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<semz> Is there a standardized or generally accepted way to declare that a function doesn't return normally?
<semz> think of a return type for ERROR
<semz> oh right, NIL is the empty type, so you just declare a return type of NIL
<Alfr> semz, not returning, returning nothing and returning something of type NIL are very different things. And the last one arguably shouldn't be possible.
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<semz> If returning something of type NIL is not possible, then declaring NIL as the return type is declaring that the function cannot return
<semz> since any return would violate the declaration
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<Alfr> semz, hm ... maybe. Or a compiler could just balk, I think.
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<_death> note that an ftype declaration doesn't refer to the function itself, but to calls to it..
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<Alfr> _death, yes. Equally bad: Let's arrange to receive a value from the empty set.
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<bike> semz, Alfr: nil (bottom) return type meaning "doesn't return" is pretty conventional. the logic works out, since it means valid code like (+ 4 (error ...)) typechecks (as nil is a subtype of number)
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<Alfr> bike, yes, neat convention. But I don't think we have that in CL.
<Alfr> ... have that, as in, that the spec implies it.
<beach> Alfr: What is it that you think the standard does not imply?
<bike> that nil as a function return type indicates that the function doesn't return normally.
<bike> the spec implies it in that nil is defined as the bottom type, and this is how bottom types work.
<bike> sbcl uses nil in this way, and so does cleavir for what that's worth
<Alfr> bike, I'm say implementations can't reasonably repurpose that, but: "[...] and returns values that are members of the types specified by value-type."
<Alfr> *not
<beach> Alfr: I can't follow what you are saying because you are using "it" and "that" without specifying what they refer to.
<Alfr> "that" in the above refers to NIL as the value-typespec. The quote is from System Class FUNCTION.
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<phoe> you cannot return values that are members of type NIL if you do not return at all
<phoe> come on, the spec does not *require* functions in general to ever return a value
<phoe> that part of the spec should be read as "if the function returns a value, it must be of type VALUE-TYPE"
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<mosin> xk
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<bigbookofbug> i was curious about the behaviour in evaluating a function symbol like `+` or `/`, and why it results in this output: https://pasteboard.co/guzCEIbtEuiz.png
<ixelp> Pasteboard - Uploaded Image
<beach> That's because they are also defined as variables.
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<ixelp> CLHS: Variable +, ++, +++
<ixelp> CLHS: Variable /, //, ///
<ixelp> CLHS: Variable *, **, ***
<bigbookofbug> ahhh this is exactly what i was looking for - thank you !
<beach> Pleasure.
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