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<ePirat> jamrial, breaking API right after the bump is fine?
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<jamrial> ePirat: the only API that can be broken is the removal of deprecated fields, defines and symbols
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<jamrial> the get_supported_config() stuff is too recent, so the AVCodec fields can't be removed just yet
<ePirat> ok I will look into marking them deprecated except when compiling libav* stuff then
<jamrial> "them" who?
<ePirat> the AVCodec fields
<jamrial> they are already deprecated
<ePirat> yes I mean specifically the "except when compiling libav* stuff then" part
<ePirat> so we do not get all these warnings when building
<jamrial> oh, you mean just silencing the warnings
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<jamrial> what exactly is the problem with my sbc patch, anyway?
<ePirat> it makes the code more complex for no gain
<jamrial> the end result is that the AVCodec fields are still populated until they are effectively removed
<ePirat> there is no point doing this for all codecs when after all they just have a fixed list of supported configs
<ePirat> it makes sense for codecs where this is more complex, sure, but for most it would make things more complex for no gain…
<jamrial> so you want to move the fields to FFCodec instead
<ePirat> yeah, that also was what haasn had in mind IIUC
<ePirat> but doing it now is not really feasible right now as it breaks API
<jamrial> it can be done right now if the relevant AVCodec entries stop being const until the deprecation period ends
<ePirat> could also do that but I wasnt sure it was acceptable to make so many of them non-const
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<ePirat> jamrial, I can submit a patch for that and see what others opinions are. Making them non-const would be easiest indeed.
<jamrial> ePirat: eh, maybe just silence the warnings in sbc and wherever else for now, and do the porting/cleaning once we remove the deprecated fields
<jamrial> no reason to do a set of huge changes now and then anoter in a year
<ePirat> ok
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<JEEB> kierank: you know what my feeling is when you literally quote me where I *first* mention event callbacks, and then for stuff where the stats or data or whatever is linked to the AVFrame, side data
<JEEB> like seriously, WTF
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<kierank> JEEB: sorry not meant to be personal
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<haasn> how is yuv and premultiplied alpha handled?
<haasn> is that even a thing?
<haasn> seems like vf_overlay handles it, for sure
<kepstin> you premultiply only the y channel; the u/v are left untouched.
<kepstin> at least, that's how i recall it being done...
<kepstin> now i'm not sure :)
<kepstin> (i'm probably wrong)
<haasn> but does the y channel then get multiplied down to 0?
<haasn> or down to 16?
<haasn> I can't make head nor tails of the math inside vf_overlay tbh
<haasn> Lynne: did you know that vf_overlay_vulkan is likely very broken in the case of alpha mixing?
<haasn> check overlay_alpha_opaque(), it unconditionally overwrites its own output
<haasn> oh, not broken, just redundant write
<haasn> why does it set res.a to 1 anyway? shouldn't you be able to overlay a transparent image onto another transparent one?
<Lynne> yeah, the filter needs a bit of love, I haven't touched it apart from keeping it working
<haasn> fair
<Lynne> like yourself, I couldn't really get the math in overlay either, so I did the best I could
<haasn> so what I do know is that vf_overlay takes a special parameter to control whether or not the *overlay* is assumed to be premultiplied
<haasn> but I'm not sure if it assumes the *base* layer is always premultiplied or not
<kepstin> if you're doing alpha blending without converting to a linear color space, the range handling probably doesn't matter that much. that said, i'd expect that converting to full range (or offsetting so the black point is zero), premultiplying to 0, and then converting back to limited range would be best.
<haasn> what's actually especially weird about vf_overlay unpremultiplies in some cases, shouldn't that never be needed for just overlaying stuff?
<kepstin> hmm, the math might actually work out ok to leave the values in limited range, premultiplying to zero
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<kepstin> you'd still end up with semi-transparent black composited over black ending up being a correct limited-range black
<haasn> so for chroma it does:
<haasn> *d = av_clip((*d * (max - alpha) + *s * alpha) / max + *s - mid, -mid, mid) + mid; \
<haasn> max = 255 for 8bit
<haasn> and mid = 128
<haasn> a lot of this code is confusing
<haasn> for starters why is it subtracting - mid, clamping to -mid, mid and then adding mid again
<haasn> isn't that the wrong clamp range in any case
<haasn> since it is clamping the high end to 128 + 128 = 256
<haasn> the first part at least makes sense, dstUV * (1 - alpha) * srcUV * alpha
<haasn> but then why is it adding *s a second time
<haasn> I am.. concerned about this code, does it even produce the correct results at all?
