art image embedded in ogg / opus metadata) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/4448#comment:14
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<fflogger> [newticket] levogevo: Ticket #11479 ([avcodec] Segfault with LTO - MacOS M4) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11479
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<haasn> Lynne: I get this error spam from vf_nlmeans_vulkan: https://0x1.st/ZwND.txt
<Lynne> fuck validation layers, does it work?
<haasn> not sure about nlmeans
<haasn> but for some reason my shader is not working
<haasn> and I got this error spam when trying to debug it
<haasn> noticed that it seems to happen to all of my shaders except the ones that use filter_process_Nin
<haasn> for some reason
<Lynne> I don't get that error on any of my systems
<Lynne> or at least on all 4 vendors with git master layers
<Lynne> (not like that matters, fuck validation layers)
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<Lynne> also, which pixfmt?
<haasn> yuv420p
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<haasn> I also have this fun issue where my code *stops* working if I turn off the validation layers
<haasn> the buffer always reads back as 0
<haasn> I absolutely can't figure this one out
<haasn> Lynne: https://0x1.st/8jsK.c any clue why this one always reads back the buffer as 0x0 unless I enable validation layers?
<haasn> if anything, the error I pasted only shows up sporadically past frame 500 or so
<haasn> it's a race condition of some sort, and I don't think it's connected
<haasn> it's not the images because the buffer reads back as 0 even if I atomicAdd(plane_sad[0][0], 1u) at the start of the shader
<haasn> oh okay
<haasn> what's that for
<Lynne> we use descriptor buffers/BDA unless validation is enabled, then we fallback to standard buffers
<haasn> gotcha
<Lynne> (if its any consolation, I ran into this issue this gotcha this morning too)
<haasn> why does it work for my other filters (also using buffers)
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<haasn> can I interest you in using pl_gpu instead of all this NIH shit
<haasn> it just works (tm)
<Lynne> no, I quite like my code, its low-level, no-nonsense abstracted, but gives you control when you need it
<Lynne> its also very portable, you can copy all vulkan code outside of ffmpeg and with a few #include paths changed, run it elsewhere
<Lynne> also afaik pl_gpu is constrained to a single-queue, while we rotate queues between each run
<haasn> Lynne: what do I need to set to get VK_KHR_video_decode_queue on RADV?
<haasn> pl_gpu also rotates queues fwiw
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<Lynne> we're threadsafe
<haasn> so is pl_gpu
<Lynne> yeah but we have refcounting
<Lynne> it should be automatic on rdna3 if you have 6 month old firmware
<Lynne> if not, export RADV_PERFTEST=video_decode,video_encode
<haasn> even with RADV_PERFTEST=video_decode I get [h264 @ 0x21f02340] Device does not support decoding h264!
<Lynne> mesa version?
<haasn> pl_gpu also does refcounting
<Lynne> we refcount everything
<haasn> and automatic freeing of resources behind the scenes
<Lynne> we do that too
<haasn> so does pl_gpu, and buffer pools
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<Lynne> we're more automatic
<haasn> [x] doubt
<Lynne> we have shader objects, ha!
<haasn> 24.3.4-402.1
<haasn> shader objects as in pl_pass?
<Lynne> no, real shader objects, VK_EXT_shader_object
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<Lynne> plus all our buffers are BDAs, you don't even need to bind them
<Lynne> and we have all this nice framework which lets you simply pick any memory, vram or system ram, and use it directly in a shader, in whatever type you'd like
<Lynne> are you on fedora?
<haasn> sounds great but if it's a pain to use it counts for nothing
<haasn> I also sort of doubt that you measured a performance benefit from any of these features
<Lynne> lets you experience genuine joy when it runs though
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<haasn> while probably breaking compat with vk 1.1 devices
<Lynne> the ffv1_vulkan encoder is about 2x faster with BDAs
<Lynne> and nlmeans_vulkan's speedup is exponential
<haasn> opensuse, but probably they also disabled h264 for some dumb reason
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<haasn> fine, I'll believe it
<Lynne> yeah, av1 should run though
<haasn> still, would be easier to add these features to pl_gpu and still end up with a nicer abstraction
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<haasn> Amazing, I tried to bench av1 hwdec and my gpu froze
<haasn> I see 2025 still isn’t the year of vulkan hwdec
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<Lynne> which GPU?
<Lynne> also, which sample?
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