michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.1 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
[newticket] lcyf-fizz: Ticket #11483 ([ffmpeg] Segmentation fault on function mov_read_trak) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11483
[newticket] lcyf-fizz: Ticket #11484 ([ffmpeg] Segmentation fault on function av_log_default_callback) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11484
Lynne: when building mpv with threadsanitizer and using hwdec=vulkan, I get a bunch of the following warnings. Is this noise and I should ignore it? ThreadSanitizer: lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock) /home/llyyr/workspace/ffmpeg/./libavutil/vulkan.c:731:5 in ff_vk_exec_add_dep_frame
I don't know whether it's noise or not, but I seem to remember it may be false
i se
wow i forgot all about lowres
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ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:9dea077922bc: avformat/hls: Print input format in error message
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:b753bac08f68: avformat/hls: Be more picky on extensions
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:880007e75cf5: avformat/hls: .ts is always ok even if its a mov/mp4
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:c74740fcd543: avcodec/h263dec: Check against previous dimensions instead of coded
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:4018b915a63f: avcodec/vvc/refs: fix negative pps_scaling_win offsets
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:6c4e56f07d1a: libavformat/hls: Be more restrictive on mpegts extensions
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:43ba995a31d8: avformat/hls: Fix twitter
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:c388bc1774f0: avformat/mxfdec: Check edit unit for overflow in mxf_set_current_edit_unit()
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:6acfaa1084fb: avformat/wavdec: Fix overflow of intermediate in block_align check
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:2e7364727caa: avformat/mlvdec: fix size checks
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:0e5b6a715627: avcodec/aac/aacdec: Clear SFO on error
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:bf8c0be97135: avcodec/aac/aacdec_usac: Simplify decode_usac_scale_factors()
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:6646dd2825ef: avcodec/aac/aacdec_lpd: Limit get_unary()
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:d3929313917f: avformat/iff: Check that we have a stream in read_dst_frame()
ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer release/7.1:3e16202c39b6: Changelog: update
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[newticket] krs_vital: Ticket #11485 ([ffmpeg] Unable to choise GPU on Nvidia A16 card with 4 chips on board) created https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11485
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thardin: FFMPEG fast seek behavior works fine if a fragmented MP4 file has an SIDX box right after the MOOV header, but we get a lot of uploaded fMP4 files that only have a mfra box and no SIDX boxes. These are mostly meeting recordings or screen capture outputs.
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dear Leadership:
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ffmpeg Ulrik master:95314cd7c5c0: avformat/flacdec: Return correct error-codes on read-failure
ffmpeg Peter Zebühr master:e24920375cd2: Make mime-type award a bonus probe score
this one's also missing a prefix like avformat/probe: foo or something
years passed and still no sign of new version of ac-4 specification in pdf
Lynne: With ANMR gone the indexes for `aac_coder` has shifted. I expect this'll break some people setup where they erroneously use the int instead of the name.
the option itself will be gone soon enough
well, not break but using fast instead of twoloop
using ints instead of names is not allowed
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Hi, I’m new here and interested in contributing to FFmpeg!
Thanks! Where should I start as a beginner? Any recommended tasks or docs to read?
BaggyBro, but the obvious first step would be to clone the repo and build from source if you havent done that yet
yes surely I'll do so
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I'm reading through neon implementation and template of fft. What does FF_TX_PRESHUFFLE do? It indicates that the routine expects the even elements followed by odd ones instead of interleaved?
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ffmpeg Chris Hodges master:330c8f8b936d: avformat: add AV1 RTP depacketizer and packetizer
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[editedticket] axfelix: Ticket #11352 ([avcodec] On the state of FFmpeg's ffv1_vulkan encoder implementation on Intel & NVIDIA) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11352#comment:2
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ffmpeg Timo Rothenpieler master:99e2af4e7837: avcodec/cuviddec: correctly handle buffer size and status when deinterlacing
Forgejo instancen can mail again now. Very weird issues. It seems like an issue with leveldb's queue binary format being slightly different between x86_64 and aarch64, so when migrating, the queue DB had to be deleted. Or something else broke, and the queue-reset fixed it.
gotta love the forgejo jank
yes, cause leveldb is clearly "Forgejo Jank"...
forgejo is inevitably gonna be run with a bunch of scripts that only one person understands
whereas we could have videolan with an actual responsive sysadmin
and actual infrastruture
Are you trying to insult me with that or why do you keep going on about responsible and actual sysadmins elsewhere?
no, I appreciate what you are doing
but it mirrors exactly the problem we have in ffmpeg right now
that only one person understands how things work
and there is no transparency
There's at least 3 active sysadmins of current FFmpeg infra, and two kinda retired ones. All of which can maintain what currently exists.
the ml is broken like every other day
Is it now?
And it mainly breaks because Google and Microsoft decided to implement new great anti-"spam" measures
we could have a proper setup in videolan, not some random server that nobody knows where it is
and aaarch64 for some reason?
