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Is there a standardized or generally accepted way to declare that a function doesn't return normally?
think of a return type for ERROR
oh right, NIL is the empty type, so you just declare a return type of NIL
semz, not returning, returning nothing and returning something of type NIL are very different things. And the last one arguably shouldn't be possible.
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If returning something of type NIL is not possible, then declaring NIL as the return type is declaring that the function cannot return
since any return would violate the declaration
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semz, hm ... maybe. Or a compiler could just balk, I think.
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note that an ftype declaration doesn't refer to the function itself, but to calls to it..
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_death, yes. Equally bad: Let's arrange to receive a value from the empty set.
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semz, Alfr: nil (bottom) return type meaning "doesn't return" is pretty conventional. the logic works out, since it means valid code like (+ 4 (error ...)) typechecks (as nil is a subtype of number)
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bike, yes, neat convention. But I don't think we have that in CL.
... have that, as in, that the spec implies it.
Alfr: What is it that you think the standard does not imply?
that nil as a function return type indicates that the function doesn't return normally.
the spec implies it in that nil is defined as the bottom type, and this is how bottom types work.
sbcl uses nil in this way, and so does cleavir for what that's worth
bike, I'm say implementations can't reasonably repurpose that, but: "[...] and returns values that are members of the types specified by value-type."
Alfr: I can't follow what you are saying because you are using "it" and "that" without specifying what they refer to.
"that" in the above refers to NIL as the value-typespec. The quote is from System Class FUNCTION.
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you cannot return values that are members of type NIL if you do not return at all
come on, the spec does not *require* functions in general to ever return a value
that part of the spec should be read as "if the function returns a value, it must be of type VALUE-TYPE"
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i was curious about the behaviour in evaluating a function symbol like `+` or `/`, and why it results in this output:
Pasteboard - Uploaded Image
That's because they are also defined as variables.