<haasn> and then the luma case is just as broken
<haasn> so for bits > 8 it simplifies to dstY = dstY * (1 - alpha) + srcY * alpha + srcY - 16
<haasn> again, the extra srcY - 16 term makes no sense
<haasn> but in the bits == 8 case it instead outputs dstY = dstY * (1 - alpha) + srcY - 16
<haasn> and this is all supposed to be the premultiplied src case
<haasn> that last one is the only one that remotely makes sense and it would imply that you premultiply against 16
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<haasn> for the straight src alpha case it just does dst = dst * (1 - alpha) + src * alpha
<haasn> for all channels including chroma
<haasn> so we have three different behaviors none of which match each other and it seems it depends on the bit depth and alpha tagging which one is actually being used??
<haasn> actually it's the extra src * alpha term in the premultiplied case that's not adding up here
<haasn> what codecs even support yuva again? webp?
<JEEB> VP8/9 with libvpx (I had a hack branch for avcodec VP8 which only worked with single thread)
<JEEB> HEVC has a patch set I think
<JEEB> vp6 I think had alpha implemented already?
<haasn> ofc vf_overlay is bad in the sense also that it doesn't do linear light blending
<haasn> pngdec.c has some interesting math also
<haasn> for the handling of straight rgba -on- straight rgba
<haasn> in libavif it seems that premul vs non-premul is done always in RGB space
<haasn> before conversion to YUV
<haasn> so that would imply that limited range YUV with alpha=0 would end up as (16, 128, 128)
<haasn> that would align also with what you get during conversion from rgba to yuva using e.g. swscale
<haasn> and would imply that direct compositing of premultiplied yuva overlays is not a thing one should do *ever*, since the premultiplication happens on RGB
<haasn> the linearity would be destroyed after the conversion to YUV
<haasn> actually nvm the math should cancel out since it's just a linear matrix, so it should still work.. hmm
<kepstin> if the chroma channels are treated as signed (neutral chroma is 0) then it should be equivalent i guess.
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<thardin> does texi2man really not support @headitem?
<thardin> err or whatever command it is that makes manpages from .texi
<thardin> pod2man even. seems all other @multitable do not use @headitem
<thardin> oh yeah it's similarly broken for the "Audio Codecs" section in ffmpeg-all.1
<haasn> kepstin: vf_premultiply also handles it in the way I just described
<haasn> so if anything, we can test to see if vf_premultiply + vf_overlay (alpha=premultiply) commutes with vf_overlay (alpha=straight)
<kepstin> JEEB: yeah, but that's an older core design which doesn't support vector extensions, making it a bit less interesting for multimedia dev
<JEEB> oh right, didn't check that yet
<JEEB> no vectors = meh
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<Lynne> packets are guaranteed to be refcounted, right?
<Lynne> ah, they aren't, but I can use av_packet_ref() to make one
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<Lynne> (since I'm guessing decoders aren't allowed to modify packets, which includes calling av_packet_make_refcounted())
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<Lynne> what would be the best way to give a hwaccel the avbufferref/avpacket of the decoder? leave a ref in the main decoder context, or hack it in the data ptr of start_frame, or make a new start_frame_ref callback?
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<fflogger> [editedticket] mikey1959515: Ticket #11477 ([ffmpeg] "webvtt is not in allowed_extensions" by recent git master versions only) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11477#comment:5
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<fflogger> [editedticket] MasterQuestionable: Ticket #11477 ([ffmpeg] "webvtt is not in allowed_extensions" by recent git master versions only) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11477#comment:6
<Guest40> Can someone please review my patch [PATCH v3] libavformat/mov: fix seek issues for fragmented mp4 files? Is there a maintainer for mov/mp4?
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<cone-324> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:cd81f084917d: avfilter/libplacebo: use a transparent default fillcolor
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<IceLeader> haasn: why libplacebo isi not using AV_OPT_TYPE_COLOR ?
