I'm defining a test package for my :sl project: (defpackage system-lisp-test
(:export :test-sl))
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then I enter that package (in-package :system-lisp-test)
and if I try to define a test suite with (def-suite ...) it doesn't work
in sbcl if I do for example (def-suite my-suite ...) it says my-suite is unbound
in ecl it says def-suite function not found
it's as if fiveam is not used
even though I specify that the package has to :use it
am I missing something?
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Works for me. That is, defpackage, in-package, def-suite works for me
But the errors are the same! Annoyingly.
On a fresh SBCL, (foo bar) will complain that bar is an undefined variable before it complains that foo is an undefined function (so if foo is supposed to be a macro... you'll get an undefined variable first)
I'm getting these errors when I do (asdf:test-system ...)
So the problem is that you are somehow not USE-ing fiveam
I am :use-ing it in the package declaration
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do you use Emacs+SLIME?
Can you M-. on def-suite? or whatever the Sly equivalent to jump to definition.
Although that may only work if the file compiles successfully in the first place, hmm...
it won't work if I don't enter the system-lisp-test package from the repl
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if I do that M-. works
my defsystem's test-op's uiop:symbol-call is (uiop:symbol-call :fiveam :run (cl:intern (cl:symbol-name '#:my-package-name) '#:my-tests-name))
although the cl: prefix is probably unnecessary, and just a hint at how many tries it took to get this to work
oh, sorry, it's :fiveam :run!
yeah that might be the root of the problem in my case
funny thing is that if I do some C-c C-c magic in emacs+sly at some point I get it to work, but if I start with a clean sbcl I get to the same problem
there's a bunch of things going on
ASDF is magic, fiveam is magic, calling a symbol that doesn't yet exist is magic.
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you might need to specify more dependencies in your .asd (or just use :serial), i suspect other things depend on package.lisp if nothing else
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:serial didn't fix it
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Good afternoon!
Hello ghodawalaaman_.
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ghodawalaaman_: Are you new here? I don't recognize your nick.
Great! Welcome!
beach: I am Guest75 some days ago we talked here
Oh, I see.
I was talking from my school computer right now I am on my own computer
I have also customize the theme of nyxt btw :D
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in an asdf project I have to put (in-package my-project-package) at the beginning of each file?
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I thought files are loaded in the order specified and we can use :depends-on for circular dependencies
I guess don't know how asdf works
random-jellyfish: It has nothing to do with ASDF, but with how Common Lisp works.
random-jellyfish: If you don't put an IN-PACKAGE form at the beginning of each file, then the current package is going to be the one used when that file is compiled.
random-jellyfish: So it is recommended you always put an IN-PACKAGE form at the beginning of each file so that you know precisely what the package is when that file is compiled.
random-jellyfish: And no circular dependencies are allowed between files to be compiled or loaded.
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random-jellyfish: The dependencies between files in an ASDF system tells ASDF in which order the files should be compiled and loaded.
defpackage depends-on state the *packages* needed by your package. ASDF defsystem declaration state which other system (or libraries) your program requires. And quicklisp knows where to find libraries.
jrx: DEFPACKAGE does not have a DEPENDS-ON clause.
jrx: And DEFSYSTEM is a definition and not a declaration.
beach: ... yes, I mean :use
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makes sense
what if 2 functions depend on each other, each calling each other
each calling the other*
will the compiler tolerate that?
I could actually write an exercise to find out
random-jellyfish: Sure. A function F does not have to be defined in order for another function G that calls F to be compiled.
mutual recursion, just be careful to use tail-recursion
jrx: Why?
... or your stack will explode
jrx: 1. That is true only if the recursion is deep. 2. Common Lisp does not guarantee the existence of tail-call merging.
... so it is necessary to disassemble
If you don't care whether your program is portable, you can rely on that.
jrx: Please be a bit more careful when you give advice. Recursion is often the only reasonable way to traverse a tree, and if the tree is balanced, the recursion won't be very deep.
(defun is-even (x) (or (zerop x) (not (is-odd (1- x))))) ;Compiler warnings : ↩ ; In IS-EVEN: Undefined function IS-ODD ↩ => IS-EVEN and (defun is-odd (x) (not (is-even (1- x)))) => IS-ODD finally (is-even 20) => T
random-jellyfish: As you can see, those two functions are mutually recursive.
random-jellyfish: And you can also see that the compiler gave a warning, but no error, because IS-ODD was referred to (but not called) before it was defined.
yes, it still gives a warning
random-jellyfish: No such warning will happen if the two are in a file.
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random-jellyfish: Are you saying that the warning was unjustified? I find it helpful when I make typos due to increasing dyslexia.
it can be helpful at times, but if it doesn't show up when I build the project that's fine, I don't like unsolvable warnings in my logs
random-jellyfish: Like I told you, if both functions are in the same file, there will be no warning.
yeah it's how it's supposed to be, I like that
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when I run! a test suite with fiveam I see that each sub-suite is being run twice, has anybody seen this before?
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Running test suite SL-MAIN-TEST
Running test suite SL-SYNTAX-TEST
Running test suite SL-SYNTAX-TEST
Running test suite SL-DATA-TYPES-TEST
Running test suite SL-DATA-TYPES-TEST
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it seems that if I put the sub-suites in separate files they are run twice
why that happens is beyond me
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Is there a quick way to get sly to apply stickers to ALL the s-expressions contained within a larger s-expression? I'd like to have debugging sessions to work similar to what I've been able to do with instrumenting functions in elisp and Clojure.
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