It's not a random server, and everyone knows where it is...
this is exactly like x265 choosing hg to be contrarian
I feel like you're hunting non-existent windmills
I wasn't even able to sign up to forejgo succesffuly
and neither was frank
Yes, cause of aforementioned issue
And last I checked you signed up fine?
never got the email
So I manually approved you
needed manual enabling
omg this is just insane
And then worked on fixing the issue
It's a test instance for a reason
this is all stuff created by forejo
and then you are unable to take criticism of that
in videolan gitlab there isn't this
It's stuff created by me migrating it the way I did
If you did the same to your beloved Gitlab, good chance something similar would happen
exactly, some jank thing one person has setup and then we will need to depend on for ten years
this is not how a mature open source project should operate
Nothing jank about it.
Repeting it over and over again does not suddenly make it true.
saying "i'm fixing it" doesn't make it not true
it's like all the sane people left this project
You realize how many weird and critical bugs Gitlab has on the regular, right?
On the Jank-Scale, Gitlab very much beats Forgejo for me
kierank: nothing is ever going to be definite. we can move now to forgejo in our own server an later to whatever in some other server
we need gitlab for proper CI
on many targets, with logs
Forgejos CI is not "proper CI"?
instead of complaining it's not done the way you like or want from the start, at least don't try to block an actual move actually happening for once
in a few years it'll be broken and unmaintained like trac
it's very obvious to see that
when forjego eventually forks
I know this from experience
having moved from gogs to gitea and now being told we have to move to forjego
seems like you're doing fine if you can just move on like that?
no it's a nightmare
having to do these migrations
with random scripts and stuff
You can also just stay on Gitea, it's far from dead
gitlab is backed by corpos
that's not a mature CI system
kierank: in the upcoming vote, you can vote gitlab
and we can also run a gitlab test instance after this forgejo one
all the people who understand the reasons why forjego are bad have left
it's just pure contrarianism
Gotta go explain how bad Forgejo is to an increasing number of Projects as well then.
i miss old, great, fame days of mplayer
ffmpeg is a big project run like someone's hobby
The literal only issue I have with Forgejo is that the name is slightly odd
videolan is like a different universe
videolan is dead
Well, we have a significantly higher release output than videolan, so we can't be doing things THAT wrong :D
have more dead and unmaintained projects than google
doubt it
absolutely wild, after all this argument about infrastructure, we just continue going on
kierank: mirrored in our own server, wiht development on an ml not in videolan. moving to gitlab would mean development would happen exclusively there
kierank: i'm with you, i'd rather move to videolan's infra, but that wish is what has kept the project in its current git+ml state for so long
if we have a vote and that wins
then what
goto gstreamer;
Then we gotta convince michael really
then it should happen, assuming the democracy is real and not just a facade
RadioLeader: personally librempeg is looking better than ffmpeg
deMiNicracy is real
Honestly, I'm not too big a fan of the videolan gitlab. It's quite slow and signing up there requires you to know an admin to activate your account. Which at the moment nearly completely locks out outside contribution to Videolan.
At least from new contributors
huh, but needing you to activate my account was somehow ok?
during a test instance...
You realize the difference between the mail system being broken and it being intentionally set up like that?
but this, but that
Forgejo is such brittle stuff
but it's what this project deserves
kierank: please, nothing has been decided. you're acting like shit is done and there's no going back
Do you even hear yourself right now? Sorry to say this, but you do not sound reasonable to me.
I'm trying to speak for those who left like derek
speak what? complaining about a decision that has not been made?
that the push to forejgo out of pure contrarianism is bad for the long term of the project
It's a push to _anything_ new
I literally don't care anymore to WHAT we move, as long as we finally do move
Anything is better than the current ML
there's about 50 people that can vote, i'm sure that if the push is contrarianism from a small amount of people, then that choice will lose
the people that left won't vote
this is pure selection bias
"The inmates running the asylum" so to speak
(that's a figure of speech)
last committe votes got about 2/3rds of eligible people voting
not saying anyone is an inmate
derek could have voted, but he explicitly asked not to be included in the list
anyone here who contributed to dav1d will probably choose gitlab because they are used to it
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gitlab is okay. it has it's problems.
I think ffmpeg would fare better with gitlab than forgejo but anything is better at this point
Then again: I have not used forgejo and gitea only briefly, years ago
For FFmpeg needs, I see no difference in what Forgejo and Gitlab offers. Gitlab almost seems bloated for our needs.
And Gitlab really has quite a poor track record for security issues
i think that part is just because nobody looking at Forgejo
If you used Codeberg before. That's Forgejo.
And if you used Github before, Forgejo/Gitea is pretty dang close to its UI
so codeberg security is rock solid?
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It could just be an issue of more people looking at Gitlab
yes, that i mean
But Gitlab is just really dang big and complex, while Forgejo is all in all still a relatively small codebase
jamrial: you're right about that last one :)
Gitlab is also Ruby iirc, which is not exactly very efficient or fast
So hosting it requires quite a bit more resources
but I giggled at paul's deminicracy
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you guys are amazing
I think we've all got good spirits about anything-but-ml
watch it! FFmpeg is MiNi's DoMiNion
can I ask Mike to give me blog place at leader.multimedia.cx ?
i have no idea what to write, but who knows?
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