<haasn> not sure, how new is that?
<IceLeader> very old
<haasn> wouldn't be the only filter that uses av_parse_color
<IceLeader> but in not needed
<IceLeader> the only exceptions are filters that are broken
<IceLeader> also its duplicating calls
<haasn> sent fix
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<IceLeader> i gonna quit
<IceLeader> can't compete with ffmpeg
<psykose> ice turning to water
<llyyr> librempeg dead?
<IceLeader> yes. can't compete with so many experienced and hardworking devs, doing daily merges of new changes is so hard today.
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<jamrial> IceLeader: is there anything that still bothers you about the project that you wont contribute again?
<IceLeader> no elenril
<jamrial> you left back when he was around
<jamrial> and he may still come back, but not before some things change
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<haasn> bike shed time
<haasn> frame->alpha_mode = (AVAlphaMode) AVALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED;
<haasn> frame->alpha = (AVAlpha) AVALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED;
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<haasn> is the extra verbosity adding anything or should I save ourselves the precious keystrokes?
<jamrial> haasn: i think i prefer alpha_mode
<jamrial> is that an enum?
<haasn> yeah
<haasn> and it actually isn't typedef'd
<jamrial> then yes, add the mode suffix
<haasn> fair enough
<haasn> that's the version I already am working on
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<haasn> is there any codec that supports both premultiplied and independent alpha, with appropriate tagging?
<haasn> because if not, there's no reason to make it a property of AVCodecContext since it can't meaningfully be set based on anything
<IceLeader> not really, its marked at container level iirc
<Lynne> you can add a field in the header of ffv1 if you wanted to
<JEEB> yea, not sure if with prores it's in the QTFF container or the bit stream
<haasn> IceLeader: which container can do that?
<haasn> I think I will skip adding it to AVCodecContext either way for now, and just make sure codecs output the correct tags where possible
<haasn> until a use case arises for having this information available in the avctx
<IceLeader> iirc its apple some xml crap, do not hold me on it.
<haasn> .. which probably will be when we inevitably add filter negotiation for this
<IceLeader> premultiply is niche and very pro feature
<haasn> all macOS APIs handle only premul
<IceLeader> search on trac for premultiply
<haasn> good idea
<JEEB> but yea, my only reference is that I saw some UI shown in a youtube video. search terms do bring up stuff like https://discussions.apple.com/content/attachment/acf07cb6-16c6-4db5-b7bc-b34e3d55afe4 but I have no idea if relevant at all
<JEEB> some sort of metadata view
<JEEB> supposedly from final cut pro x
<Lynne> didn't we support some texture codec?
<Lynne> those must 100% be premult alpha
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<haasn> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11210 suggests that TIF can handle both
<haasn> somehow
* haasn grumbles
<IceLeader> probably via custom, unspec tag name
<IceLeader> How to simplify this code: if (shiftbits & 1) delta += (step >> 3);
<IceLeader> if (shiftbits & 2) delta += (step >> 2);
<IceLeader> if (shiftbits & 4) delta += (step >> 1);
<IceLeader> if (shiftbits & 8) delta += step;
<haasn> isn't that just a multiplication with reverse bit order
<haasn> (plus shift)
<IceLeader> its part of 5bit adpcm ima wav expand nibble
<haasn> if you can make shiftbits defined the other way around it could be just (step * shiftbits) >> 3
<IceLeader> thing is ffmpeg lavc decoder is not correct
<haasn> I think
<IceLeader> how do you bitreverse fast 4bits ?
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<BtbN> google says via lookup table
<IceLeader> and AI ?
<BtbN> It'll probably say to use Rust and NodeJS
<jkqxz> The LUT fits in a 64-bit register. Reverse n as (0xf7...80 >> (n << 2) & 0xf).
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<kurosu> Sounds like 2 pshufbs and 2 shifts ?
<kurosu> (and 2 ands)
<IceLeader> haasn: it doest work, its worse than current state in adpcm decoder:  diff = ((2 * delta + 1) * step) >> shift;
<IceLeader> the delta is shiftbits above
<haasn> rather than using a lut to reverse the bits you might as well use a LUT to look up the correct multiplication value directly
<haasn> actually, wait, why even reverse bits
<haasn> I guess the problem either way is that bits in step >> 3 can leak into higher order bits if you do the summation before shifting
<haasn> so nvm
<IceLeader> the above code works correcly only for 2bit adpcm ima wav, for 3, 4, 5 it give 45dB in SDR, instead of inf when compared with reference (the one that check each bit)
<IceLeader> so there is no short cut for bunch if if () checks?
<haasn> you could probably do a multiplication minus a correction factor when the low order bits are all high
<IceLeader> looks i will add lut of 16 entries for bps
<IceLeader> so 2^(bps-1) entries
<haasn> like, if too many bits are set in (shiftbits & step)
<haasn> you probably need to subtract the error
<haasn> a lut might be faster
<haasn> is this a bottleneck?
<IceLeader> 89*16 LUT?
<IceLeader> i search for alternative for if () cases
<haasn> the problem rather is the opposite of what I said
<haasn> delta += (step >> 3) * shiftbits /* this is the basic idea but too small */
<haasn> so you need to add on also (step >> 2) & 1 if (shiftbits & 2)
<haasn> and (step >> 1) & 1 if (shiftbits & 4)
<haasn> maybe that second part can be done easier
<haasn> it's something like popcount((shiftbits & step) >> 1)
<haasn> dunno
<haasn> try playing with that approach
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<frankplow> coverage.ffmpeg.org seems to have an issue with its SSL certificate
<IceLeader> | - diff = ((2 * delta + 1) * step) >> shift;
<IceLeader> | + diff = step >> shift;
<IceLeader> | + for (int i = 0; i < shift; i++)
<IceLeader> | + diff += (step >> (shift-1-i)) * !!(delta & (1 << i));
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<pross> sonarc done. wow
<IceLeader> 8bit incomplete, as I need to copy bunch of lut tables
<jamrial> IceLeader: that's a huge private context stored in heap. storing worst case scenario size is not a good idea
<jamrial> consider using av_fast_realloc for input instead
<IceLeader> lol, really?
<jamrial> 65kb
<IceLeader> RAM is cheap
<jamrial> we have gotten complains about big memory usage for way smaller contexts :p
<jamrial> think about embedded
<IceLeader> memory reallocations are not real-time safe
<jamrial> how so?
<IceLeader> it takes lot of time to reallocate memory
<haasn> av_fast_realloc_or_use_fixed_size_buf()
<haasn> IceLeader: it takes time to allocate more stack pages when you run out, too
<jamrial> av_fast_realloc() allocates more than what you ask it for, so if a new packet needs only slightly more than the previous, there wont be a reallocation
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<IceLeader> haasn: interesting, exr use premultiplied alpha
<haasn> Next we need full avfilter negotiation for alpha mode and vf_(un)premultiply auto insertion
<haasn> So we can ffmpeg -i foo.exr foo-png
<haasn> Well, actually I should just add this to nuscale
<IceLeader> but whole premultiply+alpha usage is so low, that its used only by pro consumers for various effects, which ffmpeg is not primary goal, but anyway if you find it funny and not daunting I will not "block" your fine work :)
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<cone-842> ffmpeg James Almer master:7e84865cff2d: avcodec/codec_internal: remove unnecessary avcodec.h include
<cone-842> ffmpeg James Almer master:0526535cd584: avformat/iamf_parse: add missing constrains for num_parameters in audio_element_oub()
<cone-842> ffmpeg James Almer master:5470d024e189: avformat/iamf_parse: ensure there's at most one of each parameter types in audio elements
<cone-842> ffmpeg James Almer master:84d85e7ad4ac: avformat/oggenc: don't discard empty packets with no side data
<cone-842> ffmpeg James Almer master:261ec6c35e30: avformat/mov: further ensure mov_build_index isn't run twice
<cone-842> ffmpeg James Almer master:6e26f57f672b: avformat/demux: don't discard empty Theora packets
<fflogger> [editedticket] jamrial: Ticket #11451 ([avformat] Ogg/Theora: Duplicate frames dropped when copying Theora streams) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11451#comment:12
<fflogger> [editedticket] jamrial: Ticket #11475 ([avformat] memory leaks in audio_element_obu(), libavformat/iamf_parse.c) updated https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/11475#comment:1
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